The Republican/Conservative Misery Offensive.

"Fraud" was not confirming a "condition" that a patient may not have been aware of..

Anything was "fraud".

Well except they would then have to able to "prove" that the insured committed said fraud, sorry.
Insurance could NEVER arbitrarily cancel anyone..

45,000 people were dying a year due to lack of healthcare.

Well except that people were not denied healthcare.....they could not be refused, sorry.

Conservatives actually love when people are miserable

In your opinion of course....(rolling eyes)

Republicans call that "A Good Start". They killed or maimed that many in Iraq. All those people still alive need health care too. Don't worry, they will figure out a way to deny them like they did the first responders.

Please prove to us the claim that 45,000 people were dying each year.

Even people within Harvard were saying that pulling that out of the so-called study was a stretch.

Please provide evidence. Or shove it up your ass.

So the Harvard study is wrong eh?

What's next..

We can't believe the NOAA?

Oh guys are trying to shut that down..too!

No question they do seem to be especially frumpy-bitter lately.

But let's stop pretending 2014 is in play. It's a mid-term and the party not in the WH always wins the mid-term. The only question is by how much.

Unless they collapse of course.
Yes sallow, they might be talking points but that doesn't make them wrong. I may not have laid out my points as well as the professor, but I do share limbaughs disbelief that more Americans can't see what is happening to their country

who's disbelief? :lol:
Republicans call that "A Good Start". They killed or maimed that many in Iraq. All those people still alive need health care too. Don't worry, they will figure out a way to deny them like they did the first responders.

Please prove to us the claim that 45,000 people were dying each year.

Even people within Harvard were saying that pulling that out of the so-called study was a stretch.

Please provide evidence. Or shove it up your ass.

So the Harvard study is wrong eh?

What's next..

We can't believe the NOAA?

Oh guys are trying to shut that down..too!


Wrong or just not worth anything. Even their own people said it was tough to pull that kind of number from a study like this especially given they didn't track anyone's participation in health insurance for almost 10 years.

If you want to argue the point, please.

If you want to continue the meme...that's your right. Spouting bullshyt has never bothered you before.
I didn't start out with money Harry.

Unlike the inheritance class.

I earned it.

Smith Barney commercial 1979 - YouTube

is that the point of your thread?....what you earned? the misery index about you? said SF was nice and cordial.....yea its not bad here in Orange County Sallow go to those other Counties in Ca were the UE rate is 9% or over.....more than half the Counties in California are in this catagory.....what is their Misery index? do you get my point?.....the only places in Cal. where the misery index aint to bad is where the wealthier people live .......

And what exactly is the point you wanna make bro?


What do you support to get wages more in line to where they should be?

I support:

Raising the minimum wage.
Introducing tax reform that penalizes CEOs for wildly outrageous compensation.
Imposing tax penalties on outsourcing.
Block grants on public hiring.
Immigration reform.
Financial Sector reform.
Single Payer.
Raising the SSI contribution.
Funding OSHA.
Funding SEC.
Spending on infrastructure.
Education for displaced workers.
Raises in Military pay and benefits.


Sallow this is YOUR thread were you are talking about people being miserable because of Republican Governing....right? i tell you there are a lot of people here in California who are miserable because of Democratic you said.....

I was just in California.

My mom moved to San Francisco. I couldn't believe how pretty that city is..

And lots of happy folks sitting in parks, waiting in LINES to get into restaurants and driving around is new cars.

No one seemed miserable.

ok thats great....SF is in a wealthy area with 5% UE....California is at like 8.7%...30 Counties out of 58 in this State are at 9% or better with something like 15 of them at 10% or better....are those people Miserable or happy?.....Imperial County is at 22%.....real happy people right?......
You know what sallow, I don't know if I'd use the word miserable but since you brought it up yeah I'm miserable because we have a president who is a serial liar, a con artist, and incompetent. He can't lead , he can't govern, and he can't manage. And these are facts not partisan blather. He is destroying America destroying the middle class, and destroying our health care system. He only gives a damn about the conCentration of power and the people be damned. And we have a batch of republicans that are just as incompetent and spineless as the president. Obama has made my life miserable with way too many regs, with my health insurance going up 10 to 20 per cent every year he has been in office, with America and Obama becoming the laughing stock of the international community, and most importantly Obama makes me miserable because he is intentionally removing our freedom and liberties while taking more money from me to buy more votes. It is not the lame republicans who are responsible for any misery index but rather a president intent on replacing the constitution with Chicago style thuggery and alinskys rules for radicals.
And he's there because you people are total fuck ups and Americans would rather have Obama than your incompetent asses.
No question they do seem to be especially frumpy-bitter lately.

