The Republican/Conservative Misery Offensive.

Well it's become quite clear that Republican/Conservatives took the information gleaned by their multiple losses and are using it to keep up a "Misery Offensive". Basically that's the only thing that worked in 2010. That's when Conservatives convinced most of the nation their lives were going to be SO MISERABLE as a result of Democratic policies that they had better elect bat shit crazy tea party candidates to thwart the effort. This produced the Sequester, 42 attempts to repeal the ACA, a government shutdown that cost the economy 24 billion dollars, 55 actual bills being passed through congress (A record low), a slowing of hiring, cutting of vital services to the needy nation wide and 11 million people with legal statuses in limbo. They did all that, and turn around blame Democrats. Well that didn't work in Virginia or New York which both went Democrat. The only Republican winning big was Christie and that may well be because he showed he could work with Democrats to solve problems.

This should have been an indication that making life miserable for people and then blaming your opponents is not good governance and doesn't win elections. There are several bills in the house that if passed would make life better for people. Raising the minimum wage, the immigration reform act and the farm bill. What do Conservatives want to do?

Keep on making people miserable.

Let's see how that works come 2014.


Is this your attempt at a joke? Lets consider the words "Misery Offensive" for a second. You accuse Republicans of launching one, but in reality the misery is being caused by Obamacare kicking millions of people off their plans. The misery came when people found out that Obama lied through his about them keeping their doctors and insurance.

This OP is nothing but an effort to distract from the main issue, Obamacare. You simply don't understand how badly this is going to hurt you in 2014. No amount of racist accusations, name calling or whatever amount of Alniskyist tactics you think will save you from the beating you will take in the midterms.
They haven't made them much worse...they didn't screw up your health care.

They have plenty to run on....provided the democrats show up.

Sure.....tell Americans who have finally gotten insurance that you will take it away first chance you get

Try that gays are evil bit worked ten years ago

Tell them about how much better Congress runs since the TeaTards joined

There may even be a government shutdown redux come January..and what the heck? A vote for impeachment. Maybe they will want to dissolve the government all together.

Should be fun!


Looking forward to it !!!
They haven't made them much worse...they didn't screw up your health care.

They have plenty to run on....provided the democrats show up.

Sure.....tell Americans who have finally gotten insurance that you will take it away first chance you get

Try that gays are evil bit worked ten years ago

Tell them about how much better Congress runs since the TeaTards joined

No, I'll start by getting it back to those who lost it because of Obummercare.

Gays are evil ? You still making stuff up or are you just a closet homphobe ?

And thee fact that congress does not run at all is music to my ears.

Fundraising for conservative candidates in the midwest is scorching.

We need it to since our Affirmative Action Moron has no compunction against campaigning while his party east shyt over a crappy bill.

Why don't you move to Cuba. I think they'd like your sorry ass down there. You can get the better health care you want and you can also someone who is smart. :lol::lol::lol:

Obamacare made people drop trash policies and take better ones
Republicans just want to cancel your insurance and offer you nothing

Run on that one

How about this one Republicans?

"Cancer is your problem, not mine"
Well it's become quite clear that Republican/Conservatives took the information gleaned by their multiple losses and are using it to keep up a "Misery Offensive". Basically that's the only thing that worked in 2010. That's when Conservatives convinced most of the nation their lives were going to be SO MISERABLE as a result of Democratic policies that they had better elect bat shit crazy tea party candidates to thwart the effort. This produced the Sequester, 42 attempts to repeal the ACA, a government shutdown that cost the economy 24 billion dollars, 55 actual bills being passed through congress (A record low), a slowing of hiring, cutting of vital services to the needy nation wide and 11 million people with legal statuses in limbo. They did all that, and turn around blame Democrats. Well that didn't work in Virginia or New York which both went Democrat. The only Republican winning big was Christie and that may well be because he showed he could work with Democrats to solve problems.

This should have been an indication that making life miserable for people and then blaming your opponents is not good governance and doesn't win elections. There are several bills in the house that if passed would make life better for people. Raising the minimum wage, the immigration reform act and the farm bill. What do Conservatives want to do?

Keep on making people miserable.

Let's see how that works come 2014.


Is this your attempt at a joke? Lets consider the words "Misery Offensive" for a second. You accuse Republicans of launching one, but in reality the misery is being caused by Obamacare kicking millions of people off their plans. The misery came when people found out that Obama lied through his about them keeping their doctors and insurance.

