The Republican Cavalcade of lying bastards and shameless adulterers never ends.

Why do lefties bring this stuff up when they have to know that whatever a republican did, Bill Clinton did it worse and disgraced the Country.

It's to remind you that when it's your guys, you make posts just like the post you just made.

Thank you for taking the bait.
I'm just glad it was a man and a woman making out. I'm tired of all the queer stuff going around.
"ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — Two Republican lawmakers whom a park ranger cited for making out in a public park apologized Monday for accusing that ranger of lying and stepped down from a Minnesota House ethics panel in an apparent effort to head off a complaint from Democrats.

In separate statements, Reps. Tara Mack and Tim Kelly made little reference to the Aug. 25 incident in which a Dakota County park ranger said he found the pair making out in a car. The ranger wrote in his notes that Mack's pants were unzipped and pulled down.

Mack and Kelly — who are married to other people — originally called the officer's account "an absolute lie," insisting they met in Lebanon Hills Regional Park in Eagan to swap documents relating to a health insurance company. They vowed to lodge a formal complaint against the ranger.

They later backed down from that promised complaint and each paid $260 misdemeanor fines — actions the House Democrats said amounted to admissions of guilt.

Mack and Kelly spoke with Republican House Speaker Kurt Daudt over the weekend and issued apologies Monday not directed toward the park ranger, but to law enforcement in general.

"After serious reflection on the last two weeks, I can say that I am disappointed in myself for the way I handled my disagreement with a park ranger," said Kelly, who lives in Red Wing."

What horrible people, aka, typical conservatives.

Republicans sorry for saying ranger lied about making out

I my GAWD, you Communists must have the vapors now...

You Fucking hypocrite piles of shit.
Why do lefties bring this stuff up when they have to know that whatever a republican did, Bill Clinton did it worse and disgraced the Country.

It's only bad if enemies of the party do it.

Remember: There is no hypocrisy like demopocrisy.
"ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — Two Republican lawmakers whom a park ranger cited for making out in a public park apologized Monday for accusing that ranger of lying and stepped down from a Minnesota House ethics panel in an apparent effort to head off a complaint from Democrats.

In separate statements, Reps. Tara Mack and Tim Kelly made little reference to the Aug. 25 incident in which a Dakota County park ranger said he found the pair making out in a car. The ranger wrote in his notes that Mack's pants were unzipped and pulled down.

Mack and Kelly — who are married to other people — originally called the officer's account "an absolute lie," insisting they met in Lebanon Hills Regional Park in Eagan to swap documents relating to a health insurance company. They vowed to lodge a formal complaint against the ranger.

They later backed down from that promised complaint and each paid $260 misdemeanor fines — actions the House Democrats said amounted to admissions of guilt.

Mack and Kelly spoke with Republican House Speaker Kurt Daudt over the weekend and issued apologies Monday not directed toward the park ranger, but to law enforcement in general.

"After serious reflection on the last two weeks, I can say that I am disappointed in myself for the way I handled my disagreement with a park ranger," said Kelly, who lives in Red Wing."

What horrible people, aka, typical conservatives.

Republicans sorry for saying ranger lied about making out
It's not like either one of them was president and in the Oval Office.

Your double standard is showing.
Yours is quite apparent as well.
Your double standard is showing.


Hey, you may be a hypocrite and a complete fraud, but you hold party above all...
Counting policemen, prison guards, judges at least 10% of the population is engaged in law enforcement in some manner or other.

At least 30% of the population has been, or will be, in jail / prison at some point in their life.

As you sit in church with all those fine religious church goers, look around. At least one out of 3 has been or will be incarcerated at some point in their life.

And we are a " religious " society?


Only 17% claim to go to church every Sunday.

Only 30 + % claim to be " Christian ".


And...that just life in general, unfortunately, whether you're woman, man, politician, businessman, whatever. People simply suck and have no values nor conscience. This surprises you? Try looking in the mirror sometime. We're all one in of "them" in one way or another.

She, a grown adult, willingly performed a sex act upon him.

But they did not have sexual intercourse with penis/vagina penetration, which is the definition of sexual relations.


Why do lefties bring this stuff up when they have to know that whatever a republican did, Bill Clinton did it worse and disgraced the Country.
What was it Bill Clinton did?

Committed adultery while he was potus. (He had sexual relations with Monica while married to Hillary.)

How do you not know this??
Counting policemen, prison guards, judges at least 10% of the population is engaged in law enforcement in some manner or other.

At least 30% of the population has been, or will be, in jail / prison at some point in their life.

As you sit in church with all those fine religious church goers, look around. At least one out of 3 has been or will be incarcerated at some point in their life.

And we are a " religious " society?


