The Right to Work for less money

How much does that increase the costs for students that actually studied their way into college?

Decrease you mean? What's tuition at state colleges compared to private universities? Way lower, yeah?

Tuition never decreases. A little light reading for you.

Not an average increase of 114% over the last 10 years for undergraduate tuition for state universities.

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Nor does bread. Now then back to our question:

Public colleges v. private universities. Which are spendier? Have any thoughts on that?
Decrease you mean? What's tuition at state colleges compared to private universities? Way lower, yeah?

Tuition never decreases. A little light reading for you.

Not an average increase of 114% over the last 10 years for undergraduate tuition for state universities.

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View attachment 23149

Nor does bread. Now then back to our question:

Public colleges v. private universities. Which are spendier? Have any thoughts on that?

They're more expensive of course......they're private. Do you have a point?
Tuition never decreases. A little light reading for you.

Not an average increase of 114% over the last 10 years for undergraduate tuition for state universities.

View attachment 23148

View attachment 23149

Nor does bread. Now then back to our question:

Public colleges v. private universities. Which are spendier? Have any thoughts on that?

They're more expensive of course......they're private. Do you have a point?

Yes. Seems free public college in OK, for some low incomers, is not making higher education more expensive. Private universities are. Go figure.
Nor does bread. Now then back to our question:

Public colleges v. private universities. Which are spendier? Have any thoughts on that?

They're more expensive of course......they're private. Do you have a point?

Yes. Seems free public college in OK, for some low incomers, is not making higher education more expensive. Private universities are. Go figure.

Free public education in OK has driven the tuition up each year. Why? Because the dirty little secret that liberals don't know is that nothing is free. Someone has to pay for it. Like me paying for my son's college and then as a taxpayer, paying for a lot of other people. It's "free" to them. It isn't to me. When you increase the number of students at the taxpayer's expense, do you have any idea what happens. A college that is equipped to handle 5,000 student now has 7,500. That requires additional classroom buildings, dorms, food service, teachers, etc. That results in a never ending cycle of tuition increases. But not to's free college education. Private universities are not run on the government's nickel. They are self supporting. The cost will be higher. Are you suggesting that the poor kids should get to go there for free?
No. I reject that it works, or has ever worked. Tell me one time it has.

And government is no different than you. You ever create a budget, and have it spot on by year end? Fuck no. None of us do. The price of everything we buy fluxuates. Gas cost to get to work can go way up. A budget is merely a guide.

SO ALWAYS CHECK ACTUAL OUTLAYS!!! Budgets are fucking wishful thinking, with all manner of projected costs and dynamics, such as population and growth.

If something goes up then we HAVE TO CUT SOMETHING ELSE.
Real world.
Government does not operate in the real world.

Not always. Many families faced with higher costs are forced to buy with credit, namely cards. Just look at the trend in middle class debt.

Buying WANTS,which make up the bulk of credit purchases, is a CHOICE.
Certain people believe they are entitled to such luxuries as pay tv, electronic devices, expensive cars, larger homes, going out for meals and vacations to relatively expensive places.
Smart and disciplined people when faced with limits on their personal budgets, cut back and spend wisely.
For example, if an impending trip out of town runs into a financial limitation, the trip is cancelled. Less responsible people with a high consciousness of self gratification, will finance the trip by swiping credit cards. This is not the problem of our society.
Consequently those same responsible people demand their government do the same. In other words, when government does not have the money to pay for something it wants, it simply must do without. If that means cutting back on spending, so be it.
Your side does not see it that way. Your side is that which defines self gratification.
The caskets made for fallen soldiers? How much is waste? Flags the dead cannot appreciate?

If so, what's its cost? Do you know?

Straw man arguments do not work here.
You know precisely to which programs I refer. You are just another in the long line of hand out cheerleaders.
I have a solution. If you people are so concerned with compassion, feel free to practice compassion with YOUR OWN money.

Really? Dead military in caskets, flags, etc. are made up shit; don't really have them, ya "think?"

Meanwhile, and merely speaking for myself, I do pay with "our own" money. Bear in mind, the annual federal outlay divided by the population is circa $12 grand or so. So my live-in GF and I, with combined FIT of around $40 grand annually, are covering our asses and some others, too.


Don't go thinking you we be permitted to change the subject.
Now about those social entitlements and other departments that could be slashed.
Oh, instead of whining about how little you take in for a year, why don't you do something about it...besides demanding government dig into someone else's pocket to feed you.
So, this has what to do with workers no longer being required to pay union dues to keep a job?
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Straw man arguments do not work here.
You know precisely to which programs I refer. You are just another in the long line of hand out cheerleaders.
I have a solution. If you people are so concerned with compassion, feel free to practice compassion with YOUR OWN money.