But let's stop pretending 2014 is in play. It's a mid-term and the party not in the WH always wins the mid-term. The only question is by how much.

Unless they collapse of course.

What will put 2014 in play for the Democrats is the upcoming default in February. Yes, you and I both know they ARE that stupid.
Nice attempt to distract. But it wont work. Obamacare is not going away in 2014.- it will only get worse. It's a slow motion train wreck. All the republicans have to do is sit back and watch it implode.

2014 will be a landslide for the GOP.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Distract from what?

You guys said the ACA was "costing" jobs.

You see the November jobs report?

November jobs report: Unemployment falls to 7% - Dec. 6, 2013

There's been steady GROWTH since Obama took office.

So are you lying?
Here's something we hadn't realized. In September, the healthcare industry actually shed jobs.

The healthcare industry has been a workhorse for job creation in America, which is not surprising given spiraling costs and demographics. Even through the Great Recession, the healthcare industry added workers every single month.

Healthcare Job Creation Streak - Business Insider

Well it's become quite clear that Republican/Conservatives took the information gleaned by their multiple losses and are using it to keep up a "Misery Offensive". Basically that's the only thing that worked in 2010. That's when Conservatives convinced most of the nation their lives were going to be SO MISERABLE as a result of Democratic policies that they had better elect bat shit crazy tea party candidates to thwart the effort. This produced the Sequester, 42 attempts to repeal the ACA, a government shutdown that cost the economy 24 billion dollars, 55 actual bills being passed through congress (A record low), a slowing of hiring, cutting of vital services to the needy nation wide and 11 million people with legal statuses in limbo. They did all that, and turn around blame Democrats. Well that didn't work in Virginia or New York which both went Democrat. The only Republican winning big was Christie and that may well be because he showed he could work with Democrats to solve problems.

This should have been an indication that making life miserable for people and then blaming your opponents is not good governance and doesn't win elections. There are several bills in the house that if passed would make life better for people. Raising the minimum wage, the immigration reform act and the farm bill. What do Conservatives want to do?

Keep on making people miserable.

Let's see how that works come 2014.


Misery is having a party and President who concentrated (NOT on JOBS) but ramming a health care bill onto the American public that the majority didn't want anyway.

Misery is a President and party who lied over 40 times to the American public about them being able to keep their insurance and doctors if they liked them.

Misery is receiving a notice in the mail stating that the insurance you liked is being cancelled, eliminating 5.5 million policies--and adding about 12 million more (including spouses and children) many who may be sick without insurance.

Misery is being forced into another plan where the premiums are double as to what you were paying for your now cancelled plan, that you were promised you could keep.

Misery-is knowing that Barack Obama is going to retain his seat in the Oval office until 2016.

PURPOSE OF OBAMACARE: to insure the uninsured EFFECT OF OBAMACARE: uninsuring the insured


Welcome to your hope and change
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Well it's become quite clear that Republican/Conservatives took the information gleaned by their multiple losses and are using it to keep up a "Misery Offensive". Basically that's the only thing that worked in 2010. That's when Conservatives convinced most of the nation their lives were going to be SO MISERABLE as a result of Democratic policies that they had better elect bat shit crazy tea party candidates to thwart the effort. This produced the Sequester, 42 attempts to repeal the ACA, a government shutdown that cost the economy 24 billion dollars, 55 actual bills being passed through congress (A record low), a slowing of hiring, cutting of vital services to the needy nation wide and 11 million people with legal statuses in limbo. They did all that, and turn around blame Democrats. Well that didn't work in Virginia or New York which both went Democrat. The only Republican winning big was Christie and that may well be because he showed he could work with Democrats to solve problems.

