The Republicans have a plan to pay for their tax cuts.

I don't know why I do this for you leftists. You challenge the right on what they claim, and when they provide proof, you just say it's BS. I'm not wasting anymore time on this. Believe what you want; rather what the Democrats tell you what to believe.

I'm not a leftist, but you don't and those articles don't tell 100% of the story. I am a centrist and have worked in this business many years for almost 30 years, yes there were some cuts but not anywhere near the article. l don't know why I have to school the far right.

So tell me this you republican's bitch that obamacare shut down rural hospitals, lack of Medicaid expansions shut down rural hospitals and any that are left will be shut down if pubs cut medicaid any farther.

Taxes were applied to all medical equipment, hospitals use quite a bit of medical equipment in case you didn't know. Next time you visit your dentist or Vet, ask them about Commie Care taxes. I did when my dentist gave me his bill. It's the first thing that came out of his mouth, and he pretty much leans to the left.

So the cost of all medical care increased dramatically, and some didn't have the ability to handle those new taxes, so they shut down.

Is this thread about the medical device tax? I thought we were debating ss and Medicare. Oh I know what hospitals use I spent two weeks in August in one the bill was $91,000 the insurance company contract took it down to $6500. You tell me why one simastatin cost $17.00 a day in the hospital when I can get 30 days for under $6.00. In the bill there was a charge from a brain MRI, never had one.

But lets stick to the subject which you aren't too far off of receiving. Even if you have a huge 401K or savings and you paid into ss since you started working probably 40 years ago for you don't you believe that is your money or are you just going to write it off?

First off, you were the one that challenged me when I pointed out that DumBama also took from Medicare. You advanced to hospitals closing down and I explained why.

Secondly, SS is a program I was forced into. Unlike my IRA which is and was always optional, I had to pay into it if I wanted to work. I could only dream of the money I'd be worth today had all those SS contributions me and my employers made were invested in a conservative growth fund.

Third, nobody is talking about cutting SS. A reduction of growth? Maybe. But if we don't do something soon, someday down the road people will pay into SS their entire lives and get nothing back because there won't be anything to give back.
It was just a matter of time before a republican congress decided to look at Social Security and Medicare cuts as a way to give billionaires and corporations their tax cuts.

And of course, the over 65 rubes will cheer this move as a way to Make America Great Again even as the dumb asses cut their own throats.

They may give up SS and Medicare coverage....but they get a kick ass MAGA hat
Most of both articles was plain bullshit. I think you better do some more digging on what was actually cut vs what was proposed.

I don't know why I do this for you leftists. You challenge the right on what they claim, and when they provide proof, you just say it's BS. I'm not wasting anymore time on this. Believe what you want; rather what the Democrats tell you what to believe.

I'm not a leftist, but you don't and those articles don't tell 100% of the story. I am a centrist and have worked in this business many years for almost 30 years, yes there were some cuts but not anywhere near the article. l don't know why I have to school the far right.

So tell me this you republican's bitch that obamacare shut down rural hospitals, lack of Medicaid expansions shut down rural hospitals and any that are left will be shut down if pubs cut medicaid any farther.

Taxes were applied to all medical equipment, hospitals use quite a bit of medical equipment in case you didn't know. Next time you visit your dentist or Vet, ask them about Commie Care taxes. I did when my dentist gave me his bill. It's the first thing that came out of his mouth, and he pretty much leans to the left.

So the cost of all medical care increased dramatically, and some didn't have the ability to handle those new taxes, so they shut down.

Is this thread about the medical device tax? I thought we were debating ss and Medicare. Oh I know what hospitals use I spent two weeks in August in one the bill was $91,000 the insurance company contract took it down to $6500. You tell me why one simastatin cost $17.00 a day in the hospital when I can get 30 days for under $6.00. In the bill there was a charge from a brain MRI, never had one.

But lets stick to the subject which you aren't too far off of receiving. Even if you have a huge 401K or savings and you paid into ss since you started working probably 40 years ago for you don't you believe that is your money or are you just going to write it off?

First off, you were the one that challenged me when I pointed out that DumBama also took from Medicare. You advanced to hospitals closing down and I explained why.

Secondly, SS is a program I was forced into. Unlike my IRA which is and was always optional, I had to pay into it if I wanted to work. I could only dream of the money I'd be worth today had all those SS contributions me and my employers made were invested in a conservative growth fund.