Really? Dead military in caskets, flags, etc. are made up shit; don't really have them, ya "think?"

Meanwhile, and merely speaking for myself, I do pay with "our own" money. Bear in mind, the annual federal outlay divided by the population is circa $12 grand or so. So my live-in GF and I, with combined FIT of around $40 grand annually, are covering our asses and some others, too.


Don't go thinking you we be permitted to change the subject.
Now about those social entitlements and other departments that could be slashed.
Oh, instead of whining about how little you take in for a year, why don't you do something about it...besides demanding government dig into someone else's pocket to feed you.
So, this has what to do with workers no longer being required to pay union dues to keep a job?

Gotcha. Any other thoughts I shouldn't have?

Meanwhile, as for entitlements, there's a reason we call them that: folks paid-in; they're fucking entitled, and in fact are owed for the money the Trust Fund loaned so we could pay for shit without raising taxes. Now to say cut them in service of more retarded fucking rightie desires to weasle out of responsibilities, is, uh, kinda an asshole thing to even entertain in your little pea-brains.

Just saying.
Sure. Where wages suck and poverty is greater, trailer parks are cheaper. The Dollar Menu at McDonald's is packed with options. Shitty apartments go for less.

But how about the other things people buy? TVs less? Nope. iPhones less? Nope. cuts costs for folks in shithole states? Nope. FICA and FIT less? Nope. So in aggregate, they suck wind. Sure their rent is less, and has to be. But all else if further beyond their reach, diminishing the economic vibrance in their communities, not to mention they're less valueable consumers and tax payers for the nation, as a whole.

Trailer park homes did not sell for 310K in 2007.
Georgia is not a shit hole state Moe.
Try again with something other than emotional BS.

Nor was that shithole Red state ever very spendy to live in, save parts of the more liberal Atlanta area.

Meanwhile, NYC, Seattle, Palo Alto, Dallas, etc. might get you a one bedroom condo for $310. But then, we liberals make some fucking coin, and still have plenty of dough for nights out at a good Tom Douglas restaurant, or when in Dallas, kicking it in Uptown.

It is not how much you make, it is what YOU KEEP.
I live 40 miles north of Atlanta. Our average income in this county is three times what it is in Atlanta.
Most of Atlanta is a shit hole. Their liberal public school system is one of the worst in the country.
You are very young, naive and gullible so we will give you a break.
Really? Dead military in caskets, flags, etc. are made up shit; don't really have them, ya "think?"

Meanwhile, and merely speaking for myself, I do pay with "our own" money. Bear in mind, the annual federal outlay divided by the population is circa $12 grand or so. So my live-in GF and I, with combined FIT of around $40 grand annually, are covering our asses and some others, too.


Don't go thinking you we be permitted to change the subject.
Now about those social entitlements and other departments that could be slashed.
Oh, instead of whining about how little you take in for a year, why don't you do something about it...besides demanding government dig into someone else's pocket to feed you.
So, this has what to do with workers no longer being required to pay union dues to keep a job?

Gotcha. Any other thoughts I shouldn't have?

Meanwhile, as for entitlements, there's a reason we call them that: folks paid-in; they're fucking entitled, and in fact are owed for the money the Trust Fund loaned so we could pay for shit without raising taxes. Now to say cut them in service of more retarded fucking rightie desires to weasle out of responsibilities, is, uh, kinda an asshole thing to even entertain in your little pea-brains.

Just saying.

I agree with you.
Do not cut any of them.
We are out of $$$ so just let them die.
Good idea.
Don't go thinking you we be permitted to change the subject.
Now about those social entitlements and other departments that could be slashed.
Oh, instead of whining about how little you take in for a year, why don't you do something about it...besides demanding government dig into someone else's pocket to feed you.
So, this has what to do with workers no longer being required to pay union dues to keep a job?

Gotcha. Any other thoughts I shouldn't have?

Meanwhile, as for entitlements, there's a reason we call them that: folks paid-in; they're fucking entitled, and in fact are owed for the money the Trust Fund loaned so we could pay for shit without raising taxes. Now to say cut them in service of more retarded fucking rightie desires to weasle out of responsibilities, is, uh, kinda an asshole thing to even entertain in your little pea-brains.

Just saying.

I agree with you.
Do not cut any of them.
We are out of $$$ so just let them die.
Good idea.