This OP is nothing but an effort to distract from the main issue, Obamacare. You simply don't understand how badly this is going to hurt you in 2014. No amount of racist accusations, name calling or whatever amount of Alniskyist tactics you think will save you from the beating you will take in the midterms.

Did you ever find a policy or are you still on Medicaid?
You know what sallow, I don't know if I'd use the word miserable but since you brought it up yeah I'm miserable because we have a president who is a serial liar, a con artist, and incompetent. He can't lead , he can't govern, and he can't manage. And these are facts not partisan blather. He is destroying America destroying the middle class, and destroying our health care system. He only gives a damn about the conCentration of power and the people be damned. And we have a batch of republicans that are just as incompetent and spineless as the president. Obama has made my life miserable with way too many regs, with my health insurance going up 10 to 20 per cent every year he has been in office, with America and Obama becoming the laughing stock of the international community, and most importantly Obama makes me miserable because he is intentionally removing our freedom and liberties while taking more money from me to buy more votes. It is not the lame republicans who are responsible for any misery index but rather a president intent on replacing the constitution with Chicago style thuggery and alinskys rules for radicals.
Once again the far left can not admit that more people are miserable under their messiah, than they were under Bush.

Not surprising as they would have to admit to being apart of that misery.
Sure.....tell Americans who have finally gotten insurance that you will take it away first chance you get

Try that gays are evil bit worked ten years ago

Tell them about how much better Congress runs since the TeaTards joined

No, I'll start by getting it back to those who lost it because of Obummercare.

Gays are evil ? You still making stuff up or are you just a closet homphobe ?

And thee fact that congress does not run at all is music to my ears.

Fundraising for conservative candidates in the midwest is scorching.

We need it to since our Affirmative Action Moron has no compunction against campaigning while his party east shyt over a crappy bill.

Why don't you move to Cuba. I think they'd like your sorry ass down there. You can get the better health care you want and you can also someone who is smart. :lol::lol::lol:

Obamacare made people drop trash policies and take better ones
Republicans just want to cancel your insurance and offer you nothing

Run on that one

How about this one Republicans?

"Cancer is your problem, not mine"

Obamacare made people drop trash policies and take better ones

Show us one of those "better" plans?
Sure.....tell Americans who have finally gotten insurance that you will take it away first chance you get

Try that gays are evil bit worked ten years ago

Tell them about how much better Congress runs since the TeaTards joined

There may even be a government shutdown redux come January..and what the heck? A vote for impeachment. Maybe they will want to dissolve the government all together.

Should be fun!


Looking forward to it !!!

You'll probably be real surprised.

People love government a whole lot more when it run by folks that actually know what they are doing.

FEMA's actually not losing thousands of people anymore.

Funny that.
You know what sallow, I don't know if I'd use the word miserable but since you brought it up yeah I'm miserable because we have a president who is a serial liar, a con artist, and incompetent. He can't lead , he can't govern, and he can't manage. And these are facts not partisan blather. He is destroying America destroying the middle class, and destroying our health care system. He only gives a damn about the conCentration of power and the people be damned. And we have a batch of republicans that are just as incompetent and spineless as the president. Obama has made my life miserable with way too many regs, with my health insurance going up 10 to 20 per cent every year he has been in office, with America and Obama becoming the laughing stock of the international community, and most importantly Obama makes me miserable because he is intentionally removing our freedom and liberties while taking more money from me to buy more votes. It is not the lame republicans who are responsible for any misery index but rather a president intent on replacing the constitution with Chicago style thuggery and alinskys rules for radicals.

Basically you've just regurgitated all the Limbaugh/Beck/Palin talking points.

Feel better?

its all they have- starve the gov't to the point of it not functioning then blame it on the Democrats. They have the same playbook that they've always had. Difference is they have no viable candidates for national office that aren't RINO's. ;)
its all they have- starve the gov't to the point of it not functioning then blame it on the Democrats. They have the same playbook that they've always had. Difference is they have no viable candidates for national office that aren't RINO's. ;)

Lately it's the Grover Norquist thing on Steroids.

I don't even think ol' Grover counted on this.

I admit it.

I have money.


go back and read what you said and what i said back to you....if you still say AND?....then you dont know what a misery index is....

