The Republican Rejection of Trump Has Begun

Why is it odd to you that all those judges laughed Trump's lawyers out of court?
Too far above your grade level to explain it to you. It’s obvious you have no brain to understand
Too far above your grade level to explain it to you. It’s obvious you have no brain to understand
Oh come on! Pretty please? Plese tell me why all those Trump appointed judges gave him his walking papers.
We've seen hints: FoxNews hyping Ron DeSantis, and some Republican electeds coming out opposed to Trump running in 2024. Now the money is starting to talk.

Ken Griffin, Top GOP Donor, Rules Out Backing a Trump Rerun

(Bloomberg) -- Hedge fund manager Ken Griffin, a major donor to Republicans, ruled out supporting Donald Trump for another run for president.

Key Speakers At The 2019 Milken Conference
© Bloomberg Key Speakers At The 2019 Milken Conference
Most Read from Bloomberg

“I think it’s time for America to move on,” he said in a discussion Monday with Erik Schatzker at the Economic Club of Chicago.

In the last election cycle, Griffin spent big on politics, giving $46 million to Republicans, making him the fourth-biggest individual GOP donor for the period, according to
He said Monday, however, that he has never financially supported Trump.

Trump’s tenure was not constructive for the country, Griffin said -- with the exception of his economic policies, which Griffin described as “pretty damn good.”

The former president was “so pointlessly divisive,” said Griffin, who added that he was “appalled” by Trump’s willingness to attack people based on where they came from or the color of their skin.

Griffin was among a number of financial executives who spoke with Trump during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, discussing topics including stimulus, fast tracking vaccines and ways to reopen the economy.

Donald Trump would be far too aged to hold the office again. Presidents need to be elected in the 35-50 age range. Personally I would like to see a maximum age of 50 for any candidate standing for any elected office official within the country, & a max age for holding any & all elected offices of 60. Get the senior citizens out of office BEFORE senility(McCain/Pelosi etc) sets in. Ron DeSantis is 43 yrs of age & obviously would be much swifter mentally than ANY person alive today that is 70+ yrs of age. Face it, youth is where it's @ in this world.
Donald Trump would be far too aged to hold the office again. Presidents need to be elected in the 35-50 age range. Personally I would like to see a maximum age of 50 for any candidate standing for any elected office official within the country, & a max age for holding any & all elected offices of 60. Get the senior citizens out of office BEFORE senility(McCain/Pelosi etc) sets in. Ron DeSantis is 43 yrs of age & obviously would be much swifter mentally than ANY person alive today that is 70+ yrs of age. Face it, youth is where it's @ in this world.
So much for freedom. You crazy libs also want to require a candidate to release his tax returns. Whatever happened to privacy?
So much for freedom. You crazy libs also want to require a candidate to release his tax returns. Whatever happened to privacy?
It was Trump who promised he would release them. It was Liberals who held his feet to the fire to keep his promise. That's crazy to you, huh?
It was Trump who promised he would release them. It was Liberals who held his feet to the fire to keep his promise. That's crazy to you, huh?
Why should he release them? If they say he's filthy rich, you libs will say rich people shouldn't be president. If they say his net worth is less than you thought it was, you libs will claim he inflated his value.
Disagreed with the premise.

The Grand Trump Party is not going anywhere…
"Why should he release them?"

Please read the message offered by poster Faun in #270.

Trump promised the people he would release them.
In fact, long before his candidacy he made a point of stating all Presidential candidates should release their returns.

He said he would do so.
He need be a man of his word.
He reneged on his word.

Can we be any clearer?
We've seen hints: FoxNews hyping Ron DeSantis, and some Republican electeds coming out opposed to Trump running in 2024. Now the money is starting to talk.

Ken Griffin, Top GOP Donor, Rules Out Backing a Trump Rerun

(Bloomberg) -- Hedge fund manager Ken Griffin, a major donor to Republicans, ruled out supporting Donald Trump for another run for president.

Key Speakers At The 2019 Milken Conference
© Bloomberg Key Speakers At The 2019 Milken Conference
Most Read from Bloomberg

“I think it’s time for America to move on,” he said in a discussion Monday with Erik Schatzker at the Economic Club of Chicago.

In the last election cycle, Griffin spent big on politics, giving $46 million to Republicans, making him the fourth-biggest individual GOP donor for the period, according to
He said Monday, however, that he has never financially supported Trump.

Trump’s tenure was not constructive for the country, Griffin said -- with the exception of his economic policies, which Griffin described as “pretty damn good.”

The former president was “so pointlessly divisive,” said Griffin, who added that he was “appalled” by Trump’s willingness to attack people based on where they came from or the color of their skin.

Griffin was among a number of financial executives who spoke with Trump during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, discussing topics including stimulus, fast tracking vaccines and ways to reopen the economy.

Excellent points...

Needlessly divisive. Trump is not suited to being president.
Why should he release them? If they say he's filthy rich, you libs will say rich people shouldn't be president. If they say his net worth is less than you thought it was, you libs will claim he inflated his value.
He should have released them because he said he absolutely would.
Because cults gotta cult.
And you promote men and women in leadership positions who have allowed the children of parents to be raped in schools. And if the parents complain they will eventually be sent to gulags or concentration camps a domestic terrorists.

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