The Republican Party has been hijacked

Congrats on your boys win last night. Curry slumped. Lebron met the challenge. Allahu Akbar!
lebron hu Akbar :dance::dance:
The Republican party has been hijacked by a bunch of half-witted, moronic, misogynist, racist, fearful individuals. They are not driven by conservative values but driven by fear because the world has passed them by. They want a candidate who will change the world so Staty do not have to change.
These are not the type of Republican who supported Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and Reagan.
They do not have the intelligence to understand the writings of William F Buckley or George Will.

They are the people who nominated Trump.
They are getting who they are and what they deserve in Trump.

Well, that was really stupid.

Trump won the most votes in the Primaries.

THat you consider that a form of hijacking just shows how dim you are.

"Fear of change"? What complete nonsense.

Trump is a big change from the status quo. Who's afraid of that?

Not me.

And I agree. I deserve a Candidate who has as much contempt for the pusher of Political Correctness and the media whores show push it, as I do.

Fuck the media.
Trump is basically offering to roll the clock back to where white men and the USA dominated the world economy.
Even if he is elected you need to understand that white men no longer dominate, the US is the stongest economy but many other economies are gaining on the USA. The powers causing this to happen will not change.
These fearful, insecure people need to live in the world the way it is not the way they wished it was. They need to realize sexism and racism will not keep them in jobs they do not deserve.
If white men no longer dominate, then "racism" and "sexism" are absolutely irrelevant in the current context that we use them.

If white men are no longer dominant, then "white privilege" no longer can even exist; and the current quota and affirmative action programs used to fight this mythical "white privilege" serve as nothing more than a system of oppression against white men.

If white men are no longer dominant, then we have every right to fight any "change" that the Democrats propose, as this is, by definition, discriminatory in a systemic fashion against us.

If white men are no longer dominant, then the time has come for social justice warriors to listen to what white men have say, instead of being fearful and insecure about equality.
Why did the GOP change from a fiscally conservative party in 1998 to the big spending disgrace it is today??

Is Rupert Murdoch a "catholic" and a "conservative," or a JDAAC Bill Clinton supporter???
You think Trump is a fiscal conservative?
Do you know what it would cost to deport 11 million illegals. Do you really think Mexico will pay for the wall? Do you know what that costs. His budget has been predicted to increase the deficit by more than any budget of 2016 presidential candidates except Sanders.
Trump is not a fiscal conservative.
Do you know what it costs to import and support 11 million illegals for their entire lives?
The Republican party is not the one whose only candidates are an ancient, corrupt, lying, criminal being investigated fro crimes under the Espionage Act and an old admitted Socialist by all rights defeated Hillary for the nomination....EXCEPT for the rigger Super delegate system and voter fraud during the primaries that ensured Hillary's 'victory'.
The Republican party has been hijacked by a bunch of half-witted, moronic, misogynist, racist, fearful individuals. They are not driven by conservative values but driven by fear because the world has passed them by. They want a candidate who will change the world so Staty do not have to change.
These are not the type of Republican who supported Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and Reagan.
They do not have the intelligence to understand the writings of William F Buckley or George Will.

They are the people who nominated Trump.
They are getting who they are and what they deserve in Trump.

Well, that was really stupid.

Trump won the most votes in the Primaries.

THat you consider that a form of hijacking just shows how dim you are.

"Fear of change"? What complete nonsense.

Trump is a big change from the status quo. Who's afraid of that?

Not me.

And I agree. I deserve a Candidate who has as much contempt for the pusher of Political Correctness and the media whores show push it, as I do.

Fuck the media.
Trump is basically offering to roll the clock back to where white men and the USA dominated the world economy.
Even if he is elected you need to understand that white men no longer dominate, the US is the stongest economy but many other economies are gaining on the USA. The powers causing this to happen will not change.
These fearful, insecure people need to live in the world the way it is not the way they wished it was. They need to realize sexism and racism will not keep them in jobs they do not deserve.
If white men no longer dominate, then "racism" and "sexism" are absolutely irrelevant in the current context that we use them.