This should have been an indication that making life miserable for people and then blaming your opponents is not good governance and doesn't win elections. There are several bills in the house that if passed would make life better for people. Raising the minimum wage, the immigration reform act and the farm bill. What do Conservatives want to do?

Keep on making people miserable.

Let's see how that works come 2014.


Raising the minimum wage would not really help much. It would eliminate some jobs. Why are people with families still at minimum wage jobs? That's the real question that Dems avoid answering. Our military troops have hard jobs. Emergency room nurses have hard jobs. Construction workers work their asses off in the heat. Yet, some uneducated, unskilled person ringing up food purchases wants $15.00 an hour.

Immigration reform is just another sweep of amnesty and it encourages more and more illegal immigration. It never ends. We spend billions each year on illegal aliens. The illegals will make out well with all jobs because they are exempt from Obamacare and won't be a liability to employers. Oops, yet another "unintended consequence" of liberal polices. McCain and the others admitted as much.

The farm bill sounds pretty, but is more encouragement for people to take government aid. It's all about food stamps and farm subsidies. Farmers get paid well for doing nothing.

They are talking about extending unemployment benefits again because they know Obamacare is the biggest job killer ever. Really, it's so disingenuous for them to pretend to care about wages when the real goal is send everyone to the welfare and unemployment offices.

Now we have the working class, the ones Dems claim to support, facing insurance premiums going up, some up to 300% increase. Others will get subsidized at the expense of the workers. We lose our doctors. We lose our plans. We will lose much more because many can no longer afford insurance. Nothing affordable about it unless you're one of government dependents who never has to pay your own way. Something's gotta give and it will be the middle class. Without a strong middle class, people will be flipping burgers forever. That is why libs want the wages increased. They know they are killing middle class and the crappy jobs will be all that's left.

The only winners are the wealthiest people and the subsidized people. The rest of us are screwed because the ideas that liberals come up with are designed to take from middle class and give to their dependents.

High wages for easy, unskilled work. Paychecks for farmers for being idle. Paychecks for welfare recipients for being idle. Amnesty and welfare for those who broke our laws.

Something for nothing sums up all the liberal ideas. They make promises and middle class picks up the check.
is that the point of your thread?....what you earned? the misery index about you? said SF was nice and cordial.....yea its not bad here in Orange County Sallow go to those other Counties in Ca were the UE rate is 9% or over.....more than half the Counties in California are in this catagory.....what is their Misery index? do you get my point?.....the only places in Cal. where the misery index aint to bad is where the wealthier people live .......

And what exactly is the point you wanna make bro?


What do you support to get wages more in line to where they should be?

I support:

Raising the minimum wage.
Introducing tax reform that penalizes CEOs for wildly outrageous compensation.
Imposing tax penalties on outsourcing.
Block grants on public hiring.
Immigration reform.
Financial Sector reform.
Single Payer.
Raising the SSI contribution.
Funding OSHA.
Funding SEC.
Spending on infrastructure.
Education for displaced workers.
Raises in Military pay and benefits.


Sallow this is YOUR thread were you are talking about people being miserable because of Republican Governing....right? i tell you there are a lot of people here in California who are miserable because of Democratic you said.....

I was just in California.

My mom moved to San Francisco. I couldn't believe how pretty that city is..

And lots of happy folks sitting in parks, waiting in LINES to get into restaurants and driving around is new cars.

No one seemed miserable.

ok thats great....SF is in a wealthy area with 5% UE....California is at like 8.7%...30 Counties out of 58 in this State are at 9% or better with something like 15 of them at 10% or better....are those people Miserable or happy?.....Imperial County is at 22%.....real happy people right?......


California is a huge state. Thus far Governor Brown took it from a Huge Deficit, you when Ahnold was the Govenator to a Surplus. Right?

You expect all the damage caused by Republicans to be fixed overnight? Like in a couple of days? With a magic wand or something?

I'm telling you my observations and what I read in the news.

I am sure the whole state isn't hunky dory.

