The Republican War On Women

“The Republican War On Women”

As true today as it was in 2012 – even more so.

The un-Constitutional legislation recently passed in Alabama seeking to deny women their right to privacy is further proof of that.
There is no Republican War on Women. There is, however, a Prog War against Truth, History and Reality.
Still denying the war you are waging on women as you take their rights away?

Doesn't surprise me. For 4 decades you have been claiming there is no war on the middle class. But look at what has happened since then.

1. You sent our high paying manufacturing jobs overseas. This made the American middle class poorer and the rich richer.
2. You give the rich tax cuts and raise our taxes to make up for it. Widening the gap between us and them, making them richer and us poorer.
3. You hired illegals you said to do "jobs Americans won't do", but you hired them to do jobs blue collar Americans will do if they are paid fairly. This has put billions into rich people's pockets and cost the middle class bigly.
4. You sent jobs overseas. This has made rich people investors and CEO's richer but has made the middle class poorer

There are many ways Republicans have waged war on women and the middle class. And yet you are still denying it? Even when faced with the news that Rich Republican White Dudes in Alabama all decided to take womens right to choose away?

Don't even lie. Just admit it. We are on to you now.

You can repeat your nonsense again and again. No one is going to admit them because they are lies.

No one has the right to kill their child. Period. You can pretend all you want. Do all the mental gymnastics in the world to justify thst evil. It's still evil and wrong.

What is evil is white men who have no problem telling women what to do with their bodies. You are the evil that infests this world.
There is no war on women. Though I know you wish there was.
You support Trump. He is a groper & woman assaulter & you don't care.

Trump has taken away work place protections & Republicans were against equal work for equal pay.

Now they try to control what women do with their bodies.

Republicans demand a woman who gets pregnant during rape or incest, carries that fetus full term.

I havent voted for Trump. I might next year. But I voted against him.

I'm just not a dishonest shill who is going to make cheap up. When Trump does good. I support him. When he doesn't I dont.

Just like with Obama. Just like with Bush.

But how I feel about Trump is irrelevant to the thread. There is no war on women. We dont care what the women do with their body.

We care what they do with the childs body.

The fact that you guys cannot be honest is why you are losing this fight

And the woman has no say in it. Only white men. There is indeed a war against women. Republicans didn't give a damn about someone who committed a sexual assault going to the Supreme Court, didn't care about a sexual harasser being nominated for the Fed as well as someone who refused to pay what a judge ordered him to pay to his ex-wife.
There is no war on women. Though I know you wish there was.
There is no war on women. Though I know you wish there was.

Really then what's this?

Every Vote For Alabama’s Abortion Ban Was From A White Man
The Alabama state Senate just passed the country’s strictest abortion ban, which criminalizes nearly all abortions including in cases of rape and incest.
Well this should help inspire women to come out and vote; and to vote Democrat.

I dont think women want to kill their children as much as you do
I'm sure they don't and neither do I, but I'm certain many of them don't want to lose their ability to choose for themselves rather than have a bunch of old white men choosing for them.

Alabama governor signs anti-abortion bill into law - CNNPolitics

Old white men? Sure...

Old white men passed it. Just because the Republican Governor is a female cow doesn't mean a thing.
If I sucked at my job as bad as Obama sucks at his, I would divide and conquer. That's all he is doing. United we stand divided we fall. I'm sure some of you have read that someplace.
You could not do as good a job as Obama in your wildest dreams. You are just the run of the mill uneducate white Trump supporter.
Well I know how to spell uneducated....and by now if you are not in support of the great economy and getting our trade practices back in our favor...then its you that are just run of the mill....a run of the mill TDS victim....

You are a victim of TDS. All we have to do is look at your stupidity. The economy started getting great when Obama was President. The unemployment rate was a whopping 4.7% when Trump took over. There is nothing wrong with our trading policies. We have a lot of jobs that are dependent on trade.
Actually this thread is very relevant given what happened in Alabama. A bunch of Christian Nazis just turned women in Alabama into second class citizens. Even Pat Robertson says this bill is too extreme. Republicans have likely signed their death warrant. Suburban women will have even more reasons to vote against the GOP as they did in 2018.

