The Right Man For This Administration

For any Democrat supporters who aren’t clear as to what you’ve become…this will hold up a mirror for you.

To those of us who think, who are actually educated, read books and all, we are living through a bizarre world in which the most absurd things have come to pass, and recognize that our nation is truly an example of the inmates running the asylum.

Once upon a time, an episode in our history that anticipated the current morass, Nixon nominated a moron for the Supreme Court…Republican Senator Hruska tried to defend the dolt: "Even if he [Carswell] were mediocre, there are a lot of mediocre judges and people and lawyers. They are entitled to a little representation, aren't they? We can't have all Brandeises and Frankfurters and Cardozos."

The nation was smart enough to dump Carswell.

But something must have altered the national psyche in the lead up to Obama and Biden.
In Graland's defense, a good way to make it through conformation hearings is to dodge as many questions a possible. Claiming to "not know" is a good way of dodging a question that requires taking a stand one way or another.
In Graland's defense, a good way to make it through conformation hearings is to dodge as many questions a possible. Claiming to "not know" is a good way of dodging a question that requires taking a stand one way or another.

Maybe he simply didn't want to appear smarter than his boss....the President.

It sure worked.
After Jeff Sessions and William Barr...

Merrick Garland is a welcome change
How is Garland supposed to know the specifics of a case when he is not Attorney General?
trump Qultists like people who lie if they don't know the answer.


Without lying you Democrats would be mute.

The state media functions via this meme: ‘ “A lie can travel around the world and back again while the truth is lacing up its boots.”—Mark Twain.

To fuel the narrative of a Trump riot, the NYTimes opened with a tale of Trump supporters murdering a Capitol police officer with a fire extinguisher. “The New York Times corrected a Jan. 8 report that originally stated Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick was killed after being struck in the head with a fire extinguisher by a pro-Trump rioter…” New York Times retracts claim that Trump supporter killed Capitol officer with fire extinguisher

They lie about everything.
Maybe he'll read this- if he can read.

Somebody still needs to get a memo to the Justice Department about the so-called insurrection at the Capitol on January 6 because it has yet to charge anyone with that offense. All I is see is a range of criminal offenses like disorderly conduct, assault, trespass, illegal gun possession, and “conspiracy” to commit these types of offenses. (Question: How come no one ever accuses the Justice Department of being a “conspiracy theorist,” given the countless times it charges people with conspiracy?) Yet, all we continue to hear from the mainstream press and the liberal (i.e., progressive, leftist, socialist) establishment is that the protestors were hell bent on taking control of Congress.

How can anyone really buy into this nonsense, especially when the Justice Department and its grand juries are not? It’s like these people live in an alternative universe in which they convince themselves of a false reality and then all reinforce it to each other.

By now, we are all accustomed to what happens when someone wants to kill people. He takes a high-powered rifle or a handgun and starts shooting people. Columbine comes to mind. So does Las Vegas. There are many other examples.
After Jeff Sessions and William Barr...

Merrick Garland is a welcome change

I can see how you would like a mindless puppet in the position. Competent people are a threat to you.

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