The Republican Party has been hijacked

Life will never be fair but some want to work to make it more fair.
Some like to keep others down to increase their opportunity. People like you.
In the 1800's you would be telling slaves that life is not fair live with it.

And the more "fair" you make it for some, makes it "unfair" for others. Again... Fairness displaces Liberty.

The ones who want to keep the poor down are Democrats who exploit the poor for political gain. Conservatives believe a rising tide floats all boats. We believe in "helping the poor" by empowering them, not making them a dependent class. You want to keep them shackled to the Democrat Plantation.

In the 1800s, I would have been a Republican leading the charge to end slavery. Standing side-by-side with Quaker ministers who formed the abolition movement and arguing against people like you... Democrats.
People who have advantage and the playing field is made even then think they are discriminated against.

Quit whining Boss if your advantage is taken away.

I agree that everyone should support themselves, not the government.

But people like you want to keep institutionalized discrimination giving you advantage. You rely on government non-action to help you.

You are a very simple minded thinker. Democrats and Republicans are not all alike and are very different from generation to generation. What do you think about Theodore Roosevelt worker rights legislation.

There has been no institutionalized discrimination aimed at giving white people an advantage in my lifetime.

The discrimination has been going the OTHER WAY, my entire life.

Your are not arguing for equality, you are arguing for anti-white discrimination.

You are a racist.
People who have advantage and the playing field is made even then think they are discriminated against.

Quit whining Boss if your advantage is taken away.

I agree that everyone should support themselves, not the government.

But people like you want to keep institutionalized discrimination giving you advantage. You rely on government non-action to help you.

You are a very simple minded thinker. Democrats and Republicans are not all alike and are very different from generation to generation. What do you think about Theodore Roosevelt worker rights legislation.

First of all, I am not the one whining... you are. The playing field is already even in America. There is no "institutionalized discrimination" and hasn't been in over 50 years. Again, this is a meme repeated by people who are never going to ever be satisfied. We can't tilt the tables far enough in your favor.

Any time I hear someone yelping about "the workers" it conjures up an image of the Socialist Workers Party of Russia. The Marxist arguments which have failed since they were rolled out in the 18th century and have been the cause of atrocities the likes humans have never seen before. If you don't like being a "worker" then be a BOSS! ...That's MY slogan! In America, that's possible... be thankful you live in such a great country!

The playing field is not level. There is institutionalized discrimination against working class and middle class whites.

Surely you are aware of the 300 point bonus for having black skin in ivy league college admissions?
People who have advantage and the playing field is made even then think they are discriminated against.

Quit whining Boss if your advantage is taken away.

I agree that everyone should support themselves, not the government.

But people like you want to keep institutionalized discrimination giving you advantage. You rely on government non-action to help you.

You are a very simple minded thinker. Democrats and Republicans are not all alike and are very different from generation to generation. What do you think about Theodore Roosevelt worker rights legislation.

First of all, I am not the one whining... you are. The playing field is already even in America. There is no "institutionalized discrimination" and hasn't been in over 50 years. Again, this is a meme repeated by people who are never going to ever be satisfied. We can't tilt the tables far enough in your favor.

Any time I hear someone yelping about "the workers" it conjures up an image of the Socialist Workers Party of Russia. The Marxist arguments which have failed since they were rolled out in the 18th century and have been the cause of atrocities the likes humans have never seen before. If you don't like being a "worker" then be a BOSS! ...That's MY slogan! In America, that's possible... be thankful you live in such a great country!
"There is no "institutionalized discrimination" and hasn't been in over 50 years."
Pull your head out of your butt, Boss
You are an idiot
The Republican party has been hijacked by a bunch of half-witted, moronic, misogynist, racist, fearful individuals. They are not driven by conservative values but driven by fear because the world has passed them by. They want a candidate who will change the world so they do not have to change.
These are not the type of Republican who supported Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and Reagan.
They do not have the intelligence to understand the writings of William F Buckley or George Will.

They are the people who nominated Trump.
They are getting who they are and what they deserve in Trump.

The party has been infiltrated by Rinos since longer than you were born. Trump the messiah has come to cleanse the table.
The Republican party has been hijacked by a bunch of half-witted, moronic, misogynist, racist, fearful individuals. They are not driven by conservative values but driven by fear because the world has passed them by. They want a candidate who will change the world so they do not have to change.
These are not the type of Republican who supported Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and Reagan.
They do not have the intelligence to understand the writings of William F Buckley or George Will.

They are the people who nominated Trump.
They are getting who they are and what they deserve in Trump.
"There is no "institutionalized discrimination" and hasn't been in over 50 years."
Pull your head out of your butt, Boss
You are an idiot

Well if there is, it's like Correll said, it's in the opposite direction. I suppose you could say Affirmative Action IS institutionalized discrimination.... how else would you define it?

As for discrimination based on race, creed or gender, the Civil Rights Act covers that and the ACLU represents people every day who have been unfairly discriminated against. You can tell me to pull my head out of my butt and call me names but you've cited no examples to back your claim... therefore, it appears YOU need to pull YOUR head out of your butt... Idiot.
The Republican party has been hijacked by a bunch of half-witted, moronic, misogynist, racist, fearful individuals. They are not driven by conservative values but driven by fear because the world has passed them by. They want a candidate who will change the world so they do not have to change.
These are not the type of Republican who supported Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and Reagan.
They do not have the intelligence to understand the writings of William F Buckley or George Will.

They are the people who nominated Trump.
They are getting who they are and what they deserve in Trump.

Trump is the only one of the GOP pack willing to call out Hillary for the corrupt fraud and criminal she is. He is exactly the candidate the GOP needs.
Trump is the only one of the GOP pack willing to call out Hillary for the corrupt fraud and criminal she is. He is exactly the candidate the GOP needs.

Hey, I am really starting to see the light on this. I haven't been a big Trump fan... I voted for Cruz. Trump says a lot of things I totally disagree with and he makes me cringe sometimes with his remarks and tweets... but... given the nature of this despicable bunch of lying shit stains we are facing from the left... he might be just the candidate we need.

I don't know what kind of president he'll be, could be one of the best, could be one of the worst... but I do know what kind of president Hillary Clinton will be. And the thing about Trump is... he's not going to be like Bush and sit there taking undeserved shit because he thinks it's beneath him to respond... He won't be like McCain, afraid to confront them when they go sleazy... and he won't be like Romney, falling all over himself to apologize for being wealthy and successful. He'll turn the fucking blowtorches on and singe some ass hairs.

The speech he gave this week was golden. I think he made a LOT of headway with the Cruz Conservatives by taking Hillary to the woodshed. If he stays on that message and can break his addiction to Twitter, he can win this thing.

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