Is protecting children from being murdered...... worth losing votes?

That's a trade I'll go for.

That is something a Nazi would say. We don't care what the voters say.

You people are going to be going out of business in 2020.
You are a victim of TDS. All we have to do is look at your stupidity. The economy started getting great when Obama was President. The unemployment rate was a whopping 4.7% when Trump took over. There is nothing wrong with our trading policies. We have a lot of jobs that are dependent on trade.
Under Obama we had less than 2% growth in the economy...we had record numbers of unemployed and homeless people...companies vacating the USA for a lower tax rate...we lost our healthcare system...the envy of the world...and if you think our trade policy with China is just fine tell us why...don't just puke up nonsense.....back it up...
When will you people stop digging? *Sheesh!!*:cuckoo:

Humm, female unemployment is at an all-time low. Trump has appointed numerous women to his cabinet. Trump fell just two percentage points short of matching Hillary among women. Half of aborted babies are female, and Trump is trying to protect them from elective abortion. What Republican war on women?

Female unemployment started dropping under Obama. Trump has appointed Republican cows. Huckabee Sanders is a liar and that has been proven by Mueller. DeVos stands with big business even when they cheat their customers. Nielsen was fired because she fought Trump's plan to separate children from their parents again. Any woman who works for Trump is a cheap whore. Women went heavily for Democrats in swing states. For example, women went 59-40 for Democrats in 2018. That is a larger margin than Clinton won by.

Republicans don't believe woman have any say in regards to their body. Ignore sexual assault and sexual harassment by their nominees against women. There is indeed a Republican war on women.
When will you people stop digging? *Sheesh!!*:cuckoo:

Humm, female unemployment is at an all-time low. Trump has appointed numerous women to his cabinet. Trump fell just two percentage points short of matching Hillary among women. Half of aborted babies are female, and Trump is trying to protect them from elective abortion. What Republican war on women?
"Humm, female unemployment is at an all-time low."

^^^ Alternative fact
Fellow liberals, look on the bright side. The Alabama antiabortion law, with no exception for rape or incest, is so ridicules, that the Supreme Court will have no choice but to find it unconstitutional. It is another win for us. Even Pat Robertson said this.
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When will you people stop digging? *Sheesh!!*:cuckoo:

Humm, female unemployment is at an all-time low. Trump has appointed numerous women to his cabinet. Trump fell just two percentage points short of matching Hillary among women. Half of aborted babies are female, and Trump is trying to protect them from elective abortion. What Republican war on women?
"Trump fell just two percentage points short of matching Hillary among women."

^^^ Alternative fact
You are a victim of TDS. All we have to do is look at your stupidity. The economy started getting great when Obama was President. The unemployment rate was a whopping 4.7% when Trump took over. There is nothing wrong with our trading policies. We have a lot of jobs that are dependent on trade.
Under Obama we had less than 2% growth in the economy...we had record numbers of unemployed and homeless people...companies vacating the USA for a lower tax rate...we lost our healthcare system...the envy of the world...and if you think our trade policy with China is just fine tell us why...don't just puke up nonsense.....back it up...

If the economy is so great then why mess with it. American consumers pay the tariffs not the Chinese. Morons like you don't get it. Even Kudlow has said we will be hurt.

The fact is that the economy started growing when Obama was President. However financial crises can often lead to a slow recovery. Worth noting that under Trump, GDP has started dropping to under 3%. Companies started coming back to the US under Obama because there are many advantages to being in the US such as cheap natural gas, better infrastructure and the ability to maintain better control. Voters do not want Obamacare repealed they want it fixed. Our healthcare system had major problems with it. Republicans refused to do anything.
There is no war on women. Though I know you wish there was.
You support Trump. He is a groper & woman assaulter & you don't care.

