The Red State War On Gay Marriage

Well if you believe that then fair enough. I probably won't be able to find any inconsistencies in your argument.

But I can take solace in that your way of thinking is at most 2 generations away from being completely gone. And, according to many recent rulings, is pretty much already gone from having any power in this country.

How about you answer my question.

It seems like a useless exercise but sure I'll bite. No.

Alrighty then, if a business, as part of the perverted social contract can be compelled to serve all comers regardless of the quality of the customer, then wouldn't government have a compelling interest in making sure the business would have an adequate customer base to ensure their continued existence, regardless of the quality of service? Damn this is starting to sound more and more like the old Soviet Union isn't it? Is that your vision? Come on, keep digging.
Alrighty then, if a business, as part of the perverted social contract can be compelled to serve all comers regardless of the quality of the customer, then wouldn't government have a compelling interest in making sure the business would have an adequate customer base to ensure their continued existence, regardless of the quality of service?

No. The rest of your post was crazy so I won't bother addressing it.

Also just to be clear, if a racist homophobe came into my business I wouldn't treat them any differently than any other customer. I wouldn't be particularly happy about it but I would.
Alrighty then, if a business, as part of the perverted social contract can be compelled to serve all comers regardless of the quality of the customer, then wouldn't government have a compelling interest in making sure the business would have an adequate customer base to ensure their continued existence, regardless of the quality of service?

No. The rest of your post was crazy so I won't bother addressing it.

Also just to be clear, if a racist homophobe came into my business I wouldn't treat them any differently than any other customer. I wouldn't be particularly happy about it but I would.

Why wouldn't you be happy about it? Are you giving up your pursuit of happiness because of government compulsion or just greed?
Funny liberals are willing to fight the war against this that and the other thing yet they won't use the words war on terror anymore.

We use the words "war on terror". We say things like "the war on terror is a fucking lie because the CIA set up the jihad to take down any powerful military over a long period of time." We also say, "George W. Bush should hang for crimes against humanity during the bullshit war on terror."

It's funny how Conservatives say that Liberals want to wage war on everything while Republicans have waged wars on terror, drugs, crime, civil rights, etc. and lost every single one of them because you don't know how to learn or adapt. That's what makes you Conservatives.

How does a gay marriage threaten a heterosexual marriage?
Funny liberals are willing to fight the war against this that and the other thing yet they won't use the words war on terror anymore.

We use the words "war on terror". We say things like "the war on terror is a fucking lie because the CIA set up the jihad to take down any powerful military over a long period of time." We also say, "George W. Bush should hang for crimes against humanity during the bullshit war on terror."

It's funny how Conservatives say that Liberals want to wage war on everything while Republicans have waged wars on terror, drugs, crime, civil rights, etc. and lost every single one of them because you don't know how to learn or adapt. That's what makes you Conservatives.

How does a gay marriage threaten a heterosexual marriage?

Wow not a original thought in that response you excel at talking points though you will make a fine parrot when and if you ever grow up.
Gay marriage is a great thing for the gay community as it helps establish long term loving relationships as the ideal. They have been shunned for so long by those who find it easier to hate their neighbor than to love them. It has been a horrible sin on the part of mainstream society but those days are numbered. The side of hate will not go without a fight. They will hide behind all sorts of excuses for their behavior but in the end they will go down as just another example of human kind's failings.
Funny liberals are willing to fight the war against this that and the other thing yet they won't use the words war on terror anymore.

We use the words "war on terror". We say things like "the war on terror is a fucking lie because the CIA set up the jihad to take down any powerful military over a long period of time." We also say, "George W. Bush should hang for crimes against humanity during the bullshit war on terror."

It's funny how Conservatives say that Liberals want to wage war on everything while Republicans have waged wars on terror, drugs, crime, civil rights, etc. and lost every single one of them because you don't know how to learn or adapt. That's what makes you Conservatives.

How does a gay marriage threaten a heterosexual marriage?

Wow not a original thought in that response you excel at talking points though you will make a fine parrot when and if you ever grow up.
Can you answer the very simple question: how does a gay marriage threaten a heterosexual marriage?
We use the words "war on terror". We say things like "the war on terror is a fucking lie because the CIA set up the jihad to take down any powerful military over a long period of time." We also say, "George W. Bush should hang for crimes against humanity during the bullshit war on terror."

It's funny how Conservatives say that Liberals want to wage war on everything while Republicans have waged wars on terror, drugs, crime, civil rights, etc. and lost every single one of them because you don't know how to learn or adapt. That's what makes you Conservatives.

How does a gay marriage threaten a heterosexual marriage?

