The Republican War On Women


Amen! Sounds reasonable to me!
I didn't know the government prescribed anything I though doctors prescribed medication
Called abortion. Happens all the time. But a rose by any other name....
Called abortion. Happens all the time. But a rose by any other name....

I think that I have gotten to the root of your problem, Andy. Google the definitions of "fetus" and "child". The internet is a wonderful tool for learning.

I have no problem. I'm not killing babies.

As for you, and trying to use some label, to redefine murder to suit your own purpose.....

Go brake a bald eagle egg. Tell me how redefining what it is, changes what it is.

Go perform an abortion on a Amur Leopard. An endangered animal, with only 60 left.

When you get to court, make sure you tell the judge to google 'fetus' and 'cub'. Send videos for me to laugh at, when you are sent to prison.

Romans 1:22
"Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools"

Sorry, talking to you reminded me of this Bible verse. Apparently people like you have existed for at least 2,000 years.

Ok, I will reconsider whether or not I will allow you to control my wife and daughter's bodies.

Ok, I reconsidered it. The answer is still "NO".

Right.... so you support murder. That makes you an evil person. But at least you are arrogant enough to admit you are in fact a morally disgusting murderer.

Support murder? You mean like the present Alabama governor who has executed 5 people while in office?

Name the five people. We'll see which between you and the governor of Alabama, supports murder.
It really is quite simple. Men will do whatever it takes for pussy. They may also love their spouse, enjoy their company ect ect. But whomever controls women (and the pussy) controls men too.

The church figured this out centuries ago.

Its all about power. If they were actually concerned about the children, they would not abandon them the moment they were born.

Wow. How cynical and crass. And completely nonsense.

Men would do anything to "get pussy"? Is that really how you see it? You think men are that desperate for sex that they would sell out everything for it?

If men will do anything for sex, why are so many of them unwilling to take care of the women they sleep with? Why are so many unwilling to take care of their offspring?

Would you kill someone in exchange for sex? Do you know how messed up you are if you would? Do you know how easy it is to get sex if you really want it? If one woman is unwilling there are others that will be.

No. Men won't do anything for sex.

Love and respect on the other hand, men would die for that.

Any woman trying to use sex to manipulate you to support killing your child doesnt love you. A woman in a truly loving relationship has no reason to be scared of being pregnant.

YOu are assuming that there will be other women who will. That is not what I was talking about.
I think that I have gotten to the root of your problem, Andy. Google the definitions of "fetus" and "child". The internet is a wonderful tool for learning.

I have no problem. I'm not killing babies.

As for you, and trying to use some label, to redefine murder to suit your own purpose.....

Go brake a bald eagle egg. Tell me how redefining what it is, changes what it is.

Go perform an abortion on a Amur Leopard. An endangered animal, with only 60 left.

When you get to court, make sure you tell the judge to google 'fetus' and 'cub'. Send videos for me to laugh at, when you are sent to prison.

Romans 1:22
"Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools"

Sorry, talking to you reminded me of this Bible verse. Apparently people like you have existed for at least 2,000 years.

Ok, I will reconsider whether or not I will allow you to control my wife and daughter's bodies.

Ok, I reconsidered it. The answer is still "NO".

Right.... so you support murder. That makes you an evil person. But at least you are arrogant enough to admit you are in fact a morally disgusting murderer.

Support murder? You mean like the present Alabama governor who has executed 5 people while in office?

Name the five people. We'll see which between you and the governor of Alabama, supports murder.

List of people executed in Alabama - Wikipedia

I don't have the patience to list just the seven executions by the present governor. This will have to do.
It just stuns me that people that are against healthcare for children and daycare for children and education for children one more unwanted children. Why? Target practice for school shootings? I just don’t get it.

You're shocked that we want parents to take care of their children and not the government?

It's common sense if you think about it.

In other words, we care about the fetus when it is in the womb but after that drop dead.

The only common sense I see is your hypocrisy.

Well since there is no hypocrisy, you're delusional.

Nature & Nature's God has given all children a mother and father to take care of them. If they arent able to, extended family is there. If for some reason none of them can take care of the Child, adoption is available.

The federal government, which is a government of limited enumerated powers, was never meant to have the power to take care of children. Because its inefficient and lacks compassion. A bureaucrat or politician isnt going to be able to give a child what they need. Only a mother and father can.

