The Republican/Conservative Misery Offensive.

Individual plans were cancelled & renewed yearly before the ACA became law. The plans just weren't that good. 60% of bankruptcies were due to medical bills and many of those even had *cough* "insurance". You never had any procedure denied by an insurance company? you must not get out much

Medical bills prompt more than 60 percent of U.S. bankruptcies -

Medical Bills Are the Biggest Cause of US Bankruptcies: Study

LOL, in your little head you think you made a point :)

Plan were hardly EVER cancelled...and they could ONLY be rescinded on an individual basis for fraud by the insured...but I'm sure you knew that. (rolling eyes)

The ACA caused ALL non compliant plans to be cancelled, which were ALL of them...but I'm sure you knew that too ;)

No, I've NEVER had a procedure denied.

Do you actually think that people who make minimum wage will be able to afford to pay $6350, or 12700 if two families have an incident?

You must not get out much....


Provide a link to any post where I supported invading any country .

Provide a link to any post where I supported the military industrial complex.



Still waiting.............


Still waiting for what?

The majority of the focus of your posts is for wiping out the social safety net.

You give lip service to our huge military every so often, but if a conservative was in power?

We wouldn't hear much from you folks.

I am not a "conservative" nor do I know what they are "conserving"

I am a mental health professional. One of the first rules in my profession is you never argue with
someone regarding anything related to their delusional system. They get very angry, very quickly.

"There, there, Mr. Sallow, it's alright....everybody loves Obamacare. It's the greatest. Now let the nice nurse give you some might taste a little funny, but you'll be feeling better in no time." :)


Give it a few months...say about the same amount of time everyone gave Medicare Part D when it was rolling out.

You'll see what I am talking about.

Or not. (Because of the conservative rose colored glasses)

Things are wonderful !

People know where their bread is buttered.

Obama's approval rating are soaring !

Whoops...I was holding the chart upside down.
Individual plans were cancelled & renewed yearly before the ACA became law. The plans just weren't that good. 60% of bankruptcies were due to medical bills and many of those even had *cough* "insurance". You never had any procedure denied by an insurance company? you must not get out much

Medical bills prompt more than 60 percent of U.S. bankruptcies -

Medical Bills Are the Biggest Cause of US Bankruptcies: Study

LOL, in your little head you think you made a point :)

Plan were hardly EVER cancelled...and they could ONLY be rescinded on an individual basis for fraud by the insured...but I'm sure you knew that. (rolling eyes)

The ACA caused ALL non compliant plans to be cancelled, which were ALL of them...but I'm sure you knew that too ;)

No, I've NEVER had a procedure denied.

Do you actually think that people who make minimum wage will be able to afford to pay $6350, or 12700 if two families have an incident?

You must not get out much....


"Fraud" was not confirming a "condition" that a patient may not have been aware of..

Anything was "fraud".

Listen, we ranked like 38th in terms of overall healthcare worldwide.

It's great if you are very rich..not so much if you are not..

45,000 people were dying a year due to lack of healthcare..I didn't make that up.

And most bankruptcies were happening because of illness.

If that were not the case, President Obama would not have won twice.

And back to the original premise of the thread?

Conservatives actually love when people are miserable.

The funny part of that is..they usually win elections, for some strange reason in this country, when people are not miserable.

I am not a "conservative" nor do I know what they are "conserving"



Most of your posts are about god, country, small government and guns.

Sometime you throw in a "Obama is supporting Terrorists" overseas or some other nonsense like that.

If it walks like a duck..

Provide a link to any post where I supported invading any country .

Provide a link to any post where I supported the military industrial complex.



Still waiting.............


Still waiting for what?

The majority of the focus of your posts is for wiping out the social safety net.

You give lip service to our huge military every so often, but if a conservative was in power?

We wouldn't hear much from you folks.