Nah; we're rich as shit. Richest nation on earth, by a mile. Great GDP per capita. Highest GDI. Richest companies, with record profits. Our currency is the defacto world currency.

But since our taxes were too low, to pay for shit the American People joined with China, Japan, Brasil and others to lend money to keep the wheels on the cart. So time to raise taxes and pay the People back, and not fuck them out of services THEY ARE ENTITLED TO!!
Nor does bread. Now then back to our question:

Public colleges v. private universities. Which are spendier? Have any thoughts on that?

They're more expensive of course......they're private. Do you have a point?

Yes. Seems free public college in OK, for some low incomers, is not making higher education more expensive. Private universities are. Go figure.

Really? Dead military in caskets, flags, etc. are made up shit; don't really have them, ya "think?"

Meanwhile, and merely speaking for myself, I do pay with "our own" money. Bear in mind, the annual federal outlay divided by the population is circa $12 grand or so. So my live-in GF and I, with combined FIT of around $40 grand annually, are covering our asses and some others, too.


Don't go thinking you we be permitted to change the subject.
Now about those social entitlements and other departments that could be slashed.
Oh, instead of whining about how little you take in for a year, why don't you do something about it...besides demanding government dig into someone else's pocket to feed you.
So, this has what to do with workers no longer being required to pay union dues to keep a job?

Gotcha. Any other thoughts I shouldn't have?

Meanwhile, as for entitlements, there's a reason we call them that: folks paid-in; they're fucking entitled, and in fact are owed for the money the Trust Fund loaned so we could pay for shit without raising taxes. Now to say cut them in service of more retarded fucking rightie desires to weasle out of responsibilities, is, uh, kinda an asshole thing to even entertain in your little pea-brains.

Just saying.
Social entitlements have gotten out of control.
Instead of their intended purpose of a "hand up", these things have been transmogrified into a "hand out"...
The big lie is that these programs were devised to end poverty. Here we are trillions of dollars wasted and the percentage of social entitlement recipients has ballooned.
These programs have created generations of a permanent underclass of people who think they are owed something.
It is not the neediest of our fellow Americans which is the concern. It is the millions of people gaming the system. Getting checks via fraud.
The notion of "paid in" is a myth.
These deductions from out paychecks are TAXES. This is proved out by the SCOTUS ruling on ACA. ACA is not a system into which we "pay into"...According to the SCOTUS ACA is a TAX.
The theory of paying into a system would require some kind of savings vehicle or account set up specifically for the payee. This does not exist.
An IRA is an example of a vehicle one pays into...
A pension is another example of same.
I see the real reason for your being here. You're just another entitlement lib who displays hate and vitriol towards people who have the gall to want people to be responsible for themselves. You despise all who do not wish to contribute any longer to a broken system which has an exponentially growing cost with no end in sight.
Don't go spewing crap about "weaseling out of responsibilities". That is a bunch of shit.
It is not our responsibility to take care of those who are gaming the system. We want government to find them and kick them off the taxpayer tit.
Trailer park homes did not sell for 310K in 2007.
Georgia is not a shit hole state Moe.
Try again with something other than emotional BS.

Nor was that shithole Red state ever very spendy to live in, save parts of the more liberal Atlanta area.

Meanwhile, NYC, Seattle, Palo Alto, Dallas, etc. might get you a one bedroom condo for $310. But then, we liberals make some fucking coin, and still have plenty of dough for nights out at a good Tom Douglas restaurant, or when in Dallas, kicking it in Uptown.

It is not how much you make, it is what YOU KEEP.
I live 40 miles north of Atlanta. Our average income in this county is three times what it is in Atlanta.
Most of Atlanta is a shit hole. Their liberal public school system is one of the worst in the country.
You are very young, naive and gullible so we will give you a break.

And why is this? Because Atlanta is run by liberals.
Don't go thinking you we be permitted to change the subject.
Now about those social entitlements and other departments that could be slashed.
Oh, instead of whining about how little you take in for a year, why don't you do something about it...besides demanding government dig into someone else's pocket to feed you.
So, this has what to do with workers no longer being required to pay union dues to keep a job?

Gotcha. Any other thoughts I shouldn't have?

Meanwhile, as for entitlements, there's a reason we call them that: folks paid-in; they're fucking entitled, and in fact are owed for the money the Trust Fund loaned so we could pay for shit without raising taxes. Now to say cut them in service of more retarded fucking rightie desires to weasle out of responsibilities, is, uh, kinda an asshole thing to even entertain in your little pea-brains.

