The Republicans (RINOs) are going to completely screw us again with the senate border bill

They blew holes on the walls and tunneled under

Build a wall and there’s ways around them or under them or over them
There's no doubt its not perfect but neither is an open door. In fact an open door is MUCH worse.

You people just want them in because so do your leaders. Leftists are perfect followers.
Riddle me this, libs.

If the Trump Program at the border wasn't working, why has the number of Illegals skyrocketed during the reign of Sleepy Joe?

Of course, walls work. And the stay in Mexico policy of America led to Mexico establishing a "stay in Guatemala" program on their own southern border. No caravans going through Mexico from points south until Sleepy Joe took the helm and opened the border.
Mostly because conditions in the places they are coming from have gotten much,much worse.

Actually, migration under Trump spiked in 2019. It only dropped in 2020 because Covid ground everything to a halt.
Mostly because conditions in the places they are coming from have gotten much,much worse.

Actually, migration under Trump spiked in 2019. It only dropped in 2020 because Covid ground everything to a halt.
Stop with the bullshit. Biden's "catch and release" is a national security disaster.
Tens of thousands of Chinese and Russians entered the US thanks to Biden.

Only after being reviewed snd approved by an immigration judge

Give them a number and send them back to mexico till they have a hearing
Except that isn't what the law says.

The law says they can be granted asylum until a judge hears their case. The problem is that you have the asylum courts are backed up for years. Mrs. B131 has been waiting 8 years for a hearing.
Stop with the bullshit. Biden's "catch and release" is a national security disaster.
Tens of thousands of Chinese and Russians entered the US thanks to Biden.
Oh, no, not Russians and Chinese!!!!

So I am not sure what they are going to do with no connections and a limited grasp on the English language

Mostly because conditions in the places they are coming from have gotten much,much worse.

Actually, migration under Trump spiked in 2019. It only dropped in 2020 because Covid ground everything to a halt.

So all of Mexico's and South America's poor should relocate here? Why not Africa as well? India? Middle East? Let's import everyone on the planet that's considered in poverty. See how that works out for you, the rest of us will leave,
Except that isn't what the law says.

The law says they can be granted asylum until a judge hears their case. The problem is that you have the asylum courts are backed up for years. Mrs. B131 has been waiting 8 years for a hearing.

Ah, there's your 'reasoning', if you can call it that.
We have read what the Republican Senators have said about it.

Have you?
I’ve read a lot about it. And I see much nonsense to the extent that what I’ve read is honest in whole or even in part.

Maybe you schmucks should reserve your endorsements until you’ve actually had a chance to read the proposed bill.
sorry if I dont care what some canadian fuck has to say abpout american laws,,
Here ya go, dumbass:

It was in the bill that passed the house last year.

The question
It was in the bill that passed the house last year.

Perhaps if the bill did not include a requirement to build the stupid wall it would have passed.

What evidence do you have that the current Senate bill does not have similar penalties for the employers?
How will it do that? Especially given that you've already made the argument further up that they're seeking asylum and we must allow them in anyway? Do you even understand what logic is?

The bill increases the requirements for valid asylum requests, and increase the funding for immigration courts.

They will get processed faster and more of them will be deported.

Comprehende amigo?
Dick. Yeah you. DickyH.

Are you claiming that you have read the proposed senate bill?

No, dumbass. Almost no one has. But there have been enough public discussion.

Mikey J. is the Speaker of the house and has a much larger obligation to be exacting when he makes his decisions then I do.

Of course, he's already decided to kiss Trumpolini's butt.
If the MAGA IDIOTS are so sure that this bill will not severely reduce illegal immigration, why don't they pass it and see what happens?

There's plenty of time before the November election to see if it works or not.

If it doesn't work, the Republican nominee can rub Biden's nose in it.

Of course, you'd never agree to that because you're afraid it will work and will be a positive political point for Biden.

At least Trumpolini is honest enough to say that he wants the bill killed just for his personal political benefit.

Notice that none of the MAGA IDIOTS have an answer for this?
No, dumbass. Almost no one has. But there have been enough public discussion.

Exactly, you fucking imbecile. You have not the slightest idea whether those reporting the info you rely upon are credible or if maybe they are misinterpreting what the effect could be. Or perhaps they feel some other political need to spin it.

Mikey J. is the Speaker of the house
Good to know. You twit.
and has a much larger obligation to be exacting when he makes his decisions then I do.
Gee; no kidding?
Of course, he's already decided to kiss Trumpolini's butt.
And you have no basis to make that stupid ass claim, either.

By the way, when you toss Brandon’s salad, does he compliment your efforts?

Notice that none of the MAGA IDIOTS have an answer for this?
What? You and your ilk are the idiots.

Why pass something just to find out IF it will work.

Instead, pass some laws which you know will work (provided you have a President willing to do his fucking duty).

You people on the left are truly retarded.
Doesn’t matter. What I said stands

What you said made absolutely no sense considering the context of what you responded to, not to mention it wasn't in response to any of your posts. lol
The bill increases the requirements for valid asylum requests, and increase the funding for immigration courts.

They will get processed faster and more of them will be deported.

Comprehende amigo?

What requirements specifically?

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