If white men are no longer dominant, then "white privilege" no longer can even exist; and the current quota and affirmative action programs used to fight this mythical "white privilege" serve as nothing more than a system of oppression against white men.

If white men are no longer dominant, then we have every right to fight any "change" that the Democrats propose, as this is, by definition, discriminatory in a systemic fashion against us.

If white men are no longer dominant, then the time has come for social justice warriors to listen to what white men have say, instead of being fearful and insecure about equality.
White men do not dominate like they have in the past, they still dominate in too many areas of our society.
White men should not be oppressed they need to give up their feeling of entitlement and realize they must earn what they get. They should be on equal footing with women and men of all races. NO ENTITLEMENT
Why did the GOP change from a fiscally conservative party in 1998 to the big spending disgrace it is today??

Is Rupert Murdoch a "catholic" and a "conservative," or a JDAAC Bill Clinton supporter???
You think Trump is a fiscal conservative?
Do you know what it would cost to deport 11 million illegals. Do you really think Mexico will pay for the wall? Do you know what that costs. His budget has been predicted to increase the deficit by more than any budget of 2016 presidential candidates except Sanders.
Trump is not a fiscal conservative.
Do you know what it costs to import and support 11 million illegals for their entire lives?
It is not that simple. Those on the dole should be gone. Most are working providing cheap labor for US companies so we all receive cheaper goods and service. Many pay taxes.
You cannot paint all illegals with the same brush. The goal of soimple minded people who cannot get their mind around the differences in people of different, races, nationalities and sexes.
Donald Trump is their pied piper.
Lawsuit Accuses Donald Trump Of Raping Teenage Girl In 1994
Gothamist - ‎

Lawsuit Accuses Donald Trump Of Raping Teenage Girl In 1994
by Emma Whitford in News on Jun 20, 2016 5:20 pm


A federal lawsuit filed Monday in New York accuses Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump of repeatedly raping a 13-year-old girl more than 20 years ago, at several Upper East Side parties hosted by convicted sex offender and notorious billionaire investor Jeffrey Epstein.

The suit, first reported by the Real Deal, accuses Trump and Epstein of luring the anonymous plaintiff and other young women to four parties at Epstein's so-called Wexner Mansion at 9 East 71st Street. Epstein allegedly lured the plaintiff, identified in the suit only as Jane Doe, with promises of a modeling career and cash
hijacked? like an airplane? are all the republican voters simply buckled into seats along for the ride? anyone with a box-cutter can just take control and crash it into the capitol building at any time? the answer is no because the republican party doesn't organize the same way as the democratic party. op is merely looking for some context to throw cheap, meaningless and altogether false accusations.
The problem is, Conservatives are left with no winning strategy here. We can't back Trump and we sure as hell can't back Hillary. Either of them will be disastrous for the Conservative movement... but it is going to be one or the other.

The GOP should have backed Ted Cruz. But they had such a hard on to defeat Cruz they allowed Trump to sneak in and win the nomination. Now it's a fricking nightmare and there is no good outcome. I think the GOP will cease to be a viable political party within the next 10 years. You're going to see the emergence of a new "Constitutional" or "Conservative" party and they will replace the GOP.

Conservatives who have backed Trump have done so at their own peril. You will end up forever being tied to him and you've lost your credibility as a Conservative. You're already having to sell out your principles and are continually being put in the awkward position of having to defend his outrageous remarks. This is not going to end well for you.

I personally think Hillary, as awful a candidate as she is, will ultimately win the election and Republicans will likely lose the House and Senate in the down ballot races. Our Supreme Court will ostensibly become a LIBERAL Supreme Court and the entire Liberal agenda will be unleashed on America. We're out of time to change things... Four or eight years down the road is too late... the damage will be done and we will have to live with it for the next 50 years, at least.
The Republican party has been hijacked by a bunch of half-witted, moronic, misogynist, racist, fearful individuals. They are not driven by conservative values but driven by fear because the world has passed them by. They want a candidate who will change the world so Staty do not have to change.
These are not the type of Republican who supported Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and Reagan.
They do not have the intelligence to understand the writings of William F Buckley or George Will.

