The Right To Bear Arms

I know what I saw and the wood in those trees was moist inside. They could have been poplar, but it went through two trees and the bullet penetrated straight through. I found the second tree by following what I considered the straight path of the bullet and there it was. It was also weird, because the trees were a distance apart, maybe twenty feet, and they were both hit dead center and exited as such. My father-in-law grew up in a city and he wanted to build a pond where that stream was. He damned it up and created a large swampy area. To truly build a pond there he need a backhoe. He lost interest in it and I tore down his damn and channeled the swampy area, by digging and repeatedly damming up the water with a plywood dam to cut a channel. I cut channels all the way back to the many springs feeding the stream. After awhile, all I had do is walk it removing old limbs and the water was cutting the channels for me. That whole swampy area dried and started to spring up. It didn't take many years before large red maples were everywhere in that area and that's why I considered it may have been a red maple. Back in those days, I never paid much attention to the types of trees, but my in-laws were into the names of plants and my grandfather could give the name of about every weed under the sun, so I started picking up the names.

I don't give a fuck what an idiot like you thinks, but that was the first and last time I ever used an AR-15 to shoot a tree. You're just a right-wing hacking troll, period.

When I was young, I had my choice of home defense weapons with a .45 M1911 auto, a Remington 870 shotgun and an AR-15. I considered the shotgun the best choice, even though the pistol will also back off someone and who could miss at that short range inside a house? It's possible to shot right through a person with an AR-15 and not possible with the other two weapons that have much more stopping power.

What you "saw" is IMPOSSIBLE asshat. You can lie all you want but people who own and shoot those types of rifles KNOW what they can and cannot do. I own three of them and have shot tens of thousands of rounds through them. What you claim you saw is IMPOSSIBLE.

Now take your lies elsewhere.

What ammo were you using and when did you get it? Were you shooting trees? Fill in some details like why would someone would need three AR-15s? They aren't that great of a firearm and neither are the AK types.

I use everything from the M193 Ball all the way up to 80 grain VLD cartridges that I load myself. I have an original AR-15 Model 614 that would probably buy your car. I have a CQB setup and I have a night vision set up if you must know. I also own a few HK's an FN, an AK and AR-18. I have a lot of guns that I play with and the local law enforcement use some of them for training purposes as well.

I am a certified expert witness in all aspects of firearm safety and in their operation. It's been a hobby for a very long time and I even held a Title II manufacturing license for over a decade.

In other words I know more about firearms (and the courts believe I do as well) than you ever will.
There are always ethnic ties that can encourage someone to spy, but consider this. If some country started to rival the US and had the same stupid views of some of these far right-wingers, it wouldn't be hard to get one of them to spy against America. The same can be said for an American communist or socialist or some Neo-Nazi type who was around during WWII. It isn't hard to get people who are dissatified with our government to spy against it. Some people will spy for money, but it's usually an issue of loyalty and ideology. All our enemies in WWII had the resources to create spies from people in their country that were familiar with the US. The only defense against spying was to deny them access to sensitive information that could aid the enemy.

Before Pearl Harbor, people like Charles Lindbergh did things that supported the Nazis and others supported fascism in Italy. Most were like Lindbergh and sided with their country when it went to war, but I'm sure all of them didn't.

War is complex, but you don't need that many spies to screw things up, when they can focus on things vital to the war effort.

That's funny. Historical fact shows us it has allways been the LEFTIES who were the spies.

Once again you speak out of your sphincter.

You're one of them modern idiots who claim Nazis are left wing.

Uhhhh 'cause that's what they are stupid. Left wingers are collectivists, rightwingers are individualists. It's only Fabian Socialists who have tried to make dumbasses like you believe there is a difference between a communist totalitarian and a fascist totalitarian.
What ammo were you using and when did you get it? Were you shooting trees? Fill in some details like why would someone would need three AR-15s? They aren't that great of a firearm and neither are the AK types.

Dude you have no knowledge on the subject
the AK platform goes all the way back to 1949 and still is the main battle rifle of a large portion of country's They are tough and are not fussy rifles. An AK may not be a tack driver, because it doesn't have too when it can knock a block wall down. It is one of the best firearms out their.
and now that it comes in many calibers makes it an even better firearm.

My brother bought 5 AK type weapons before the assault weapons ban and I've held all of them.

AKs are weapons designed to be easily made. It's a cheap revolutionary's weapon.

Ooooooooh you've held five whole AK's....big fucking deal. The AK is derived from the MP 43/44, STG44 series of assault rifles designed by the Germans during WWII. And yes, they were designed to be fast to produce.

All modern stamped metal and welded construction weapons are designed to be easy to produce. The HK production line was popping out a G3 every 4 minutes when they were at full production during Desert Storm.