Third, nobody is talking about cutting SS. A reduction of growth? Maybe. But if we don't do something soon, someday down the road people will pay into SS their entire lives and get nothing back because there won't be anything to give back.
correctly, they were cutting off money into the SS and paying out to those through a specific year born back in the 50's and everyone after putting money into 401Ks. Controlling their money not the government running it, or ruining it.
A new report indicates that the U.S. is the top competitive country in the world in several arenas such as innovation but the crazy angry hypocrite left continues to whine about it and try to grasp defeat from the jaws of victory.
All the innovation came from Liberal States like California who invested in education of their citizens!
Both sides know their power ends when they cut social security.....thankfully.
I hope you're right, and for those who keep thinking it's and "entitlement," I paid into it every week from the time I was 19 until I retired, so I am "entitled" to get my money back. Had I been allowed to put it into a savings, do they think my drawing it out would still be an entitlement? With some of their mindsets, they probably would.
The actual deficit is the final arbiter to the GOP tax cuts. If the deficit shrinks due to growth and increased revenue the tax cut worked, if the deficit increases the tax cut failed. So far it look like voodoo economics-II and the tax cuts failed. Raise taxes on the top rate to cover spending, or the dems will.
Funny, Republicans feel all earnings belong to them.
who else do they belong to when one earns it?
employment is at-will; quit if you feel exploited.
i agree. funny huh? I am successful. I can live without the need of others money. And When I take my SS, I will be taking my money and no one elses.
don't worry, be happy and stop whining then, right winger.
dude, I'm ecstatic. I love my life. I truly enjoy this forum. I love making you all look like asses. you couldn't hold a candle to any conservative in here. still waiting on your explanation. why are you afraid to educate us?
lol. let's cut the crime, drug, and terror wars to lower our income tax burden.
Hold on to every penny you are in the bottom 80%, particularly if you have or are planning to retire in the future.
But if you are in the top 20%, relax, life is good.
Mitch McConnell Calls for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid Cuts After Passing Tax Cuts, Massive Defense Spending
After instituting a $1.5 trillion tax cut and signing off on a $675 billion budget for the Department of Defense, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday that the only way to lower the record-high federal deficit would be to cut entitlement programs like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.

"It’s disappointing, but it’s not a Republican problem," McConnell said of the deficit, which grew 17 percent to $779 billion in fiscal year 2018. McConnell explained to Bloomberg that "it’s a bipartisan problem: Unwillingness to address the real drivers of the debt by doing anything to adjust those programs to the demographics of America in the future." The deficit has increased 77 percent since McConnell became majority leader in 2015.

New Treasury Department analysis on Monday revealed that corporate tax cuts had a significant impact on the deficit this year. Federal revenue rose by 0.04 percent in 2018, a nearly 100 percent decrease last year’s 1.5 percent. In fiscal year 2018, tax receipts on corporate income fell to $205 billion from $297 billion in 2017.
Mitch McConnell says deficit ballooned because of Social Security, Medicare, not Republican Tax Cuts

And look at the distribution of the tax cuts, through 2015.
View attachment 223006
So, if you are in the 80% and in the retirement mode now or down the road, more than likely cuts to Social Security and Medicare are really going to hurt you.
Now consider this, how many Trumpsters and supporters of his fascist party are going to get in the butt?
But have no fear, they don't care if they are getting fucked, Trump and the Fascist Party are like Gods of the World. After all, they are top ending the uber-wealthy, to "make America great again".

I concur that the Republicans are as irresponsible as the democrats when it comes to spending. But regarding your chart- you can’t give huge tax cuts to people who don’t pay much in taxes. People making over $100k per year paid over 80% of the taxes collected, but only represent less than 17% of the returns filed.

So why cut personal taxes instead of funding the government? The Corporate tax cut was needed to keep jobs here, but we need revenue not borrowing.
The actual deficit is the final arbiter to the GOP tax cuts. If the deficit shrinks due to growth and increased revenue the tax cut worked, if the deficit increases the tax cut failed. So far it look like voodoo economics-II and the tax cuts failed. Raise taxes on the top rate to cover spending, or the dems will.

