The Republicans are committing suicide,

That will be useless. How does that help the middle class? They voted him into office. So you want to try and take that from them Hilariously. Cereal

Again, when the economy tanks next year- and it will - the middle class will want Trump's scalp.

Of course, helping the middle class will have to wait until 2020.

You see, this is how it works.

Democrats bring prosperity. (LBJ, Clinton, Obama)

Republicans play on the White Middle Class's racism, sexism, homophobia and religious fears. (Nixon, Reagan, Bush, Trump)

Republicans get into office, and proceed to fuck things up for the Middle class to favor the rich.

White Working Class votes in Democrats.

Democrats bring prosperity.

so you must be a fking rich fk with all kinds of stock wins. You see the future and can predict. Predictions are just that, a prediction, and someone insane with the ability to project their hate at others. And still you got nothing for the middle class, what an idiot you are. See americans making money want representatives to go to bat for them. you got to give them something or you get nothing, the last six years has taught you nothing I see. you got concrete in your head?
so you must be a fking rich fk with all kinds of stock wins. You see the future and can predict. Predictions are just that, a prediction, and someone insane with the ability to project their hate at others. And still you got nothing for the middle class, what an idiot you are. See americans making money want representatives to go to bat for them. you got to give them something or you get nothing, the last six years has taught you nothing I see. you got concrete in your head?

Uh, the people voted for more of the same in 2016. Your guy lost the popular vote.

Of course we are due another recession, because there's ALWAYS another recession. Too bad we got a guy in who doesn't understand what to do when we get one.

Impeach Trump... all the Democrats will need.
so you must be a fking rich fk with all kinds of stock wins. You see the future and can predict. Predictions are just that, a prediction, and someone insane with the ability to project their hate at others. And still you got nothing for the middle class, what an idiot you are. See americans making money want representatives to go to bat for them. you got to give them something or you get nothing, the last six years has taught you nothing I see. you got concrete in your head?

Uh, the people voted for more of the same in 2016. Your guy lost the popular vote.

Of course we are due another recession, because there's ALWAYS another recession. Too bad we got a guy in who doesn't understand what to do when we get one.

Impeach Trump... all the Democrats will need.
my guy won 60% of the electoral college and that is the states. So take your populace crap and stuff it back where it came from, cause sweetie, that doesn't win presidential elections, the number of states do. so stop whining, shit were getting near the first full year since the election and you're still whining about the popular vote that means nothing. EDUCATE yourself loser.
my guy won 60% of the electoral college and that is the states.

But he lost by 3 million votes.
The people said no.

I'm sorry you don't get this, but the guy wouldn't be on perpetual campaign rallies if he felt confident in his position. It's like the guy needs constant affirmation.

Meanwhile, his own party isn't willing to stick their necks out for him, partially because they don't want to be splattered by the shit grenade, partially because Trump is so mentally unstable he'll turn on them in a heartbeat. He seems to spend as much time attacking his fellow Republicans as he does Democrats.

This is not what leadership looks like. This is what a tawdry reality show looks like.
there were 51 popular votes on Nov 9, Trump won the majority and thus the presidency as is outline in the COTUS, end of story.
my guy won 60% of the electoral college and that is the states.

But he lost by 3 million votes.
The people said no.

I'm sorry you don't get this, but the guy wouldn't be on perpetual campaign rallies if he felt confident in his position. It's like the guy needs constant affirmation.

Meanwhile, his own party isn't willing to stick their necks out for him, partially because they don't want to be splattered by the shit grenade, partially because Trump is so mentally unstable he'll turn on them in a heartbeat. He seems to spend as much time attacking his fellow Republicans as he does Democrats.

This is not what leadership looks like. This is what a tawdry reality show looks like.
he won 60% of the states in the presidential election that is a landslide. sorry you think 200 years of electing presidents is entirely wrong, but you don't matter in that discussion. The law is the law, who is president? I see, so the number in the populace vote doesn't change that fact. too bad-a-for-you. is your ass sore yet.
there were 51 popular votes on Nov 9, Trump won the majority and thus the presidency as is outline in the COTUS, end of story.

Except that doesn't give him a mandate, and frankly, winning on a technicality mainly ends up with you screaming at your own party because they aren't willing to be associated with you, that is a problem.

You see, this is the big problem you have. It isnt' that I don't think Trump is legitimate, it's that most of the GOP doesn't think he's legitimate, either.
he won 60% of the states in the presidential election that is a landslide. sorry you think 200 years of electing presidents is entirely wrong, but you don't matter in that discussion.

Well, again, when Trump can't get his own party to go along with his agenda, it really doesn't matter what technicality he won on.

What he doesn't have is a mandate to lead. So when he says, "Let's get rid of ObamaCare", the GOP is all like, "Meh, maybe not. Some of my constituents like Obamacare."
The democrat party is already dead.

Listen to this fellow make a whole lot of sense about the lying liberals and the problem with the right wing.

Dude, I've seen both parties declared dead more times than Jason Vorhees....

