The Republican Tax Cut Myth

Why the GOP believes in a decades-old tax myth

I've seen this movie before.

Republicans claim tax cuts for the rich will stimulate the economy and pay for themselves.

Then they enact this crank policy and it blows a big hole in the deficit and the economy spirals into a recession.

Reagan did this in the early 1980s and the economy immediately tanked while the deficit exploded. He was forced to agree to tax increases which his administration called "revenue enhancements."

Bush jr. did this in the early 2000s. The economy immediately went into a slight recession, then entered a near depression a few years later, while the deficit exploded.

Kansas tried this just a few years ago. Now, they can't afford to keep their schools open and the state's economy grew at a slower pace than all of their neighboring states where taxes were not cut so severely.

Republicans try this over and over and over and it never works. Tax cuts never pay for themselves.

Yet, they are going to try it again.

What do they say about doing the same thing over and over and over and expecting different results? Isn't it the definition of insanity?

Reform suggests positive change, the Republican plan is regressive and the Speaker of the House and POTUS are pursuing a change which benefits the wealthy, globalists and multinational corporations, and will do the exact opposite of what they promise.

Once again they are imposing a tax policy on every American which promises what the biddable want to hear, and in fact is as old as Robin Hood, that is, they will take away from the many and give to the few.

I doubt those smiling Republicans who stand on the capital steps and claim this form of Reaganomics is anything close to fair, good for the overall economy or will have a positive income for every citizen. Their smiles hide the fear they feel, for the 115th Congress, one which cannot get out of its own way has proven once again the GOP can win an election but cannot govern.

They are desperate to do anything, desperate to keep just one promise after so many have been reneged, and don't really care to know or share the details in this devil of a bill.

Republicans seem unable to learn from their experience, promises made and promises not kept are not the way to keep the power they lust over. The Republican brand is toxic, and if the D's can get their act together, we will see a sea change of epic proportion one year from now.

The plan is great, the fact that you hate it is even more indication that it's a great start.

America has been made greater again!

If you really believe that the plan offered by Ryan is so great, explain the details which convinced you and convince others to support it.

  • I don't believe you've read it and are only echoing the GOP and Trump talking points
  • The R Party has a very small tent, why would it change now to benefit those they fear and hate?
  • The R's; now they've passed a bill behind closed doors. Most of those in the H. or Rep. haven't read it. They mocked the D's without proof they were not included in the writing, and now passed a bill they wrote behind closed doors.
  • The R Party is dishonest and hypocritical.

Okay, here is why the plan is awesome:

It lowers taxes.

Glad I could help.

Lowers for who ? Holy crap I righties drink the cool aid . And what about all that debt shit you cared about before the election. ?

Trumps ideas do nothing but cause more debt .

Those who pay taxes. The evil rich boogeyman for you I suppose. Next Trump is going to lower spending, even more important.

Brilliant take on the issue, maybe if you would listen, you would learn... and maybe, someday be among those who actually pull the cart instead of your worthless parasitical being.
Reform suggests positive change, the Republican plan is regressive and the Speaker of the House and POTUS are pursuing a change which benefits the wealthy, globalists and multinational corporations, and will do the exact opposite of what they promise.

Once again they are imposing a tax policy on every American which promises what the biddable want to hear, and in fact is as old as Robin Hood, that is, they will take away from the many and give to the few.

I doubt those smiling Republicans who stand on the capital steps and claim this form of Reaganomics is anything close to fair, good for the overall economy or will have a positive income for every citizen. Their smiles hide the fear they feel, for the 115th Congress, one which cannot get out of its own way has proven once again the GOP can win an election but cannot govern.

They are desperate to do anything, desperate to keep just one promise after so many have been reneged, and don't really care to know or share the details in this devil of a bill.

Republicans seem unable to learn from their experience, promises made and promises not kept are not the way to keep the power they lust over. The Republican brand is toxic, and if the D's can get their act together, we will see a sea change of epic proportion one year from now.

