The rich don’t pay their fair share.

We’ve heard these words thousands of times. For those that agree they don’t, what does it mean to you? If taxes go up to 70% - 90% for “rich” folks, do you feel your taxes won’t go up? Let’s say you’re income is between $38,700 - $82,500, currently paying 22%. How much should your taxes go up? Or for some reason do you feel if the rich pay more, then you’ll get more?

All anyone need do is review how things were societally before when we've had at various time frames BOTH 70% and 90% marginal tax rates, there's no mystery around any of it. The corporate state is very nervous.
we can also go back in time and see how a country was built w/o NEAR the tax revenue they have now.
gold and silver rushes
We’ve heard these words thousands of times. For those that agree they don’t, what does it mean to you? If taxes go up to 70% - 90% for “rich” folks, do you feel your taxes won’t go up? Let’s say you’re income is between $38,700 - $82,500, currently paying 22%. How much should your taxes go up? Or for some reason do you feel if the rich pay more, then you’ll get more?

All anyone need do is review how things were societally before when we've had at various time frames BOTH 70% and 90% marginal tax rates, there's no mystery around any of it. The corporate state is very nervous.
we can also go back in time and see how a country was built w/o NEAR the tax revenue they have now.
gold and silver rushes
so there are ways of growing w/o taxing the shit out of us.

We’ve heard these words thousands of times. For those that agree they don’t, what does it mean to you? If taxes go up to 70% - 90% for “rich” folks, do you feel your taxes won’t go up? Let’s say you’re income is between $38,700 - $82,500, currently paying 22%. How much should your taxes go up? Or for some reason do you feel if the rich pay more, then you’ll get more?

All anyone need do is review how things were societally before when we've had at various time frames BOTH 70% and 90% marginal tax rates, there's no mystery around any of it. The corporate state is very nervous.
we can also go back in time and see how a country was built w/o NEAR the tax revenue they have now.
gold and silver rushes
so there are ways of growing w/o taxing the shit out of us.

no not if every cop needs a hundred thousand dollar get up to enforce law.
We’ve heard these words thousands of times. For those that agree they don’t, what does it mean to you? If taxes go up to 70% - 90% for “rich” folks, do you feel your taxes won’t go up? Let’s say you’re income is between $38,700 - $82,500, currently paying 22%. How much should your taxes go up? Or for some reason do you feel if the rich pay more, then you’ll get more?

All anyone need do is review how things were societally before when we've had at various time frames BOTH 70% and 90% marginal tax rates, there's no mystery around any of it. The corporate state is very nervous.
we can also go back in time and see how a country was built w/o NEAR the tax revenue they have now.
gold and silver rushes
so there are ways of growing w/o taxing the shit out of us.

no not if every cop needs a hundred thousand dollar get up to enforce law.
never said they did, now did i? but doing all that crap is gov regulations in action.

anyway - i'll move on if you're just lobbing incoherent sentences on the wall now.
All anyone need do is review how things were societally before when we've had at various time frames BOTH 70% and 90% marginal tax rates, there's no mystery around any of it. The corporate state is very nervous.
we can also go back in time and see how a country was built w/o NEAR the tax revenue they have now.
gold and silver rushes
so there are ways of growing w/o taxing the shit out of us.

no not if every cop needs a hundred thousand dollar get up to enforce law.
never said they did, now did i? but doing all that crap is gov regulations in action.

anyway - i'll move on if you're just lobbing incoherent sentences on the wall now.
Did you need to say what I said or are we playing ask me another?
we can also go back in time and see how a country was built w/o NEAR the tax revenue they have now.
gold and silver rushes
so there are ways of growing w/o taxing the shit out of us.

no not if every cop needs a hundred thousand dollar get up to enforce law.
never said they did, now did i? but doing all that crap is gov regulations in action.

anyway - i'll move on if you're just lobbing incoherent sentences on the wall now.
Did you need to say what I said or are we playing ask me another?
i don't know what the fuck you're doing.

i'm leaving the convo.
We’ve heard these words thousands of times. For those that agree they don’t, what does it mean to you? If taxes go up to 70% - 90% for “rich” folks, do you feel your taxes won’t go up? Let’s say you’re income is between $38,700 - $82,500, currently paying 22%. How much should your taxes go up? Or for some reason do you feel if the rich pay more, then you’ll get more?

All anyone need do is review how things were societally before when we've had at various time frames BOTH 70% and 90% marginal tax rates, there's no mystery around any of it. The corporate state is very nervous.
we can also go back in time and see how a country was built w/o NEAR the tax revenue they have now.