The trick is Republicans want to do nothing to fix it.
Well it's become quite clear that Republican/Conservatives took the information gleaned by their multiple losses and are using it to keep up a "Misery Offensive". Basically that's the only thing that worked in 2010. That's when Conservatives convinced most of the nation their lives were going to be SO MISERABLE as a result of Democratic policies that they had better elect bat shit crazy tea party candidates to thwart the effort. This produced the Sequester, 42 attempts to repeal the ACA, a government shutdown that cost the economy 24 billion dollars, 55 actual bills being passed through congress (A record low), a slowing of hiring, cutting of vital services to the needy nation wide and 11 million people with legal statuses in limbo. They did all that, and turn around blame Democrats. Well that didn't work in Virginia or New York which both went Democrat. The only Republican winning big was Christie and that may well be because he showed he could work with Democrats to solve problems.

This should have been an indication that making life miserable for people and then blaming your opponents is not good governance and doesn't win elections. There are several bills in the house that if passed would make life better for people. Raising the minimum wage, the immigration reform act and the farm bill. What do Conservatives want to do?

Keep on making people miserable.

Let's see how that works come 2014.


Raising the minimum wage would not really help much. It would eliminate some jobs. Why are people with families still at minimum wage jobs? That's the real question that Dems avoid answering. Our military troops have hard jobs. Emergency room nurses have hard jobs. Construction workers work their asses off in the heat. Yet, some uneducated, unskilled person ringing up food purchases wants $15.00 an hour.

Immigration reform is just another sweep of amnesty and it encourages more and more illegal immigration. It never ends. We spend billions each year on illegal aliens. The illegals will make out well with all jobs because they are exempt from Obamacare and won't be a liability to employers. Oops, yet another "unintended consequence" of liberal polices. McCain and the others admitted as much.

The farm bill sounds pretty, but is more encouragement for people to take government aid. It's all about food stamps and farm subsidies. Farmers get paid well for doing nothing.

They are talking about extending unemployment benefits again because they know Obamacare is the biggest job killer ever. Really, it's so disingenuous for them to pretend to care about wages when the real goal is send everyone to the welfare and unemployment offices.

Now we have the working class, the ones Dems claim to support, facing insurance premiums going up, some up to 300% increase. Others will get subsidized at the expense of the workers. We lose our doctors. We lose our plans. We will lose much more because many can no longer afford insurance. Nothing affordable about it unless you're one of government dependents who never has to pay your own way. Something's gotta give and it will be the middle class. Without a strong middle class, people will be flipping burgers forever. That is why libs want the wages increased. They know they are killing middle class and the crappy jobs will be all that's left.

The only winners are the wealthiest people and the subsidized people. The rest of us are screwed because the ideas that liberals come up with are designed to take from middle class and give to their dependents.

High wages for easy, unskilled work. Paychecks for farmers for being idle. Paychecks for welfare recipients for being idle. Amnesty and welfare for those who broke our laws.

Something for nothing sums up all the liberal ideas. They make promises and middle class picks up the check.

This is hilarious..

1. Minimum wage raises never see a decline in job growth. Quite the opposite. And it's easy to figure out. More people have more money in their pocket. They have a tendency to spend it. It's the part of the population that actually buys stuff at places that do retail and small businesses. That stimulates growth and more hiring. But that's hard for a regressive to understand.

2. People who "broke laws" as minors should not be penalized. And it's funny you mention this law breaking thing. How many laws do you think were broken by the financial industry? No one even bothered to investigate. In fact..the only one they did put in jail was Maddoff. Why? He screwed rich people. Jamie Dimon just lost 9 billion dollars. That's after the collapse. You see anyone marching him off?

3. We've been "losing" doctors for quite some time. More and more medicine is a money loser for people who actually practice it. So, many doctors are going into "boutique" professions like cosmetic surgery. Now? You are noticing? And trying to blame ObamaCare? :lol:

4. You folks have no plan. Nothing. Nadda. And basically..that's what you want.

No question they do seem to be especially frumpy-bitter lately.

But let's stop pretending 2014 is in play. It's a mid-term and the party not in the WH always wins the mid-term. The only question is by how much.

Unless they collapse of course.

It absolutely is in play.

Clinton's second term saw a favorable Midterm.
I didn't start out with money Harry.

Unlike the inheritance class.

I earned it.

Smith Barney commercial 1979 - YouTube

is that the point of your thread?....what you earned? the misery index about you? said SF was nice and cordial.....yea its not bad here in Orange County Sallow go to those other Counties in Ca were the UE rate is 9% or over.....more than half the Counties in California are in this catagory.....what is their Misery index? do you get my point?.....the only places in Cal. where the misery index aint to bad is where the wealthier people live .......