The plan is great, the fact that you hate it is even more indication that it's a great start.

America has been made greater again!

If you really believe that the plan offered by Ryan is so great, explain the details which convinced you and convince others to support it.

  • I don't believe you've read it and are only echoing the GOP and Trump talking points
  • The R Party has a very small tent, why would it change now to benefit those they fear and hate?
  • The R's; now they've passed a bill behind closed doors. Most of those in the H. or Rep. haven't read it. They mocked the D's without proof they were not included in the writing, and now passed a bill they wrote behind closed doors.
  • The R Party is dishonest and hypocritical.

Okay, here is why the plan is awesome:

It lowers taxes.

Glad I could help.

Lowers for who ? Holy crap I righties drink the cool aid . And what about all that debt shit you cared about before the election. ?

Trumps ideas do nothing but cause more debt .

Those who pay taxes. The evil rich boogeyman for you I suppose. Next Trump is going to lower spending, even more important.

Brilliant take on the issue, maybe if you would listen, you would learn... and maybe, someday be among those who actually pull the cart instead of your worthless parasitical being.

Trump has done a lot of golfing like he said he wouldn't do. That's about it so far. Amusing you think he's going to do anything of substance.
Obama drastically cut deficits.

Trump wants to ramp them back up.

It's Okay When Trump Does It!™

That's what Trump did as a private citizen, too. He borrowed heavily, and then lost billions for his investors.

Get ready America. You're about to be ass-fucked again.

Trump actually believes he can renegotiate America's debt the same way he renegotiated in bankruptcy court!

Even worse, his Plan B is to hyperinflate the shit out of our currency.

Obama drastically cut deficits.

What did he do that drastically cut deficits?
Must have been a groovy piece of legislation.
You have a link?

Well, there was that gov't shutdown, which affected gov't spending. I guess you could give Obama 'credit' for that...
Taxation is theft.

Less tax = less theft.

I like less theft, as does every moral person, not the OP obviously.

How is it theft ? It’s a part of being a country. Are you stealing if you drive on public roads paid for by taxes ?

You can’t have a country without taxes . Unless you have some small country sitting in a bunch of Oil.

You drive on a road, you can pay a toll.

Problem solved.

And yes, it's theft. It's theft because it's involuntary.

One day humans will regard income tax as yet another example of the morally reprehensible nature of central planners.

If your plan for revenue absolutely 100% requires involuntary compliance enforced by armed government agents, you've got yourself an inherently immoral, anti-freedom, downright tyrannous idea. Best think again.

That it is currently law does not impress me. Your people have long made similar arguments for all kinds of laws and rules that everyone today finds horrific.

Taxation is absolutely theft made particularly reprehensible by the concept of wealth redistribution, which means you are forcing some to labor on the behalf of others.

Sound familiar?
Taxation is the price we pay to live in a civilized society.......Oliver Wendel Holmes

Taxation is theft, pure and simple. It's not a voluntary transaction.

We don't keep anyone from moving out.

So you think that makes it OK? We don't keep queers or black people from moving out either.
You drive on a road, you can pay a toll.

Problem solved.

And yes, it's theft. It's theft because it's involuntary.

One day humans will regard income tax as yet another example of the morally reprehensible nature of central planners.

If your plan for revenue absolutely 100% requires involuntary compliance enforced by armed government agents, you've got yourself an inherently immoral, anti-freedom, downright tyrannous idea. Best think again.

That it is currently law does not impress me. Your people have long made similar arguments for all kinds of laws and rules that everyone today finds horrific.

Taxation is absolutely theft made particularly reprehensible by the concept of wealth redistribution, which means you are forcing some to labor on the behalf of others.

Sound familiar?
Taxation is the price we pay to live in a civilized society.......Oliver Wendel Holmes

Taxation is theft, pure and simple. It's not a voluntary transaction.

We don't keep anyone from moving out.

