The rich don’t pay their fair share.

Bologna, super dupe. Your give away to the rich GOP and its propaganda machine are the biggest disgrace in the history of American politics... Most misinformed brainwashed voters ever.

People keeping the money they earn is not a give away. Bust into your neighbors house, take all the money out of his wallet and grab his big screen tv. Let us know how that works out.
This is about the whole economy, not ridiculous GOP common sense LOL. The rich are getting way too rich and there is not enough money to invest in infrastructure and Education and Training for opportunity. Worst upward mobility and inequality ever. Great job!

Not enough money to invest in infrastructure? It's not all up to the federal government as we also have gasoline tax, state taxes, sales tax, property tax, bridge tolls, road tolls, you name it we have a tax on it. If we don't have money for infrastructure its most probable that the money was wasted foolishly by someone in the government.
And to beat a dead horse I'll bring up that California HS rail again... the democrats dream. 77 Billion and rising and the whole thing is going to be a big let down that will never live up to it's original billing. Thats just one project but there are thousands of disasterous "investments" using state or federal funds on much smaller scales, but when you add them up its in the billions.

No money for education or training? Again, the main problem is funds are diverted away from the students and ends up in administration which is extremely bloated.

The rich are getting way to rich?? Thats the way business works if you set up a business properly. You get to make a lot of money. Then you get to spend a lot of money and it ends up in other peoples pockets as well, so whats wrong with that?

I'll never understand the greed of left wing politicians except they must be in love with Marxism.... except for the fake ones like Pelosi.. I guess at 29 million in net worth she's getting too rich right? So question is, how much of her commercial property would be fair for her to sell off? She definately needs to give back, who cares if she may have already paid taxes on her money.

Then the question should be why do movie actors and directors get to make so much for making stupid films? Does it seem fair that they get to keep so much money for standing in front of a camera? Just think if 70 % of all those profits were given to the federal government... what a beautiful world we would have.

And then we need to completely need to restructure professional sports, I mean why should someone like Lebron or Durant get a supermax contract making 200 million when they will be paying less than 40% in tax? They should have to pay 90% in tax so it will be more fair for the players only making 2 million a year. Never mind that Chuck Schummer will never need to take a charge in the paint like Durant... but all that money needs to go to the feds.
We need to make the world an even place right? Why should an athlete try so hard to be the best in the world and feel they need to be rewarded for it?
The idea of America being a place of unlimited opportunity is why millions of people decide to LEGALY immigrate to the US rather than stay home. And obviously that needs to stop right?

When the government gets to dictate who is too rich and how much is too much your in trouble. Today they will say its 10 million, then later after more of their waste and failure they will change the number down to 5 mil and then down to 1 Mil.....

If there is such a large disparity between the rich and poor and inequality ,it also needs to be recognized that we have just imported and are importing a lower class of probably 50 million illegal immigrants which skews the numbers and also creates competition over resources in class rooms and jobs that our already poor in the US could have used.
Blaming it all on the rich is disingenuous. I don't know how they all got their money but i do know what has happened in the past when politicians used class warfare to promote their agendas. It's often a complete disaster.
It has been a GOP give away to the rich for 35 years now, brainwashed functional moron. And yes that is the problem d u h..... As for your other arguments, we already knew you were a brainwashed functional moron... The reason we have all those state and local tax hikes and ridiculous fees is that the tax cuts for the rich etc cause Less federal aid to the states so the states raised their taxes and fees, dumbass functional shithead. That is why we have a flat tax system already, a disaster for everyone but the richest. The only reason this can happen is that 25% of our country are now brainwashed idiots like you.
It has been a GOP give away to the rich for 35 years now

Still waiting for you to back up your wild claims. How specifically did the GOP give anything to the rich?
That's what happens when you have a flat tax system, dumbass. Everybody in the world knows that but GOP dupes like you... Ever heard of history LOL? Google the only tax graph you need to know.
It has been a GOP give away to the rich for 35 years now

