The Right To Bear Arms


They weren’t killed by a white supremacist….the shooter was Hispanic………they were killed by a Hispanic supremacist…….and Biden and the democrats and their media stooges are trying to hide that fact…..because they are ending our southern border and a Hispanic suprem on a murder spree is a little awkward right now…

Ending mass public shootings is easy……we need to educate families on how to help the tiny number of mentally dangerous individuals in this country….

in 2022 there were 12 mass public shootings……

12 individuals out of over 350 million people……

educate the American people to spot future dangerously mentally I’ll and get them help…

As for the majority of gun murder in the U.S……the blame there is on the democrat party…..

1) they have attacked the police to the point they can’t or won’t do their jobs….

2) they have created a revolving door for violent gun criminals…releasing gun criminals from jail and prison no matter how many gun felonies they commit..

3). They are ending our southern border, allowing the violent drug cartels and other criminals from Mexico, central and South America to flood our country..

12 mass public shooters in 2022

total murdered 74 people

total gun murder 2022…


the vast majority of gun murder victims in 2022 were created by the democrat party….

do you understand why the democrats want to focus on mass public shootings…the rarest of rare events?
Try to understand why it was even an issue with the FF's. Understand how much the Catholic church influenced the King
of England. That was the intent of the separation.

Actually it was the Anglican Church, but your point is accurate.
Hunter broke the law, he is the type of person waiting periods are supposed to block from access.
I guess all gun laws really are trash.

So let’s see, demofks create laws to punish others and when karma reaches one of theirs, it’s now our issue? You fking lizards
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It's definitely not the most important amendment, like most conservatives argue, but it's not obsolete. We're the United Freakin States. We were founded on a revolutionary crazy notion that people are allowed to be as free as they want.

If you take away that crazy, then we're closer to being like the French. And no one wants that.
yes, so now i am free to send my kids to school or to the dollar store, as long as i realize they may be dead before i see them again.

two very large classes were definitely denied 2nd amendment rights by the founders, no matter what the 2nd amendment appears to state. . adding children, the mentally psychotic, the temporarily insane to the red flag classes would be understood by every founder.
yes, so now i am free to send my kids to school or to the dollar store, as long as i realize they may be dead before i see them again.

two very large classes were definitely denied 2nd amendment rights by the founders, no matter what the 2nd amendment appears to state. . adding children, the mentally psychotic, the temporarily insane to the red flag classes would be understood by every founder.
The odds of your kids being killed by lightning are far higher than being victims of a shooting unless you live in the barrio or ghetto.
The odds of your kids being killed by lightning are far higher than being victims of a shooting unless you live in the barrio or ghetto.

i do notice that your incels do tend to prefer shooting up minority churches, schools, and stores like those found in or near barrios and ghettos. why do you suppose that is?:"
i do notice that your incels do tend to prefer shooting up minority churches, schools, and stores like those found in or near barrios and ghettos. why do you suppose that is?:"

Nah, that's you fucking fascists.

That is why you work so hard to prevent schools from being protected from pissants like you.

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