You should be the first to go. As should any other thieves. Ah, thankfully we have Trump...
Why would I leave? You want to turn us into a third world country.

You're constantly complaining about this country. Obviously you aren't happy here. Take all those NFL kneelers with you.
How is it theft ? It’s a part of being a country. Are you stealing if you drive on public roads paid for by taxes ?

You can’t have a country without taxes . Unless you have some small country sitting in a bunch of Oil.

You drive on a road, you can pay a toll.

Problem solved.

And yes, it's theft. It's theft because it's involuntary.

One day humans will regard income tax as yet another example of the morally reprehensible nature of central planners.

If your plan for revenue absolutely 100% requires involuntary compliance enforced by armed government agents, you've got yourself an inherently immoral, anti-freedom, downright tyrannous idea. Best think again.

That it is currently law does not impress me. Your people have long made similar arguments for all kinds of laws and rules that everyone today finds horrific.

Taxation is absolutely theft made particularly reprehensible by the concept of wealth redistribution, which means you are forcing some to labor on the behalf of others.

Sound familiar?
Taxation is the price we pay to live in a civilized society.......Oliver Wendel Holmes

Taxation is theft, pure and simple. It's not a voluntary transaction.

We don't keep anyone from moving out.

So you think that makes it OK? We don't keep queers or black people from moving out either.

Yes I do. If you want to live here and benefit from that you need to pay taxes. That great military protecting us isn't free, neither are the roads. If you think we are stealing from you then move somewhere else, nobody will stop you. See it isn't against your will if you choose to stay.
Taxation is the price we pay to live in a civilized society.......Oliver Wendel Holmes

Taxation is theft, pure and simple. It's not a voluntary transaction.

We don't keep anyone from moving out.

You should be the first to go. As should any other thieves. Ah, thankfully we have Trump...
Why would I leave? You want to turn us into a third world country.

You're constantly complaining about this country. Obviously you aren't happy here. Take all those NFL kneelers with you.

I'm quite happy, thanks.
You drive on a road, you can pay a toll.

Problem solved.

And yes, it's theft. It's theft because it's involuntary.

One day humans will regard income tax as yet another example of the morally reprehensible nature of central planners.

If your plan for revenue absolutely 100% requires involuntary compliance enforced by armed government agents, you've got yourself an inherently immoral, anti-freedom, downright tyrannous idea. Best think again.

That it is currently law does not impress me. Your people have long made similar arguments for all kinds of laws and rules that everyone today finds horrific.

Taxation is absolutely theft made particularly reprehensible by the concept of wealth redistribution, which means you are forcing some to labor on the behalf of others.

Sound familiar?
Taxation is the price we pay to live in a civilized society.......Oliver Wendel Holmes

Taxation is theft, pure and simple. It's not a voluntary transaction.

We don't keep anyone from moving out.

So you think that makes it OK? We don't keep queers or black people from moving out either.

Yes I do. If you want to live here and benefit from that you need to pay taxes. That great military protecting us isn't free, neither are the roads. If you think we are stealing from you then move somewhere else, nobody will stop you. See it isn't against your will if you choose to stay.

That's just pure bullshit. If someone is raped, do you tell her "if you don't like being raped, then move somewhere else?"

You do if you're a Democrat.

Now tell us why the NFL kneelers shouldn't get the hell out of the country.
Taxation is theft, pure and simple. It's not a voluntary transaction.

We don't keep anyone from moving out.

You should be the first to go. As should any other thieves. Ah, thankfully we have Trump...
Why would I leave? You want to turn us into a third world country.

You're constantly complaining about this country. Obviously you aren't happy here. Take all those NFL kneelers with you.

I'm quite happy, thanks.
That must be why you're constantly whining in this forum, eh?
You drive on a road, you can pay a toll.

Problem solved.

And yes, it's theft. It's theft because it's involuntary.

One day humans will regard income tax as yet another example of the morally reprehensible nature of central planners.

