The Republican case against Biden takes a body blow … from Fox News


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Another example of "If you talk long enough your lies are exposed". And Brian Kilmeade isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer in the first place.

  • Hunter Biden's business partner: blows up in Republican's faces
  • Burisma: blows up in Republican's faces
  • Joseph Biden (God's choice) emails: blows up in Republican's faces
  • Durham Report: blows up in Republican's faces
  • Viktor Shokin: blows up in Republican's faces

The Republican case against Biden takes a body blow … from Fox News

There are two central arguments in the Republican effort to impeach President Biden, neither validated.

The first is that Joe Biden benefited financially from his son Hunter’s business efforts — that Hunter Biden’s leveraging of his last name to generate consulting contracts trickled up to his father. Investigations by House Republicans, particularly the Oversight Committee led by Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.) have failed to show any such connection, despite months of looking. Instead, this assertion relies on insinuations about Joe Biden making phone calls to his son — and depends on ignoring exculpatory evidence from Hunter Biden’s former business partner.

The other central attack on the president involves Hunter Biden’s work for the Ukrainian energy company Burisma. This relationship was adjudicated robustly during the first impeachment of President Donald Trump, a probe that centered on Trump’s desire to have the new Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, announce an investigation into the Bidens before the 2020 election.

Trumpworld’s belief that Joe Biden had sought the ouster of Ukraine’s prosecutor general, Viktor Shokin, to benefit Burisma and Hunter Biden was debunked in 2019. Perhaps in part because Fox News did its best to ignore the evidence in that impeachment inquiry, claims about the now-president trying to get Shokin fired back in 2015 and 2016 have been elevated again as though they retain validity.

They don’t — as Fox News unintentionally made clear over the weekend.

Kilmeade began by speaking with the former Ukrainian president — defeated by Zelensky in the country’s 2019 election — about the war in Russia. He then transitioned to the interview with Shokin, who’d referred to Poroshenko as his friend.

He played a clip from the Shokin interview in which the former prosecutor claimed that “Poroshenko fired me at the insistence of the then-vice-president Biden because I was investigating Burisma. … There were no complaints whatsoever, no problems with how I was performing at my job. But because pressure was repeatedly put on President Poroshenko, that is what ended up in him firing me.”

This is patently untrue, as has been established repeatedly. But Kilmeade presented it to Poroshenko as possible, asking if that is, in fact, why Shokin was fired.

“First of all, this is the completely crazy person,” Poroshenko began. “This is something wrong with him.”

“Second,” the nonnative English speaker continued, “there is no one single word of truth. And third, I hate the idea to make any comments and to make any intervention in the American election.” He asked that Kilmeade “not use such person like Shokin to undermine the trust between bipartisan support and Ukraine.”

“He’s not your friend?” Kilmeade asked.

“I don’t see him — maybe four years or something,” Poroshenko replied. “At all. And I hate the idea to have him because he play very dirty game, unfortunately.”

“Okay, so that is not true,” Kilmeade continued. “He didn’t get fired because of Joe Biden.” Poroshenko confirmed that he did not, saying that Shokin was fired “for his own statement.”
Another example of "If you talk long enough your lies are exposed". And Brian Kilmeade isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer in the first place.

  • Hunter Biden's business partner: blows up in Republican's faces
  • Burisma: blows up in Republican's faces
  • Joseph Biden (God's choice) emails: blows up in Republican's faces
  • Durham Report: blows up in Republican's faces
  • Viktor Shokin: blows up in Republican's faces

The Republican case against Biden takes a body blow … from Fox News

There are two central arguments in the Republican effort to impeach President Biden, neither validated.

The first is that Joe Biden benefited financially from his son Hunter’s business efforts — that Hunter Biden’s leveraging of his last name to generate consulting contracts trickled up to his father. Investigations by House Republicans, particularly the Oversight Committee led by Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.) have failed to show any such connection, despite months of looking. Instead, this assertion relies on insinuations about Joe Biden making phone calls to his son — and depends on ignoring exculpatory evidence from Hunter Biden’s former business partner.

The other central attack on the president involves Hunter Biden’s work for the Ukrainian energy company Burisma. This relationship was adjudicated robustly during the first impeachment of President Donald Trump, a probe that centered on Trump’s desire to have the new Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, announce an investigation into the Bidens before the 2020 election.

Trumpworld’s belief that Joe Biden had sought the ouster of Ukraine’s prosecutor general, Viktor Shokin, to benefit Burisma and Hunter Biden was debunked in 2019. Perhaps in part because Fox News did its best to ignore the evidence in that impeachment inquiry, claims about the now-president trying to get Shokin fired back in 2015 and 2016 have been elevated again as though they retain validity.

They don’t — as Fox News unintentionally made clear over the weekend.

Kilmeade began by speaking with the former Ukrainian president — defeated by Zelensky in the country’s 2019 election — about the war in Russia. He then transitioned to the interview with Shokin, who’d referred to Poroshenko as his friend.