Trump has taken away work place protections & Republicans were against equal work for equal pay.

Now they try to control what women do with their bodies.

Republicans demand a woman who gets pregnant during rape or incest, carries that fetus full term.

I havent voted for Trump. I might next year. But I voted against him.

I'm just not a dishonest shill who is going to make cheap up. When Trump does good. I support him. When he doesn't I dont.

Just like with Obama. Just like with Bush.

But how I feel about Trump is irrelevant to the thread. There is no war on women. We dont care what the women do with their body.

We care what they do with the childs body.

The fact that you guys cannot be honest is why you are losing this fight

And the woman has no say in it. Only white men. There is indeed a war against women. Republicans didn't give a damn about someone who committed a sexual assault going to the Supreme Court, didn't care about a sexual harasser being nominated for the Fed as well as someone who refused to pay what a judge ordered him to pay to his ex-wife.
We know...we know...
If the economy is so great then why mess with it. American consumers pay the tariffs not the Chinese.
The American consumers have been getting screwed for decades because of the way we have rolled over for China...theft of technology and our inventions and innovations...Americans have lost jobs and careers because of China and our weak leaders...

The fact is that the economy started growing when Obama was President. However financial crises can often lead to a slow recovery
Busy bee.....less than 2% growth for 8 years...Trump gets elected and cuts taxes...cuts regulation...pulls back on government requirements for starting a business...and the economy that Obama said was over for good came blasting back...the kids got out of moms spare room and are back to work...look sound so out of touch...
There is no Republican War on Women. There is, however, a Prog War against Truth, History and Reality.
Still denying the war you are waging on women as you take their rights away?

Doesn't surprise me. For 4 decades you have been claiming there is no war on the middle class. But look at what has happened since then.

1. You sent our high paying manufacturing jobs overseas. This made the American middle class poorer and the rich richer.
2. You give the rich tax cuts and raise our taxes to make up for it. Widening the gap between us and them, making them richer and us poorer.
3. You hired illegals you said to do "jobs Americans won't do", but you hired them to do jobs blue collar Americans will do if they are paid fairly. This has put billions into rich people's pockets and cost the middle class bigly.
4. You sent jobs overseas. This has made rich people investors and CEO's richer but has made the middle class poorer

There are many ways Republicans have waged war on women and the middle class. And yet you are still denying it? Even when faced with the news that Rich Republican White Dudes in Alabama all decided to take womens right to choose away?

Don't even lie. Just admit it. We are on to you now.

I call shenanigans. There is no Republican War on Women to deny.
There is no Republican War on Women. There is, however, a Prog War against Truth, History and Reality.
Still denying the war you are waging on women as you take their rights away?

Doesn't surprise me. For 4 decades you have been claiming there is no war on the middle class. But look at what has happened since then.

1. You sent our high paying manufacturing jobs overseas. This made the American middle class poorer and the rich richer.
2. You give the rich tax cuts and raise our taxes to make up for it. Widening the gap between us and them, making them richer and us poorer.
3. You hired illegals you said to do "jobs Americans won't do", but you hired them to do jobs blue collar Americans will do if they are paid fairly. This has put billions into rich people's pockets and cost the middle class bigly.
4. You sent jobs overseas. This has made rich people investors and CEO's richer but has made the middle class poorer

There are many ways Republicans have waged war on women and the middle class. And yet you are still denying it? Even when faced with the news that Rich Republican White Dudes in Alabama all decided to take womens right to choose away?

Don't even lie. Just admit it. We are on to you now.

You can repeat your nonsense again and again. No one is going to admit them because they are lies.

No one has the right to kill their child. Period. You can pretend all you want. Do all the mental gymnastics in the world to justify thst evil. It's still evil and wrong.

What is evil is white men who have no problem telling women what to do with their bodies. You are the evil that infests this world.