They are the people who nominated Trump.
They are getting who they are and what they deserve in Trump.

Well, that was really stupid.

Trump won the most votes in the Primaries.

THat you consider that a form of hijacking just shows how dim you are.

"Fear of change"? What complete nonsense.

Trump is a big change from the status quo. Who's afraid of that?

Not me.

And I agree. I deserve a Candidate who has as much contempt for the pusher of Political Correctness and the media whores show push it, as I do.

Fuck the media.
Trump is basically offering to roll the clock back to where white men and the USA dominated the world economy.
Even if he is elected you need to understand that white men no longer dominate, the US is the stongest economy but many other economies are gaining on the USA. The powers causing this to happen will not change.
These fearful, insecure people need to live in the world the way it is not the way they wished it was. They need to realize sexism and racism will not keep them in jobs they do not deserve.
If white men no longer dominate, then "racism" and "sexism" are absolutely irrelevant in the current context that we use them.

If white men are no longer dominant, then "white privilege" no longer can even exist; and the current quota and affirmative action programs used to fight this mythical "white privilege" serve as nothing more than a system of oppression against white men.

If white men are no longer dominant, then we have every right to fight any "change" that the Democrats propose, as this is, by definition, discriminatory in a systemic fashion against us.

If white men are no longer dominant, then the time has come for social justice warriors to listen to what white men have say, instead of being fearful and insecure about equality.
White men do not dominate like they have in the past, they still dominate in too many areas of our society.
White men should not be oppressed they need to give up their feeling of entitlement and realize they must earn what they get. They should be on equal footing with women and men of all races. NO ENTITLEMENT

Your claim of White Entitlement is a deeply offensive insult to every White who has had to work hard for what they have.

It is an even deeper insult to every poor white who has had to work hard for what they DON'T have.

You keep pissing on people long enough, eventually they are going to realize that it is NOT raining, no matter how fucking loud you tell them it is, or how much you convince yourself.

Are you purposefully trying to tear this nation apart?
Why did the GOP change from a fiscally conservative party in 1998 to the big spending disgrace it is today??

Is Rupert Murdoch a "catholic" and a "conservative," or a JDAAC Bill Clinton supporter???
You think Trump is a fiscal conservative?
Do you know what it would cost to deport 11 million illegals. Do you really think Mexico will pay for the wall? Do you know what that costs. His budget has been predicted to increase the deficit by more than any budget of 2016 presidential candidates except Sanders.
Trump is not a fiscal conservative.
Do you know what it costs to import and support 11 million illegals for their entire lives?
It is not that simple. Those on the dole should be gone. Most are working providing cheap labor for US companies so we all receive cheaper goods and service. Many pay taxes.
You cannot paint all illegals with the same brush. The goal of soimple minded people who cannot get their mind around the differences in people of different, races, nationalities and sexes.
Donald Trump is their pied piper.

Cheap labor, by definition, is lowering the wages of their competitors.

This is a real issue for those who lives are literally POORER because of it.

For you to insult their intelligence because they want better wages is insanely rude of you.

Are you purposefully trying to tear this nation apart?
The problem is, Conservatives are left with no winning strategy here. We can't back Trump and we sure as hell can't back Hillary. Either of them will be disastrous for the Conservative movement... but it is going to be one or the other.

The GOP should have backed Ted Cruz. But they had such a hard on to defeat Cruz they allowed Trump to sneak in and win the nomination. Now it's a fricking nightmare and there is no good outcome. I think the GOP will cease to be a viable political party within the next 10 years. You're going to see the emergence of a new "Constitutional" or "Conservative" party and they will replace the GOP.

Conservatives who have backed Trump have done so at their own peril. You will end up forever being tied to him and you've lost your credibility as a Conservative. You're already having to sell out your principles and are continually being put in the awkward position of having to defend his outrageous remarks. This is not going to end well for you.