Your position of kill the child and if it survives give it to the federal government to take care of it is heartless and a complete abrogation of personal responsibility
There is no Republican War on Women. There is, however, a Prog War against Truth, History and Reality.
Still denying the war you are waging on women as you take their rights away?

Doesn't surprise me. For 4 decades you have been claiming there is no war on the middle class. But look at what has happened since then.

1. You sent our high paying manufacturing jobs overseas. This made the American middle class poorer and the rich richer.
2. You give the rich tax cuts and raise our taxes to make up for it. Widening the gap between us and them, making them richer and us poorer.
3. You hired illegals you said to do "jobs Americans won't do", but you hired them to do jobs blue collar Americans will do if they are paid fairly. This has put billions into rich people's pockets and cost the middle class bigly.
4. You sent jobs overseas. This has made rich people investors and CEO's richer but has made the middle class poorer

There are many ways Republicans have waged war on women and the middle class. And yet you are still denying it? Even when faced with the news that Rich Republican White Dudes in Alabama all decided to take womens right to choose away?

Don't even lie. Just admit it. We are on to you now.

You can repeat your nonsense again and again. No one is going to admit them because they are lies.

No one has the right to kill their child. Period. You can pretend all you want. Do all the mental gymnastics in the world to justify thst evil. It's still evil and wrong.

What is evil is white men who have no problem telling women what to do with their bodies. You are the evil that infests this world.

The law doesnt tell women what they can do with their bodies.

It tells them what they cant do to their babies body
It just stuns me that people that are against healthcare for children and daycare for children and education for children one more unwanted children. Why? Target practice for school shootings? I just don’t get it.

You're shocked that we want parents to take care of their children and not the government?

It's common sense if you think about it.

In other words, we care about the fetus when it is in the womb but after that drop dead.

The only common sense I see is your hypocrisy.

Well since there is no hypocrisy, you're delusional.

Nature & Nature's God has given all children a mother and father to take care of them. If they arent able to, extended family is there. If for some reason none of them can take care of the Child, adoption is available.

The federal government, which is a government of limited enumerated powers, was never meant to have the power to take care of children. Because its inefficient and lacks compassion. A bureaucrat or politician isnt going to be able to give a child what they need. Only a mother and father can.

Your position of kill the child and if it survives give it to the federal government to take care of it is heartless and a complete abrogation of personal responsibility

Well, I guess that your argument has convinced me that the government's lack of compassion and inefficiency means that we should shut down VA hospitals....
There is no war on women. Though I know you wish there was.
You support Trump. He is a groper & woman assaulter & you don't care.

Trump has taken away work place protections & Republicans were against equal work for equal pay.

Now they try to control what women do with their bodies.

Republicans demand a woman who gets pregnant during rape or incest, carries that fetus full term.

I havent voted for Trump. I might next year. But I voted against him.

I'm just not a dishonest shill who is going to make cheap up. When Trump does good. I support him. When he doesn't I dont.

Just like with Obama. Just like with Bush.

But how I feel about Trump is irrelevant to the thread. There is no war on women. We dont care what the women do with their body.

We care what they do with the childs body.

The fact that you guys cannot be honest is why you are losing this fight

And the woman has no say in it. Only white men. There is indeed a war against women. Republicans didn't give a damn about someone who committed a sexual assault going to the Supreme Court, didn't care about a sexual harasser being nominated for the Fed as well as someone who refused to pay what a judge ordered him to pay to his ex-wife.

The woman has great say in it. She determines who she mates with in almost all cases. She decides whether to keep her child or put it up for adoption.

Women wrote the bill. The governor, a woman, signed the bill.

And its absolutely transphobic that you just assume what gender those legislators identify as
It just stuns me that people that are against healthcare for children and daycare for children and education for children one more unwanted children. Why? Target practice for school shootings? I just don’t get it.

You're shocked that we want parents to take care of their children and not the government?

It's common sense if you think about it.

In other words, we care about the fetus when it is in the womb but after that drop dead.

The only common sense I see is your hypocrisy.

Well since there is no hypocrisy, you're delusional.

Nature & Nature's God has given all children a mother and father to take care of them. If they arent able to, extended family is there. If for some reason none of them can take care of the Child, adoption is available.

The federal government, which is a government of limited enumerated powers, was never meant to have the power to take care of children. Because its inefficient and lacks compassion. A bureaucrat or politician isnt going to be able to give a child what they need. Only a mother and father can.