AK's equip the field armies of over 80 armies and somewhere between 70 and 100 MILLION of them have been made throughout the years..... so it is much more than a cheap revolutionaries weapon dipshit.
I assume we all now agree on the obvious, namely, it was perfectly sensible to assume Germans, Japanese, and Italians had dual loyalities and were potential spies??? .

What gives you the idea that "we all now agree" on anything based on the thread so far, you idiotic headcase? You and 'dubya' really are a couple of fucking morons.

if you don't agree that Germans Japanese and Italians were potential spies please say why or admit you lack the IQ to do so.

Everyone is a potential spy, headcase. The only actual spy you came up with was some white guy from Maryland, which makes more sense if you think about it. Oh wait, 'think about it' would be impossible for a mental defect like you.
If some country started to rival the US and had the same stupid views of some of these far right-wingers, it wouldn't be hard to get one of them to spy against America.

YOU, of all people, have the gall to say something about this? After you have proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that you are completely and shamelessly un-American? You fucking hypocrite.
What ammo were you using and when did you get it? Were you shooting trees? Fill in some details like why would someone would need three AR-15s? They aren't that great of a firearm and neither are the AK types.

Dude you have no knowledge on the subject
the AK platform goes all the way back to 1949 and still is the main battle rifle of a large portion of country's They are tough and are not fussy rifles. An AK may not be a tack driver, because it doesn't have too when it can knock a block wall down. It is one of the best firearms out their.
and now that it comes in many calibers makes it an even better firearm.

My brother bought 5 AK type weapons before the assault weapons ban and I've held all of them.

AKs are weapons designed to be easily made. It's a cheap revolutionary's weapon.

Just because your brother bought 5 doesn't mean you or him knows jack shit about the firearm. At least using what you post as an example you don't know anything about the firearm.
You're one of them modern idiots who claim Nazis are left wing.

I bet you think the founders of American are the same as modern day liberals.:cuckoo:

Being wrong about things is like a career for you.

The Founders of America were a spectrum of people's ideologies. Their product was determined by vote.

I don't think many of them would support your irrational ways.

great non answer let's try it again
I bet you think the founders of American are the same as modern day liberals?
Dude you have no knowledge on the subject
the AK platform goes all the way back to 1949 and still is the main battle rifle of a large portion of country's They are tough and are not fussy rifles. An AK may not be a tack driver, because it doesn't have too when it can knock a block wall down. It is one of the best firearms out their.
and now that it comes in many calibers makes it an even better firearm.

My brother bought 5 AK type weapons before the assault weapons ban and I've held all of them.

AKs are weapons designed to be easily made. It's a cheap revolutionary's weapon.

Ooooooooh you've held five whole AK's....big fucking deal. The AK is derived from the MP 43/44, STG44 series of assault rifles designed by the Germans during WWII. And yes, they were designed to be fast to produce.

All modern stamped metal and welded construction weapons are designed to be easy to produce. The HK production line was popping out a G3 every 4 minutes when they were at full production during Desert Storm.

AK's equip the field armies of over 80 armies and somewhere between 70 and 100 MILLION of them have been made throughout the years..... so it is much more than a cheap revolutionaries weapon dipshit.

Even weapons built with the most exacting tolerances have some weapons better than others. AK types are just a cheap weapon made to easily arm the military.
Dude you have no knowledge on the subject
the AK platform goes all the way back to 1949 and still is the main battle rifle of a large portion of country's They are tough and are not fussy rifles. An AK may not be a tack driver, because it doesn't have too when it can knock a block wall down. It is one of the best firearms out their.
and now that it comes in many calibers makes it an even better firearm.

My brother bought 5 AK type weapons before the assault weapons ban and I've held all of them.

AKs are weapons designed to be easily made. It's a cheap revolutionary's weapon.

Just because your brother bought 5 doesn't mean you or him knows jack shit about the firearm. At least using what you post as an example you don't know anything about the firearm.

A weapon made from sheet metal isn't impressive.
I bet you think the founders of American are the same as modern day liberals.:cuckoo:

Being wrong about things is like a career for you.

The Founders of America were a spectrum of people's ideologies. Their product was determined by vote.

I don't think many of them would support your irrational ways.

great non answer let's try it again
I bet you think the founders of American are the same as modern day liberals?

People who claim the Founders of America and not American, which you have said twice, are anything other than a diverse group of people are stupid. They never had a monolithic position that an ideology could claim.
Being wrong about things is like a career for you.

The Founders of America were a spectrum of people's ideologies. Their product was determined by vote.

I don't think many of them would support your irrational ways.

great non answer let's try it again
I bet you think the founders of American are the same as modern day liberals?

People who claim the Founders of America and not American, which you have said twice, are anything other than a diverse group of people are stupid. They never had a monolithic position that an ideology could claim.

