The Republican Tax Cut Myth

Why would I leave? You want to turn us into a third world country.

No, that's you. You can get your wish immediately by moving. Cuba has all its laws just the way you like them.

No I understand the importance of taxes. We wouldn't be the strongest country in the world without them. You hillbillies want no taxes and a 3rd world country.

When you say "strongest" you mean in the sense of a totalitarian dictatorship. Imposing our will on other countries isn't something I see as desirable.

I mean we have the strongest economy in the world. We have the strongest military in the world. I'm really not interested in imposing ourselves on other countries, but I sure like not worrying about being attacked.
When you loot 330 million people, you can afford a strong military.

All those people get quite a lot for the money. Go move to afghanistan and tell me you wouldn't rather pay some taxes to live here.
That's just pure bullshit. If someone is raped, do you tell her "if you don't like being raped, then move somewhere else?"

You do if you're a Democrat.

Now tell us why the NFL kneelers shouldn't get the hell out of the country.

It is against the law to rape someone. I would say through the raper in jail. If you want to be a freeloader move to a country with no taxes.

So if it's legal then you're OK with it?

No I'd probably move if it were legal. You want to be a freeloader, move.

So you admit that laws can be unjust.
Rape is illegal so that sounds good to me.

Slavery was legal until 1865. You're saying no one should have complained about it.
It is against the law to rape someone. I would say through the raper in jail. If you want to be a freeloader move to a country with no taxes.

So if it's legal then you're OK with it?

No I'd probably move if it were legal. You want to be a freeloader, move.

So you admit that laws can be unjust.
Rape is illegal so that sounds good to me.

Slavery was legal until 1865. You're saying no one should have complained about it.

I don't see where I mentioned slavery at all. I'm saying we all get to live in this great country and to stay this way it requires taxes. Go be a freeloader somewhere else.
No, that's you. You can get your wish immediately by moving. Cuba has all its laws just the way you like them.

No I understand the importance of taxes. We wouldn't be the strongest country in the world without them. You hillbillies want no taxes and a 3rd world country.

When you say "strongest" you mean in the sense of a totalitarian dictatorship. Imposing our will on other countries isn't something I see as desirable.

I mean we have the strongest economy in the world. We have the strongest military in the world. I'm really not interested in imposing ourselves on other countries, but I sure like not worrying about being attacked.
When you loot 330 million people, you can afford a strong military.

All those people get quite a lot for the money. Go move to afghanistan and tell me you wouldn't rather pay some taxes to live here.

Actually they don't get much at all. Defense spending is only 18% of the budget.
So if it's legal then you're OK with it?

No I'd probably move if it were legal. You want to be a freeloader, move.

So you admit that laws can be unjust.
Rape is illegal so that sounds good to me.

Slavery was legal until 1865. You're saying no one should have complained about it.

I don't see where I mentioned slavery at all. I'm saying we all get to live in this great country and to stay this way it requires taxes. Go be a freeloader somewhere else.
I know you don't mention it. That's because it blows your "if it's legal it's moral" theory out of the water.
You're like the guy who tells a slave that he shouldn't complain because if he was back in Africa he would have died of Malaria.
No I'd probably move if it were legal. You want to be a freeloader, move.

So you admit that laws can be unjust.
Rape is illegal so that sounds good to me.

Slavery was legal until 1865. You're saying no one should have complained about it.

I don't see where I mentioned slavery at all. I'm saying we all get to live in this great country and to stay this way it requires taxes. Go be a freeloader somewhere else.
I know you don't mention it. That's because it blows your "if it's legal it's moral" theory out of the water.
You're like the guy who tells a slave that he shouldn't complain because if he was back in Africa he would have died of Malaria.

If you think we are stealing from you move. Nothing is holding you here.
No I understand the importance of taxes. We wouldn't be the strongest country in the world without them. You hillbillies want no taxes and a 3rd world country.

When you say "strongest" you mean in the sense of a totalitarian dictatorship. Imposing our will on other countries isn't something I see as desirable.

I mean we have the strongest economy in the world. We have the strongest military in the world. I'm really not interested in imposing ourselves on other countries, but I sure like not worrying about being attacked.
When you loot 330 million people, you can afford a strong military.

All those people get quite a lot for the money. Go move to afghanistan and tell me you wouldn't rather pay some taxes to live here.

Actually they don't get much at all. Defense spending is only 18% of the budget.

