The religion of the left: Climate Change

Should be easy for you to show us an example of global warming then.

Graphs showing correlation of measured global average temperature, from five different scientific organizations. Graphs of datasets from five scientific organizations were vertically adjusted, if needed, to a common reference/base period 1951-1980: 1. NASA GISS NAVIGATION PAGE: NASA GISS SOURCE: Data: 1880- Base: 1951-1980 2. : SOURCE: HadCRUT. Met Office Hadley Centre observations datasets Choose "HadCRUT. analysis", "Summary Series", "Global (NH+SH)/2", "Annual". (Link invokes download window; earlier years pointed to text file) Data: 1850- Base: 1961-1990 3. NCDC NOAA SOURCE: (manually change year in URL 2021-->2022-->2023 etc.) Data: 1880- Base: 1901-2000 4. JAPAN METEOROLOGICAL OFFICE DESCRIPTION PAGE: Global Average Surface Temperature Anomalies / TCC SOURCE: Data: 1891- Base=1991-2020 (changed from 1981-2010) 5. BERKELEY EARTH SOURCE: Data: 1850- Base: 1951-1980
Tucker nails it yet again.

The left are a religious cult and have made Climate Change their state religion.

You and Tucker missed it. Climate Change isn't our state religion. It's exposing the ignorance and racism that American conservatives willfully choose to adopt. You fight against education. You fight against open minds. You fight for the oppression of women and minorities. You fight against those you feel are different than you in any way. Revealing THAT... that's our religion.

Graphs showing correlation of measured global average temperature, from five different scientific organizations. Graphs of datasets from five scientific organizations were vertically adjusted, if needed, to a common reference/base period 1951-1980: 1. NASA GISS NAVIGATION PAGE: NASA GISS SOURCE: Data: 1880- Base: 1951-1980 2. : SOURCE: HadCRUT. Met Office Hadley Centre observations datasets Choose "HadCRUT. analysis", "Summary Series", "Global (NH+SH)/2", "Annual". (Link invokes download window; earlier years pointed to text file) Data: 1850- Base: 1961-1990 3. NCDC NOAA SOURCE: (manually change year in URL 2021-->2022-->2023 etc.) Data: 1880- Base: 1901-2000 4. JAPAN METEOROLOGICAL OFFICE DESCRIPTION PAGE: Global Average Surface Temperature Anomalies / TCC SOURCE: Data: 1891- Base=1991-2020 (changed from 1981-2010) 5. BERKELEY EARTH SOURCE: Data: 1850- Base: 1951-1980
So where is the data from further back?

The planet has been naturally getting warmer for 12,000 years.

That‘s all your graph shows. No proof that man is making the planet warmer, or why that is “bad”.
You and Tucker missed it. Climate Change isn't our state religion. It's exposing the ignorance and racism that American conservatives willfully choose to adopt. You fight against education. You fight against open minds. You fight for the oppression of women and minorities. You fight against those you feel are different than you in any way. Revealing THAT... that's our religion.
^^ boom. Proof that climate change nonsense is only political.

You start accusing us of “racism”?
We “fight against education”? You lefties have destroyed our education system, intentionally dumbing it down and lowering standards because “math is racist”.

I’m not the one forcing women to share bathrooms and locker rooms with trannies. We’re not the ones keeping blacks poor and encouraging them to burn down their own neighborhoods. That‘s all you.

Thank you for proving Tucker’s point.
So where is the data from further back?

The planet has been naturally getting warmer for 12,000 years.

That‘s all your graph shows. No proof that man is making the planet warmer, or why that is “bad”.
You asked for "an example of global warming". Seeing as that is a rather nonsensical term, I was rather free to decide what would satisfy it. If that temperature data wasn't it, you'll have to explain exactly what it IS that you're looking for.
^^ boom. Proof that climate change nonsense is only political.

You start accusing us of “racism”?
We “fight against education”? You lefties have destroyed our education system, intentionally dumbing it down and lowering standards because “math is racist”.

I’m not the one forcing women to share bathrooms and locker rooms with trannies. We’re not the ones keeping blacks poor and encouraging them to burn down their own neighborhoods. That‘s all you.

Thank you for proving Tucker’s point.
Out of interest how did you get on at school. I see your Trump picture so I'll assume you were in the remedial class.
No, there are thousands of pages of OPINION.

That and computer derived fiction.