Still waiting for you to back up your wild claims. How specifically did the GOP give anything to the rich?
Under Eisenhower, the top tax rate was 90%. JFK cut that to 70%. Reagan cut it to 50% and had his success. Then on his way out he cut it to 28%, and everything since has been a total giveaway to the rich and ruin for the middle class and the country's infrastructure.. you want a diagram super dupe? Google the only tax graph you need to know.
It has been a GOP give away to the rich for 35 years now

Still waiting for you to back up your wild claims. How specifically did the GOP give anything to the rich?
That's what happens when you have a flat tax system, dumbass. Everybody in the world knows that but GOP dupes like you... Ever heard of history LOL? Google the only tax graph you need to know.

The rich earned THEIR money, that's not the GOP giving them money. Now the mooching deadbeats who don't even pay taxes getting a refund, that's a government giveaway.
It has been a GOP give away to the rich for 35 years now

Still waiting for you to back up your wild claims. How specifically did the GOP give anything to the rich?
Under Eisenhower, the top tax rate was 90%. JFK cut that to 70%. Reagan cut it to 50% and had his success. Then on his way out he cut it to 28%, and everything since has been a total giveaway to the rich and ruin for the middle class and the country's infrastructure.. you want a diagram super dupe? Google the only tax graph you need to know.

Nobody paid 90% or 70% and you know it. Just assume I took the time to mock you.
It has been a GOP give away to the rich for 35 years now

Still waiting for you to back up your wild claims. How specifically did the GOP give anything to the rich?
Under Eisenhower, the top tax rate was 90%. JFK cut that to 70%. Reagan cut it to 50% and had his success. Then on his way out he cut it to 28%, and everything since has been a total giveaway to the rich and ruin for the middle class and the country's infrastructure.. you want a diagram super dupe? Google the only tax graph you need to know.

Meanwhile Federal Tax revenues about doubled from the beginning of Reagan's 1st term till the end of his last. Why is it so hard to see that cutting taxes helps grow the economy, thus increasing tax revenue. Why do greedy people want to take it all?
If the top 1% of Americans are paying 35 % of all taxes why is that not fair enough? who the fuck cares if they are able to save money? good for them, they can start other businesses as well, create more tax revenue... everybody can be happy except for the Marxists
It has been a GOP give away to the rich for 35 years now

Still waiting for you to back up your wild claims. How specifically did the GOP give anything to the rich?
Under Eisenhower, the top tax rate was 90%. JFK cut that to 70%. Reagan cut it to 50% and had his success. Then on his way out he cut it to 28%, and everything since has been a total giveaway to the rich and ruin for the middle class and the country's infrastructure.. you want a diagram super dupe? Google the only tax graph you need to know.

Meanwhile Federal Tax revenues about doubled from the beginning of Reagan's 1st term till the end of his last. Why is it so hard to see that cutting taxes helps grow the economy, thus increasing tax revenue. Why do greedy people want to take it all?
If the top 1% of Americans are paying 35 % of all taxes why is that not fair enough? who the fuck cares if they are able to save money? good for them, they can start other businesses as well, create more tax revenue... everybody can be happy except for the Marxists
if they are paying 35% of all taxes, it is because they make 35% of all income at this point. And over 90% of all the New Wealth is going to them, with cuts in services for everyone else...
Compare college and training costs now and what it was before Reagan ism, and it snow mystery why upward Mobility has gone to hell, stupid. And our infrastructure has gone to hell 2. Here I sit in Warsaw New York, the power just went out and we have to boil water for the next 4 days at least. Thank you scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.

The richest 400 families own as much of the nations's wealth as the poorest 150 MILLION people.

Ponder that for a moment

So what?

How much richer would you be if those 400 families did not exist? Would you even have a job?

We’ve heard these words thousands of times. For those that agree they don’t, what does it mean to you? If taxes go up to 70% - 90% for “rich” folks, do you feel your taxes won’t go up? Let’s say you’re income is between $38,700 - $82,500, currently paying 22%. How much should your taxes go up? Or for some reason do you feel if the rich pay more, then you’ll get more?

