The Republicans are committing suicide,

Interesting points. The Democratic Party now holds just 15 Governorships among the 50 States. The Party is obviously in ruins. Democrat Fake News isn't reporting on it, but the Democratic Party is in serious trouble. By way of Wikileaks, it's clear that Wasserman-Schultz and Clinton rigged the Party's Presidential Nomination process. Second to only the UN, the Democratic Party is an extremely corrupt institution.

Prove it!

Show the wiki leaks you lyingly claim showed Hillary and wasserman in cahoots with each other against Bernie. Did you get that bull crud straight from the Russian propaganda outlets?

Go back and check out Wikileaks. It's clear that Wasserman-Schultz and Clinton did collude to rig the Party's Nomination process. I know you're like most other Democrats and living in denial over it, but it is the ugly truth. Your Party is one of the most corrupt institutions on earth.
it doesn't show were TOLD it shows that....and you picked up the lies, without even knowing what the lies were.

One of Wasserman-Schultz's dirty little lackeys was just recently arrested. So hopeully he'll cooperate and help send her to the slammer. And then maybe she'll flip too, and help take Hillary Clinton down once and for all. But i guess we'll see. Stay tuned.
he won 60% of the states in the presidential election that is a landslide. sorry you think 200 years of electing presidents is entirely wrong, but you don't matter in that discussion.

Well, again, when Trump can't get his own party to go along with his agenda, it really doesn't matter what technicality he won on.

What he doesn't have is a mandate to lead. So when he says, "Let's get rid of ObamaCare", the GOP is all like, "Meh, maybe not. Some of my constituents like Obamacare."
Shows the swampy DC
The democrat party is already dead.

Listen to this fellow make a whole lot of sense about the lying liberals and the problem with the right wing.

Dude, I've seen both parties declared dead more times than Jason Vorhees....

Let's get real here. After your boy Trump is done fucking up everything, including his own party, the Democrats will be back with a vengence in 2018 and 2020. Then people will get sick of them and turn back to the Republicans in 2022.

Right, both parties represent the ruling elite who are going no where.

People turn to one party for help and then to another for relief, only to then turn to the other party for help.

Wash, rinse, repeat.
And trump to start the cleaning
Shows the swampy DC

No, it shows why you don't elect amateurs.

You see, if Ted Cruz or John Kasich had been elected, those guys would have reformed the ACA (It actually does need serious reform) by building coalitions and making compromises. that's what you do in a democracy.

And trump to start the cleaning

Actually, trump to get impeached. Only a matter of time.
Shows the swampy DC

No, it shows why you don't elect amateurs.

You see, if Ted Cruz or John Kasich had been elected, those guys would have reformed the ACA (It actually does need serious reform) by building coalitions and making compromises. that's what you do in a democracy.

And trump to start the cleaning

Actually, trump to get impeached. Only a matter of time.
Well Ted is there and he failed so you don't know shit I see.

The swamp will get cleaned in 2018
He's partially right but Trump WILL get tax reform. Remember they only were ONE vote short on health care due that IDIOT McCain!!
They will

Obviously, you're stupid.

Here's how this works. RIch people get their tax cuts. And then they throw like a $300 check to working folks like they did in 2001.

But here's what happens, when the Tax Cuts to the Rich FAIL to produce the economic growth they promise, then you end up having shortfalls. and then they raise taxes in other areas, so the working class ends up losing any gains they made.

Then we have the good sense to put the Democrats back in charge, and the rich end up paying something of their fair share again.
They will

Obviously, you're stupid.

Here's how this works. RIch people get their tax cuts. And then they throw like a $300 check to working folks like they did in 2001.

But here's what happens, when the Tax Cuts to the Rich FAIL to produce the economic growth they promise, then you end up having shortfalls. and then they raise taxes in other areas, so the working class ends up losing any gains they made.

Then we have the good sense to put the Democrats back in charge, and the rich end up paying something of their fair share again.
Did you mean to post a point?
The democrat party is already dead.

Listen to this fellow make a whole lot of sense about the lying liberals and the problem with the right wing.

Dude, I've seen both parties declared dead more times than Jason Vorhees....

Let's get real here. After your boy Trump is done fucking up everything, including his own party, the Democrats will be back with a vengence in 2018 and 2020. Then people will get sick of them and turn back to the Republicans in 2022.
/----/ Yup. America can't wait to refill the swamp and go back to the Deep State running this country into the ground. The DNC motto for 2020 "Bring Back Corruption Now"
They will

Obviously, you're stupid.

Here's how this works. RIch people get their tax cuts. And then they throw like a $300 check to working folks like they did in 2001.

But here's what happens, when the Tax Cuts to the Rich FAIL to produce the economic growth they promise, then you end up having shortfalls. and then they raise taxes in other areas, so the working class ends up losing any gains they made.

Then we have the good sense to put the Democrats back in charge, and the rich end up paying something of their fair share again.
/----/ As a matter of principal, did you mail your $300 back to the Treasury Dept?

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