The Republicans (RINOs) are going to completely screw us again with the senate border bill

I get it that repub swamp rats are ok with open borders and a minimum of 5,000 migrants a day being welcomed into this country

Its no skin off their nose

But the American people dont want it

And we dont have to stand for it
How is it any skin off your nose?

Are you really saying that you think that your job prospects are threatened by someone with no money, no connections and a limited grasp on the English Language?
and when she gets her pathway to citizenship that opens the door for uncounted numbrts of kinfolk back in communist china to follow her over here

We admit over 1 million legal immigrants each year and thats more than enough
What did I tell you about attacking family, boy?

Actually, most of her relatives are already here. The only family she had in China is a brother who passed away last year. Her cousin is a business owner and her daughter is a dance teacher on a work visa.
How is it any skin off your nose?

Are you really saying that you think that your job prospects are threatened by someone with no money, no connections and a limited grasp on the English Language?
The immigration debate is not all about me or you

We are a self governing nation and whats best for one person may not be best for the whole people

Immigration is one of those issues

We admit over one million legal immigrants each year which is more than generous
What did I tell you about attacking family, boy?

Actually, most of her relatives are already here. The only family she had in China is a brother who passed away last year. Her cousin is a business owner and her daughter is a dance teacher on a work visa.
Your wife is not the only chinese person who is trying to get to America

You keep using her as a prop

but I’m really not interested in your personal problems so why dont you stop bringing her up?
The immigration debate is not all about me or you

We are a self governing nation and whats best for one person may not be best for the whole people

Immigration is one of those issues

We admit over one million legal immigrants each year which is more than generous

if you want to make that argument, then we should be letting MORE people in, not less. We are already facing a worker shortage, there aren't enough young people working to prop up our generous entitlement programs for seniors.

Your wife is not the only chinese person who is trying to get to America

You keep using her as a prop

but I’m really not interested in your personal problems so why dont you stop bringing her up?
Because she's a perfect example of what is wrong with the current system. It should have taken all of ten minutes to realize that she would face oppression if she returned home. It should not take 8 years to determine that. Nor should it take a year to determine that we are really married, but that's how long that is going to take.
Because she's a perfect example of what is wrong with the current system. It should have taken all of ten minutes to realize that she would face oppression if she returned home. It should not take 8 years to determine that. Nor should it take a year to determine that we are really married, but that's how long that is going to take.
Ok, I see you are determined to bring your family into this discussion

She appears to be an example of the chain immigration scam that Ted Kennedy helped enact in 1965

Under the terms of that law one naturalized citizen can sponsor an unlimited number of relatives from the old country with no qualifications to be here

We need more doctors and engineers to boost our economy

We dont need family hangers on other than the wife and children of the original immigrant
Better than what? I never used the word 'better'.

I do know that this bill has been negotiated by very knowlegeable people. I trust them.

I do know that the orange clown doesn't want this bill passed for no reason other than it will undermine his chances of getting elected.

I do know that there are legions of Trumpolini worshipping MAGGOTS that are against this bill only because Trumpolini told them to be against it.

There's your problem, at least one of them. You also spelled knowledgeable wrong, don't you have spell check?

I guess you also have the maturity of a 2 year old, what kind of a grown man uses name calling to try to make any kind of rational or intelligent remark? :cuckoo:
No one suggested that.

We can actually use immigrants, because the native born are not reproducing at replacement rates.

I think it's indicative of how broken our system is. It should not take 8 years to determine that she would face oppression, given we are constantly bitching about her home country and it's human rights record.

Heck, I'll go one further. You have that German family that has been claiming Asylum for 17 years because Germany doesn't allow homeschooling.

This actually IS a bogus claim, but 17 years later, and we haven't sent them back to Germany. .

That's absolutely what you are suggesting. Your argument is that we should let anyone in claiming asylum, well they are ALL claiming asylum, therefore they should ALL be let in. You and your leftie cohorts use as an argument every time that they are escaping poverty, and the US is a beacon of hope, so they should be allowed to migrate here and find the American Dream. How many of the world's people live in 'poverty'? How many should be able to 'migrate' here, where do you draw the line? Give us a hard number, put your money where your mouth is and make a definitive statement about exactly how many of those poor people should be allowed to move to the US? And while you're at it, please outline and list exactly what they should receive in monetary 'help' once they get here, and then tell us how it is going to be paid for?
We know that Republican Senators have said that this bill is the most conservative bill that they could ever hope for.

It clearly will significantly reduce illegal immigration, but you obviously couldn't care about illegal immigration.

All you care about is getting Trumpolini elected.
Trump will be elected with or without this bill.

Because Biden is a complete fucking idiot.
You’re wrong. Existing law (Title 8) says they DO. Have the right to present themselves in this country and ask for asylum
Anyone can ask. The law doesn't say we have to pay for them while the decision is being made.

Libtards are so fucking stupid - these illegals can't work and can't get benefits. Whet to you think they're going to do? Duh???
There's no doubt its not perfect but neither is an open door. In fact an open door is MUCH worse.

You people just want them in because so do your leaders. Leftists are perfect followers.
Leftards are stupid, ignorant sheep.

They're loud, obnoxious, and brainless.