If your plan for revenue absolutely 100% requires involuntary compliance enforced by armed government agents, you've got yourself an inherently immoral, anti-freedom, downright tyrannous idea. Best think again.

That it is currently law does not impress me. Your people have long made similar arguments for all kinds of laws and rules that everyone today finds horrific.

Taxation is absolutely theft made particularly reprehensible by the concept of wealth redistribution, which means you are forcing some to labor on the behalf of others.

Sound familiar?
Taxation is the price we pay to live in a civilized society.......Oliver Wendel Holmes

Taxation is theft, pure and simple. It's not a voluntary transaction.

We don't keep anyone from moving out.

You should be the first to go. As should any other thieves. Ah, thankfully we have Trump...
Why would I leave? You want to turn us into a third world country.

No, that's you. You can get your wish immediately by moving. Cuba has all its laws just the way you like them.
Obama cut deficites?

You're even dumber than I originally suspected? How is a $1.5 trillion deficit a cut?

He started at $1.5 trillion
Got it down to $600 billion

In other words, he increased the deficit to the highest point it's ever been.

The Great Obama stopped a depression

Crooked Donnie is the first to have debt over $20 trillion

The Great Obama stopped a depression

The recession ended in June 2009.
What did Blowbama do to stop a depression between Jan 20, 2009 and June 2009?
Be specific.
$800 billion economic stimulus
Both the stock market crash and unemployment reversed immediately after it passed

Not a single Republican voted to stop a depression

$800 billion economic stimulus

That money wasn't spent before June 2009.
How can it have ended the recession?
Taxation is the price we pay to live in a civilized society.......Oliver Wendel Holmes

Taxation is theft, pure and simple. It's not a voluntary transaction.

We don't keep anyone from moving out.

So you think that makes it OK? We don't keep queers or black people from moving out either.

Yes I do. If you want to live here and benefit from that you need to pay taxes. That great military protecting us isn't free, neither are the roads. If you think we are stealing from you then move somewhere else, nobody will stop you. See it isn't against your will if you choose to stay.

That's just pure bullshit. If someone is raped, do you tell her "if you don't like being raped, then move somewhere else?"

You do if you're a Democrat.

Now tell us why the NFL kneelers shouldn't get the hell out of the country.

It is against the law to rape someone. I would say through the raper in jail. If you want to be a freeloader move to a country with no taxes.
Taxation is the price we pay to live in a civilized society.......Oliver Wendel Holmes

Taxation is theft, pure and simple. It's not a voluntary transaction.

We don't keep anyone from moving out.

You should be the first to go. As should any other thieves. Ah, thankfully we have Trump...
Why would I leave? You want to turn us into a third world country.

No, that's you. You can get your wish immediately by moving. Cuba has all its laws just the way you like them.

No I understand the importance of taxes. We wouldn't be the strongest country in the world without them. You hillbillies want no taxes and a 3rd world country.
Taxation is theft, pure and simple. It's not a voluntary transaction.

We don't keep anyone from moving out.

So you think that makes it OK? We don't keep queers or black people from moving out either.

Yes I do. If you want to live here and benefit from that you need to pay taxes. That great military protecting us isn't free, neither are the roads. If you think we are stealing from you then move somewhere else, nobody will stop you. See it isn't against your will if you choose to stay.

That's just pure bullshit. If someone is raped, do you tell her "if you don't like being raped, then move somewhere else?"

You do if you're a Democrat.

Now tell us why the NFL kneelers shouldn't get the hell out of the country.

It is against the law to rape someone. I would say through the raper in jail. If you want to be a freeloader move to a country with no taxes.

So if it's legal then you're OK with it?
Taxation is theft, pure and simple. It's not a voluntary transaction.

We don't keep anyone from moving out.

You should be the first to go. As should any other thieves. Ah, thankfully we have Trump...
Why would I leave? You want to turn us into a third world country.

