The Rebel Flag: A New Symbol of Liberty?

I mentioned in another thread, that overall Americans are now likely to see the Confederate flag more than they had prior to the purge of the flag on public property.
Americans who are furious about the removal of the flag, are now more likely to raise it on their own property.
You must not live in the south.
It seems totally ironic to me that when all is said and done, the embattled Southern Cross, aka: Rebel Flag, might actually end up being the new symbol of liberty and freedom. All across America, people are waving their flags in the face of "political correctness" and demonstrating that the flag does not represent racist views. Counter-protests supporting the flag have been as large as any protest against it. These are not confined to the Southern states or to white Americans, it is a diverse cross-section who are standing for their right to honor history and heritage and display the symbols expressing themselves as individuals.

Freedom to express ourselves is our Constitutional First Amendment right. The question of what our intents or views are, doesn't really matter with regard to this right. Our views and opinions do not have to conform or not be found offensive. Even when someone flies the Southern Cross as a symbol of racist hate... it's still their Constitutional right.

It's almost like an epic Greek play.. the PC movement to condemn the flag ends up making the flag an icon of freedoms.
My "Rebel" flag is flying above the U.S. Flag that is turned upside down while a liberal communist occupies our White House..

I'm sure your neighbors love the fact that you are killing their property value.
It seems totally ironic to me that when all is said and done, the embattled Southern Cross, aka: Rebel Flag, might actually end up being the new symbol of liberty and freedom. All across America, people are waving their flags in the face of "political correctness" and demonstrating that the flag does not represent racist views. Counter-protests supporting the flag have been as large as any protest against it. These are not confined to the Southern states or to white Americans, it is a diverse cross-section who are standing for their right to honor history and heritage and display the symbols expressing themselves as individuals.

Freedom to express ourselves is our Constitutional First Amendment right. The question of what our intents or views are, doesn't really matter with regard to this right. Our views and opinions do not have to conform or not be found offensive. Even when someone flies the Southern Cross as a symbol of racist hate... it's still their Constitutional right.

It's almost like an epic Greek play.. the PC movement to condemn the flag ends up making the flag an icon of freedom.
I think the yellow DON'T TREAD ON ME flag is better suited and more universal. But I have no prob with the Conf. Battle flag...
It seems totally ironic to me that when all is said and done, the embattled Southern Cross, aka: Rebel Flag, might actually end up being the new symbol of liberty and freedom. All across America, people are waving their flags in the face of "political correctness" and demonstrating that the flag does not represent racist views. Counter-protests supporting the flag have been as large as any protest against it. These are not confined to the Southern states or to white Americans, it is a diverse cross-section who are standing for their right to honor history and heritage and display the symbols expressing themselves as individuals.

Freedom to express ourselves is our Constitutional First Amendment right. The question of what our intents or views are, doesn't really matter with regard to this right. Our views and opinions do not have to conform or not be found offensive. Even when someone flies the Southern Cross as a symbol of racist hate... it's still their Constitutional right.

It's almost like an epic Greek play.. the PC movement to condemn the flag ends up making the flag an icon of freedom.



As President Obama’s motorcade flew by in various communities in Oklahoma this week, dozens of supporters of the Confederate flag waved their civil war banners at him. Interestingly, one of the organizers of a Confederate flag rally was a black man and he says that the flag isn’t racist.


Oklahoma City, OK resident Andrew Duncomb, an African American, helped organize the Confederate flag rally. And according to him the CS flag isn’t about racism.

Black Man in Oklahoma Waving a Confederate Flag at Obama Says Flag is NOT Racist John Hawkins Right Wing News

Nice. I have a white guy who says it is racist.

Offsetting penalties.........still first down.

Poll Majority sees Confederate flag as Southern pride -

"Among African-Americans, 72% see the Confederate flag as a symbol of racism, just 25% of whites agree. In the South, the racial divide is even broader. While 75% of Southern whites describe the flag as a symbol of pride and 18% call it a symbol of racism, those figures are almost exactly reversed among Southern African-Americans, with just 11% seeing it as a sign of pride and 75% viewing it as a symbol of racism."
But I want to see yours. Come on. Just snap a pic. What's the issue?
. I am not going to send you a picture if my dick no matter how much you beg me.

Ahhh, yes, the good old "if all else fails, go with the unsolicited gay sex thing and then claim victory, cuz Benghazi!"