He played a clip from the Shokin interview in which the former prosecutor claimed that “Poroshenko fired me at the insistence of the then-vice-president Biden because I was investigating Burisma. … There were no complaints whatsoever, no problems with how I was performing at my job. But because pressure was repeatedly put on President Poroshenko, that is what ended up in him firing me.”

This is patently untrue, as has been established repeatedly. But Kilmeade presented it to Poroshenko as possible, asking if that is, in fact, why Shokin was fired.

“First of all, this is the completely crazy person,” Poroshenko began. “This is something wrong with him.”

“Second,” the nonnative English speaker continued, “there is no one single word of truth. And third, I hate the idea to make any comments and to make any intervention in the American election.” He asked that Kilmeade “not use such person like Shokin to undermine the trust between bipartisan support and Ukraine.”

“He’s not your friend?” Kilmeade asked.

“I don’t see him — maybe four years or something,” Poroshenko replied. “At all. And I hate the idea to have him because he play very dirty game, unfortunately.”

“Okay, so that is not true,” Kilmeade continued. “He didn’t get fired because of Joe Biden.” Poroshenko confirmed that he did not, saying that Shokin was fired “for his own statement.”
Hold on…so Ukraine, who Biden has sent $113 BILLION is trying to cover for Biden so the cash keeps flowing?
Hmmm….sounds like more corruption, more bribery…no?
So thank you, Brian Kilmeade!
You made a common mistake among progressive posters on the board. Me included. You thought the facts would be compelling enough to convince conservatives their beliefs about Shokin's firing are wrong. They will never stop, it's too late.

21 shell companies

Hundreds of unauthorized aliases and garbage email addresses that were sent classified information, including one set up at the PA Dept of Corrections (Robert L Peters) :laughing0301:

171 Suspicious Activity Reports from the international banking community that total over $100 Million transferred to the Briben crime family

Multiple FBI FD -1023 documents detailing money laundering, racketeering and extortion/bribery conducted by the Briben crime syndicate.

They were sloppy as fuck. And why wouldn't they be, they're dumber than farm animals. They seem to enjoy generating videos of themselves while committing felonies.... they can't help it, they're 3rd-generation trailer trash.

Menendez is saying "Hey, WTF, why me!!???"

You appear to be trembling.... like a 9-year old that just accepted a ride from hunter biden..... :abgg2q.jpg:
Another example of "If you talk long enough your lies are exposed". And Brian Kilmeade isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer in the first place.

  • Hunter Biden's business partner: blows up in Republican's faces
  • Burisma: blows up in Republican's faces
  • Joseph Biden (God's choice) emails: blows up in Republican's faces
  • Durham Report: blows up in Republican's faces
  • Viktor Shokin: blows up in Republican's faces

The Republican case against Biden takes a body blow … from Fox News

There are two central arguments in the Republican effort to impeach President Biden, neither validated.

The first is that Joe Biden benefited financially from his son Hunter’s business efforts — that Hunter Biden’s leveraging of his last name to generate consulting contracts trickled up to his father. Investigations by House Republicans, particularly the Oversight Committee led by Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.) have failed to show any such connection, despite months of looking. Instead, this assertion relies on insinuations about Joe Biden making phone calls to his son — and depends on ignoring exculpatory evidence from Hunter Biden’s former business partner.

The other central attack on the president involves Hunter Biden’s work for the Ukrainian energy company Burisma. This relationship was adjudicated robustly during the first impeachment of President Donald Trump, a probe that centered on Trump’s desire to have the new Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, announce an investigation into the Bidens before the 2020 election.

Trumpworld’s belief that Joe Biden had sought the ouster of Ukraine’s prosecutor general, Viktor Shokin, to benefit Burisma and Hunter Biden was debunked in 2019. Perhaps in part because Fox News did its best to ignore the evidence in that impeachment inquiry, claims about the now-president trying to get Shokin fired back in 2015 and 2016 have been elevated again as though they retain validity.

They don’t — as Fox News unintentionally made clear over the weekend.

Kilmeade began by speaking with the former Ukrainian president — defeated by Zelensky in the country’s 2019 election — about the war in Russia. He then transitioned to the interview with Shokin, who’d referred to Poroshenko as his friend.

He played a clip from the Shokin interview in which the former prosecutor claimed that “Poroshenko fired me at the insistence of the then-vice-president Biden because I was investigating Burisma. … There were no complaints whatsoever, no problems with how I was performing at my job. But because pressure was repeatedly put on President Poroshenko, that is what ended up in him firing me.”

This is patently untrue, as has been established repeatedly. But Kilmeade presented it to Poroshenko as possible, asking if that is, in fact, why Shokin was fired.

“First of all, this is the completely crazy person,” Poroshenko began. “This is something wrong with him.”

