The Right To Bear Arms

I'd rather the government enforce laws already on the books. They fail at that. Adding more paperwork they will ignore is a waste of everyone's time.

Obama and the FBI let the Parkland Highschool shooter out!!! They had him before the shootings!!!!!
If we drug tested people when they go to purchase a firearm wouldn't that help facilitate a prosecution of someone who lied on their application?
selling a gun to an indian or a slave was a capital offence in my state, and many others.

"do your own research." q anon
/---/ Those were state laws. Founders refers to those who created the country. States were free to make their own laws.
which a blood test would not establish.
Depends on the levels of the drug in their system or even whether or not they are legally prescribed those pills. Just because there's prescription medication in their system doesn't necessarily mean it's their prescription. We should dot all the i's and cross all the t's.
Depends on the levels of the drug in their system or even whether or not they are legally prescribed those pills. Just because there's prescription medication in their system doesn't necessarily mean it's their prescription. We should dot all the i's and cross all the t's.
Nope it is none of the Governments business what prescription drugs anyone takes.
Nope the premise does not wash. The Government has no compelling interest to know what prescriptions drugs its citizens are taking.
It has a compelling interest in knowing of they're abusing drugs of any kind and trying to purchase a firearm.
Nope illegal drugs are not a right dumb ass. But testing to exercise a right is not legal at all.
You're talking about a right to privacy, Dumb ass. How do you know someone is using drugs illegally at purchase unless you subvert their privacy?

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