The Rebel Flag: A New Symbol of Liberty?

I don't know about it being a "symbol of liberty" (personally I don't care for the flag), but I do know that "banning" something is an amazingly simplistic and shallow band-aid that usually only makes things worse.

It's therefore pretty clear that those who run around "banning" things are not actually trying to improve things.


Fortunately, this flag has not been banned. Isn't it wonderful, Eddie!
I don't know about it being a "symbol of liberty" (personally I don't care for the flag), but I do know that "banning" something is an amazingly simplistic and shallow band-aid that usually only makes things worse.

It's therefore pretty clear that those who run around "banning" things are not actually trying to improve things.


Hey Mac, you are missing something.

The Confederate ugly flag-thingy is not banned from private property. No rights have been injured.

The issue is of PUBLIC property.

Please, for the love of G-d, tell us that you know the difference between private and public, mkay?

I don't know about it being a "symbol of liberty" (personally I don't care for the flag), but I do know that "banning" something is an amazingly simplistic and shallow band-aid that usually only makes things worse.

It's therefore pretty clear that those who run around "banning" things are not actually trying to improve anything.

Good thing no one banned the flag, then.
I don't know about it being a "symbol of liberty" (personally I don't care for the flag), but I do know that "banning" something is an amazingly simplistic and shallow band-aid that usually only makes things worse.

It's therefore pretty clear that those who run around "banning" things are not actually trying to improve things.


Fortunately, this flag has not been banned. Isn't it wonderful, Eddie!

I don't know about it being a "symbol of liberty" (personally I don't care for the flag), but I do know that "banning" something is an amazingly simplistic and shallow band-aid that usually only makes things worse.

It's therefore pretty clear that those who run around "banning" things are not actually trying to improve things.


Hey Mac, you are missing something.

The Confederate ugly flag-thingy is not banned from private property. No rights have been injured.

The issue is of PUBLIC property.

Please, for the love of G-d, tell us that you know the difference between private and public, mkay?

No, gosh, I'm not as smart as you.

I don't know about it being a "symbol of liberty" (personally I don't care for the flag), but I do know that "banning" something is an amazingly simplistic and shallow band-aid that usually only makes things worse.

It's therefore pretty clear that those who run around "banning" things are not actually trying to improve anything.


Who has "banned" the confederate flag?
It seems totally ironic to me that when all is said and done, the embattled Southern Cross, aka: Rebel Flag, might actually end up being the new symbol of liberty and freedom. All across America, people are waving their flags in the face of "political correctness" and demonstrating that the flag does not represent racist views. Counter-protests supporting the flag have been as large as any protest against it. These are not confined to the Southern states or to white Americans, it is a diverse cross-section who are standing for their right to honor history and heritage and display the symbols expressing themselves as individuals.

Freedom to express ourselves is our Constitutional First Amendment right. The question of what our intents or views are, doesn't really matter with regard to this right. Our views and opinions do not have to conform or not be found offensive. Even when someone flies the Southern Cross as a symbol of racist hate... it's still their Constitutional right.

It's almost like an epic Greek play.. the PC movement to condemn the flag ends up making the flag an icon of freedom.



As President Obama’s motorcade flew by in various communities in Oklahoma this week, dozens of supporters of the Confederate flag waved their civil war banners at him. Interestingly, one of the organizers of a Confederate flag rally was a black man and he says that the flag isn’t racist.


Oklahoma City, OK resident Andrew Duncomb, an African American, helped organize the Confederate flag rally. And according to him the CS flag isn’t about racism.

Black Man in Oklahoma Waving a Confederate Flag at Obama Says Flag is NOT Racist John Hawkins Right Wing News
It seems totally ironic to me that when all is said and done, the embattled Southern Cross, aka: Rebel Flag, might actually end up being the new symbol of liberty and freedom. All across America, people are waving their flags in the face of "political correctness" and demonstrating that the flag does not represent racist views. Counter-protests supporting the flag have been as large as any protest against it. These are not confined to the Southern states or to white Americans, it is a diverse cross-section who are standing for their right to honor history and heritage and display the symbols expressing themselves as individuals.

Freedom to express ourselves is our Constitutional First Amendment right. The question of what our intents or views are, doesn't really matter with regard to this right. Our views and opinions do not have to conform or not be found offensive. Even when someone flies the Southern Cross as a symbol of racist hate... it's still their Constitutional right.

It's almost like an epic Greek play.. the PC movement to condemn the flag ends up making the flag an icon of freedom.



As President Obama’s motorcade flew by in various communities in Oklahoma this week, dozens of supporters of the Confederate flag waved their civil war banners at him. Interestingly, one of the organizers of a Confederate flag rally was a black man and he says that the flag isn’t racist.


Oklahoma City, OK resident Andrew Duncomb, an African American, helped organize the Confederate flag rally. And according to him the CS flag isn’t about racism.

Black Man in Oklahoma Waving a Confederate Flag at Obama Says Flag is NOT Racist John Hawkins Right Wing News

Well, that's wonderful. He has a right to his own opinion. Millions upon millions upon millions of others, however, see it quite differently.

If you look hard enough, you can find a quisling anywhere!

I seemed to have struck a nerve.

Too bad.

No, you simply lied and are being called on it. No flags have been banned.
Wow, so you'd like to see it come back up on government property?

Or are you just being selective in your use of the term "banned"?

I know how partisan ideologues are.


Forbidding it to be on public property since it is not representative of the USA, offensive to millions upon millions and our tax dollars pay for said public property.

Do we also fly the flag of Zimbabwe next to the US flag on our public property?

No, we don't.
I seemed to have struck a nerve.

Too bad.

No, you simply lied and are being called on it. No flags have been banned.
Wow, so you'd like to see it come back up on government property?

Or are you just being selective in your use of the term "banned"?

I know how partisan ideologues are.

It is not banned from public property. Any racist asshole who wants to let the world know they are racist can wear the flag or carry one on public property.
It's almost like an epic Greek play.. the PC movement to condemn the flag ends up making the flag an icon of freedom.
The PC Police have put you in a corner by using your own freedoms against you.

Now, anyone who objects to their behavior will be attacked as a racist, which really means that they'll be able to avoid any conversation they choose.

They don't care if you're angry, they don't care if they have exacerbated animosities. Improved race relations would damage their macro strategies.

I don't know about it being a "symbol of liberty" (personally I don't care for the flag), but I do know that "banning" something is an amazingly simplistic and shallow band-aid that usually only makes things worse.

It's therefore pretty clear that those who run around "banning" things are not actually trying to improve things.


Hey Mac, you are missing something.

The Confederate ugly flag-thingy is not banned from private property. No rights have been injured.

The issue is of PUBLIC property.

Please, for the love of G-d, tell us that you know the difference between private and public, mkay?

No, gosh, I'm not as smart as you.


This is often the first step to inner healing.

Mac, I'm proud of you.

Why, I would even sit down and drink a cuppa cappuccino with you!

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