The Republican War On Women

When will you people stop digging?

There is no war on women. Though I know you wish there was.

This is what makes it so much the worse, many of them CLEARLY don't realize they've waged war on women. Including many of the deranged lunatic fringe RW women in the camp.

Sad, very sad.

:( *SMH*

see you just don't know youre waging a war on women
better get woke and edumacated...derp

what about the black womens war on black men ?
is that why you guys like big fat white girls instead
Actually this thread is very relevant given what happened in Alabama. A bunch of Christian Nazis just turned women in Alabama into second class citizens. Even Pat Robertson says this bill is too extreme. Republicans have likely signed their death warrant. Suburban women will have even more reasons to vote against the GOP as they did in 2018.

Is protecting children from being murdered...... worth losing votes?

That's a trade I'll go for.

What is it about men who feel the need to control the female, must be insecurity.

So in your world..... thinking murder is wrong... is 'you are controlling me!'?

Let me put this as bluntly as I can..... the reason why people, men or women, want to stop evil murder of babies... is because they are morally good people.

The reason some complain about about morally good people wanting to stop murder.... is because they are morally evil people.

Good people try and stop evil people. That's why. Any questions?

Yes, I have a question. Please link where people are legally killing babies in the USA.
No charges for killing the child.

Man Stabs Pregnant Woman and Baby to Death - No Charges for Killing Child Thanks to NY Abortion Law
Actually this thread is very relevant given what happened in Alabama. A bunch of Christian Nazis just turned women in Alabama into second class citizens. Even Pat Robertson says this bill is too extreme. Republicans have likely signed their death warrant. Suburban women will have even more reasons to vote against the GOP as they did in 2018.

Is protecting children from being murdered...... worth losing votes?

That's a trade I'll go for.

What is it about men who feel the need to control the female, must be insecurity.

So in your world..... thinking murder is wrong... is 'you are controlling me!'?

Let me put this as bluntly as I can..... the reason why people, men or women, want to stop evil murder of babies... is because they are morally good people.

The reason some complain about about morally good people wanting to stop murder.... is because they are morally evil people.

Good people try and stop evil people. That's why. Any questions?

Yes, I have a question. Please link where people are legally killing babies in the USA.

Called abortion. Happens all the time. But a rose by any other name....
Actually this thread is very relevant given what happened in Alabama. A bunch of Christian Nazis just turned women in Alabama into second class citizens. Even Pat Robertson says this bill is too extreme. Republicans have likely signed their death warrant. Suburban women will have even more reasons to vote against the GOP as they did in 2018.

Is protecting children from being murdered...... worth losing votes?

That's a trade I'll go for.

What is it about men who feel the need to control the female, must be insecurity.

So in your world..... thinking murder is wrong... is 'you are controlling me!'?

Let me put this as bluntly as I can..... the reason why people, men or women, want to stop evil murder of babies... is because they are morally good people.

The reason some complain about about morally good people wanting to stop murder.... is because they are morally evil people.

Good people try and stop evil people. That's why. Any questions?

Yes, I have a question. Please link where people are legally killing babies in the USA.

Called abortion. Happens all the time. But a rose by any other name....

I think that I have gotten to the root of your problem, Andy. Google the definitions of "fetus" and "child". The internet is a wonderful tool for learning.

Amen! Sounds reasonable to me!

Amen! Sounds reasonable to me!
Agree. And stop the federal government from reaming the taxpayer for paying 30 BILLION dollars a year on HIV/AIDS. Keep those ass muscles tight I tell you. And that is not including state, local and city taxes and anything hidden in medical premiums. Everyone wins!
Is protecting children from being murdered...... worth losing votes?

That's a trade I'll go for.

What is it about men who feel the need to control the female, must be insecurity.

So in your world..... thinking murder is wrong... is 'you are controlling me!'?

Let me put this as bluntly as I can..... the reason why people, men or women, want to stop evil murder of babies... is because they are morally good people.

The reason some complain about about morally good people wanting to stop murder.... is because they are morally evil people.

Good people try and stop evil people. That's why. Any questions?

Yes, I have a question. Please link where people are legally killing babies in the USA.

Called abortion. Happens all the time. But a rose by any other name....
Is protecting children from being murdered...... worth losing votes?

That's a trade I'll go for.

What is it about men who feel the need to control the female, must be insecurity.

So in your world..... thinking murder is wrong... is 'you are controlling me!'?

Let me put this as bluntly as I can..... the reason why people, men or women, want to stop evil murder of babies... is because they are morally good people.

The reason some complain about about morally good people wanting to stop murder.... is because they are morally evil people.

Good people try and stop evil people. That's why. Any questions?

Yes, I have a question. Please link where people are legally killing babies in the USA.

