The rich don’t pay their fair share.

It has been a GOP give away to the rich for 35 years now

Still waiting for you to back up your wild claims. How specifically did the GOP give anything to the rich?
Under Eisenhower, the top tax rate was 90%. JFK cut that to 70%. Reagan cut it to 50% and had his success. Then on his way out he cut it to 28%, and everything since has been a total giveaway to the rich and ruin for the middle class and the country's infrastructure.. you want a diagram super dupe? Google the only tax graph you need to know.

Meanwhile Federal Tax revenues about doubled from the beginning of Reagan's 1st term till the end of his last. Why is it so hard to see that cutting taxes helps grow the economy, thus increasing tax revenue. Why do greedy people want to take it all?
If the top 1% of Americans are paying 35 % of all taxes why is that not fair enough? who the fuck cares if they are able to save money? good for them, they can start other businesses as well, create more tax revenue... everybody can be happy except for the Marxists
if they are paying 35% of all taxes, it is because they make 35% of all income at this point. And over 90% of all the New Wealth is going to them, with cuts in services for everyone else...
Compare college and training costs now and what it was before Reagan ism, and it snow mystery why upward Mobility has gone to hell, stupid. And our infrastructure has gone to hell 2. Here I sit in Warsaw New York, the power just went out and we have to boil water for the next 4 days at least. Thank you scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.

So your experiencing a winter storm and your power goes out. Blame the GOP right? :itsok:
You know those things happen sometimes when you are having a high wind advisory and then, one of your water mains sprung a leak. I looked that up, well sorry the government cant pay for every water pipe across upstate NY to be pulled up and replaced. So are you saying, your town doesnt have the money to fix the leak?

The richest 400 families own as much of the nations's wealth as the poorest 150 MILLION people.

Ponder that for a moment

So what?

How much richer would you be if those 400 families did not exist? Would you even have a job?


Dood, that may be quite a leap. Does he/she/it have a job now?

The richest 400 families own as much of the nations's wealth as the poorest 150 MILLION people.

Ponder that for a moment

So what?

How much richer would you be if those 400 families did not exist? Would you even have a job?


Dood, that may be quite a leap. Does he/she/it have a job now?

The left hate being told its none of their business how much money someone else earns.
The left hate being told its none of their business how much money someone else earns.

400 families hold more wealth than 150 million Americans.

And it's GROWING

You gonna feel the same when they own three quarters of the country?
The left hate being told its none of their business how much money someone else earns.

400 families hold more wealth than 150 million Americans.

And it's GROWING

You gonna feel the same when they own three quarters of the country?

And you think it would be better for all that wealth to be held by one government entity? When calculating someones net worth like that, it may be that these 400 families own a lot of real estate which might be leased out,
or they might own several types of businesses which hire a lot of people. Money finds its way back into the economy in many different ways

Gallo family

These guys must make you jealous yeah? but what do they take away from you? nothing thats what. They worked hard to get where they got and in the free market of wine, people are free to buy whatever wines they want.
If anything, this family should be applauded for creating jobs instead of being looked down upon by politicians fresh out of college who think because the served drinks in a bar they know whats best for the economy.
The left hate being told its none of their business how much money someone else earns.

400 families hold more wealth than 150 million Americans.

And it's GROWING

You gonna feel the same when they own three quarters of the country?
The Oscars are a yearly event. Does the hall they have it in hod a couple thousand of people easily? These men and women have become political. Can we say there is a 100 billion dollars of wealth total in that ego fest? So let DeNiro.Streep, Jackson and all the rest be on the stage singing "We are the World" while giving up 99 billion dollars of that. They won't! Can you imagine their speeches while getting political if they did? And the sucker peon pays. Always!
The left hate being told its none of their business how much money someone else earns.

400 families hold more wealth than 150 million Americans.

And it's GROWING

You gonna feel the same when they own three quarters of the country?

And you think it would be better for all that wealth to be held by one government entity? When calculating someones net worth like that, it may be that these 400 families own a lot of real estate which might be leased out,
or they might own several types of businesses which hire a lot of people. Money finds its way back into the economy in many different ways

Gallo family

These guys must make you jealous yeah? but what do they take away from you? nothing thats what. They worked hard to get where they got and in the free market of wine, people are free to buy whatever wines they want.
If anything, this family should be applauded for creating jobs instead of being looked down upon by politicians fresh out of college who think because the served drinks in a bar they know whats best for the economy.
They worked hard?

At what...being born?
The left hate being told its none of their business how much money someone else earns.

400 families hold more wealth than 150 million Americans.

And it's GROWING

You gonna feel the same when they own three quarters of the country?

And you think it would be better for all that wealth to be held by one government entity? When calculating someones net worth like that, it may be that these 400 families own a lot of real estate which might be leased out,
or they might own several types of businesses which hire a lot of people. Money finds its way back into the economy in many different ways

Gallo family

These guys must make you jealous yeah? but what do they take away from you? nothing thats what. They worked hard to get where they got and in the free market of wine, people are free to buy whatever wines they want.
If anything, this family should be applauded for creating jobs instead of being looked down upon by politicians fresh out of college who think because the served drinks in a bar they know whats best for the economy.
They worked hard?

At what...being born?

You were born too, so go start a Billion dollar wine company if its so easy being born.

Ernest Gallo, 97, Founder of Winery, Dies

At first, Prohibition meant prosperity for the growers, but the Depression ended that. Ernest’s parents were saddled with a nonproductive farm and apparently heavily in debt. On the morning of June 21, 1933, in the kitchen of the farmhouse, Joseph Gallo shot and killed his wife and then himself, leaving three sons, Ernest, Julio, and their younger brother, Joseph, then 12.

That was also the year that Prohibition was repealed and the two older brothers, with $5,900, most of it borrowed from Ernest’s mother-in-law, opened a winery.

Hundreds of wineries were starting, but as Ernest said years later: “We could do anything anyone else could do, not because I was brilliant or well-educated, but because I was willing to devote as much time and energy as was necessary, regardless of the sacrifice.”

See, ..they were just people who worked hard in a country Democrats don't believe anyone can get ahead in because rich people stand in the way. After their parents died they could have easily just given up... but no, they didn't do anything great to start a billion dollar business... they didn't work hard, they were just born.

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