The Rebel Flag: A New Symbol of Liberty?

Breaking news!

The "Southern Belles for the Liberty Flag" is re-forming:

It seems totally ironic to me that when all is said and done, the embattled Southern Cross, aka: Rebel Flag, might actually end up being the new symbol of liberty and freedom. All across America, people are waving their flags in the face of "political correctness" and demonstrating that the flag does not represent racist views. Counter-protests supporting the flag have been as large as any protest against it. These are not confined to the Southern states or to white Americans, it is a diverse cross-section who are standing for their right to honor history and heritage and display the symbols expressing themselves as individuals.

Freedom to express ourselves is our Constitutional First Amendment right. The question of what our intents or views are, doesn't really matter with regard to this right. Our views and opinions do not have to conform or not be found offensive. Even when someone flies the Southern Cross as a symbol of racist hate... it's still their Constitutional right.

It's almost like an epic Greek play.. the PC movement to condemn the flag ends up making the flag an icon of freedoms.
My "Rebel" flag is flying above the U.S. Flag that is turned upside down while a liberal communist occupies our White House..

Picture, please. Just put today's newspaper in the shot. I'd love to see it.
I refuse to buy a fucking liberal rag to prove anything to you.
If this tale were true the local newspaper would have taken a photo. It is not a believable story.
It seems totally ironic to me that when all is said and done, the embattled Southern Cross, aka: Rebel Flag, might actually end up being the new symbol of liberty and freedom. All across America, people are waving their flags in the face of "political correctness" and demonstrating that the flag does not represent racist views. Counter-protests supporting the flag have been as large as any protest against it. These are not confined to the Southern states or to white Americans, it is a diverse cross-section who are standing for their right to honor history and heritage and display the symbols expressing themselves as individuals.

Freedom to express ourselves is our Constitutional First Amendment right. The question of what our intents or views are, doesn't really matter with regard to this right. Our views and opinions do not have to conform or not be found offensive. Even when someone flies the Southern Cross as a symbol of racist hate... it's still their Constitutional right.

It's almost like an epic Greek play.. the PC movement to condemn the flag ends up making the flag an icon of freedom.

people are allowed to hate evil ideas.
My "Rebel" flag is flying above the U.S. Flag that is turned upside down while a liberal communist occupies our White House..

Picture, please. Just put today's newspaper in the shot. I'd love to see it.
I refuse to buy a fucking liberal rag to prove anything to you.

OK. Take a picture of it with a common salad fork in the upper right hand corner. I really want to see your flags flying. Come a good sport.
People are flying the Confederate flag above the US flag all over the United States. Google it. I'm not unique.

But I want to see yours. Come on. Just snap a pic. What's the issue?

Maybe he ain't got no camera? :)
The rebel flag is known all over the world as a symbol of defiance. The only symbol liberals have is a derelict shitting on a cop car.
Picture, please. Just put today's newspaper in the shot. I'd love to see it.
I refuse to buy a fucking liberal rag to prove anything to you.

OK. Take a picture of it with a common salad fork in the upper right hand corner. I really want to see your flags flying. Come a good sport.
People are flying the Confederate flag above the US flag all over the United States. Google it. I'm not unique.

But I want to see yours. Come on. Just snap a pic. What's the issue?

Maybe he ain't got no camera? :)

I found it for him!!


Part of the newest "Teh Saaaaaouth will raaaaaaaze" advanced technology!!!
It seems totally ironic to me that when all is said and done, the embattled Southern Cross, aka: Rebel Flag, might actually end up being the new symbol of liberty and freedom. All across America, people are waving their flags in the face of "political correctness" and demonstrating that the flag does not represent racist views. Counter-protests supporting the flag have been as large as any protest against it. These are not confined to the Southern states or to white Americans, it is a diverse cross-section who are standing for their right to honor history and heritage and display the symbols expressing themselves as individuals.

Freedom to express ourselves is our Constitutional First Amendment right. The question of what our intents or views are, doesn't really matter with regard to this right. Our views and opinions do not have to conform or not be found offensive. Even when someone flies the Southern Cross as a symbol of racist hate... it's still their Constitutional right.

It's almost like an epic Greek play.. the PC movement to condemn the flag ends up making the flag an icon of freedom.

Do you mean the freedom to call a black person "n*gger"???? Is that the sort of "freedom" we're talking here? Or maybe the freedom to string black people from a tree, or the freedom to own black people?
Oh, here is some more "Liberty"!


Yes, by all means, keep that Liberty coming on!!!
The sign, except for spelling, is accurate.

Uhm, no.

But I can imagine that that word turns you on.
If liberals had their way, they'd tax us 100% and give us cabins to live in at night. That's a liberal US Congress.

Yeah, you tell 'em like it is, l'il slugger.

Her Thigness has been busy making freinds


Teachers union members want Hillary endorsement withdrawn

WASHINGTON — Furious American Federation of Teachers members are demanding the union withdraw its endorsement of Hillary Rodham Clinton, calling it premature and undemocratic.

“There was no internal discussion. Zero. Zip,” said Steve Conn, president of the Detroit Federation of Teachers. “This is wrong and something needs to be done.”

Teachers union members want Hillary endorsement withdrawn New York Post

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