I didn't start out with money Harry.

Unlike the inheritance class.

I earned it.

[ame=]Smith Barney commercial 1979 - YouTube[/ame]

is that the point of your thread?....what you earned? the misery index about you? said SF was nice and cordial.....yea its not bad here in Orange County Sallow go to those other Counties in Ca were the UE rate is 9% or over.....more than half the Counties in California are in this catagory.....what is their Misery index? do you get my point?.....the only places in Cal. where the misery index aint to bad is where the wealthier people live .......
Individual plans were cancelled & renewed yearly before the ACA became law. The plans just weren't that good. 60% of bankruptcies were due to medical bills and many of those even had *cough* "insurance". You never had any procedure denied by an insurance company? you must not get out much

Medical bills prompt more than 60 percent of U.S. bankruptcies -

Medical Bills Are the Biggest Cause of US Bankruptcies: Study

LOL, in your little head you think you made a point :)

Plan were hardly EVER cancelled...and they could ONLY be rescinded on an individual basis for fraud by the insured...but I'm sure you knew that. (rolling eyes)

The ACA caused ALL non compliant plans to be cancelled, which were ALL of them...but I'm sure you knew that too ;)

No, I've NEVER had a procedure denied.

Do you actually think that people who make minimum wage will be able to afford to pay $6350, or 12700 if two families have an incident?

You must not get out much....


"Fraud" was not confirming a "condition" that a patient may not have been aware of..

Anything was "fraud".

Listen, we ranked like 38th in terms of overall healthcare worldwide.

It's great if you are very rich..not so much if you are not..

45,000 people were dying a year due to lack of healthcare..I didn't make that up.

And most bankruptcies were happening because of illness.

If that were not the case, President Obama would not have won twice.

And back to the original premise of the thread?

Conservatives actually love when people are miserable.

The funny part of that is..they usually win elections, for some strange reason in this country, when people are not miserable.


"Fraud" was not confirming a "condition" that a patient may not have been aware of..

Anything was "fraud".

Well except they would then have to able to "prove" that the insured committed said fraud, sorry.
Insurance could NEVER arbitrarily cancel anyone..

45,000 people were dying a year due to lack of healthcare.

Well except that people were not denied healthcare.....they could not be refused, sorry.

Conservatives actually love when people are miserable

In your opinion of course....(rolling eyes)

Republicans call that "A Good Start". They killed or maimed that many in Iraq. All those people still alive need health care too. Don't worry, they will figure out a way to deny them like they did the first responders.
Looking at a thread that starts off with, "The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount".

To me, it's a matter of perspective. To me, pissing away trillions on Tax Cuts where the money might even have been used to move jobs to China was a catastrophic failure and the first salvo in the misery offensive. The trillions lost in Iraq and the tens of thousands of maimed and dead. Second salvo in the "misery offensive". The nearly two thousand dead from neglect after Katrina.

Then all the minor skirmishes. Blocked jobs bills, 24 billion lost from a government shutdown, the downgrade and so on.

Republicans are going to pay for what they've done. Eventually.

More far left propaganda!

Propaganda is based on a lie. Iraq and Katrina are based on the number dead and maimed.
Looking at a thread that starts off with, "The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount".

To me, it's a matter of perspective. To me, pissing away trillions on Tax Cuts where the money might even have been used to move jobs to China was a catastrophic failure and the first salvo in the misery offensive. The trillions lost in Iraq and the tens of thousands of maimed and dead. Second salvo in the "misery offensive". The nearly two thousand dead from neglect after Katrina.

Then all the minor skirmishes. Blocked jobs bills, 24 billion lost from a government shutdown, the downgrade and so on.

Republicans are going to pay for what they've done. Eventually.

More far left propaganda!

Propaganda is based on a lie. Iraq and Katrina are based on the number dead and maimed.

"If you like your plan, you can keep it. Period"
Looking at a thread that starts off with, "The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount".

To me, it's a matter of perspective. To me, pissing away trillions on Tax Cuts where the money might even have been used to move jobs to China was a catastrophic failure and the first salvo in the misery offensive. The trillions lost in Iraq and the tens of thousands of maimed and dead. Second salvo in the "misery offensive". The nearly two thousand dead from neglect after Katrina.

Then all the minor skirmishes. Blocked jobs bills, 24 billion lost from a government shutdown, the downgrade and so on.