Wow not a original thought in that response you excel at talking points though you will make a fine parrot when and if you ever grow up.
Can you answer the very simple question: how does a gay marriage threaten a heterosexual marriage?

I have never claimed it did gay marriage is not now and never has been a major concern of mine this will no doubt screw up your talking points sorry about that.
Wow not a original thought in that response you excel at talking points though you will make a fine parrot when and if you ever grow up.
Can you answer the very simple question: how does a gay marriage threaten a heterosexual marriage?

I have never claimed it did gay marriage is not now and never has been a major concern of mine this will no doubt screw up your talking points sorry about that.
So then normal people can count on you to help educate other Conservatives about the fact that gay marriage doesn't effect their lives at all in any possible way other than from their own fear and imagination?
Can you answer the very simple question: how does a gay marriage threaten a heterosexual marriage?

I have never claimed it did gay marriage is not now and never has been a major concern of mine this will no doubt screw up your talking points sorry about that.
So then normal people can count on you to help educate other Conservatives about the fact that gay marriage doesn't effect their lives at all in any possible way other than from their own fear and imagination?

There ya go lying again. When you use the issue to force people into involuntary servitude and forced association it effects everyone's life, in that EVERY AMERICAN is less free. You statist just don't get that do ya?
Can you answer the very simple question: how does a gay marriage threaten a heterosexual marriage?

I have never claimed it did gay marriage is not now and never has been a major concern of mine this will no doubt screw up your talking points sorry about that.
So then normal people can count on you to help educate other Conservatives about the fact that gay marriage doesn't effect their lives at all in any possible way other than from their own fear and imagination?

Me thinks you just screwed up his talking points. Good work.
So now it's religious rights vs civil liberties... ok. Carry on.

Religious freedom used to chip away at LGBT rights | MSNBC

With court victories everywhere from Virginia to Utah, LGBT rights activists seem to be winning the fight over same-sex marriage. Yet even as same-sex couples celebrate hard-won victories, conservative activists in states all over the country are pushing back – sponsoring legislation that would allow businesses to discriminate against same sex couples.

The issue has nothing to do with ‘religious freedom,’ to acknowledge the civil liberties of same-sex couples in no way ‘violates’ the religious practices of any faith.

To seek to use religious dogma as a ‘justification’ to ignore valid laws, or enact invalid laws, is un-Constitutional. See Employment Division v. Smith (1990).
Gay marriage is a great thing for the gay community as it helps establish long term loving relationships as the ideal. They have been shunned for so long by those who find it easier to hate their neighbor than to love them. It has been a horrible sin on the part of mainstream society but those days are numbered. The side of hate will not go without a fight. They will hide behind all sorts of excuses for their behavior but in the end they will go down as just another example of human kind's failings.

So why can gays not get married now, in all 57 states, plus Alaska, Hawaii and 2 others? Nothing is preventing them from having marriage ceremonies.
So now it's religious rights vs civil liberties... ok. Carry on.

they always claim that is the issue. it isn't.

they don't have a religious right to deny others' THEIR rights.

but they'll figure it out.

So a lesbian couple has a right to force a baker to bake a cake for them?

Yes, in some states they do, they're called public accommodation laws. It's the same law that says I have to bake a cake for you.

But not requiring a baker to bake a cake isn't the only thing the Kansas bill would have done.

In addition to barring all anti-discrimination lawsuits against private employers, the new law permits government employees to deny service to gays in the name of “religious liberty.” This is nothing new, but the sweep of Kansas’ statute is breathtaking. Any government employee is given explicit permission to discriminate against gay couples—not just county clerks and DMV employees, but literally anyone who works for the state of Kansas. If a gay couple calls the police, an officer may refuse to help them if interacting with a gay couple violates his religious principles. State hospitals can turn away gay couples at the door and deny them treatment with impunity. Gay couples can be banned from public parks, public pools, anything that operates under the aegis of the Kansas state government.

So a lesbian couple has a right to force a baker to bake a cake for them?

In the next couple generations that won't be an issue as lesbian couples will have their rights recognized and only fringe elements of the public will be questioning those rights as happened with racial segregation. The train keeps picking up speed and it's not going to be stopping.

So in your future Churches will be forced to perform ceremonies for gay couples?

Has a church ever been forced to perform a wedding or an interfaith or interracial couple? No.
So there you are. The Left and its neo-fascist elements in all its glory. You will do what we tell you. You will think what we tell you. Dissent will be crushed.
Fuck you. Fuck the judge in that case. Fuck the faggots.

This is possibly the worst response I've ever seen to anything.

Get used to it. What you're seeing is the last gasp of the dying anti gay movement. This is the flopping around before dying off.

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