OH excuse, still using a non answer?

Have you ever heard of a Constitutionalist?
Now shit stain let's try this once again

I bet you think the founders of America are the same as modern day liberals?
Yes or No.
My brother bought 5 AK type weapons before the assault weapons ban and I've held all of them.

AKs are weapons designed to be easily made. It's a cheap revolutionary's weapon.

Just because your brother bought 5 doesn't mean you or him knows jack shit about the firearm. At least using what you post as an example you don't know anything about the firearm.

A weapon made from sheet metal isn't impressive.

The original Russian AK47 and many other variants were / are not made from sheet metal.
My brother bought 5 AK type weapons before the assault weapons ban and I've held all of them.

AKs are weapons designed to be easily made. It's a cheap revolutionary's weapon.

Just because your brother bought 5 doesn't mean you or him knows jack shit about the firearm. At least using what you post as an example you don't know anything about the firearm.

A weapon made from sheet metal isn't impressive.

For a firearm that has been used in combat in some of the worse regions on the planet since 1949 I would say it's impressive.
great non answer let's try it again
I bet you think the founders of American are the same as modern day liberals?

People who claim the Founders of America and not American, which you have said twice, are anything other than a diverse group of people are stupid. They never had a monolithic position that an ideology could claim.

OH excuse, still using a non answer?

Have you ever heard of a Constitutionalist?
Now shit stain let's try this once again

I bet you think the founders of America are the same as modern day liberals?
Yes or No.

Let's try this one more time!

Fuck you!
A weapon made from sheet metal isn't impressive.

The original Russian AK47 and many other variants were / are not made from sheet metal.

All the ones I've seen have sheet metal parts.

Yet another case of you not being in your lane or knowing what you are talking about.

The AK47 was designed, first constructed and many still use a milled receiver from a solid billet.
Just because your brother bought 5 doesn't mean you or him knows jack shit about the firearm. At least using what you post as an example you don't know anything about the firearm.

A weapon made from sheet metal isn't impressive.

For a firearm that has been used in combat in some of the worse regions on the planet since 1949 I would say it's impressive.

You are obviously stupid and not a good judge of firearms and probably more impressed by the look of the weapon. The AK types have two obvious limitations. It could be used for hunting at a limited range and it's real purpose is combat, but there are much better weapons to use for hunting and combat. If you want to cheaply arm a mass assault, like a human wave, the AK will work. The problem is, that tactic in modern warfare only gets a bunch of people killed. The AK is a great weapon for a bunch of revolutionaries wanting to die for their cause, but it isn't a good weapon for a modern military wanting the enemy to die for their cause.

At 700 yards, give me an M-14 and at very long distances, I'll take the Stoner. I can use both those weapons for hunting with the proper ammo and both in war. At close quarters in war, the M-16 is a better choice, but it isn't good for hunting.

For home defense, a shotgun is the best choice and it can be used for hunting. I had both an 18 inch and 30 inch barrel for my shotgun. Now, you can play with a shotgun in target practice, but there really isn't much challenge beyond timing how fast you can shoot targets or shooting trap or skeet. My state only allows deer hunting by shotgun and bow. I was very good with a bow, but I think it's stupid to hunt with one. If you want to hunt, you should train with a weapon to the point where you can assassinate the animal. You're not going to find me hunting deer with a shotgun in my state.

I've actually had the pleasure once to walk through a herd a deer in the woods that took about 5 minute for them all to pass by. As they came right up to me, they would see me and pass by my side. They didn't appear frightened, but the other deer blocked their view until they were right in front of me. The deer were in a slow run through the woods. This happened on a military base that didn't allow hunting and there were hugh herds of deer on that base. The deer had no fear, just like the sparrows at boot camp would walk between the legs of Marines standing in line.

I've been around large herds of deer on family farms large enough to kill them without an out of state license, but I don't like venison and I've had it prepared by experts at butchering it. I've had cheese steaks made of venison and they were good, but I'd rather have the beef. If I need the food, I'd shoot a deer, but I don't need the food.

I've had my time at the target range, I don't need a gun for self-defense and I don't hunt, so I have no use for a gun and have zero probability of an accident, if there isn't a gun around. It made sense to me to give the guns away long ago to someone who could use them, when I had children growing up.
The original Russian AK47 and many other variants were / are not made from sheet metal.

All the ones I've seen have sheet metal parts.

Yet another case of you not being in your lane or knowing what you are talking about.

The AK47 was designed, first constructed and many still use a milled receiver from a solid billet.

I've seen how hard it it to make an AK-47 in a crude shop along the border of Pakistan with Afghanistan. The only thing you can say about it is, it shoots and it's easy to get the ammo.

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