From Senator Mike Lee:

"Earlier today, a reporter standing outside the Senate chamber told me that, after four months of secrecy, The Firm™? plans to release the text of the $106 billion supplemental aid / border-security package—possibly as soon as tomorrow.

Wasting no time, she then asked, “if you get the bill by tomorrow, will you be ready to vote on it by Tuesday?”

The words “hell no” escaped my mouth before I could stop them. Those are strong words where I come from. (Sorry, Mom).

The reporter immediately understood that my frustration was not directed at her.

Rather, it was directed at the Law Firm of Schumer & McConnell (“The Firm™?”), which is perpetually trying to normalize a corrupt approach to legislating—in which The Firm™?

(1) spends months drafting legislation in complete secrecy,

(2) aggressively markets that legislation based not on its details and practical implications (good and bad), but only on its broadest, least-controversial objectives,

(3) lets members see bill text for the first time only a few days (sometimes a few hours) before an arbitrary deadline imposed by The Firm™? itself, always with a contrived sense of urgency, and then

(4) forces a vote on the legislation on or before that deadline, denying senators any real opportunity to read, digest, and debate the measure on its merits, much less introduce, consider, and vote on amendments to fix any perceived problems with the bill or otherwise improve it.

Whenever The Firm™? engages in this practice, it largely excludes nearly every senator from the constitutionally prescribed process in which all senators are supposed to participate.

By so doing, The Firm™? effectively disenfranchises hundreds of millions of Americans—at least for purposes relevant to the legislation at hand—and that’s tragic.

It’s also unAmerican, uncivil, uncollegial, and really uncool.

So why does The Firm™? do it?

Every time The Firm™? utilizes this approach and the bill passes—and it nearly always does—The Firm™? becomes more powerful.

The high success rate is largely attributable to the fact that The Firm™? has become very adept at (a) enlisting the help of the (freakishly cooperative) news media, (b) exerting peer pressure in a way that makes what you experienced in middle school look mild by comparison, and (c) rewarding those who consistently vote with The Firm™? with various privileges that The Firm™? is uniquely capable of offering (committee assignments, help with campaign fundraising, and a whole host of other widely coveted things that The Firm™? is free to distribute in any manner it pleases).

It’s through this process that The Firm™? passes most major spending legislation.

It’s through this process that The Firm™? likely intends to pass the still-secret, $106 billion supplemental aid / border-security package, which The Firm™? has spent four months negotiating, with the luxury of obsessing over every sentence, word, period, and comma.

I still don’t know exactly what’s in this bill, although I have serious concerns with it based on the few details The Firm™? has been willing to share.

But under no circumstances should this bill — which would fund military operations in three distant parts of the world and make massive, permanent changes to immigration law — be passed next week.

Nor should it be passed until we have had adequate time to read the bill, discuss it with constituents, debate it, offer amendments, and vote on those amendments.

There’s no universe in which those things will happen by next week.

Depending on how long it is and the complexity of its provisions, the minimum period of time we should devote to this bill after it’s released should be measured in weeks or months, not days or hours."

I'm not a fan but at least Mike Lee laid out how the swamp is the swamp. And why everyday Americans and even the people we elect, really have no say in Washington.....The Firm is a fine name for it.

And Eye Patch McCain has nothing to say about the House Border Security bill, HR2, being buried under the senate building by Chuck Schumer for the last eight months. Schumer has sat on a border security bill since May of last year. Go fuck yourself, Eye Patch.

You MAGA imbeciles deserve to get "screwed".

You aren't serious people. If you were serious about border reform, you would support the bill.
Truth hurts....well, not really. You're too stupid to care either way.
Ok, I see you are determined to bring your family into this discussion

She appears to be an example of the chain immigration scam that Ted Kennedy helped enact in 1965

Under the terms of that law one naturalized citizen can sponsor an unlimited number of relatives from the old country with no qualifications to be here

You mean her family - FOLLOWED THE LAWS. Gee, imagine that.

We need more doctors and engineers to boost our economy
Yes. We also need more manual laborers. It's not like the multi-cultural studies majors are going to do that work.

We dont need family hangers on other than the wife and children of the original immigrant
Well, you don't. I have no problem with it.
That's absolutely what you are suggesting. Your argument is that we should let anyone in claiming asylum, well they are ALL claiming asylum, therefore they should ALL be let in.

I would review on a case-by-case basis. But that would mean dedicating the resources to do those reviews. And here lies the problem. Because Trump took an ax to the Asylum system, we don't have the resources to process these people. That needs to change.

You and your leftie cohorts use as an argument every time that they are escaping poverty, and the US is a beacon of hope, so they should be allowed to migrate here and find the American Dream.

You mean like both of our ancestors did? Now, funny thing, my dad immigrated here as a baby from Germany. I am sure right after WWI, no one was keen on seeing more Germans come over.

How many of the world's people live in 'poverty'? How many should be able to 'migrate' here, where do you draw the line? Give us a hard number, put your money where your mouth is and make a definitive statement about exactly how many of those poor people should be allowed to move to the US?

We could probably absorb 3 million more a year. We probably need to because Boomers are retiring at a rate of 11,000 a day.

And while you're at it, please outline and list exactly what they should receive in monetary 'help' once they get here, and then tell us how it is going to be paid for?

They don't need monetary help. They are very keen on working for their keep.

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