I personally think Hillary, as awful a candidate as she is, will ultimately win the election and Republicans will likely lose the House and Senate in the down ballot races. Our Supreme Court will ostensibly become a LIBERAL Supreme Court and the entire Liberal agenda will be unleashed on America. We're out of time to change things... Four or eight years down the road is too late... the damage will be done and we will have to live with it for the next 50 years, at least.

The demographic trends driving that have been in place since the 60s.

Blaming Trump is senseless.

Trump is drawing the Working CLass White dem across party lines.

That is a step in the right direction.

His style is so different from what minorities have been led to expect from rich whites, that I believe that a successful TRump Presidency COULD make some headway in the lock the dems have on minorities.
The Republican party has been hijacked by a bunch of half-witted, moronic, misogynist, racist, fearful individuals. They are not driven by conservative values but driven by fear because the world has passed them by. They want a candidate who will change the world so Staty do not have to change.
These are not the type of Republican who supported Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and Reagan.
They do not have the intelligence to understand the writings of William F Buckley or George Will.

They are the people who nominated Trump.
They are getting who they are and what they deserve in Trump.

Well, that was really stupid.

Trump won the most votes in the Primaries.

THat you consider that a form of hijacking just shows how dim you are.

"Fear of change"? What complete nonsense.

Trump is a big change from the status quo. Who's afraid of that?

Not me.

And I agree. I deserve a Candidate who has as much contempt for the pusher of Political Correctness and the media whores show push it, as I do.

Fuck the media.
Trump is basically offering to roll the clock back to where white men and the USA dominated the world economy.
Even if he is elected you need to understand that white men no longer dominate, the US is the stongest economy but many other economies are gaining on the USA. The powers causing this to happen will not change.
These fearful, insecure people need to live in the world the way it is not the way they wished it was. They need to realize sexism and racism will not keep them in jobs they do not deserve.
If white men no longer dominate, then "racism" and "sexism" are absolutely irrelevant in the current context that we use them.

If white men are no longer dominant, then "white privilege" no longer can even exist; and the current quota and affirmative action programs used to fight this mythical "white privilege" serve as nothing more than a system of oppression against white men.

If white men are no longer dominant, then we have every right to fight any "change" that the Democrats propose, as this is, by definition, discriminatory in a systemic fashion against us.

If white men are no longer dominant, then the time has come for social justice warriors to listen to what white men have say, instead of being fearful and insecure about equality.
White men do not dominate like they have in the past, they still dominate in too many areas of our society.
White men should not be oppressed they need to give up their feeling of entitlement and realize they must earn what they get. They should be on equal footing with women and men of all races. NO ENTITLEMENT
Almost all white men earn what they get.

There is nothing in place to give white men a leg up in this society.
Why do you try telling this guy about how easy whites have it?


Or maybe this one?

The Republican party has been hijacked by a bunch of half-witted, moronic, misogynist, racist, fearful individuals. They are not driven by conservative values but driven by fear because the world has passed them by. They want a candidate who will change the world so Staty do not have to change.
These are not the type of Republican who supported Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and Reagan.
They do not have the intelligence to understand the writings of William F Buckley or George Will.

They are the people who nominated Trump.
They are getting who they are and what they deserve in Trump.

Well, that was really stupid.

Trump won the most votes in the Primaries.

THat you consider that a form of hijacking just shows how dim you are.

"Fear of change"? What complete nonsense.

Trump is a big change from the status quo. Who's afraid of that?

Not me.

And I agree. I deserve a Candidate who has as much contempt for the pusher of Political Correctness and the media whores show push it, as I do.

Fuck the media.
Trump is basically offering to roll the clock back to where white men and the USA dominated the world economy.
Even if he is elected you need to understand that white men no longer dominate, the US is the stongest economy but many other economies are gaining on the USA. The powers causing this to happen will not change.
These fearful, insecure people need to live in the world the way it is not the way they wished it was. They need to realize sexism and racism will not keep them in jobs they do not deserve.
If white men no longer dominate, then "racism" and "sexism" are absolutely irrelevant in the current context that we use them.

