The Right To Bear Arms

[ A good shotgun (pump or semi) helps compensate for poor marksmanship.

Agree why ban the 30 round magazine?

Another of the thousands of daily examples depicting far lefties as mental cases.

The 2nd amendment isnt going away........ever s0n.:coffee:

The 2nd Amendment is only a fossil. It has been restricted several time and will again several more - until it is totally rewritten and replaced.
Don't PM me, because you are too right-wing dumb to realize you PM yourself when I give you a neg!

Yes your hate is not watered down by the retarded-ness or your pre-occupation with the anus.

Either join the discussion of the subject or shut the fuck up! Can't you ever post something worth reading?

I assume we all now agree on the obvious, namely, it was perfectly sensible to assume Germans, Japanese, and Italians had dual loyalities and were potential spies??? And this is especially true given we we were attacked by militaries much bigger than our own!
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Even IF we COULD agree that all Germans and Japanese had dual loyalties and were likely spies - which we do not - Individuals have to be tried and convicted before you can lock them up. If you don't do that you are using a "Law of Attainder" and it is unconstitutional.

What the US did to American citizens at the outbreak of WW II was unconstitutional and unconscianable. It was the second largest racial attack in our short history.
The slaves in the united states were not of a single race either.
Would the term ethnic fit your morality better?
Does it modify the constitutionality of the act?
Does that term make it easier to sooth the injustice of it?
The slaves in the united states were not of a single race either.
Would the term ethnic fit your morality better?
Does it modify the constitutionality of the act?
Does that term make it easier to sooth the injustice of it?

dear, talking about injustice when you are under attack by armys far larger than yours is absurd and idiotic.
It was the second largest racial attack in our short history.

dear, Japanese Italians and Germans are not separate races!

Actually, none of us are, according to most anthropologists.

The minority of them claim there are 3 basic races on the planet; Mongoloid, Negroid and Caucasoid.

I believe Paul meant slavery against the Negroids and internment against the Mongoloids.

Ugly stuff...
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The slaves in the united states were not of a single race either.
Would the term ethnic fit your morality better?
Does it modify the constitutionality of the act?
Does that term make it easier to sooth the injustice of it?

dear, talking about injustice when you are under attack by armys far larger than yours is absurd and idiotic.

You are absolutely right!
That is expressly why we have the second amendment. We also have more people and more guns than the US military - which can't be used in civil police actions without breaking from the constitution. The "weekend warriors" of the national guard wouldn't be much of a challenge.
Yes your hate is not watered down by the retarded-ness or your pre-occupation with the anus.

Either join the discussion of the subject or shut the fuck up! Can't you ever post something worth reading?

I assume we all now agree on the obvious, namely, it was perfectly sensible to assume Germans, Japanese, and Italians had dual loyalities and were potential spies??? And this is especially true given we we were attacked by militaries much bigger than our own!

I think this issue is only brought up for partisan reasons. If FDR was a Republican, probably we would support his decision and so would they. I think people on the far right believe they are contributing something to their cause by just hacking away at the opposition, while in fact they are demonstrating to the world, they have no judgment at all. They are their own worst enemy.
The slaves in the united states were not of a single race either.
Would the term ethnic fit your morality better?
Does it modify the constitutionality of the act?
Does that term make it easier to sooth the injustice of it?

dear, talking about injustice when you are under attack by armys far larger than yours is absurd and idiotic.

You are absolutely right!
That is expressly why we have the second amendment.
Too stupid!! We have the second amendment because we were being attacked by armies larger than our????????????

The slaves in the united states were not of a single race either.
Would the term ethnic fit your morality better?
Does it modify the constitutionality of the act?
Does that term make it easier to sooth the injustice of it?

dear, talking about injustice when you are under attack by armys far larger than yours is absurd and idiotic.

You are absolutely right!
That is expressly why we have the second amendment. We also have more people and more guns than the US military - which can't be used in civil police actions without breaking from the constitution. The "weekend warriors" of the national guard wouldn't be much of a challenge.