Just saying.
Social entitlements have gotten out of control.
Instead of their intended purpose of a "hand up", these things have been transmogrified into a "hand out"...
The big lie is that these programs were devised to end poverty. Here we are trillions of dollars wasted and the percentage of social entitlement recipients has ballooned.
These programs have created generations of a permanent underclass of people who think they are owed something.
It is not the neediest of our fellow Americans which is the concern. It is the millions of people gaming the system. Getting checks via fraud.
The notion of "paid in" is a myth.
These deductions from out paychecks are TAXES. This is proved out by the SCOTUS ruling on ACA. ACA is not a system into which we "pay into"...According to the SCOTUS ACA is a TAX.
The theory of paying into a system would require some kind of savings vehicle or account set up specifically for the payee. This does not exist.
An IRA is an example of a vehicle one pays into...
A pension is another example of same.
I see the real reason for your being here. You're just another entitlement lib who displays hate and vitriol towards people who have the gall to want people to be responsible for themselves. You despise all who do not wish to contribute any longer to a broken system which has an exponentially growing cost with no end in sight.
Don't go spewing crap about "weaseling out of responsibilities". That is a bunch of shit.
It is not our responsibility to take care of those who are gaming the system. We want government to find them and kick them off the taxpayer tit.

Nah; they're doing great. Just time to pay them back for all we borrowed to pay for shit while taxes have been too low. Go look; you'll see.
Gotcha. Any other thoughts I shouldn't have?

Meanwhile, as for entitlements, there's a reason we call them that: folks paid-in; they're fucking entitled, and in fact are owed for the money the Trust Fund loaned so we could pay for shit without raising taxes. Now to say cut them in service of more retarded fucking rightie desires to weasle out of responsibilities, is, uh, kinda an asshole thing to even entertain in your little pea-brains.

Just saying.

I agree with you.
Do not cut any of them.
We are out of $$$ so just let them die.
Good idea.

Nah; we're rich as shit. Richest nation on earth, by a mile. Great GDP per capita. Highest GDI. Richest companies, with record profits. Our currency is the defacto world currency.

But since our taxes were too low, to pay for shit the American People joined with China, Japan, Brasil and others to lend money to keep the wheels on the cart. So time to raise taxes and pay the People back, and not fuck them out of services THEY ARE ENTITLED TO!!

Wealth is earned.
I am not obligated to pay for any of your shit and you are not entitled to any of it either.
Get used to that.
BraZil, Costa Rica and 2 dozen other countries want me.
How can you steal from producers if all of us ARE GONE?
Gotcha. Any other thoughts I shouldn't have?

Meanwhile, as for entitlements, there's a reason we call them that: folks paid-in; they're fucking entitled, and in fact are owed for the money the Trust Fund loaned so we could pay for shit without raising taxes. Now to say cut them in service of more retarded fucking rightie desires to weasle out of responsibilities, is, uh, kinda an asshole thing to even entertain in your little pea-brains.

Just saying.
Social entitlements have gotten out of control.
Instead of their intended purpose of a "hand up", these things have been transmogrified into a "hand out"...
The big lie is that these programs were devised to end poverty. Here we are trillions of dollars wasted and the percentage of social entitlement recipients has ballooned.
These programs have created generations of a permanent underclass of people who think they are owed something.
It is not the neediest of our fellow Americans which is the concern. It is the millions of people gaming the system. Getting checks via fraud.
The notion of "paid in" is a myth.
These deductions from out paychecks are TAXES. This is proved out by the SCOTUS ruling on ACA. ACA is not a system into which we "pay into"...According to the SCOTUS ACA is a TAX.
The theory of paying into a system would require some kind of savings vehicle or account set up specifically for the payee. This does not exist.
An IRA is an example of a vehicle one pays into...
A pension is another example of same.
I see the real reason for your being here. You're just another entitlement lib who displays hate and vitriol towards people who have the gall to want people to be responsible for themselves. You despise all who do not wish to contribute any longer to a broken system which has an exponentially growing cost with no end in sight.
Don't go spewing crap about "weaseling out of responsibilities". That is a bunch of shit.
It is not our responsibility to take care of those who are gaming the system. We want government to find them and kick them off the taxpayer tit.

Nah; they're doing great. Just time to pay them back for all we borrowed to pay for shit while taxes have been too low. Go look; you'll see.

Does your mama know you are this stupid?
Nor was that shithole Red state ever very spendy to live in, save parts of the more liberal Atlanta area.

Meanwhile, NYC, Seattle, Palo Alto, Dallas, etc. might get you a one bedroom condo for $310. But then, we liberals make some fucking coin, and still have plenty of dough for nights out at a good Tom Douglas restaurant, or when in Dallas, kicking it in Uptown.