Nope, our current empire requires ever more and more to occupy and control the planet. This is why we now cannibalize the "homeland" economically.

Dang, someone's been watching too many science fiction movies.
We’ve heard these words thousands of times. For those that agree they don’t, what does it mean to you? If taxes go up to 70% - 90% for “rich” folks, do you feel your taxes won’t go up? Let’s say you’re income is between $38,700 - $82,500, currently paying 22%. How much should your taxes go up? Or for some reason do you feel if the rich pay more, then you’ll get more?

All anyone need do is review how things were societally before when we've had at various time frames BOTH 70% and 90% marginal tax rates, there's no mystery around any of it. The corporate state is very nervous.
we can also go back in time and see how a country was built w/o NEAR the tax revenue they have now.
gold and silver rushes

Which pales in comparison to the rush you got from making such a stupid comment.
We’ve heard these words thousands of times. For those that agree they don’t, what does it mean to you? If taxes go up to 70% - 90% for “rich” folks, do you feel your taxes won’t go up? Let’s say you’re income is between $38,700 - $82,500, currently paying 22%. How much should your taxes go up? Or for some reason do you feel if the rich pay more, then you’ll get more?

All anyone need do is review how things were societally before when we've had at various time frames BOTH 70% and 90% marginal tax rates, there's no mystery around any of it. The corporate state is very nervous.
we can also go back in time and see how a country was built w/o NEAR the tax revenue they have now.
gold and silver rushes

Which pales in comparison to the rush you got from making such a stupid comment.
The country was literally broke before the gold rush in California..
We’ve heard these words thousands of times. For those that agree they don’t, what does it mean to you? If taxes go up to 70% - 90% for “rich” folks, do you feel your taxes won’t go up? Let’s say you’re income is between $38,700 - $82,500, currently paying 22%. How much should your taxes go up? Or for some reason do you feel if the rich pay more, then you’ll get more?

All anyone need do is review how things were societally before when we've had at various time frames BOTH 70% and 90% marginal tax rates, there's no mystery around any of it. The corporate state is very nervous.
we can also go back in time and see how a country was built w/o NEAR the tax revenue they have now.
gold and silver rushes

Which pales in comparison to the rush you got from making such a stupid comment.
The country was literally broke before the gold rush in California..

And? You equate the gold rush to you getting more free stuff from others?
All anyone need do is review how things were societally before when we've had at various time frames BOTH 70% and 90% marginal tax rates, there's no mystery around any of it. The corporate state is very nervous.
we can also go back in time and see how a country was built w/o NEAR the tax revenue they have now.
gold and silver rushes

Which pales in comparison to the rush you got from making such a stupid comment.
The country was literally broke before the gold rush in California..

And? You equate the gold rush to you getting more free stuff from others?
I suppose, mostly they have all died and that is why it's free..
All anyone need do is review how things were societally before when we've had at various time frames BOTH 70% and 90% marginal tax rates, there's no mystery around any of it. The corporate state is very nervous.
we can also go back in time and see how a country was built w/o NEAR the tax revenue they have now.
gold and silver rushes

Which pales in comparison to the rush you got from making such a stupid comment.
The country was literally broke before the gold rush in California..

And? You equate the gold rush to you getting more free stuff from others?
i have no idea what drug he's on but he looks like he's having fun not making any sense. :)
we can also go back in time and see how a country was built w/o NEAR the tax revenue they have now.
gold and silver rushes

Which pales in comparison to the rush you got from making such a stupid comment.
The country was literally broke before the gold rush in California..

And? You equate the gold rush to you getting more free stuff from others?
I suppose, mostly they have all died and that is why it's free..

Go away, dumbass.

The richest 400 families own as much of the nations's wealth as the poorest 150 MILLION people.

Ponder that for a moment

The richest 400 families own as much of the nations's wealth as the poorest 150 MILLION people.

Ponder that for a moment

If you had half of what one of those families had, because you felt it was fair, you'd piss it away on some worthless cause. So in the end you would be in the same position....asking for more.
We’ve heard these words thousands of times. For those that agree they don’t, what does it mean to you? If taxes go up to 70% - 90% for “rich” folks, do you feel your taxes won’t go up? Let’s say you’re income is between $38,700 - $82,500, currently paying 22%. How much should your taxes go up? Or for some reason do you feel if the rich pay more, then you’ll get more?