Only 17% claim to go to church every Sunday.

Only 30 + % claim to be " Christian ".


And...that just life in general, unfortunately, whether you're woman, man, politician, businessman, whatever. People simply suck and have no values nor conscience. This surprises you? Try looking in the mirror sometime. We're all one in of "them" in one way or another.

Link those stats, Alfred.
another fine thread showcasing the right's uncanny ability to deny and prove they are bat shit all at the same time!
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She, a grown adult, willingly performed a sex act upon him.

But they did not have sexual intercourse with penis/vagina penetration, which is the definition of sexual relations.


Sexual relations:

Sexual behavior between individuals, especially sexual intercourse.

sexual relations - Google Search

Blowjobs are def having sexual relations with someone.

Egads, you guys are daft that you don't know this. I mean, this is basic knowledge!
another fine thread showcasing the right's to deny and prove they are bat shit all at the same time!

Oh and is she were a Rep you wouldn't be talking about it at all I'd bet.

In fact the thought would never enter your mind.

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

She, a grown adult, willingly performed a sex act upon him.

But they did not have sexual intercourse with penis/vagina penetration, which is the definition of sexual relations.


Sexual relations:

Sexual behavior between individuals, especially sexual intercourse.

sexual relations - Google Search

Blowjobs are def having sexual relations with someone.

Egads, you guys are daft that you don't know this. I mean, this is basic knowledge!

Mayby he's never had or given a blow job?? LOL
The deeper Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky drops in the polls the more shrill becomes the wailing from the left.

Counting policemen, prison guards, judges at least 10% of the population is engaged in law enforcement in some manner or other.

At least 30% of the population has been, or will be, in jail / prison at some point in their life.

As you sit in church with all those fine religious church goers, look around. At least one out of 3 has been or will be incarcerated at some point in their life.

And we are a " religious " society?


Only 17% claim to go to church every Sunday.

Only 30 + % claim to be " Christian ".


And...that just life in general, unfortunately, whether you're woman, man, politician, businessman, whatever. People simply suck and have no values nor conscience. This surprises you? Try looking in the mirror sometime. We're all one in of "them" in one way or another.

Link those stats, Alfred.
Reported Religious Attendance: It Depends How You Ask

Americans are more likely to claim to attend religious services frequently if they're asked over the telephone rather than in response to an online survey.
. Less than 20% of Americans regularly attend church — half of what the pollsters report.

While Gallup polls and other statisticians have turned in the same percentage — about 40% of the population — of average weekend church attendees for the past 70 years, a different sort of research paints quite a disparate picture of how many Americans attend a local church on any given Sunday.

Initially prompted to discover how church plants in America were really doing, Olson, director of church planting for the Evangelical Covenant Church (, began collecting data in the late “80s, gradually expanding his research to encompass overall attendance trends in the Church. In his study, he tracked the annual attendance of more than 200,000 individual Orthodox Christian churches (the accepted U.S. church universe is 330,000). To determine attendance at the remaining 100,000-plus Orthodox Christian churches, he used statistical models, which included multiplying a church”s membership number by the denomination”s membership-to-attendance ratio.

The Numbers

His findings reveal that the actual rate of church attendance from head counts is less than half of the 40% the pollsters report. Numbers from actual counts of people in Orthodox Christian churches (Catholic, mainline and evangelical) show that in 2004, 17.7% of the population attended a Christian church on any given weekend.

Another study published in 2005 in The Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion by sociologists C. Kirk Hadaway and Penny Long Marler — known for their scholarly research on the Church — backs up his findings. Their report reveals that the actual number of people worshipping each week is closer to Olson”s 17.7% figure — 52 million people instead of the pollster-reported 132 million (40%).

“We knew that over the past 30 to 40 years, denominations had increasingly reported a decline in their numbers,” Marler says. “Even a still-growing denomination like the Southern Baptist Convention had reported slowed growth. Most of the mainline denominations were all reporting a net loss over the past 30 years. And at the same time, the Gallup polls had remained stable. It didn”t make sense.”

7 Startling Facts: An Up Close Look at Church Attendance in America

She, a grown adult, willingly performed a sex act upon him.

But they did not have sexual intercourse with penis/vagina penetration, which is the definition of sexual relations.


Bullshit and fucking stupid.

First off, sexual favors from the help is known as sexual harassment - now I get it that you folk view laws as only applying to Republicans and little people - I get this. Further, oral sex is just that, sex. The filthy lying fucks of the left decided that words mean only what they want them to mean at any given second, and redefined the term, but only insofar as Clinton was concerned. An adult getting oral sex from a minor female WILL face charges of sex with a minor.

Hey, you're leftists - you have no integrity at all.

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