It is not how much you make, it is what YOU KEEP.
I live 40 miles north of Atlanta. Our average income in this county is three times what it is in Atlanta.
Most of Atlanta is a shit hole. Their liberal public school system is one of the worst in the country.
You are very young, naive and gullible so we will give you a break.

And why is this? Because Atlanta is run by liberals.

Yes, liberals make bad leaders.
But it is really easy to be one using other folks' $$$.
Don't go thinking you we be permitted to change the subject.
Now about those social entitlements and other departments that could be slashed.
Oh, instead of whining about how little you take in for a year, why don't you do something about it...besides demanding government dig into someone else's pocket to feed you.
So, this has what to do with workers no longer being required to pay union dues to keep a job?

Gotcha. Any other thoughts I shouldn't have?

Meanwhile, as for entitlements, there's a reason we call them that: folks paid-in; they're fucking entitled, and in fact are owed for the money the Trust Fund loaned so we could pay for shit without raising taxes. Now to say cut them in service of more retarded fucking rightie desires to weasle out of responsibilities, is, uh, kinda an asshole thing to even entertain in your little pea-brains.

Just saying.

I agree with you.
Do not cut any of them.
We are out of $$$ so just let them die.
Good idea.
There are alternatives, one of which is a S.T.E.T. tax, which will impose a small tax on every stock trading transaction.

Another is to impose serious cuts in the bloated defense budget.
Gotcha. Any other thoughts I shouldn't have?

Meanwhile, as for entitlements, there's a reason we call them that: folks paid-in; they're fucking entitled, and in fact are owed for the money the Trust Fund loaned so we could pay for shit without raising taxes. Now to say cut them in service of more retarded fucking rightie desires to weasle out of responsibilities, is, uh, kinda an asshole thing to even entertain in your little pea-brains.

Just saying.
Social entitlements have gotten out of control.
Instead of their intended purpose of a "hand up", these things have been transmogrified into a "hand out"...
The big lie is that these programs were devised to end poverty. Here we are trillions of dollars wasted and the percentage of social entitlement recipients has ballooned.
These programs have created generations of a permanent underclass of people who think they are owed something.
It is not the neediest of our fellow Americans which is the concern. It is the millions of people gaming the system. Getting checks via fraud.
The notion of "paid in" is a myth.
These deductions from out paychecks are TAXES. This is proved out by the SCOTUS ruling on ACA. ACA is not a system into which we "pay into"...According to the SCOTUS ACA is a TAX.
The theory of paying into a system would require some kind of savings vehicle or account set up specifically for the payee. This does not exist.
An IRA is an example of a vehicle one pays into...
A pension is another example of same.
I see the real reason for your being here. You're just another entitlement lib who displays hate and vitriol towards people who have the gall to want people to be responsible for themselves. You despise all who do not wish to contribute any longer to a broken system which has an exponentially growing cost with no end in sight.
Don't go spewing crap about "weaseling out of responsibilities". That is a bunch of shit.
It is not our responsibility to take care of those who are gaming the system. We want government to find them and kick them off the taxpayer tit.

Nah; they're doing great. Just time to pay them back for all we borrowed to pay for shit while taxes have been too low. Go look; you'll see.

Here's the flaw in your argument. I was not the one who borrowed. It was those geniuses in Washington. Go get your payback from them.
And taxes are not too low. Spending is too great.
Gotcha. Any other thoughts I shouldn't have?

Meanwhile, as for entitlements, there's a reason we call them that: folks paid-in; they're fucking entitled, and in fact are owed for the money the Trust Fund loaned so we could pay for shit without raising taxes. Now to say cut them in service of more retarded fucking rightie desires to weasle out of responsibilities, is, uh, kinda an asshole thing to even entertain in your little pea-brains.

Just saying.

I agree with you.
Do not cut any of them.
We are out of $$$ so just let them die.
Good idea.
There are alternatives, one of which is a S.T.E.T. tax, which will impose a small tax on every stock trading transaction.

Another is to impose serious cuts in the bloated defense budget.

Show where the defense budget is bloated. Or are you just going along with anti-military lib talking points?
Cutting the military budget does two things. One, it weakens the nation. Two, lots of jobs disappear. And House members do not want to go back to their districts to tell people there that they will be let go soon.
Nope, the cuts have to come from entitlements. There are lots of ways to cut entitlement funding without hurting recipients. Case and point. The federal government spends 40 cents of every dollar administering entitlements. That translates to there are too many federal employees pushing paper and creating bureaucracy and red tape.

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