Wait a minute - revenue went UP in FY 2018, not down with an increase of $14 billion from individual income tax collections AND spending went up by $127 billion so how do you figure the bigger deficit is due to the tax cuts? I get that the deficit went up by $113 billion and it wouldn't have been that much if we hadn't cut the tax rate, but the lion's share of that deficit increase has to be from more spending.
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The actual deficit is the final arbiter to the GOP tax cuts. If the deficit shrinks due to growth and increased revenue the tax cut worked, if the deficit increases the tax cut failed. So far it look like voodoo economics-II and the tax cuts failed. Raise taxes on the top rate to cover spending, or the dems will.

Wait a minute - revenue went UP in FY 2018, not down with an increase of $14 billion from individual income tax collections AND spending went up by $129 billion so how do you figure the bigger deficit is due to the tax cuts? I get that the deficit went up by $113 billion and it wouldn't have been that much if we hadn't cut the tax rate, but the lion's share of that deficit increase has to be from more spending.
why is the right wing increasing Spending with tax cut economics?
The personal tax cut, especially for the top rate should have been held steady to cover the increase in spending. Sooner or later the interest on the Debt will be biting us on the ass.
Both sides know their power ends when they cut social security.....thankfully.
I hope you're right, and for those who keep thinking it's and "entitlement," I paid into it every week from the time I was 19 until I retired, so I am "entitled" to get my money back. Had I been allowed to put it into a savings, do they think my drawing it out would still be an entitlement? With some of their mindsets, they probably would.

Well it is an entitlement unless you don't live to the average lifespan in the US.

Bottom line is many of us will get back more than we contributed and for those of us so fortunate, it's an entitlement.
Both sides know their power ends when they cut social security.....thankfully.
I hope you're right, and for those who keep thinking it's and "entitlement," I paid into it every week from the time I was 19 until I retired, so I am "entitled" to get my money back. Had I been allowed to put it into a savings, do they think my drawing it out would still be an entitlement? With some of their mindsets, they probably would.

Well it is an entitlement unless you don't live to the average lifespan in the US.

Bottom line is many of us will get back more than we contributed and for those of us so fortunate, it's an entitlement.
we don't deserve free, alleged wars on crime, drugs, or terror.
The personal tax cut, especially for the top rate should have been held steady to cover the increase in spending. Sooner or later the interest on the Debt will be biting us on the ass.

I highly doubt that keeping the personal tax rate unchanged would have covered the increase in spending ($127 billion). True, the first three months of the fiscal year were before the tax cuts kicked in. But if you limit the accounting to this calendar year, individual income tax revenues are up by 5% through September. As it was, revenue from income taxes went up by $14 billion over FY 2017, and there's no way that it would have been anywhere close to $127 billion. Consider this:

Let's compare the 2018 results with Obama's last full fiscal year in office, 2016.

Individual income tax revenues went up by a mere 0.3%, Treasury data show. Fiscal 2016 also saw a 13% drop in corporate income taxes. FICA tax collections climbed by less than 1%. Excise tax collections dropped almost 3%.

Overall revenues increased by 0.5% — about the same as this year. The deficit? It climbed by $148 billion.

So, in other words, the government did better on revenues and deficits in the year after Trump's tax cuts went into effect than it did in Obama's last year in office.
Hold on to every penny you are in the bottom 80%, particularly if you have or are planning to retire in the future.
But if you are in the top 20%, relax, life is good.
Mitch McConnell Calls for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid Cuts After Passing Tax Cuts, Massive Defense Spending
After instituting a $1.5 trillion tax cut and signing off on a $675 billion budget for the Department of Defense, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday that the only way to lower the record-high federal deficit would be to cut entitlement programs like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.

"It’s disappointing, but it’s not a Republican problem," McConnell said of the deficit, which grew 17 percent to $779 billion in fiscal year 2018. McConnell explained to Bloomberg that "it’s a bipartisan problem: Unwillingness to address the real drivers of the debt by doing anything to adjust those programs to the demographics of America in the future." The deficit has increased 77 percent since McConnell became majority leader in 2015.

New Treasury Department analysis on Monday revealed that corporate tax cuts had a significant impact on the deficit this year. Federal revenue rose by 0.04 percent in 2018, a nearly 100 percent decrease last year’s 1.5 percent. In fiscal year 2018, tax receipts on corporate income fell to $205 billion from $297 billion in 2017.
Mitch McConnell says deficit ballooned because of Social Security, Medicare, not Republican Tax Cuts

And look at the distribution of the tax cuts, through 2015.
View attachment 223006
So, if you are in the 80% and in the retirement mode now or down the road, more than likely cuts to Social Security and Medicare are really going to hurt you.
Now consider this, how many Trumpsters and supporters of his fascist party are going to get in the butt?
But have no fear, they don't care if they are getting fucked, Trump and the Fascist Party are like Gods of the World. After all, they are top ending the uber-wealthy, to "make America great again".