Some of those weekend warriors fly jets. Don't you remember Bush's draft dodging days?
A good shotgun (pump or semi) helps compensate for poor marksmanship.


The majority, most, people hit more accurately, readily and consistently with a properly equipped AR-15 than a shotgun.

I've owned an AR-15 and used an M-16 in the Marines. They aren't good weapons around a neighborhood. I shot a bullet from an AR-15 that went through two trees about 16 inches in diameter. The trees were getting plenty of moisture and amazingly the bullet continued in a straight line. It was a military surplus round though and I don't think they are presently available to the public. After the bullet exited the second tree, I couldn't find where it went, but I was surprised how it penetrated so much wood and didn't seem to deform. The holes in the second tree looked like the first. After that I stopped ever firing my AR-15 without a backstop, though the area I was shooting in was private property with a stream and natural backstop. Still, I couldn't know if someone was trespassing in that area, because it was too wooded.

The sound of an 870 is going to scare the piss out of someone and I think it's safer to have around than an 1100. Both are easy to load and don't penetrate to shoot your neighbor, like an AR-15 will. If you are that worried about a home invasion, get a big dog! Name your dog NRA, so you can be happy and the dog doesn't care what you call it, as long as you call.

You are full of poo. No 5.56X45 NATO (either the M855 OR the NATO SS 109, which are both SAP) round will penetrate a 16 inch diameter tree (except for maybe a balsa tree), much less two! It is physically impossible. 99% of all civilian and 80% of all military rounds will break apart at the cannelure upon impact with anything and disintigrate. That means they are relatively safe to use indoors in a defence situation (as safe as any high velocity projectile), those that don't break apart will still deform highly and turn sideways and stop in short order.

I agree a pump shotgun is better, but an AR is every bit as valid a defence weapon as any other no matter your BS political opinion. The one time that SCOTUS has ruled on a NFA weapon they held that a sawed off shotgun could be controlled because it had "no forseeable military purpose".
dear, talking about injustice when you are under attack by armys far larger than yours is absurd and idiotic.

You are absolutely right!
That is expressly why we have the second amendment.
Too stupid!! We have the second amendment because we were being attacked by armies larger than our????????????


:lol::lol::lol: A more ignorant post would be hard to comprehend but I'm sure dubya will come along and upstage you soon.
Either join the discussion of the subject or shut the fuck up! Can't you ever post something worth reading?

I assume we all now agree on the obvious, namely, it was perfectly sensible to assume Germans, Japanese, and Italians had dual loyalities and were potential spies??? And this is especially true given we we were attacked by militaries much bigger than our own!

I think this issue is only brought up for partisan reasons. If FDR was a Republican, probably we would support his decision and so would they. I think people on the far right believe they are contributing something to their cause by just hacking away at the opposition, while in fact they are demonstrating to the world, they have no judgment at all. They are their own worst enemy.

Fuck that. FDR was a scumbag (like you) regardless of party. You've got it all ass-backwards again. YOU are so fucking hyperpartisan that you would go so far as to try (and fail) to defend the indefensible. You don't give a shit about this country and you don't give a shit about people - any people. The only thing you care about is your absurdly extreme partisanship. You're a fucking disgrace as a human being, and you're sure as hell NOT a real American.
I assume we all now agree on the obvious, namely, it was perfectly sensible to assume Germans, Japanese, and Italians had dual loyalities and were potential spies??? And this is especially true given we we were attacked by militaries much bigger than our own!

I think this issue is only brought up for partisan reasons. If FDR was a Republican, probably we would support his decision and so would they. I think people on the far right believe they are contributing something to their cause by just hacking away at the opposition, while in fact they are demonstrating to the world, they have no judgment at all. They are their own worst enemy.