No, that's you. You can get your wish immediately by moving. Cuba has all its laws just the way you like them.

No I understand the importance of taxes. We wouldn't be the strongest country in the world without them. You hillbillies want no taxes and a 3rd world country.

When you say "strongest" you mean in the sense of a totalitarian dictatorship. Imposing our will on other countries isn't something I see as desirable.
We don't keep anyone from moving out.

So you think that makes it OK? We don't keep queers or black people from moving out either.

Yes I do. If you want to live here and benefit from that you need to pay taxes. That great military protecting us isn't free, neither are the roads. If you think we are stealing from you then move somewhere else, nobody will stop you. See it isn't against your will if you choose to stay.

That's just pure bullshit. If someone is raped, do you tell her "if you don't like being raped, then move somewhere else?"

You do if you're a Democrat.

Now tell us why the NFL kneelers shouldn't get the hell out of the country.

It is against the law to rape someone. I would say through the raper in jail. If you want to be a freeloader move to a country with no taxes.

So if it's legal then you're OK with it?

No I'd probably move if it were legal. You want to be a freeloader, move.
We don't keep anyone from moving out.

You should be the first to go. As should any other thieves. Ah, thankfully we have Trump...
Why would I leave? You want to turn us into a third world country.

No, that's you. You can get your wish immediately by moving. Cuba has all its laws just the way you like them.

No I understand the importance of taxes. We wouldn't be the strongest country in the world without them. You hillbillies want no taxes and a 3rd world country.

When you say "strongest" you mean in the sense of a totalitarian dictatorship. Imposing our will on other countries isn't something I see as desirable.

I mean we have the strongest economy in the world. We have the strongest military in the world. I'm really not interested in imposing ourselves on other countries, but I sure like not worrying about being attacked.
So you think that makes it OK? We don't keep queers or black people from moving out either.

Yes I do. If you want to live here and benefit from that you need to pay taxes. That great military protecting us isn't free, neither are the roads. If you think we are stealing from you then move somewhere else, nobody will stop you. See it isn't against your will if you choose to stay.

That's just pure bullshit. If someone is raped, do you tell her "if you don't like being raped, then move somewhere else?"

You do if you're a Democrat.

Now tell us why the NFL kneelers shouldn't get the hell out of the country.

It is against the law to rape someone. I would say through the raper in jail. If you want to be a freeloader move to a country with no taxes.

So if it's legal then you're OK with it?

No I'd probably move if it were legal. You want to be a freeloader, move.

So you admit that laws can be unjust.
You should be the first to go. As should any other thieves. Ah, thankfully we have Trump...
Why would I leave? You want to turn us into a third world country.

No, that's you. You can get your wish immediately by moving. Cuba has all its laws just the way you like them.

No I understand the importance of taxes. We wouldn't be the strongest country in the world without them. You hillbillies want no taxes and a 3rd world country.

When you say "strongest" you mean in the sense of a totalitarian dictatorship. Imposing our will on other countries isn't something I see as desirable.

I mean we have the strongest economy in the world. We have the strongest military in the world. I'm really not interested in imposing ourselves on other countries, but I sure like not worrying about being attacked.
When you loot 330 million people, you can afford a strong military.
Yes I do. If you want to live here and benefit from that you need to pay taxes. That great military protecting us isn't free, neither are the roads. If you think we are stealing from you then move somewhere else, nobody will stop you. See it isn't against your will if you choose to stay.

That's just pure bullshit. If someone is raped, do you tell her "if you don't like being raped, then move somewhere else?"

You do if you're a Democrat.

Now tell us why the NFL kneelers shouldn't get the hell out of the country.

It is against the law to rape someone. I would say through the raper in jail. If you want to be a freeloader move to a country with no taxes.

So if it's legal then you're OK with it?

No I'd probably move if it were legal. You want to be a freeloader, move.

So you admit that laws can be unjust.
Rape is illegal so that sounds good to me.

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