Your position of kill the child and if it survives give it to the federal government to take care of it is heartless and a complete abrogation of personal responsibility

Well, I guess that your argument has convinced me that the government's lack of compassion and inefficiency means that we should shut down VA hospitals....
Probably should. Soldiers should be able to go anywhere they want.
Actually this thread is very relevant given what happened in Alabama. A bunch of Christian Nazis just turned women in Alabama into second class citizens. Even Pat Robertson says this bill is too extreme. Republicans have likely signed their death warrant. Suburban women will have even more reasons to vote against the GOP as they did in 2018.

Is protecting children from being murdered...... worth losing votes?

That's a trade I'll go for.

What is it about men who feel the need to control the female, must be insecurity.

So in your world..... thinking murder is wrong... is 'you are controlling me!'?

Let me put this as bluntly as I can..... the reason why people, men or women, want to stop evil murder of babies... is because they are morally good people.

The reason some complain about about morally good people wanting to stop murder.... is because they are morally evil people.

Good people try and stop evil people. That's why. Any questions?

Yes, I have a question. Please link where people are legally killing babies in the USA.

Planned Parenthood | Official Site

Amen! Sounds reasonable to me!

Why is the government paying for your medicine to begin with?

Why would a majority of us who neither need the drug nor want the government paying for those who do care if you cut funding.

Cutting government funding doesnt hurt libertarians or conservatives.
There is no war on women. Though I know you wish there was.
There is no war on women. Though I know you wish there was.

Really then what's this?

Every Vote For Alabama’s Abortion Ban Was From A White Man
The Alabama state Senate just passed the country’s strictest abortion ban, which criminalizes nearly all abortions including in cases of rape and incest.
Well this should help inspire women to come out and vote; and to vote Democrat.

I dont think women want to kill their children as much as you do
I think most want the choice and most don’t consider it murder.

Then you would be wrong
So in your world..... thinking murder is wrong... is 'you are controlling me!'?

Let me put this as bluntly as I can..... the reason why people, men or women, want to stop evil murder of babies... is because they are morally good people.

The reason some complain about about morally good people wanting to stop murder.... is because they are morally evil people.

Good people try and stop evil people. That's why. Any questions?

Yes, I have a question. Please link where people are legally killing babies in the USA.

Called abortion. Happens all the time. But a rose by any other name....
So in your world..... thinking murder is wrong... is 'you are controlling me!'?

Let me put this as bluntly as I can..... the reason why people, men or women, want to stop evil murder of babies... is because they are morally good people.

The reason some complain about about morally good people wanting to stop murder.... is because they are morally evil people.

Good people try and stop evil people. That's why. Any questions?

Yes, I have a question. Please link where people are legally killing babies in the USA.

Called abortion. Happens all the time. But a rose by any other name....

I think that I have gotten to the root of your problem, Andy. Google the definitions of "fetus" and "child". The internet is a wonderful tool for learning.

I have no problem. I'm not killing babies.

As for you, and trying to use some label, to redefine murder to suit your own purpose.....

Go brake a bald eagle egg. Tell me how redefining what it is, changes what it is.

Go perform an abortion on a Amur Leopard. An endangered animal, with only 60 left.

When you get to court, make sure you tell the judge to google 'fetus' and 'cub'. Send videos for me to laugh at, when you are sent to prison.

Romans 1:22
"Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools"

Sorry, talking to you reminded me of this Bible verse. Apparently people like you have existed for at least 2,000 years.

Ok, I will reconsider whether or not I will allow you to control my wife and daughter's bodies.

Ok, I reconsidered it. The answer is still "NO".

Why does your wife want to kill your children? Why would your children want to kill your grandchildren.

I think you have a bigger problem then worrying about alabamas law
Actually this thread is very relevant given what happened in Alabama. A bunch of Christian Nazis just turned women in Alabama into second class citizens. Even Pat Robertson says this bill is too extreme. Republicans have likely signed their death warrant. Suburban women will have even more reasons to vote against the GOP as they did in 2018.

Is protecting children from being murdered...... worth losing votes?

That's a trade I'll go for.

What is it about men who feel the need to control the female, must be insecurity.

So in your world..... thinking murder is wrong... is 'you are controlling me!'?

Let me put this as bluntly as I can..... the reason why people, men or women, want to stop evil murder of babies... is because they are morally good people.

The reason some complain about about morally good people wanting to stop murder.... is because they are morally evil people.

Good people try and stop evil people. That's why. Any questions?

Yes, I have a question. Please link where people are legally killing babies in the USA.