Fuck that. FDR was a scumbag (like you) regardless of party. You've got it all ass-backwards again. YOU are so fucking hyperpartisan that you would go so far as to try (and fail) to defend the indefensible. You don't give a shit about this country and you don't give a shit about people - any people. The only thing you care about is your absurdly extreme partisanship. You're a fucking disgrace as a human being, and you're sure as hell NOT a real American.

I assume we all now agree on the obvious, namely, it was perfectly sensible to assume Germans, Japanese, and Italians had dual loyalities and were potential spies??? And this is especially true given we were attacked by militaries much bigger than our own! Can you even imagine how scary that might be? Try it once and then report back about Constitutional niceities. The Commander-in-Chief gets to drop atomic bombs and burn up 100,000 human beings at a time, and certainly to worry about a few spies too.
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The majority, most, people hit more accurately, readily and consistently with a properly equipped AR-15 than a shotgun.

I've owned an AR-15 and used an M-16 in the Marines. They aren't good weapons around a neighborhood. I shot a bullet from an AR-15 that went through two trees about 16 inches in diameter. The trees were getting plenty of moisture and amazingly the bullet continued in a straight line. It was a military surplus round though and I don't think they are presently available to the public. After the bullet exited the second tree, I couldn't find where it went, but I was surprised how it penetrated so much wood and didn't seem to deform. The holes in the second tree looked like the first. After that I stopped ever firing my AR-15 without a backstop, though the area I was shooting in was private property with a stream and natural backstop. Still, I couldn't know if someone was trespassing in that area, because it was too wooded.

The sound of an 870 is going to scare the piss out of someone and I think it's safer to have around than an 1100. Both are easy to load and don't penetrate to shoot your neighbor, like an AR-15 will. If you are that worried about a home invasion, get a big dog! Name your dog NRA, so you can be happy and the dog doesn't care what you call it, as long as you call.

You are full of poo. No 5.56X45 NATO (either the M855 OR the NATO SS 109, which are both SAP) round will penetrate a 16 inch diameter tree (except for maybe a balsa tree), much less two! It is physically impossible. 99% of all civilian and 80% of all military rounds will break apart at the cannelure upon impact with anything and disintigrate. That means they are relatively safe to use indoors in a defence situation (as safe as any high velocity projectile), those that don't break apart will still deform highly and turn sideways and stop in short order.

I agree a pump shotgun is better, but an AR is every bit as valid a defence weapon as any other no matter your BS political opinion. The one time that SCOTUS has ruled on a NFA weapon they held that a sawed off shotgun could be controlled because it had "no forseeable military purpose".

I know what I saw, fool, and the trees probably were red maple of the swamp maple variety, not the onamental lawn variety. I was astonished and I didn't think it would penetrate even the first tree. It could be because the trees were getting plenty of water, but I wasn't that close to that stream and was on a slope going towards it. I also thought the bullet would start to tumble and there was no evidence of that happening. All four holes were the diameter of the bullet, though the back of the trees was busted out like an exit should be.

What part of that round going right through a person and hitting another person is too hard to understand. Those NATO rounds were known to hit a bone and travel to weird places in a human body until exiting. You can get shot in the chest and have it come out your leg. I doubt if normal ammo is that bad, but those military rounds could do some weird shit and I have shot plenty of them. You could buy them for around $0.07 to $0.10 per round back then and the military surplus stores had plenty of rounds to sell.

Shooting an AR-15 off in a populated area is not safe. That round will go right through the walls of a house like it's nothing and a shotgun projectile would slow down. Use aught or double-aught and not deer slugs. Use a large dog and a shotgun, if you truly need protection from a home invasion and remember you don't have to shoot someone, unless you really have to. The good dog would keep a home invasion from happening, so use your brain for a change.

What I see about right-wingers is always the same bullshit. Nothing is ever what it is, to a group of fools like you people. You're the Ritalin Republican Party.
You know what happens when you ASSume?
Only I will not participate in your assumption.
It was nether sensible nor lawful to incarcerate whole populations based on potential, theoretical, imaginings that some MIGHT be spies.

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