$82,500 is NOT rich.

$82,500 is the wealth generated by a rich man's investment portfolio in a single minute.

$82,500 is how much a rich man pays for his second car.

$82,500 is a rich man's property tax on a condo.

$82,500 is how much a rich man's accountant or doctor might owe in income taxes.

$82,500 will almost cover 1.5 years of college tuition for a rich man's son or daughter.

$82,500 is not even enough to get a rich man's porn star girlfriend to sign a NDA.

To better understand wealth, google Economies of Scale and private wealth management...

If you are paying $82,500 in broker fees, you had a good quarter...

The richest 400 families own as much of the nations's wealth as the poorest 150 MILLION people.

Ponder that for a moment

So what?

How much richer would you be if those 400 families did not exist? Would you even have a job?

Suck that rich ass all you want...but there's something wrong when FOUR HUNDRED families own as much as the poorest 150 MILLION people
It has been a GOP give away to the rich for 35 years now

Still waiting for you to back up your wild claims. How specifically did the GOP give anything to the rich?
Under Eisenhower, the top tax rate was 90%. JFK cut that to 70%. Reagan cut it to 50% and had his success. Then on his way out he cut it to 28%, and everything since has been a total giveaway to the rich and ruin for the middle class and the country's infrastructure.. you want a diagram super dupe? Google the only tax graph you need to know.

Meanwhile Federal Tax revenues about doubled from the beginning of Reagan's 1st term till the end of his last. Why is it so hard to see that cutting taxes helps grow the economy, thus increasing tax revenue. Why do greedy people want to take it all?
If the top 1% of Americans are paying 35 % of all taxes why is that not fair enough? who the fuck cares if they are able to save money? good for them, they can start other businesses as well, create more tax revenue... everybody can be happy except for the Marxists
if they are paying 35% of all taxes, it is because they make 35% of all income at this point. And over 90% of all the New Wealth is going to them, with cuts in services for everyone else...
Compare college and training costs now and what it was before Reagan ism, and it snow mystery why upward Mobility has gone to hell, stupid. And our infrastructure has gone to hell 2. Here I sit in Warsaw New York, the power just went out and we have to boil water for the next 4 days at least. Thank you scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.

And over 90% of all the New Wealth is going to them, with cuts in services for everyone else...

First of all, I dont know if thats true, but start with one example. Say top Apple execs are making a killing, well they are making a killing because people are buying Iphones and computers, electronic devices etc all made by Apple.
A politician who has never ran a business in their life and or had to risk a loan to do so can sit back and see money piling up in someones bank account and they see it as a loss in revenue. That is greed and stupidity and shortsightedness.
Had Steve Jobs and Bill gates existed in Stalin's era, they would have been sent to the gulag or shot and dumped in the river for their capitalist ways... yet, their product has sped up and streamlined the way people do business across the globe 50 fold at least. Putting wealth in peoples pockets, making it so much easier for small start ups to operate. Yet a Marxist buffoon only sees .. Big business bad... Big business greedy.. Little do the dumb f###s realize that the products many of these companies create, make peoples lives so much easier, create other spin off ways of creating wealth, that it far surpasses any handouts of government confiscated money.

If anything, having money in many peoples hands is a good thing. taxing wealth sources and centralizing it all under one bureaucracy would bring an economy to a grinding slow down. Big investments would stop, contractors work and then subcontractors work would stagnate, suppliers and maintenance etc..

Well, its not really up to the federal government to make sure your water heater is working. You might consider going solar.
It has been a GOP give away to the rich for 35 years now

Still waiting for you to back up your wild claims. How specifically did the GOP give anything to the rich?
Under Eisenhower, the top tax rate was 90%. JFK cut that to 70%. Reagan cut it to 50% and had his success. Then on his way out he cut it to 28%, and everything since has been a total giveaway to the rich and ruin for the middle class and the country's infrastructure.. you want a diagram super dupe? Google the only tax graph you need to know.