If white men are no longer dominant, then "white privilege" no longer can even exist; and the current quota and affirmative action programs used to fight this mythical "white privilege" serve as nothing more than a system of oppression against white men.

If white men are no longer dominant, then we have every right to fight any "change" that the Democrats propose, as this is, by definition, discriminatory in a systemic fashion against us.

If white men are no longer dominant, then the time has come for social justice warriors to listen to what white men have say, instead of being fearful and insecure about equality.
White men do not dominate like they have in the past, they still dominate in too many areas of our society.
White men should not be oppressed they need to give up their feeling of entitlement and realize they must earn what they get. They should be on equal footing with women and men of all races. NO ENTITLEMENT
Almost all white men earn what they get.

There is nothing in place to give white men a leg up in this society.
I am a white man and I have had more opportunity than the vast majority of minorities. It is not all whites and all minorities have the same situation but the majority.
If you do not understand white privilege you are an idiot.
There are plenty of whites that do not do as well as many minorities but it because they do noth have the right skills where minorities do.
It is whites without skills that feel they are owed a job without gaining a skill in demand in the job market.
They are counting on Trump getting them jobs. It will not happen.
I am a white man and I have had more opportunity than the vast majority of minorities. It is not all whites and all minorities have the same situation but the majority.
If you do not understand white privilege you are an idiot.
There are plenty of whites that do not do as well as many minorities but it because they do noth have the right skills where minorities do.
It is whites without skills that feel they are owed a job without gaining a skill in demand in the job market.
They are counting on Trump getting them jobs. It will not happen.

Let me explain to you what's NOT going to happen. Life is never going to be fair. There will always be some people who will have more than others. There will always be some who seem to catch more breaks or have better luck. There will always be majorities and minorities. There will always be a Top 1%. Some people will always be poor... in need of health care... struggling to survive... while other people will seemingly have no problems whatsoever.

We can never make life fair for everyone. The closest thing to a "fair for all" society on this planet is North Korea. Aside from the ruling class, virtually everyone else has the same thing. They are far from happy. Absolute fairness cannot exist with freedom. The more fairness you achieve, the less freedom you have.

"White privilege" is a term created by socialist liberals to combat free market capitalism. To destroy our western culture and civilization. It is yet another attempt to blame the failures of some on the success of others and that mindset has to stop. I don't give a good goddamn what race you are, in this country, you are free to be anything you want to be and achieve any level of success you wish to achieve. I know black people who've done it.. brown people.. red people.. yellow people... doesn't matter what color they are. You want to know how they DIDN'T do it? By blaming others and whining about things being unfair.

Since about 1965, we've had laws in place to protect minorities from discrimination in hiring and housing as well as educational opportunity and voting rights... and just listen to yourself... you act like none of that ever happened. For 50 years, we've been doing what you claim we need to do.... yet it's not enough for you... it's never enough. It's never going to be enough. We passed your health care reform 8 years ago and there are STILL people bitching and moaning about the lack of health if nothing had ever been done. For 82 years, we've had national minimum wage which we've raised periodically... it was established in order to provide a "living wage" for the poor.... has it worked? Obviously not, you're still whining about a "living wage" and the plight of the poor and our poverty level is basically unchanged over the past 50 years. Black-on-black crime and gangland activity has spiraled out of control and all you seem to want to do is exploit those statistics so you can take people's right to bear arms away.

I think most of America is simply tired of your shit. We're tired of constantly being beaten over the head and made to feel ashamed of our successes and accomplishments. We're tired of a dependent class who simply don't have any appreciation whatsoever for the many things that have been done to help them. And most of all, we're tired of white liberal guilt. If you don't feel like you deserve what you have because you're white... then donate all your worldly goods to a minority and go live in a fucking cardboard box!
Well, that was really stupid.

Trump won the most votes in the Primaries.

THat you consider that a form of hijacking just shows how dim you are.