All anyone need do is review how things were societally before when we've had at various time frames BOTH 70% and 90% marginal tax rates, there's no mystery around any of it. The corporate state is very nervous.

So which is it? You don't pay taxes or you don't mind yours going up?
So which is it? You don't want a dysfunctional society or you do?
So a society with tax rates lower than 70% is dysfunctional?

The richest 400 families own as much of the nations's wealth as the poorest 150 MILLION people.

Ponder that for a moment

If you had half of what one of those families had, because you felt it was fair, you'd piss it away on some worthless cause. So in the end you would be in the same position....asking for more. think I'm as stupid as Trump?

And If that were true...I could take 3/4 of what I had and use it for something meaningful and STILL have a bigger pot of money than I could ever spend
Bologna, super dupe. Your give away to the rich GOP and its propaganda machine are the biggest disgrace in the history of American politics... Most misinformed brainwashed voters ever.

People keeping the money they earn is not a give away. Bust into your neighbors house, take all the money out of his wallet and grab his big screen tv. Let us know how that works out.
This is about the whole economy, not ridiculous GOP common sense LOL. The rich are getting way too rich and there is not enough money to invest in infrastructure and Education and Training for opportunity. Worst upward mobility and inequality ever. Great job!

Theft is theft you moochers.
Yes, we know you are brainwashed with hate, super dupe. The only people stealing are the greedy idiot GOP rich from everyone else, the last 35 years..
Bologna, super dupe. Your give away to the rich GOP and its propaganda machine are the biggest disgrace in the history of American politics... Most misinformed brainwashed voters ever.

People keeping the money they earn is not a give away. Bust into your neighbors house, take all the money out of his wallet and grab his big screen tv. Let us know how that works out.
This is about the whole economy, not ridiculous GOP common sense LOL. The rich are getting way too rich and there is not enough money to invest in infrastructure and Education and Training for opportunity. Worst upward mobility and inequality ever. Great job!

Not enough money to invest in infrastructure? It's not all up to the federal government as we also have gasoline tax, state taxes, sales tax, property tax, bridge tolls, road tolls, you name it we have a tax on it. If we don't have money for infrastructure its most probable that the money was wasted foolishly by someone in the government.
And to beat a dead horse I'll bring up that California HS rail again... the democrats dream. 77 Billion and rising and the whole thing is going to be a big let down that will never live up to it's original billing. Thats just one project but there are thousands of disasterous "investments" using state or federal funds on much smaller scales, but when you add them up its in the billions.

No money for education or training? Again, the main problem is funds are diverted away from the students and ends up in administration which is extremely bloated.

The rich are getting way to rich?? Thats the way business works if you set up a business properly. You get to make a lot of money. Then you get to spend a lot of money and it ends up in other peoples pockets as well, so whats wrong with that?

I'll never understand the greed of left wing politicians except they must be in love with Marxism.... except for the fake ones like Pelosi.. I guess at 29 million in net worth she's getting too rich right? So question is, how much of her commercial property would be fair for her to sell off? She definately needs to give back, who cares if she may have already paid taxes on her money.

Then the question should be why do movie actors and directors get to make so much for making stupid films? Does it seem fair that they get to keep so much money for standing in front of a camera? Just think if 70 % of all those profits were given to the federal government... what a beautiful world we would have.

And then we need to completely need to restructure professional sports, I mean why should someone like Lebron or Durant get a supermax contract making 200 million when they will be paying less than 40% in tax? They should have to pay 90% in tax so it will be more fair for the players only making 2 million a year. Never mind that Chuck Schummer will never need to take a charge in the paint like Durant... but all that money needs to go to the feds.
We need to make the world an even place right? Why should an athlete try so hard to be the best in the world and feel they need to be rewarded for it?
The idea of America being a place of unlimited opportunity is why millions of people decide to LEGALY immigrate to the US rather than stay home. And obviously that needs to stop right?

When the government gets to dictate who is too rich and how much is too much your in trouble. Today they will say its 10 million, then later after more of their waste and failure they will change the number down to 5 mil and then down to 1 Mil.....

If there is such a large disparity between the rich and poor and inequality ,it also needs to be recognized that we have just imported and are importing a lower class of probably 50 million illegal immigrants which skews the numbers and also creates competition over resources in class rooms and jobs that our already poor in the US could have used.
Blaming it all on the rich is disingenuous. I don't know how they all got their money but i do know what has happened in the past when politicians used class warfare to promote their agendas. It's often a complete disaster.

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