Planned Parenthood | Official Site
Another dumb fucking Trumpette who doesn't know the difference between a fetus and a bsby.
Yes, I have a question. Please link where people are legally killing babies in the USA.

Called abortion. Happens all the time. But a rose by any other name....
Yes, I have a question. Please link where people are legally killing babies in the USA.

Called abortion. Happens all the time. But a rose by any other name....

I think that I have gotten to the root of your problem, Andy. Google the definitions of "fetus" and "child". The internet is a wonderful tool for learning.

I have no problem. I'm not killing babies.

As for you, and trying to use some label, to redefine murder to suit your own purpose.....

Go brake a bald eagle egg. Tell me how redefining what it is, changes what it is.

Go perform an abortion on a Amur Leopard. An endangered animal, with only 60 left.

When you get to court, make sure you tell the judge to google 'fetus' and 'cub'. Send videos for me to laugh at, when you are sent to prison.

Romans 1:22
"Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools"

Sorry, talking to you reminded me of this Bible verse. Apparently people like you have existed for at least 2,000 years.

Ok, I will reconsider whether or not I will allow you to control my wife and daughter's bodies.

Ok, I reconsidered it. The answer is still "NO".

Why does your wife want to kill your children? Why would your children want to kill your grandchildren.

I think you have a bigger problem then worrying about alabamas law

Who is killing babies?

Amen! Sounds reasonable to me!

Why is the government paying for your medicine to begin with?

Why would a majority of us who neither need the drug nor want the government paying for those who do care if you cut funding.

Cutting government funding doesnt hurt libertarians or conservatives.
I guess you have never been to a red state or central Pennsylvania where all those white conservatives are sucking in that welfare money.
There is no Republican War on Women. There is, however, a Prog War against Truth, History and Reality.
Still denying the war you are waging on women as you take their rights away?

Doesn't surprise me. For 4 decades you have been claiming there is no war on the middle class. But look at what has happened since then.

1. You sent our high paying manufacturing jobs overseas. This made the American middle class poorer and the rich richer.
2. You give the rich tax cuts and raise our taxes to make up for it. Widening the gap between us and them, making them richer and us poorer.
3. You hired illegals you said to do "jobs Americans won't do", but you hired them to do jobs blue collar Americans will do if they are paid fairly. This has put billions into rich people's pockets and cost the middle class bigly.
4. You sent jobs overseas. This has made rich people investors and CEO's richer but has made the middle class poorer

There are many ways Republicans have waged war on women and the middle class. And yet you are still denying it? Even when faced with the news that Rich Republican White Dudes in Alabama all decided to take womens right to choose away?

Don't even lie. Just admit it. We are on to you now.

You can repeat your nonsense again and again. No one is going to admit them because they are lies.

No one has the right to kill their child. Period. You can pretend all you want. Do all the mental gymnastics in the world to justify thst evil. It's still evil and wrong.

What is evil is white men who have no problem telling women what to do with their bodies. You are the evil that infests this world.

The law doesnt tell women what they can do with their bodies.

It tells them what they cant do to their babies body

The law says a woman must go through pregnancy. That makes you a liar.
Yes, I have a question. Please link where people are legally killing babies in the USA.

Called abortion. Happens all the time. But a rose by any other name....
Yes, I have a question. Please link where people are legally killing babies in the USA.

Called abortion. Happens all the time. But a rose by any other name....

I think that I have gotten to the root of your problem, Andy. Google the definitions of "fetus" and "child". The internet is a wonderful tool for learning.

I have no problem. I'm not killing babies.

As for you, and trying to use some label, to redefine murder to suit your own purpose.....

Go brake a bald eagle egg. Tell me how redefining what it is, changes what it is.

Go perform an abortion on a Amur Leopard. An endangered animal, with only 60 left.

When you get to court, make sure you tell the judge to google 'fetus' and 'cub'. Send videos for me to laugh at, when you are sent to prison.

Romans 1:22
"Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools"

Sorry, talking to you reminded me of this Bible verse. Apparently people like you have existed for at least 2,000 years.

Ok, I will reconsider whether or not I will allow you to control my wife and daughter's bodies.

Ok, I reconsidered it. The answer is still "NO".

Why does your wife want to kill your children? Why would your children want to kill your grandchildren.

Actually, I don't have a problem keeping you, and your self righteousness, out of my bedroom and my family's life.

I think you have a bigger problem then worrying about alabamas law

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