You get to live in the worlds strongest economy. That is quite the benefit. You have lots of nice rights. Again if it is so bad here then move.
When you say "strongest" you mean in the sense of a totalitarian dictatorship. Imposing our will on other countries isn't something I see as desirable.

I mean we have the strongest economy in the world. We have the strongest military in the world. I'm really not interested in imposing ourselves on other countries, but I sure like not worrying about being attacked.
When you loot 330 million people, you can afford a strong military.

All those people get quite a lot for the money. Go move to afghanistan and tell me you wouldn't rather pay some taxes to live here.

Actually they don't get much at all. Defense spending is only 18% of the budget.

You get to live in the worlds strongest economy. That is quite the benefit. You have lots of nice rights. Again if it is so bad here then move.

So if you live in Iraq, then taxation is theft?
It is against the law to rape someone. I would say through the raper in jail. If you want to be a freeloader move to a country with no taxes.

So if it's legal then you're OK with it?

No I'd probably move if it were legal. You want to be a freeloader, move.

So you admit that laws can be unjust.
Rape is illegal so that sounds good to me.

Slavery was legal until 1865. You're saying no one should have complained about it.

In 1777 Vermont amends its constitution to ban slavery. Over the next 25 years, other Northern states emancipate their slaves and ban the institution: Pennsylvania, 1780; Massachusetts and New Hampshire, 1783; Connecticut and Rhode Island, 1784; New York, 1799; and New Jersey, 1804.

Slavery on English soil was unsupported in English law and that position was confirmed in Somersett's Case in 1772, but it remained legal in most of the British Empire until the Slavery Abolition Act 1833.
I mean we have the strongest economy in the world. We have the strongest military in the world. I'm really not interested in imposing ourselves on other countries, but I sure like not worrying about being attacked.
When you loot 330 million people, you can afford a strong military.

All those people get quite a lot for the money. Go move to afghanistan and tell me you wouldn't rather pay some taxes to live here.

Actually they don't get much at all. Defense spending is only 18% of the budget.

You get to live in the worlds strongest economy. That is quite the benefit. You have lots of nice rights. Again if it is so bad here then move.

So if you live in Iraq, then taxation is theft?

I don't think taxation is ever theft, that is you.
So if it's legal then you're OK with it?

No I'd probably move if it were legal. You want to be a freeloader, move.

So you admit that laws can be unjust.
Rape is illegal so that sounds good to me.

Slavery was legal until 1865. You're saying no one should have complained about it.

In 1777 Vermont amends its constitution to ban slavery. Over the next 25 years, other Northern states emancipate their slaves and ban the institution: Pennsylvania, 1780; Massachusetts and New Hampshire, 1783; Connecticut and Rhode Island, 1784; New York, 1799; and New Jersey, 1804.

Slavery on English soil was unsupported in English law and that position was confirmed in Somersett's Case in 1772, but it remained legal in most of the British Empire until the Slavery Abolition Act 1833.

In other words, at one time slavery was legal. Your post doesn't alter a thing as far as that fact is concerned.
When you loot 330 million people, you can afford a strong military.

All those people get quite a lot for the money. Go move to afghanistan and tell me you wouldn't rather pay some taxes to live here.

Actually they don't get much at all. Defense spending is only 18% of the budget.

You get to live in the worlds strongest economy. That is quite the benefit. You have lots of nice rights. Again if it is so bad here then move.

So if you live in Iraq, then taxation is theft?

I don't think taxation is ever theft, that is you.

You keep claiming I'm not being robbed because the United States is one of the nicer places to live. That must mean that you believe that taxation is theft in countries that are not so nice, like Iraq.
All those people get quite a lot for the money. Go move to afghanistan and tell me you wouldn't rather pay some taxes to live here.

Actually they don't get much at all. Defense spending is only 18% of the budget.

You get to live in the worlds strongest economy. That is quite the benefit. You have lots of nice rights. Again if it is so bad here then move.

So if you live in Iraq, then taxation is theft?

I don't think taxation is ever theft, that is you.

You keep claiming I'm not being robbed because the United States is one of the nicer places to live. That must mean that you believe that taxation is theft in countries that are not so nice, like Iraq.

I just clearly stated it is never theft.
Why the GOP believes in a decades-old tax myth

I've seen this movie before.

Republicans claim tax cuts for the rich will stimulate the economy and pay for themselves.

Then they enact this crank policy and it blows a big hole in the deficit and the economy spirals into a recession.