Meanwhile Federal Tax revenues about doubled from the beginning of Reagan's 1st term till the end of his last. Why is it so hard to see that cutting taxes helps grow the economy, thus increasing tax revenue. Why do greedy people want to take it all?
If the top 1% of Americans are paying 35 % of all taxes why is that not fair enough? who the fuck cares if they are able to save money? good for them, they can start other businesses as well, create more tax revenue... everybody can be happy except for the Marxists
if they are paying 35% of all taxes, it is because they make 35% of all income at this point. And over 90% of all the New Wealth is going to them, with cuts in services for everyone else...
Compare college and training costs now and what it was before Reagan ism, and it snow mystery why upward Mobility has gone to hell, stupid. And our infrastructure has gone to hell 2. Here I sit in Warsaw New York, the power just went out and we have to boil water for the next 4 days at least. Thank you scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.

And over 90% of all the New Wealth is going to them, with cuts in services for everyone else...

First of all, I dont know if thats true, but start with one example. Say top Apple execs are making a killing, well they are making a killing because people are buying Iphones and computers, electronic devices etc all made by Apple.
A politician who has never ran a business in their life and or had to risk a loan to do so can sit back and see money piling up in someones bank account and they see it as a loss in revenue. That is greed and stupidity and shortsightedness.
Had Steve Jobs and Bill gates existed in Stalin's era, they would have been sent to the gulag or shot and dumped in the river for their capitalist ways... yet, their product has sped up and streamlined the way people do business across the globe 50 fold at least. Putting wealth in peoples pockets, making it so much easier for small start ups to operate. Yet a Marxist buffoon only sees .. Big business bad... Big business greedy.. Little do the dumb f###s realize that the products many of these companies create, make peoples lives so much easier, create other spin off ways of creating wealth, that it far surpasses any handouts of government confiscated money.

If anything, having money in many peoples hands is a good thing. taxing wealth sources and centralizing it all under one bureaucracy would bring an economy to a grinding slow down. Big investments would stop, contractors work and then subcontractors work would stagnate, suppliers and maintenance etc..

Well, its not really up to the federal government to make sure your water heater is working. You might consider going solar.
Do you understand English? The water main for the town is leaking, everyone has to boil their water now for the next 4 days at least and our electric grid sucks also. Thank you g o p, we've been paying 1% towards infrastructure for 35 years instead of 2% like it was before Ronald raygun the silly bastard, and the father of your disgusting propaganda machine.
Keep sucking rich ass...but understand they wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire
Still waiting for you to back up your wild claims. How specifically did the GOP give anything to the rich?
Under Eisenhower, the top tax rate was 90%. JFK cut that to 70%. Reagan cut it to 50% and had his success. Then on his way out he cut it to 28%, and everything since has been a total giveaway to the rich and ruin for the middle class and the country's infrastructure.. you want a diagram super dupe? Google the only tax graph you need to know.

Meanwhile Federal Tax revenues about doubled from the beginning of Reagan's 1st term till the end of his last. Why is it so hard to see that cutting taxes helps grow the economy, thus increasing tax revenue. Why do greedy people want to take it all?
If the top 1% of Americans are paying 35 % of all taxes why is that not fair enough? who the fuck cares if they are able to save money? good for them, they can start other businesses as well, create more tax revenue... everybody can be happy except for the Marxists
if they are paying 35% of all taxes, it is because they make 35% of all income at this point. And over 90% of all the New Wealth is going to them, with cuts in services for everyone else...
Compare college and training costs now and what it was before Reagan ism, and it snow mystery why upward Mobility has gone to hell, stupid. And our infrastructure has gone to hell 2. Here I sit in Warsaw New York, the power just went out and we have to boil water for the next 4 days at least. Thank you scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.

And over 90% of all the New Wealth is going to them, with cuts in services for everyone else...