“Second,” the nonnative English speaker continued, “there is no one single word of truth. And third, I hate the idea to make any comments and to make any intervention in the American election.” He asked that Kilmeade “not use such person like Shokin to undermine the trust between bipartisan support and Ukraine.”

“He’s not your friend?” Kilmeade asked.

“I don’t see him — maybe four years or something,” Poroshenko replied. “At all. And I hate the idea to have him because he play very dirty game, unfortunately.”

“Okay, so that is not true,” Kilmeade continued. “He didn’t get fired because of Joe Biden.” Poroshenko confirmed that he did not, saying that Shokin was fired “for his own statement.”
Hunter's laptop has been made redundant with the Biden-Guttieri connection, which shows that RFK Jr. was on track with his Battelle passages (The Real Anthony Fauci). Hunter introduced Metabiota to Burisma. No laptop required.
Another example of "If you talk long enough your lies are exposed". And Brian Kilmeade isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer in the first place.

  • Hunter Biden's business partner: blows up in Republican's faces
  • Burisma: blows up in Republican's faces
  • Joseph Biden (God's choice) emails: blows up in Republican's faces
  • Durham Report: blows up in Republican's faces
  • Viktor Shokin: blows up in Republican's faces

The Republican case against Biden takes a body blow … from Fox News

There are two central arguments in the Republican effort to impeach President Biden, neither validated.

The first is that Joe Biden benefited financially from his son Hunter’s business efforts — that Hunter Biden’s leveraging of his last name to generate consulting contracts trickled up to his father. Investigations by House Republicans, particularly the Oversight Committee led by Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.) have failed to show any such connection, despite months of looking. Instead, this assertion relies on insinuations about Joe Biden making phone calls to his son — and depends on ignoring exculpatory evidence from Hunter Biden’s former business partner.

The other central attack on the president involves Hunter Biden’s work for the Ukrainian energy company Burisma. This relationship was adjudicated robustly during the first impeachment of President Donald Trump, a probe that centered on Trump’s desire to have the new Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, announce an investigation into the Bidens before the 2020 election.

Trumpworld’s belief that Joe Biden had sought the ouster of Ukraine’s prosecutor general, Viktor Shokin, to benefit Burisma and Hunter Biden was debunked in 2019. Perhaps in part because Fox News did its best to ignore the evidence in that impeachment inquiry, claims about the now-president trying to get Shokin fired back in 2015 and 2016 have been elevated again as though they retain validity.

They don’t — as Fox News unintentionally made clear over the weekend.

Kilmeade began by speaking with the former Ukrainian president — defeated by Zelensky in the country’s 2019 election — about the war in Russia. He then transitioned to the interview with Shokin, who’d referred to Poroshenko as his friend.

He played a clip from the Shokin interview in which the former prosecutor claimed that “Poroshenko fired me at the insistence of the then-vice-president Biden because I was investigating Burisma. … There were no complaints whatsoever, no problems with how I was performing at my job. But because pressure was repeatedly put on President Poroshenko, that is what ended up in him firing me.”

This is patently untrue, as has been established repeatedly. But Kilmeade presented it to Poroshenko as possible, asking if that is, in fact, why Shokin was fired.

“First of all, this is the completely crazy person,” Poroshenko began. “This is something wrong with him.”

“Second,” the nonnative English speaker continued, “there is no one single word of truth. And third, I hate the idea to make any comments and to make any intervention in the American election.” He asked that Kilmeade “not use such person like Shokin to undermine the trust between bipartisan support and Ukraine.”

“He’s not your friend?” Kilmeade asked.

“I don’t see him — maybe four years or something,” Poroshenko replied. “At all. And I hate the idea to have him because he play very dirty game, unfortunately.”

“Okay, so that is not true,” Kilmeade continued. “He didn’t get fired because of Joe Biden.” Poroshenko confirmed that he did not, saying that Shokin was fired “for his own statement.”
You're an idiot.

Biden's and the DOJ's sacrificial lamb....
asking Poroshenko directly why it was that Shokin was fired.
“First of all, this is the completely crazy person,” Poroshenko began. “This is something wrong with him.”
“Second, there is no one single word of truth,” he continued. “And third, I hate the idea to make any comments and to make any intervention in the American election… Please do not use the such person like Shokin to undermine the trust between bipartisan support and Ukraine.”
“Right,” Kilmeade said meekly. “What do you mean—He’s not your friend?”
Poroshenko replied that he hadn’t seen Shokin in “maybe four years” or so. “And hate the idea to have him,” he continued, “because he play very dirty game, unfortunately.”
“Okay, so that is not true,” Kilmeade said. “He didn’t get fired because of Joe Biden.”

There it is, straight from the horses mouth.

Joe Biden exonerated.

Will our tRump loving friends believe it?

No fucking way.

All of Zionist Fascism wanted that prosecutor fired.

No different than when W fired 7 US Attorneys in 2007, getting too close to truth Zionist Fascism would do anything to prevent from coming out...

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