Called abortion. Happens all the time. But a rose by any other name....

I think that I have gotten to the root of your problem, Andy. Google the definitions of "fetus" and "child". The internet is a wonderful tool for learning.

I have no problem. I'm not killing babies.

As for you, and trying to use some label, to redefine murder to suit your own purpose.....

Go brake a bald eagle egg. Tell me how redefining what it is, changes what it is.

Go perform an abortion on a Amur Leopard. An endangered animal, with only 60 left.

When you get to court, make sure you tell the judge to google 'fetus' and 'cub'. Send videos for me to laugh at, when you are sent to prison.

Romans 1:22
"Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools"

Sorry, talking to you reminded me of this Bible verse. Apparently people like you have existed for at least 2,000 years.
There is absolutely no doubt that the right is waging a war on women - and I believe that will be made crystal clear in November.

By then, the whole thing will have blown over and we will back to the business of showing what a piss-poor job our current loser in chief has done.

And he'll be done.

Women who have been hurt by this economy will vote their pocketbooks first.

Ah...did you not get the news, Listening? The guy that was doing the piss-poor job at President isn't there anymore! He's off playing golf on our dime. The NEW guy is doing a hell of a job with arguably the best economy in the world right now!

If women voter their liberals might as well save your money and run someone AFTER Trump's second term because you're gonna get steamrolled!
I think this law was in a direct responds to the laws NY passed allowing abortion up till birth. When you pass laws that it will produce reactions.. I am pro life but I think abortion should be ok with incest, rape and life of mother. There are TOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many forms of birth control that warrants as many abortions we have now.
There is no war on women. Though I know you wish there was.
There is no war on women. Though I know you wish there was.

Really then what's this?

Every Vote For Alabama’s Abortion Ban Was From A White Man
The Alabama state Senate just passed the country’s strictest abortion ban, which criminalizes nearly all abortions including in cases of rape and incest.
Well this should help inspire women to come out and vote; and to vote Democrat.

I dont think women want to kill their children as much as you do
I think most want the choice and most don’t consider it murder.
I think this law was in a direct responds to the laws NY passed allowing abortion up till birth. When you pass laws that it will produce reactions.. I am pro life but I think abortion should be ok with incest, rape and life of mother. There are TOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many forms of birth control that warrants as many abortions we have now.
You guys have been planning this for years. Why would Georgia pass a law in response to what Yankees do? Absurd
What is it about men who feel the need to control the female, must be insecurity.

So in your world..... thinking murder is wrong... is 'you are controlling me!'?

Let me put this as bluntly as I can..... the reason why people, men or women, want to stop evil murder of babies... is because they are morally good people.

The reason some complain about about morally good people wanting to stop murder.... is because they are morally evil people.

Good people try and stop evil people. That's why. Any questions?

Yes, I have a question. Please link where people are legally killing babies in the USA.

Called abortion. Happens all the time. But a rose by any other name....
What is it about men who feel the need to control the female, must be insecurity.

So in your world..... thinking murder is wrong... is 'you are controlling me!'?

Let me put this as bluntly as I can..... the reason why people, men or women, want to stop evil murder of babies... is because they are morally good people.

The reason some complain about about morally good people wanting to stop murder.... is because they are morally evil people.

Good people try and stop evil people. That's why. Any questions?

Yes, I have a question. Please link where people are legally killing babies in the USA.

Called abortion. Happens all the time. But a rose by any other name....

I think that I have gotten to the root of your problem, Andy. Google the definitions of "fetus" and "child". The internet is a wonderful tool for learning.

I have no problem. I'm not killing babies.

As for you, and trying to use some label, to redefine murder to suit your own purpose.....

Go brake a bald eagle egg. Tell me how redefining what it is, changes what it is.

Go perform an abortion on a Amur Leopard. An endangered animal, with only 60 left.

When you get to court, make sure you tell the judge to google 'fetus' and 'cub'. Send videos for me to laugh at, when you are sent to prison.

Romans 1:22
"Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools"

Sorry, talking to you reminded me of this Bible verse. Apparently people like you have existed for at least 2,000 years.

Ok, I will reconsider whether or not I will allow you to control my wife and daughter's bodies.

Ok, I reconsidered it. The answer is still "NO".
This is what makes it so much the worse, many of them CLEARLY don't realize they've waged war on women. Including many of the deranged lunatic fringe RW women in the camp. Sad, very sad.
No, what is truly sad is every time the Democrats do something stupid or get caught lying or get caught breaking the law, snowflakes breakout one of their old 'Break Glass When In Trouble' narratives and accuse others of doing what they have done or are this.