"Fear of change"? What complete nonsense.

Trump is a big change from the status quo. Who's afraid of that?

Not me.

And I agree. I deserve a Candidate who has as much contempt for the pusher of Political Correctness and the media whores show push it, as I do.

Fuck the media.
Trump is basically offering to roll the clock back to where white men and the USA dominated the world economy.
Even if he is elected you need to understand that white men no longer dominate, the US is the stongest economy but many other economies are gaining on the USA. The powers causing this to happen will not change.
These fearful, insecure people need to live in the world the way it is not the way they wished it was. They need to realize sexism and racism will not keep them in jobs they do not deserve.
If white men no longer dominate, then "racism" and "sexism" are absolutely irrelevant in the current context that we use them.

If white men are no longer dominant, then "white privilege" no longer can even exist; and the current quota and affirmative action programs used to fight this mythical "white privilege" serve as nothing more than a system of oppression against white men.

If white men are no longer dominant, then we have every right to fight any "change" that the Democrats propose, as this is, by definition, discriminatory in a systemic fashion against us.

If white men are no longer dominant, then the time has come for social justice warriors to listen to what white men have say, instead of being fearful and insecure about equality.
White men do not dominate like they have in the past, they still dominate in too many areas of our society.
White men should not be oppressed they need to give up their feeling of entitlement and realize they must earn what they get. They should be on equal footing with women and men of all races. NO ENTITLEMENT
Almost all white men earn what they get.

There is nothing in place to give white men a leg up in this society.
I am a white man and I have had more opportunity than the vast majority of minorities. It is not all whites and all minorities have the same situation but the majority.

How do you know that? Have you been in the rooms where those employers that did not hire you discussed their hiring decisions? Are you aware of the 300 point bonus in college admissions that black skin gets you?

If you do not understand white privilege you are an idiot.

Unsupported Assertion and Personal Attack. No other content to address.

There are plenty of whites that do not do as well as many minorities but it because they do noth have the right skills where minorities do.

You are ignoring the reality of the way Civil Rights Law is applied.

Ricci v. DeStefano - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Eighteen city firefighters, seventeen of whom were white and one of whom was Hispanic, brought suit under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 after they had passed the test for promotions to management positions and the city declined to promote them. New Haven officials invalidated the test results because none of the black firefighters scored high enough to be considered for the positions. City officials stated that they feared a lawsuit over the test's disproportionate exclusion of certain racial groups from promotion under the controversial "disparate impact" theory of liability"

THe whites were qualified, the blacks were not. The city refused to promote the whites because they were afraid they would get sued.

The reality is that unqualified or less qualified minorities are promoted over whites for fear of being sued.

It is whites without skills that feel they are owed a job without gaining a skill in demand in the job market.
They are counting on Trump getting them jobs. It will not happen.[/QUOTE]


As I demonstrated above.
Why did the GOP change from a fiscally conservative party in 1998 to the big spending disgrace it is today??

Is Rupert Murdoch a "catholic" and a "conservative," or a JDAAC Bill Clinton supporter???
You think Trump is a fiscal conservative?
Do you know what it would cost to deport 11 million illegals. Do you really think Mexico will pay for the wall? Do you know what that costs. His budget has been predicted to increase the deficit by more than any budget of 2016 presidential candidates except Sanders.
Trump is not a fiscal conservative.
Do you know what it costs to import and support 11 million illegals for their entire lives?
It is not that simple. Those on the dole should be gone. Most are working providing cheap labor for US companies so we all receive cheaper goods and service. Many pay taxes.
You cannot paint all illegals with the same brush. The goal of soimple minded people who cannot get their mind around the differences in people of different, races, nationalities and sexes.
Donald Trump is their pied piper.

No complaining about low wages.....
It has been hijacked by a bunch of anti-government economic liberterians that don't even believe in maintaining this country. Republicans use to be the party of efficiency and common sense that led to the formation of nasa, epa, and our national parks.
Used to be. They are the official has-been party.

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