I vote for that.
Well it's become quite clear that Republican/Conservatives took the information gleaned by their multiple losses and are using it to keep up a "Misery Offensive". Basically that's the only thing that worked in 2010. That's when Conservatives convinced most of the nation their lives were going to be SO MISERABLE as a result of Democratic policies that they had better elect bat shit crazy tea party candidates to thwart the effort. This produced the Sequester, 42 attempts to repeal the ACA, a government shutdown that cost the economy 24 billion dollars, 55 actual bills being passed through congress (A record low), a slowing of hiring, cutting of vital services to the needy nation wide and 11 million people with legal statuses in limbo. They did all that, and turn around blame Democrats. Well that didn't work in Virginia or New York which both went Democrat. The only Republican winning big was Christie and that may well be because he showed he could work with Democrats to solve problems.

This should have been an indication that making life miserable for people and then blaming your opponents is not good governance and doesn't win elections. There are several bills in the house that if passed would make life better for people. Raising the minimum wage, the immigration reform act and the farm bill. What do Conservatives want to do?

Keep on making people miserable.

Let's see how that works come 2014.


Yes, also known as the right’s ‘Gloom ‘n’ Doom’ Offensive, the consequence of conservatives having nothing of value to offer with regard to sound policy or responsible governance.

Instead they maintain a tedious, steady drumbeat of negativity and bad news; the goal of which is to create a false perception among voters, and to ‘blame’ democrats by inference.

If Republicans are on your own.

That was just so upbeat.
That's when Conservatives convinced most of the nation their lives were going to be SO MISERABLE as a result of Democratic policies that they had better elect bat shit crazy tea party candidates to thwart the effort

You haven't been following the news lately, have you swallow? Turns out they were right, Obamacare has been a disaster to people, companies and the economy. The Democrats are creating lots and lots of misery.

And that you consider it "bat shit crazy" to think the government spends too much and taxes are too high is a pretty clear indication of how reality deprived you are. You need to open your eyes and stop swallowing the lies of politicians.
Individual plans were cancelled & renewed yearly before the ACA became law. The plans just weren't that good. 60% of bankruptcies were due to medical bills and many of those even had *cough* "insurance". You never had any procedure denied by an insurance company? you must not get out much

Medical bills prompt more than 60 percent of U.S. bankruptcies -

Medical Bills Are the Biggest Cause of US Bankruptcies: Study

LOL, in your little head you think you made a point :)

Plan were hardly EVER cancelled...and they could ONLY be rescinded on an individual basis for fraud by the insured...but I'm sure you knew that. (rolling eyes)

The ACA caused ALL non compliant plans to be cancelled, which were ALL of them...but I'm sure you knew that too ;)

No, I've NEVER had a procedure denied.

Do you actually think that people who make minimum wage will be able to afford to pay $6350, or 12700 if two families have an incident?

You must not get out much....


"Fraud" was not confirming a "condition" that a patient may not have been aware of..

Anything was "fraud".

Listen, we ranked like 38th in terms of overall healthcare worldwide.

It's great if you are very rich..not so much if you are not..

45,000 people were dying a year due to lack of healthcare..I didn't make that up.

And most bankruptcies were happening because of illness.

If that were not the case, President Obama would not have won twice.

And back to the original premise of the thread?

Conservatives actually love when people are miserable.

The funny part of that is..they usually win elections, for some strange reason in this country, when people are not miserable.


"Fraud" was not confirming a "condition" that a patient may not have been aware of..

Anything was "fraud".

Well except they would then have to able to "prove" that the insured committed said fraud, sorry.
Insurance could NEVER arbitrarily cancel anyone..

45,000 people were dying a year due to lack of healthcare.

Well except that people were not denied healthcare.....they could not be refused, sorry.