Remind me who it was that got caught engaging in sexual misconduct and - instead of acting to STOP it - created a committee whose sole purpose for existing was to use tax payer dollars to buy the silence of their victims...and did this for DECADES?!
-- Perverts like John Conyers could not retire fast enough before being held legally / Congressionally responsible and risk losing all that tax payer-funded retirement?

Which party did the 'SNL' perv belong to who got ensnared in the Dem's own 'ID the perv' movement, who apologized profusely in an attempt to keep his job, was forced out, and then once out publicly declared he really was NOT sorry at all?

Which Party's President was hauled into court for sexually harassing a woman and ended up getting Impeached after he was Held in Contempt of Court and stripped of his ability to practice law in his home state after lying / attempting to deceive the court?
-- And whose wife enabled his sexual criminal behavior for decades while verbally attacking, berating, slandering, and threatening women to keep their silence?

Democrats and snowflakes have made it a crusade to attack anyone who supports the GOP instead of their party - Women, blacks ('Uncle Toms'), etc....

The Democrats got busted in 2016 when their e-mails were publicly released, exposing their In-House racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic content....but they played the 'victim' card (victims of evil hacking - pay no attention to what the e-mails say) while doubling down on calling the GOP 'racists', 'sexists', etc....

And then you attack others for pointing any of this out....
Last edited:

Amen! Sounds reasonable to me!

I agree, the government needs to quit doling out money for people's choices. What people do with their own money, its up to them. Government money shouldn't go to
V iagra or abortions, NPR and Amtrak, they are all a waste of taxpayer dollars.
So in your world..... thinking murder is wrong... is 'you are controlling me!'?

Let me put this as bluntly as I can..... the reason why people, men or women, want to stop evil murder of babies... is because they are morally good people.

The reason some complain about about morally good people wanting to stop murder.... is because they are morally evil people.

Good people try and stop evil people. That's why. Any questions?

Yes, I have a question. Please link where people are legally killing babies in the USA.

Called abortion. Happens all the time. But a rose by any other name....
So in your world..... thinking murder is wrong... is 'you are controlling me!'?

Let me put this as bluntly as I can..... the reason why people, men or women, want to stop evil murder of babies... is because they are morally good people.

The reason some complain about about morally good people wanting to stop murder.... is because they are morally evil people.

Good people try and stop evil people. That's why. Any questions?

Yes, I have a question. Please link where people are legally killing babies in the USA.

Called abortion. Happens all the time. But a rose by any other name....

I think that I have gotten to the root of your problem, Andy. Google the definitions of "fetus" and "child". The internet is a wonderful tool for learning.

I have no problem. I'm not killing babies.

As for you, and trying to use some label, to redefine murder to suit your own purpose.....

Go brake a bald eagle egg. Tell me how redefining what it is, changes what it is.

Go perform an abortion on a Amur Leopard. An endangered animal, with only 60 left.

When you get to court, make sure you tell the judge to google 'fetus' and 'cub'. Send videos for me to laugh at, when you are sent to prison.

Romans 1:22
"Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools"

Sorry, talking to you reminded me of this Bible verse. Apparently people like you have existed for at least 2,000 years.

Ok, I will reconsider whether or not I will allow you to control my wife and daughter's bodies.

Ok, I reconsidered it. The answer is still "NO".

Right.... so you support murder. That makes you an evil person. But at least you are arrogant enough to admit you are in fact a morally disgusting murderer.
It really is quite simple. Men will do whatever it takes for pussy. They may also love their spouse, enjoy their company ect ect. But whomever controls women (and the pussy) controls men too.

The church figured this out centuries ago.

Its all about power. If they were actually concerned about the children, they would not abandon them the moment they were born.

Wow. How cynical and crass. And completely nonsense.

Men would do anything to "get pussy"? Is that really how you see it? You think men are that desperate for sex that they would sell out everything for it?

If men will do anything for sex, why are so many of them unwilling to take care of the women they sleep with? Why are so many unwilling to take care of their offspring?

Would you kill someone in exchange for sex? Do you know how messed up you are if you would? Do you know how easy it is to get sex if you really want it? If one woman is unwilling there are others that will be.

No. Men won't do anything for sex.

Love and respect on the other hand, men would die for that.

Any woman trying to use sex to manipulate you to support killing your child doesnt love you. A woman in a truly loving relationship has no reason to be scared of being pregnant.

Amen! Sounds reasonable to me!

I agree, the government needs to quit doling out money for people's choices. What people do with their own money, its up to them. Government money shouldn't go to
V iagra or abortions, NPR and Amtrak, they are all a waste of taxpayer dollars.
PUBLIC entities like NPR and Amtrack SHOULD be subject to their own type of 'Survival of the fittest' system and SHOULD either survive, living off of their own merit or the WILLING donations given by citizens, or fall by the wayside. The key word here is 'SHOULD'.