No real evidence.
Even if there were thousands of pages of opinion it would be informed opinion unlike your baseless denier opinion that's not worth squat.
^^ boom. Proof that climate change nonsense is only political.
That is complete nonsense.
You start accusing us of “racism”?
If you're a conservative, the odds are very high that you're also a racisst.
We “fight against education”?
You lefties have destroyed our education system, intentionally dumbing it down and lowering standards because “math is racist”.
It would be conservative Ron DeSantis who thinks math is racist.
I’m not the one forcing women to share bathrooms and locker rooms with trannies.
Someday everyone will use the same toilet. Amazing thought, eh.
We’re not the ones keeping blacks poor and encouraging them to burn down their own neighborhoods. That‘s all you.
You are the ones keeping women and minorities in general poor and oppressed. They burn down their neighborhoods because they hate the trap in to which you've forced them.
Thank you for proving Tucker’s point.
Anyone that relies on Tucker Carson to do their thinking for them deserves what they get.
So what you are saying is that CO2 is not a GHG when it's been known for over 100 years that it is.
Thanks for confirming that your reading comprehension skill matches your English language composition skills, which are below USA 6th Grade Level.

I was stating that the level/volume/percentage of Carbon Dioxide/CO2 is far below that needed to have any GHG impact~effect upon Earth's atmospheric temperatures, let alone those of land or ocean.
What part of scale of 1 to 2,500 do you fail to grasp as being inconsequential towards Climate Change or Global Warming being caused by CO2 levels?
Let alone due to human affect in raising from about 280ppm to 400+ppm?
BTW, do you grasp what ppm means?

Meanwhile, you have proven that not only are not a "scientist", but also that you likely flunked elementary grade level sciences.

I'm wasting my time engaging an idiot like you. Unfortunately, you are not an isolated nor minority example.

Graphs showing correlation of measured global average temperature, from five different scientific organizations. Graphs of datasets from five scientific organizations were vertically adjusted, if needed, to a common reference/base period 1951-1980: 1. NASA GISS NAVIGATION PAGE: NASA GISS SOURCE: Data: 1880- Base: 1951-1980 2. : SOURCE: HadCRUT. Met Office Hadley Centre observations datasets Choose "HadCRUT. analysis", "Summary Series", "Global (NH+SH)/2", "Annual". (Link invokes download window; earlier years pointed to text file) Data: 1850- Base: 1961-1990 3. NCDC NOAA SOURCE: (manually change year in URL 2021-->2022-->2023 etc.) Data: 1880- Base: 1901-2000 4. JAPAN METEOROLOGICAL OFFICE DESCRIPTION PAGE: Global Average Surface Temperature Anomalies / TCC SOURCE: Data: 1891- Base=1991-2020 (changed from 1981-2010) 5. BERKELEY EARTH SOURCE: Data: 1850- Base: 1951-1980
Fake news, bro.

crick is an idiot.JPG
Thanks for confirming that your reading comprehension skill matches your English language composition skills, which are below USA 6th Grade Level.

I was stating that the level/volume/percentage of Carbon Dioxide/CO2 is far below that needed to have any GHG impact~effect upon Earth's atmospheric temperatures, let alone those of land or ocean.
What part of scale of 1 to 2,500 do you fail to grasp as being inconsequential towards Climate Change or Global Warming being caused by CO2 levels?
Let alone due to human affect in raising from about 280ppm to 400+ppm?
BTW, do you grasp what ppm means?

Meanwhile, you have proven that not only are not a "scientist", but also that you likely flunked elementary grade level sciences.

I'm wasting my time engaging an idiot like you. Unfortunately, you are not an isolated nor minority example.
Hey Einstein, explain why the Earth doesn't freeze without the effect of any GHGs, especially CO2. You won't because you can't.
Hey Einstein, explain why the Earth doesn't freeze without the effect of any GHGs, especially CO2. You won't because you can't.

Water vapor is the GHG that prevents Earth from freezing dumbass.

Try reading a book sometime.
Thanks for confirming that your reading comprehension skill matches your English language composition skills, which are below USA 6th Grade Level.

I was stating that the level/volume/percentage of Carbon Dioxide/CO2 is far below that needed to have any GHG impact~effect upon Earth's atmospheric temperatures, let alone those of land or ocean.
What part of scale of 1 to 2,500 do you fail to grasp as being inconsequential towards Climate Change or Global Warming being caused by CO2 levels?
Let alone due to human affect in raising from about 280ppm to 400+ppm?
BTW, do you grasp what ppm means?

Meanwhile, you have proven that not only are not a "scientist", but also that you likely flunked elementary grade level sciences.

I'm wasting my time engaging an idiot like you. Unfortunately, you are not an isolated nor minority example.
What source tells you that the level of CO2 in the atmosphere is "far below that needed to have any GHG impact..."?
Hey Einstein, explain why the Earth doesn't freeze without the effect of any GHGs, especially CO2. You won't because you can't.
Because of it's atmosphere. Mars has a thin atmosphere composed of about 95 percent carbon dioxide, with the remainder being mostly diatomic nitrogen. Traces of water vapour also occur. Mars has a mean surface air temperature estimated at 210 K (−63 °C, or −82 °F), and surface pressures hover near 6 millibars.


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