Conservatives actually love when people are miserable

In your opinion of course....(rolling eyes)
When are radical lefties going to come to grips with the fact that their guy is in the White House and democrats control the senate? Tell your guy to lead, follow or get the hell out of the way and quit the constant freaking neverending whining. .
No links? I provided two. Stop wasting my time Skippy :eusa_hand:

Individual plans were cancelled & renewed yearly before the ACA became law. The plans just weren't that good. 60% of bankruptcies were due to medical bills and many of those even had *cough* "insurance". You never had any procedure denied by an insurance company? you must not get out much

Medical bills prompt more than 60 percent of U.S. bankruptcies -

Medical Bills Are the Biggest Cause of US Bankruptcies: Study

LOL, in your little head you think you made a point :)

Plan were hardly EVER cancelled...and they could ONLY be rescinded on an individual basis for fraud by the insured...but I'm sure you knew that. (rolling eyes)

The ACA caused ALL non compliant plans to be cancelled, which were ALL of them...but I'm sure you knew that too ;)

No, I've NEVER had a procedure denied.

Do you actually think that people who make minimum wage will be able to afford to pay $6350, or 12700 if two families have an incident?

You must not get out much....

No links? I provided two. Stop wasting my time Skippy :eusa_hand:

Individual plans were cancelled & renewed yearly before the ACA became law. The plans just weren't that good. 60% of bankruptcies were due to medical bills and many of those even had *cough* "insurance". You never had any procedure denied by an insurance company? you must not get out much

Medical bills prompt more than 60 percent of U.S. bankruptcies -

Medical Bills Are the Biggest Cause of US Bankruptcies: Study

LOL, in your little head you think you made a point :)

Plan were hardly EVER cancelled...and they could ONLY be rescinded on an individual basis for fraud by the insured...but I'm sure you knew that. (rolling eyes)

The ACA caused ALL non compliant plans to be cancelled, which were ALL of them...but I'm sure you knew that too ;)

No, I've NEVER had a procedure denied.

Do you actually think that people who make minimum wage will be able to afford to pay $6350, or 12700 if two families have an incident?

You must not get out much....


Dot baby, you posted two links about bankruptcies NOT why plans were aren't very good at this.
I am not a "conservative" nor do I know what they are "conserving"



Most of your posts are about god, country, small government and guns.

Sometime you throw in a "Obama is supporting Terrorists" overseas or some other nonsense like that.

If it walks like a duck..

In other words, he represents what’s wrong with conservatives.
My gawd but you're a worthless debater :eusa_doh: I showed that previous plans were nothing to write home about. You on the other hand provided your "opinion" :rofl:

I'm done w/ "this one". Come back when you learn some debating skills w/ links to sources :thup:
No links? I provided two. Stop wasting my time Skippy :eusa_hand:

Individual plans were cancelled & renewed yearly before the ACA became law. The plans just weren't that good. 60% of bankruptcies were due to medical bills and many of those even had *cough* "insurance". You never had any procedure denied by an insurance company? you must not get out much

Medical bills prompt more than 60 percent of U.S. bankruptcies -

Medical Bills Are the Biggest Cause of US Bankruptcies: Study

LOL, in your little head you think you made a point :)

Plan were hardly EVER cancelled...and they could ONLY be rescinded on an individual basis for fraud by the insured...but I'm sure you knew that. (rolling eyes)

The ACA caused ALL non compliant plans to be cancelled, which were ALL of them...but I'm sure you knew that too ;)

No, I've NEVER had a procedure denied.

Do you actually think that people who make minimum wage will be able to afford to pay $6350, or 12700 if two families have an incident?

You must not get out much....


Dot baby, you posted two links about bankruptcies NOT why plans were aren't very good at this.
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It’s likely gotten to the point where conservatives and republicans have forgotten how to govern responsibly.

They've set the system up through the watering down of the BCRA & bringing Citizens United that pols have to spend 60%+ of their time raising money and NOT governing as a consequence. All they care about is keeping their seat at the taxpayer-funded trough. :thup:
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Most administrations have had to deal with a majority in the other party somewhere or sometime during the administration but the radical libs have turned it into a crusade. Has anyone ever heard such pathetic whining by the majority party? It's an indication of course that the president has little or no leadership ability and democrats are desperate to shift blame for the last five years of negligence.

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