And what exactly is the point you wanna make bro?


What do you support to get wages more in line to where they should be?

I support:

Raising the minimum wage.
Introducing tax reform that penalizes CEOs for wildly outrageous compensation.
Imposing tax penalties on outsourcing.
Block grants on public hiring.
Immigration reform.
Financial Sector reform.
Single Payer.
Raising the SSI contribution.
Funding OSHA.
Funding SEC.
Spending on infrastructure.
Education for displaced workers.
Raises in Military pay and benefits.



And the glasses you referred to are not rose-colored. They're shit-seeking.
And what exactly is the point you wanna make bro?


What do you support to get wages more in line to where they should be?

I support:

Raising the minimum wage.
Introducing tax reform that penalizes CEOs for wildly outrageous compensation.
Imposing tax penalties on outsourcing.
Block grants on public hiring.
Immigration reform.
Financial Sector reform.
Single Payer.
Raising the SSI contribution.
Funding OSHA.
Funding SEC.
Spending on infrastructure.
Education for displaced workers.
Raises in Military pay and benefits.


Sallow this is YOUR thread were you are talking about people being miserable because of Republican Governing....right? i tell you there are a lot of people here in California who are miserable because of Democratic you said.....

I was just in California.

My mom moved to San Francisco. I couldn't believe how pretty that city is..

And lots of happy folks sitting in parks, waiting in LINES to get into restaurants and driving around is new cars.

No one seemed miserable.

ok thats great....SF is in a wealthy area with 5% UE....California is at like 8.7%...30 Counties out of 58 in this State are at 9% or better with something like 15 of them at 10% or better....are those people Miserable or happy?.....Imperial County is at 22%.....real happy people right?......


California is a huge state. Thus far Governor Brown took it from a Huge Deficit, you when Ahnold was the Govenator to a Surplus. Right?

You expect all the damage caused by Republicans to be fixed overnight? Like in a couple of days? With a magic wand or something?

I'm telling you my observations and what I read in the news.

I am sure the whole state isn't hunky dory.

The trick is Republicans want to do nothing to fix it.

Republicans are not the main reason this State is having its problems Sallow....if you want to blame Arnold like Dean does go ahead.....but then answer this then....when Pete Wilson ended his term in 99 this State had a 13 Billion Dollar surplus....Grey Davis took over and the whole State started going downhill quick....his fault or the Republicans?......the California Legislature is the Problem....
Sallow this is YOUR thread were you are talking about people being miserable because of Republican Governing....right? i tell you there are a lot of people here in California who are miserable because of Democratic you said.....

I was just in California.

My mom moved to San Francisco. I couldn't believe how pretty that city is..

And lots of happy folks sitting in parks, waiting in LINES to get into restaurants and driving around is new cars.

No one seemed miserable.

ok thats great....SF is in a wealthy area with 5% UE....California is at like 8.7%...30 Counties out of 58 in this State are at 9% or better with something like 15 of them at 10% or better....are those people Miserable or happy?.....Imperial County is at 22%.....real happy people right?......


California is a huge state. Thus far Governor Brown took it from a Huge Deficit, you when Ahnold was the Govenator to a Surplus. Right?

You expect all the damage caused by Republicans to be fixed overnight? Like in a couple of days? With a magic wand or something?

I'm telling you my observations and what I read in the news.

I am sure the whole state isn't hunky dory.

The trick is Republicans want to do nothing to fix it.

Republicans are not the main reason this State is having its problems Sallow....if you want to blame Arnold like Dean does go ahead.....but then answer this then....when Pete Wilson ended his term in 99 this State had a 13 Billion Dollar surplus....Grey Davis took over and the whole State started going downhill quick....his fault or the Republicans?......the California Legislature is the Problem....

There are a few problems with California and a lot of them has to do with the "propositions" and "services". And by services I am referring to the prison system. The "three strikes" law is ridiculous and costly..along with capping property tax.

Californians enjoy many other services too which are largely unfunded.

So no..the blame isn't entirely the fault of Republicans. Alot of it is on Californians and their idea of direct democracy.

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