First of all, I dont know if thats true, but start with one example. Say top Apple execs are making a killing, well they are making a killing because people are buying Iphones and computers, electronic devices etc all made by Apple.
A politician who has never ran a business in their life and or had to risk a loan to do so can sit back and see money piling up in someones bank account and they see it as a loss in revenue. That is greed and stupidity and shortsightedness.
Had Steve Jobs and Bill gates existed in Stalin's era, they would have been sent to the gulag or shot and dumped in the river for their capitalist ways... yet, their product has sped up and streamlined the way people do business across the globe 50 fold at least. Putting wealth in peoples pockets, making it so much easier for small start ups to operate. Yet a Marxist buffoon only sees .. Big business bad... Big business greedy.. Little do the dumb f###s realize that the products many of these companies create, make peoples lives so much easier, create other spin off ways of creating wealth, that it far surpasses any handouts of government confiscated money.

If anything, having money in many peoples hands is a good thing. taxing wealth sources and centralizing it all under one bureaucracy would bring an economy to a grinding slow down. Big investments would stop, contractors work and then subcontractors work would stagnate, suppliers and maintenance etc..

Well, its not really up to the federal government to make sure your water heater is working. You might consider going solar.
Do you understand English? The water main for the town is leaking, everyone has to boil their water now for the next 4 days at least and our electric grid sucks also. Thank you g o p, we've been paying 1% towards infrastructure for 35 years instead of 2% like it was before Ronald raygun the silly bastard, and the father of your disgusting propaganda machine.
And of course the 90% figure is true, it is a conservative figure. And we are the only rich country, and we are the richest country of all, that doesn't tax the rich, doesn't have health care daycare paid parental leave living wage cheap college and training good vacations good infrastructure, an ID card to end illegal immigration... Would you please snap out of it, chump of the greedy idiot Rich GOP?
Last edited:

The richest 400 families own as much of the nations's wealth as the poorest 150 MILLION people.

Ponder that for a moment

So what?

How much richer would you be if those 400 families did not exist? Would you even have a job?

Suck that rich ass all you want...but there's something wrong when FOUR HUNDRED families own as much as the poorest 150 MILLION people


It's not that the rich don't pay their fair share, it's that jobs don't pay worth a shit anymore.

The richest 400 families own as much of the nations's wealth as the poorest 150 MILLION people.

Ponder that for a moment

If you had half of what one of those families had, because you felt it was fair, you'd piss it away on some worthless cause. So in the end you would be in the same position....asking for more. think I'm as stupid as Trump?

And If that were true...I could take 3/4 of what I had and use it for something meaningful and STILL have a bigger pot of money than I could ever spend

No, actually I don't. You are much more stupid.
We’ve heard these words thousands of times. For those that agree they don’t, what does it mean to you? If taxes go up to 70% - 90% for “rich” folks, do you feel your taxes won’t go up? Let’s say you’re income is between $38,700 - $82,500, currently paying 22%. How much should your taxes go up? Or for some reason do you feel if the rich pay more, then you’ll get more?

$82,500 is NOT rich.

$82,500 is the wealth generated by a rich man's investment portfolio in a single minute.

$82,500 is how much a rich man pays for his second car.

$82,500 is a rich man's property tax on a condo.

$82,500 is how much a rich man's accountant or doctor might owe in income taxes.

$82,500 will almost cover 1.5 years of college tuition for a rich man's son or daughter.

$82,500 is not even enough to get a rich man's porn star girlfriend to sign a NDA.

To better understand wealth, google Economies of Scale and private wealth management...

If you are paying $82,500 in broker fees, you had a good quarter...

Here ya go fruit loops, this was posted earlier in this thread. Perhaps you missed it.
Do The Rich Pay Their Fair Share? - Prager U - Bing video

The richest 400 families own as much of the nations's wealth as the poorest 150 MILLION people.

Ponder that for a moment

So what?

How much richer would you be if those 400 families did not exist? Would you even have a job?

Suck that rich ass all you want...but there's something wrong when FOUR HUNDRED families own as much as the poorest 150 MILLION people

True...tells me we have way too many filthy pieces of shits in this country...huh?

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