Very, very clever, Weeeeeeedhopppuh.
I think the yellow DON'T TREAD ON ME flag is better suited and more universal.

Well first of all, it hasn't been attacked by the PC police yet. And technically speaking, it constitutes a veiled threat of treason, does it not? I mean, I understand it doesn't "symbolize" that to you... doesn't to me either... but that doesn't matter when it can be construed that way by others.

I think the 'backlash' of trying to shove and shame the rebel flag into the closet is resulting in the flag becoming the literal symbol of liberty defying tyranny. Ironically close to what the original intent was.
Well, but... they're clearly NOT all the same man.

The man in the cowboy hat from Oklahoma is clearly younger than the older gentleman who was the former NAACP president. The group of people are also in Oklahoma where this flag-waving rally greeted the president. We clearly see a group of black people in the middle of the crowd. You think they were being held hostage against their will?

You asked for some examples and I gave you some after a rather brisk Google search.... I am certain I can find plenty more as this is going on all over the country. But as we can also clearly see, it doesn't matter how many examples I give you, your bigoted mind is already made up and nothing will ever change it.
You must be stuck on stupid.
I know some white people think all Black people look alike but even you can't be this stupid.
Pictures#1,2 and 4 are the same lone Black man...
No one said that the black people waiting to see the President were hostages but it is common sense they aren't there supporting that shitty rag.
You tried to avoid the earlier question, how many Black people are holding that shit rag???...yeah I thought so.
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Well, but... they're clearly NOT all the same man.

The man in the cowboy hat from Oklahoma is clearly younger than the older gentleman who was the former NAACP president. The group of people are also in Oklahoma where this flag-waving rally greeted the president. We clearly see a group of black people in the middle of the crowd. You think they were being held hostage against their will?

You asked for some examples and I gave you some after a rather brisk Google search.... I am certain I can find plenty more as this is going on all over the country. But as we can also clearly see, it doesn't matter how many examples I give you, your bigoted mind is already made up and nothing will ever change it.
You must be stuck on stupid.
I know some white people think all Black people look alike but even you can't be this stupid.
Pictures#1,2 and 3 are the same lone Black man...
No one said that the black people waiting to see the President were hostages but it is common sense they aren't there supporting that shitty rag.
You tried to avoid the earlier question, how many Black people are holding that shit rag???...yeah I thought so.

Look, you asked me for examples of diverse groups supporting the flag and I gave you several. Now you follow that with some nit-picking and dismissing... no surprise, I knew you would. You are a BIGOT! Your mind is made up on this matter! YOU are right, and everyone else is wrong! No matter what anyone shows you, it's not going to ever change your bigoted mind.
Saw a guy in a Jeep driving down Westheimer in Houston today flying the flag. Anyone who knows Houston know this is a major road in Houston as far as being seen.
I've never seen that in the 45 years I've lived here.
I think liberals may have pushed a little to far with this one.
Well, but... they're clearly NOT all the same man.

The man in the cowboy hat from Oklahoma is clearly younger than the older gentleman who was the former NAACP president. The group of people are also in Oklahoma where this flag-waving rally greeted the president. We clearly see a group of black people in the middle of the crowd. You think they were being held hostage against their will?

You asked for some examples and I gave you some after a rather brisk Google search.... I am certain I can find plenty more as this is going on all over the country. But as we can also clearly see, it doesn't matter how many examples I give you, your bigoted mind is already made up and nothing will ever change it.
You must be stuck on stupid.
I know some white people think all Black people look alike but even you can't be this stupid.
Pictures#1,2 and 3 are the same lone Black man...
No one said that the black people waiting to see the President were hostages but it is common sense they aren't there supporting that shitty rag.
You tried to avoid the earlier question, how many Black people are holding that shit rag???...yeah I thought so.

Look, you asked me for examples of diverse groups supporting the flag and I gave you several. Now you follow that with some nit-picking and dismissing... no surprise, I knew you would. You are a BIGOT! Your mind is made up on this matter! YOU are right, and everyone else is wrong! No matter what anyone shows you, it's not going to ever change your bigoted mind.
You really are that stupid!!! have not posted a SINGLE picture of any diverse group celebrating anything.
You are really trying to foist on us that a group of people waiting to see the President are there in support of a shitty rag???
Maybe it is my fault; I did tell you to send a link to this "imaginary" group of people. Lo and behold, you made some crap up.