Let's get real here. After your boy Trump is done fucking up everything, including his own party, the Democrats will be back with a vengence in 2018 and 2020. Then people will get sick of them and turn back to the Republicans in 2022.

Right, both parties represent the ruling elite who are going no where.

People turn to one party for help and then to another for relief, only to then turn to the other party for help.

Wash, rinse, repeat.
' the Republicans are committing suicide'

This is a liberal wish, as it seems this would be the only way the Democratic party can win elections...

:p. Bwuhahahaha...
Right, both parties represent the ruling elite who are going no where.

People turn to one party for help and then to another for relief, only to then turn to the other party for help.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

And whose fault is that.

You see, the biggest problem with politics is the politicians give us exactly what we ask for.

We are like a junkie who resents his pusher.
Interesting points. The Democratic Party now holds just 15 Governorships among the 50 States. The Party is obviously in ruins. Democrat Fake News isn't reporting on it, but the Democratic Party is in serious trouble. By way of Wikileaks, it's clear that Wasserman-Schultz and Clinton rigged the Party's Presidential Nomination process. Second to only the UN, the Democratic Party is an extremely corrupt institution.

Prove it!

Show the wiki leaks you lyingly claim showed Hillary and wasserman in cahoots with each other against Bernie. Did you get that bull crud straight from the Russian propaganda outlets?
he won 60% of the states in the presidential election that is a landslide. sorry you think 200 years of electing presidents is entirely wrong, but you don't matter in that discussion.

Well, again, when Trump can't get his own party to go along with his agenda, it really doesn't matter what technicality he won on.

What he doesn't have is a mandate to lead. So when he says, "Let's get rid of ObamaCare", the GOP is all like, "Meh, maybe not. Some of my constituents like Obamacare."
How much did Hillary pay for such a mandate from the establishment?
How much did Hillary pay for such a mandate from the establishment?

Why can't you ever stay on point.

"but, but, but... Hillary" doesn't answer the point.

Trump has no mandate. Therefore, he can't lead.
Trump has the mandate of the people who enabled him to win the majority of the 51 popularity contests run on Nov 9th.

We all knew it would not be easy. Having the establishment fighting him tooth and nail is exactly what was expected.

Hillary on the other hand was hand picked by the establishment, but the people saved the US.
Trump has the mandate of the people who enabled him to win the majority of the 51 popularity contests run on Nov 9th.

except that isnt' a mandate. That's a technicality.

We all knew it would not be easy. Having the establishment fighting him tooth and nail is exactly what was expected.

Well, yeah, when you attack your own side, and throw your own people under the bus at every opportunity, that doesn't help, either.

Hillary on the other hand was hand picked by the establishment, but the people saved the US.

i'm sorry, having a crazy person in charge with no idea what he is doing isn't saving us from anything.
Trump has the mandate of the people who enabled him to win the majority of the 51 popularity contests run on Nov 9th.

except that isnt' a mandate. That's a technicality.

We all knew it would not be easy. Having the establishment fighting him tooth and nail is exactly what was expected.

Well, yeah, when you attack your own side, and throw your own people under the bus at every opportunity, that doesn't help, either.

Hillary on the other hand was hand picked by the establishment, but the people saved the US.

i'm sorry, having a crazy person in charge with no idea what he is doing isn't saving us from anything.
Following the rule of law and the COTUS is a technicality, right.

I am registered as unaffiliated but lean right because the left wing has become completely unhinged.
Interesting points. The Democratic Party now holds just 15 Governorships among the 50 States. The Party is obviously in ruins. Democrat Fake News isn't reporting on it, but the Democratic Party is in serious trouble. By way of Wikileaks, it's clear that Wasserman-Schultz and Clinton rigged the Party's Presidential Nomination process. Second to only the UN, the Democratic Party is an extremely corrupt institution.

Prove it!

Show the wiki leaks you lyingly claim showed Hillary and wasserman in cahoots with each other against Bernie. Did you get that bull crud straight from the Russian propaganda outlets?

Go back and check out Wikileaks. It's clear that Wasserman-Schultz and Clinton did collude to rig the Party's Nomination process. I know you're like most other Democrats and living in denial over it, but it is the ugly truth. Your Party is one of the most corrupt institutions on earth.
Interesting points. The Democratic Party now holds just 15 Governorships among the 50 States. The Party is obviously in ruins. Democrat Fake News isn't reporting on it, but the Democratic Party is in serious trouble. By way of Wikileaks, it's clear that Wasserman-Schultz and Clinton rigged the Party's Presidential Nomination process. Second to only the UN, the Democratic Party is an extremely corrupt institution.

Prove it!

Show the wiki leaks you lyingly claim showed Hillary and wasserman in cahoots with each other against Bernie. Did you get that bull crud straight from the Russian propaganda outlets?

Go back and check out Wikileaks. It's clear that Wasserman-Schultz and Clinton did collude to rig the Party's Nomination process. I know you're like most other Democrats and living in denial over it, but it is the ugly truth. Your Party is one of the most corrupt institutions on earth.
it doesn't show were TOLD it shows that....and you picked up the lies, without even knowing what the lies were.

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