How is getting rid of a tax going to hurt me?

You forgot the magic words "if you are retired". Also you forgot to mention that this has nothing to do with the tax cuts. Rather the purpose is to make the social security delusion last a couple more years. The tax cuts are insignificant compared to the social security deficit which is almost 30 trillion dollars.
Hold on to every penny you are in the bottom 80%, particularly if you have or are planning to retire in the future.
But if you are in the top 20%, relax, life is good.
Mitch McConnell Calls for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid Cuts After Passing Tax Cuts, Massive Defense Spending
After instituting a $1.5 trillion tax cut and signing off on a $675 billion budget for the Department of Defense, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday that the only way to lower the record-high federal deficit would be to cut entitlement programs like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.

"It’s disappointing, but it’s not a Republican problem," McConnell said of the deficit, which grew 17 percent to $779 billion in fiscal year 2018. McConnell explained to Bloomberg that "it’s a bipartisan problem: Unwillingness to address the real drivers of the debt by doing anything to adjust those programs to the demographics of America in the future." The deficit has increased 77 percent since McConnell became majority leader in 2015.

New Treasury Department analysis on Monday revealed that corporate tax cuts had a significant impact on the deficit this year. Federal revenue rose by 0.04 percent in 2018, a nearly 100 percent decrease last year’s 1.5 percent. In fiscal year 2018, tax receipts on corporate income fell to $205 billion from $297 billion in 2017.
Mitch McConnell says deficit ballooned because of Social Security, Medicare, not Republican Tax Cuts

And look at the distribution of the tax cuts, through 2015.
View attachment 223006
So, if you are in the 80% and in the retirement mode now or down the road, more than likely cuts to Social Security and Medicare are really going to hurt you.
Now consider this, how many Trumpsters and supporters of his fascist party are going to get in the butt?
But have no fear, they don't care if they are getting fucked, Trump and the Fascist Party are like Gods of the World. After all, they are top ending the uber-wealthy, to "make America great again".

Hey KIWI, why don't you post what one of your heroes; BLOOMBERG, says about who pays the taxes?

Let me tell you one of their observations------------> Less than 1500 people in this country......LET ME SPELL THAT FOR YA, fifteen-hundred people, pay the same amount in taxes, as the bottom 50 PERCENT of ALL taxpayers. Explain that to us-)

Another thing----------> The tp 50% of all taxpayers pay 97% of the taxes. What is the medium income of the United States? LOOK IT UP YOU FOOL!

So then, what you are telling everyone is-----------> everyone BELOW that number, can only pay 3%?

You are a THIEF, plain and simple. You are a Marxist crook, trying to make theft LEGAL! You sure you are not from Cuba? Venezuela? The former USSR?

Get your LAZY ass out of your "Jammies," get a decent job, and pay YOUR fairshare, you phoney-e-baloney!
Before Trump McDonalds had a Dollar Menu that included a McDouble for only $1. Now they added $2 & $3 menus increasing prices 100% for nearly everything from the $1 menu. Your money already got cut in half by deficit inflation before you ever got a tax refund!!!

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Before Trump McDonalds had a Dollar Menu that included a McDouble for only $1. Now they added $2 & $3 menus increasing prices 100% for nearly everything from the $1 menu. Your money already got cut in half by deficit inflation before you ever got a tax refund!!!

View attachment 223239

Of course that had nothing to do with the states that increased minimum wage, nor the fact that no-talent jobs have to offer more money to attract employees in fantastic economic times.

Now tell us how great a $15.00 per hour national minimum wage would be.
Before Trump McDonalds had a Dollar Menu that included a McDouble for only $1. Now they added $2 & $3 menus increasing prices 100% for nearly everything from the $1 menu. Your money already got cut in half by deficit inflation before you ever got a tax refund!!!

View attachment 223239

Of course that had nothing to do with the states that increased minimum wage, nor the fact that no-talent jobs have to offer more money to attract employees in fantastic economic times.

Now tell us how great a $15.00 per hour national minimum wage would be.
Dear Repubtard! - Printing money is the #1 cause of inflation. The hamburger prices exploded before wages & in places wages did not. Prices are even higher where employee reducing kiosk were installed.

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