Further, because I accurately spoiled your attempt at dishonesty because I pointed out that picture 1,2 and 4 are OF THE SAME MAN, you are mad.
Did you really think no one would notice??? have not posted a SINGLE picture of any diverse group celebrating anything.

No, I posted SEVERAL. The "celebration" in Oklahoma had thousands of people from every walk of life and was organized by a black man. The man you keep 'disqualifying' because he keeps appearing is the former president of the NAACP. But, you know, he's "alone" so his opinion doesn't matter, right?

Bigots can always find a way to dismiss anything that threatens their bigoted view. It is precisely this kind of lacking in open-mindedness which makes them good bigots. have not posted a SINGLE picture of any diverse group celebrating anything.

No, I posted SEVERAL. The "celebration" in Oklahoma had thousands of people from every walk of life and was organized by a black man. The man you keep 'disqualifying' because he keeps appearing is the former president of the NAACP. But, you know, he's "alone" so his opinion doesn't matter, right?

Bigots can always find a way to dismiss anything that threatens their bigoted view. It is precisely this kind of lacking in open-mindedness which makes them good bigots.
You have already lost the argument when you have to lie.
You posted three pictures of THE SAME MAN and claimed that it was "several" different men when you knew that to be a lie, you then posted a crowd of people waiting to see the President and further lied and said that they were there celebrating that traitorous piece of garbage.
Do I need to post the link to your "proof" and further embarrass you???


Seriously, you are trying to foist this off as a celebration of the confederate rag when the people are clearly looking to their left awaiting the President???
Why are only white people carrying flags???

From the site you took the picture from:
A pool reporter in the Obama convoy reported that the demonstrators numbered no more than ten people, and they were a part of a crowd that included Obama supporters and several African-Americans.

Again, when you resort to telling lies you have lost the argument.
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It seems totally ironic to me that when all is said and done, the embattled Southern Cross, aka: Rebel Flag, might actually end up being the new symbol of liberty and freedom. All across America, people are waving their flags in the face of "political correctness" and demonstrating that the flag does not represent racist views. Counter-protests supporting the flag have been as large as any protest against it. These are not confined to the Southern states or to white Americans, it is a diverse cross-section who are standing for their right to honor history and heritage and display the symbols expressing themselves as individuals.

Freedom to express ourselves is our Constitutional First Amendment right. The question of what our intents or views are, doesn't really matter with regard to this right. Our views and opinions do not have to conform or not be found offensive. Even when someone flies the Southern Cross as a symbol of racist hate... it's still their Constitutional right.

It's almost like an epic Greek play.. the PC movement to condemn the flag ends up making the flag an icon of freedom.
Tell us more about the "diverse cross section" that rallies in support of the slavocracy swastika. I`ll bet they`re not very diverse at all.
You need to either get your news from better sources or start paying better attention. Lots and lots of African-American citizens are defending the so-called Confederate flag (the flag in question is not the "Confederate" flag), and the vast majority of all who object to haters of the flag are not racially oriented, especially compared to virtually all who hate it. BTW, your quaint snide-lines such as "slavocracy swastika" don't make you cool; they expose your hate.
Seriously, you are trying to foist this off as a celebration of the confederate rag when the people are clearly looking to their left awaiting the President???
Why are only white people carrying flags???

From the site you took the picture from:
A pool reporter in the Obama convoy reported that the demonstrators numbered no more than ten people, and they were a part of a crowd that included Obama supporters and several African-Americans.

Again, when you resort to telling lies you have lost the argument.

Maybe the pool reporter should have interviewed Andrew Duncomb who organized the rally?. Or the organizer of the other rally in Dunbar the same day. Or maybe he could have just Googled it like I did and he could see there were clearly MORE than 10 people there.

I'm not the one lying here... YOU tried to make out like there was no diverse demonstrators waving that flag and I proved you didn't know what you were talking about... since then, you've been trying to find ways to disqualify my examples. And that's how bigots operate.
Saw a guy in a Jeep driving down Westheimer in Houston today flying the flag. Anyone who knows Houston know this is a major road in Houston as far as being seen.
I've never seen that in the 45 years I've lived here.
I think liberals may have pushed a little to far with this one.
Well, that may be the goal.

They're clearly not trying to improve anything, they're just trying to "win".


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