Republicans are going to pay for what they've done. Eventually.

More far left propaganda!

Propaganda is based on a lie. Iraq and Katrina are based on the number dead and maimed.

Even more far left propaganda!
go back and read what you said and what i said back to you....if you still say AND?....then you dont know what a misery index is....

I didn't start out with money Harry.

Unlike the inheritance class.

I earned it.

[ame=]Smith Barney commercial 1979 - YouTube[/ame]

is that the point of your thread?....what you earned? the misery index about you? said SF was nice and cordial.....yea its not bad here in Orange County Sallow go to those other Counties in Ca were the UE rate is 9% or over.....more than half the Counties in California are in this catagory.....what is their Misery index? do you get my point?.....the only places in Cal. where the misery index aint to bad is where the wealthier people live .......

And what exactly is the point you wanna make bro?


What do you support to get wages more in line to where they should be?

I support:

Raising the minimum wage.
Introducing tax reform that penalizes CEOs for wildly outrageous compensation.
Imposing tax penalties on outsourcing.
Block grants on public hiring.
Immigration reform.
Financial Sector reform.
Single Payer.
Raising the SSI contribution.
Funding OSHA.
Funding SEC.
Spending on infrastructure.
Education for displaced workers.
Raises in Military pay and benefits.

Well it's become quite clear that Republican/Conservatives took the information gleaned by their multiple losses and are using it to keep up a "Misery Offensive". Basically that's the only thing that worked in 2010. That's when Conservatives convinced most of the nation their lives were going to be SO MISERABLE as a result of Democratic policies that they had better elect bat shit crazy tea party candidates to thwart the effort. This produced the Sequester, 42 attempts to repeal the ACA, a government shutdown that cost the economy 24 billion dollars, 55 actual bills being passed through congress (A record low), a slowing of hiring, cutting of vital services to the needy nation wide and 11 million people with legal statuses in limbo. They did all that, and turn around blame Democrats. Well that didn't work in Virginia or New York which both went Democrat. The only Republican winning big was Christie and that may well be because he showed he could work with Democrats to solve problems.

This should have been an indication that making life miserable for people and then blaming your opponents is not good governance and doesn't win elections. There are several bills in the house that if passed would make life better for people. Raising the minimum wage, the immigration reform act and the farm bill. What do Conservatives want to do?

Keep on making people miserable.

Let's see how that works come 2014.


Is this your attempt at a joke? Lets consider the words "Misery Offensive" for a second. You accuse Republicans of launching one, but in reality the misery is being caused by Obamacare kicking millions of people off their plans. The misery came when people found out that Obama lied through his about them keeping their doctors and insurance.

This OP is nothing but an effort to distract from the main issue, Obamacare. You simply don't understand how badly this is going to hurt you in 2014. No amount of racist accusations, name calling or whatever amount of Alniskyist tactics you think will save you from the beating you will take in the midterms.

Did you ever find a policy or are you still on Medicaid?

I'm not touching any insurance plans until the insurance market re-stabilizes.
"Fraud" was not confirming a "condition" that a patient may not have been aware of..

Anything was "fraud".

Listen, we ranked like 38th in terms of overall healthcare worldwide.

It's great if you are very rich..not so much if you are not..

45,000 people were dying a year due to lack of healthcare..I didn't make that up.

And most bankruptcies were happening because of illness.

If that were not the case, President Obama would not have won twice.

And back to the original premise of the thread?

Conservatives actually love when people are miserable.

The funny part of that is..they usually win elections, for some strange reason in this country, when people are not miserable.


"Fraud" was not confirming a "condition" that a patient may not have been aware of..

Anything was "fraud".

Well except they would then have to able to "prove" that the insured committed said fraud, sorry.
Insurance could NEVER arbitrarily cancel anyone..

45,000 people were dying a year due to lack of healthcare.

Well except that people were not denied healthcare.....they could not be refused, sorry.

Conservatives actually love when people are miserable

In your opinion of course....(rolling eyes)

Republicans call that "A Good Start". They killed or maimed that many in Iraq. All those people still alive need health care too. Don't worry, they will figure out a way to deny them like they did the first responders.

Please prove to us the claim that 45,000 people were dying each year.

Even people within Harvard were saying that pulling that out of the so-called study was a stretch.

Please provide evidence. Or shove it up your ass.

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