I have taken several trips on Amtrak, for example, that SHOULD have taken 6 hours or less. None of these trips took less than 12 hours to complete, due solely to Amtrak's deplorable trains / service / etc. Once, when trapped on their train for 14 hours - on a trip that should have taken 6, Amtrak refused to 'compensate' people on the train by giving them some type of credit to buy food or to give them food our-right for the inconvenience. There was a Girl Scout Troop onboard the train that had not planned for such a delay and thus did not have enough food r money to buy food from the dining cart. After the train employees sternly refused to do anything to help I stepped up and bought everyone food. I have never ridden the train since...despite the fact that my tax dollars continue to go to this despicable money-sucking black hole the Federal Government continues to keep afloat.

NPR - if Libs love it so much ;let THEM fund it.
-- NPR is sorta like the radio version of 'Obamaphones'. No one ever asked me if I wanted to pay for it - they just started taking my money....
Yes, I have a question. Please link where people are legally killing babies in the USA.

Called abortion. Happens all the time. But a rose by any other name....
Yes, I have a question. Please link where people are legally killing babies in the USA.

Called abortion. Happens all the time. But a rose by any other name....

I think that I have gotten to the root of your problem, Andy. Google the definitions of "fetus" and "child". The internet is a wonderful tool for learning.

I have no problem. I'm not killing babies.

As for you, and trying to use some label, to redefine murder to suit your own purpose.....

Go brake a bald eagle egg. Tell me how redefining what it is, changes what it is.

Go perform an abortion on a Amur Leopard. An endangered animal, with only 60 left.

When you get to court, make sure you tell the judge to google 'fetus' and 'cub'. Send videos for me to laugh at, when you are sent to prison.

Romans 1:22
"Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools"

Sorry, talking to you reminded me of this Bible verse. Apparently people like you have existed for at least 2,000 years.

Ok, I will reconsider whether or not I will allow you to control my wife and daughter's bodies.

Ok, I reconsidered it. The answer is still "NO".

Right.... so you support murder. That makes you an evil person. But at least you are arrogant enough to admit you are in fact a morally disgusting murderer.

Support murder? You mean like the present Alabama governor who has executed 5 people while in office?
If I sucked at my job as bad as Obama sucks at his, I would divide and conquer. That's all he is doing. United we stand divided we fall. I'm sure some of you have read that someplace.
You could not do as good a job as Obama in your wildest dreams. You are just the run of the mill uneducate white Trump supporter.
If I sucked at my job as bad as Obama sucks at his, I would divide and conquer. That's all he is doing. United we stand divided we fall. I'm sure some of you have read that someplace.
You could not do as good a job as Obama in your wildest dreams. You are just the run of the mill uneducate white Trump supporter.

Almost anyone could have done as good or better of a job as Obama. He was absolutely horrible on many fronts including rampant corruption(IRS, FBI, Fast and Furious, etc.), immigration, foreign and domestic policy. Those who think he did a good job are ignorant, brainwashed folks.

You want corruption, you got that in the oval office, the stink from DC is at my door in MI.
That may be corrupt Dem stink you got comin' over there. Hell, I dont even love the current Republican party. if anything, they hold Trump back from doing things that even liberals may like. That's why he was voted in. To shake things up. But this Congress, on the Republican side, but ESPECIALLY the Dem side, is so corrupt and obstructionist. Never seen anything like it in my lifetime and I aint no spring chicken.

Nope. I can smell Republicans and Tramp stench for miles.

You might want to shower more often then
Yes, I have a question. Please link where people are legally killing babies in the USA.

Called abortion. Happens all the time. But a rose by any other name....
Yes, I have a question. Please link where people are legally killing babies in the USA.

Called abortion. Happens all the time. But a rose by any other name....

I think that I have gotten to the root of your problem, Andy. Google the definitions of "fetus" and "child". The internet is a wonderful tool for learning.

I have no problem. I'm not killing babies.

As for you, and trying to use some label, to redefine murder to suit your own purpose.....

Go brake a bald eagle egg. Tell me how redefining what it is, changes what it is.

Go perform an abortion on a Amur Leopard. An endangered animal, with only 60 left.

When you get to court, make sure you tell the judge to google 'fetus' and 'cub'. Send videos for me to laugh at, when you are sent to prison.

Romans 1:22
"Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools"

Sorry, talking to you reminded me of this Bible verse. Apparently people like you have existed for at least 2,000 years.

Ok, I will reconsider whether or not I will allow you to control my wife and daughter's bodies.

Ok, I reconsidered it. The answer is still "NO".

Right.... so you support murder. That makes you an evil person. But at least you are arrogant enough to admit you are in fact a morally disgusting murderer.

You're delusional, he said nothing that supports murder.

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