What is evil is spreading identify politics filth like your post.
There is no Republican War on Women. There is, however, a Prog War against Truth, History and Reality.
Still denying the war you are waging on women as you take their rights away?

Doesn't surprise me. For 4 decades you have been claiming there is no war on the middle class. But look at what has happened since then.

1. You sent our high paying manufacturing jobs overseas. This made the American middle class poorer and the rich richer.
2. You give the rich tax cuts and raise our taxes to make up for it. Widening the gap between us and them, making them richer and us poorer.
3. You hired illegals you said to do "jobs Americans won't do", but you hired them to do jobs blue collar Americans will do if they are paid fairly. This has put billions into rich people's pockets and cost the middle class bigly.
4. You sent jobs overseas. This has made rich people investors and CEO's richer but has made the middle class poorer

There are many ways Republicans have waged war on women and the middle class. And yet you are still denying it? Even when faced with the news that Rich Republican White Dudes in Alabama all decided to take womens right to choose away?

Don't even lie. Just admit it. We are on to you now.

You can repeat your nonsense again and again. No one is going to admit them because they are lies.

No one has the right to kill their child. Period. You can pretend all you want. Do all the mental gymnastics in the world to justify thst evil. It's still evil and wrong.

What is evil is white men who have no problem telling women what to do with their bodies. You are the evil that infests this world.
Democrats reached too far. When they made a grab for full on infanticide it was a shock. After all more than 60 million Americans have already been killed. Does democrat blood lust know no boundaries?
Actually this thread is very relevant given what happened in Alabama. A bunch of Christian Nazis just turned women in Alabama into second class citizens. Even Pat Robertson says this bill is too extreme. Republicans have likely signed their death warrant. Suburban women will have even more reasons to vote against the GOP as they did in 2018.

Is protecting children from being murdered...... worth losing votes?

That's a trade I'll go for.

What is it about men who feel the need to control the female, must be insecurity.

So in your world..... thinking murder is wrong... is 'you are controlling me!'?

Let me put this as bluntly as I can..... the reason why people, men or women, want to stop evil murder of babies... is because they are morally good people.

The reason some complain about about morally good people wanting to stop murder.... is because they are morally evil people.

Good people try and stop evil people. That's why. Any questions?
Actually this thread is very relevant given what happened in Alabama. A bunch of Christian Nazis just turned women in Alabama into second class citizens. Even Pat Robertson says this bill is too extreme. Republicans have likely signed their death warrant. Suburban women will have even more reasons to vote against the GOP as they did in 2018.

Is protecting children from being murdered...... worth losing votes?

That's a trade I'll go for.

What is it about men who feel the need to control the female, must be insecurity.

So in your world..... thinking murder is wrong... is 'you are controlling me!'?

Let me put this as bluntly as I can..... the reason why people, men or women, want to stop evil murder of babies... is because they are morally good people.

The reason some complain about about morally good people wanting to stop murder.... is because they are morally evil people.

Good people try and stop evil people. That's why. Any questions?

Yes, I have a question. Please link where people are legally killing babies in the USA.
Actually this thread is very relevant given what happened in Alabama. A bunch of Christian Nazis just turned women in Alabama into second class citizens. Even Pat Robertson says this bill is too extreme. Republicans have likely signed their death warrant. Suburban women will have even more reasons to vote against the GOP as they did in 2018.

Is protecting children from being murdered...... worth losing votes?

That's a trade I'll go for.

What is it about men who feel the need to control the female, must be insecurity.

So in your world..... thinking murder is wrong... is 'you are controlling me!'?

Let me put this as bluntly as I can..... the reason why people, men or women, want to stop evil murder of babies... is because they are morally good people.

The reason some complain about about morally good people wanting to stop murder.... is because they are morally evil people.

Good people try and stop evil people. That's why. Any questions?

Yes, I have a question. Please link where people are legally killing babies in the USA.

Called abortion. Happens all the time. But a rose by any other name....

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