Reagan did this in the early 1980s and the economy immediately tanked while the deficit exploded. He was forced to agree to tax increases which his administration called "revenue enhancements."

Bush jr. did this in the early 2000s. The economy immediately went into a slight recession, then entered a near depression a few years later, while the deficit exploded.

Kansas tried this just a few years ago. Now, they can't afford to keep their schools open and the state's economy grew at a slower pace than all of their neighboring states where taxes were not cut so severely.

Republicans try this over and over and over and it never works. Tax cuts never pay for themselves.

Yet, they are going to try it again.

What do they say about doing the same thing over and over and over and expecting different results? Isn't it the definition of insanity?

Reform suggests positive change, the Republican plan is regressive and the Speaker of the House and POTUS are pursuing a change which benefits the wealthy, globalists and multinational corporations, and will do the exact opposite of what they promise.

Once again they are imposing a tax policy on every American which promises what the biddable want to hear, and in fact is as old as Robin Hood, that is, they will take away from the many and give to the few.

I doubt those smiling Republicans who stand on the capital steps and claim this form of Reaganomics is anything close to fair, good for the overall economy or will have a positive income for every citizen. Their smiles hide the fear they feel, for the 115th Congress, one which cannot get out of its own way, has proven once again the GOP can win an election but cannot govern.

They are desperate to pass anything, desperate to keep just one promise after so many have been reneged, and don't really care to know or nor care to share the details in this devil of a bill.

Republicans seem unable to learn from their experience, promises made and promises not kept are not the way to keep the power they lust over. The Republican brand is toxic, and if the D's can get their act together, we will see a sea change of epic proportion one year from now.

Once again they are imposing a tax policy on every American which promises what the biddable want to hear, and in fact is as old as Robin Hood, that is, they will take away from the many and give to the few.

Robin Hood took from the tax collector and gave back to the people.
Actually they don't get much at all. Defense spending is only 18% of the budget.

You get to live in the worlds strongest economy. That is quite the benefit. You have lots of nice rights. Again if it is so bad here then move.

So if you live in Iraq, then taxation is theft?

I don't think taxation is ever theft, that is you.

You keep claiming I'm not being robbed because the United States is one of the nicer places to live. That must mean that you believe that taxation is theft in countries that are not so nice, like Iraq.

I just clearly stated it is never theft.

But your justification is logically flawed. Government does exactly the same thing a thug on the street does, so why is it OK when government does it? Your excuse is that the USA is one of the nicer places to live. That invevitably brings up the question of what about other places? You obviously don't want to answer that.
No I'd probably move if it were legal. You want to be a freeloader, move.

So you admit that laws can be unjust.
Rape is illegal so that sounds good to me.

Slavery was legal until 1865. You're saying no one should have complained about it.

In 1777 Vermont amends its constitution to ban slavery. Over the next 25 years, other Northern states emancipate their slaves and ban the institution: Pennsylvania, 1780; Massachusetts and New Hampshire, 1783; Connecticut and Rhode Island, 1784; New York, 1799; and New Jersey, 1804.

Slavery on English soil was unsupported in English law and that position was confirmed in Somersett's Case in 1772, but it remained legal in most of the British Empire until the Slavery Abolition Act 1833.

In other words, at one time slavery was legal. Your post doesn't alter a thing as far as that fact is concerned.

No, my words were not the words of an ignorant person; only a person ignorant of history would make the claim that slavery was legal until 1865 - and that is you.
So you admit that laws can be unjust.
Rape is illegal so that sounds good to me.

Slavery was legal until 1865. You're saying no one should have complained about it.

In 1777 Vermont amends its constitution to ban slavery. Over the next 25 years, other Northern states emancipate their slaves and ban the institution: Pennsylvania, 1780; Massachusetts and New Hampshire, 1783; Connecticut and Rhode Island, 1784; New York, 1799; and New Jersey, 1804.

Slavery on English soil was unsupported in English law and that position was confirmed in Somersett's Case in 1772, but it remained legal in most of the British Empire until the Slavery Abolition Act 1833.

In other words, at one time slavery was legal. Your post doesn't alter a thing as far as that fact is concerned.

No, my words were not the words of an ignorant person; only a person ignorant of history would make the claim that slavery was legal until 1865 - and that is you.

You must be joking.
Obama believed in this so-called 'myth' so much that he signed the cover of a document proving it to be true. All the while telling his disciples that it wasn't true. His duped disciples of course believed Obama's words, and not his actions.

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