The Right to Work for less money

Now then, in re: population and inflation, how do we reduce interest on the debt, when interest rates fluxuate, not to mention failing to pay it means defaulting?

Or fuel for federal vehicles, if gas prices go up? Budget what you will, but they still need gas. Ditto on electricity, etc. etc.

Who do we release from federal prison? What cases do not go to trial on the federal bench? Where do we stop building border fenses? What poor families do we say "go hungry" if all food aid dollars exceeds the budget, which is per recipent?

Here's how it works, vis a vis the Constitution: the president requests funding, which Congress must allocate by law, which they do, always. Then there's a war, and a supplimental bill, or bills, allocate more. People have more babies, and we have to issue more social security numbers. More people file tax returns, when new jobs are created. So the amount allocated per recipent stays the same, but costs go up. A hurricane hits, costs go up. Not a single new spending program needs to be added, and some programs can even sunset, and cost still goes up. Inflation and population alone, assure it.

So just fucking raise taxes, because: All the fucking excuses in the world, and diversions like "mandatory" cuts down the road, which when money runs out, are merely voted on again, making it possible to keep our government running. Create a debt "ceiling" and when money runs out, they raise it, everytime.

Or cut a big program, by eliminating it. Fuck border fences. Homeland security is merely responding to terror with fear (they win). Bet Visa merchant discount fees out of Food Aid, and administer it ourselves. Immediately allow Medicare to bid on prescription drugs. Stop paying Big Oil to look for oil under public lands and then sell it to them at below market. Limit farm subsidies to small farms, and let Big Agro carry its own water. And so on and so on. Change policy and something happens. Create pie in the sky and totally arbitrary targets, and shit happens. Fact. Just look back.

You miss the real world issues.
The fact is that most departments have to WASTE money so that their allocation is spent in full. This is to insure the baseline increase is guaranteed.
This is all about creating and maintaining federal employment. That's all.
Your "sky will fall/doomsday" if we cannot spend like drunken sailors on a 3 day liberty pass is garbage.
Our federal government wastes more money than it puts to good use.
For example. There is no reason for a federal dept of education. That is a state issue and should be funded by the states.
There is no need for a Federal housing authority. Again, a state issue.
As it stands, all roadways are maintained and built by the individual states. There is no need for the federal government to be in that business. In fact, if there were no federal highway admin, most interstate roads would be funded by tolls. In other other words, user fees. Perfect.
The US Department of Commerce? Get rid of it. It's non essential.
The problem is too many people have gotten to used to an intrusive all encompassing federal government. It is time to rein in federal power and spending.
So now...Lets cover your concerns. Fuel for federal vehicles. Except for law enforcement, the federal fleet should be slashed to the point where only upper level management should have access to government (taxpayer) owned vehicles. Let the workers use their own cars and let them file their tax return to write off the mileage. Just like the private sector.
Many local governments bid for fuel contracts with gasoline distributors. The federal government can do this as well. They can shop around for the best price and then prepay for a portion of the yearly requirement.
Inflation has been 2% or less for years. Tue increases to that and not to exceed the ROI.
Food aid...This is an easy one but unfortunately is not the first problem to solve because it's not low hanging fruit. That is to vigorously enforce existing laws to seek out and eliminate from programs those who game the system.
For example. It is not common knowledge that according to federal law, it is a violation of law to attempt to verify the income status or eligibility of students who apply for free or reduced price school meals. Reverse this regulation and the cost of these meals would plummet.
Here's the rub. There too many politicians and too many bureaucrats unwilling to make the tough choices and stand up for the working/producing people of this country. The ones funding all of this stuff. The reason? Political expediency. After all how can an elected official look their constituents in the eye and ask for their vote when he just decided to pass a law taking away some kids free lunch, even though his parents do not qualify for public assistance..It does not matter. Once an entitlement is created EVERYONE wants their cut and it better God damned better well be there when they stroll up for their turn at the tit.
Ever ask yourself why those overindulged Greeks have a fucking COW at the mere mention of government cut backs? Human nature. The more an outside agency( government for example) makes them comfortable, the more they expect.
Liberals with their brand of compassion( the type that invariably begins and ends with other people's money) make cutting entitlement spending impossible..As with you, they simply state "let's just raise their taxes"...No fiscal responsibility. No stewardship of out money. No...Just confiscate as much as possible and when it runs out, make up stories about "fair share" and "we are out of funding for that. If you want it next year, you'll have to allow us to increase your taxes"...
Ya know what pisses me off? Here we have this gigantic federal government which comes up with the most imaginative ways to collect money from us still has to charge a fee ($15) to use Skyline Drive in Virginia. FIFTEEN BUCKS...Where the fuck is our money going? This road has been paid for several times over.
Just raise taxes?....No we've been doing it that way for too long. Time to rein in the federal government and cut cut cut..

Which ones intentionally waste and what percentage of spending is it.?
All of them.
You miss the real world issues.
The fact is that most departments have to WASTE money so that their allocation is spent in full. This is to insure the baseline increase is guaranteed.
This is all about creating and maintaining federal employment. That's all.
Your "sky will fall/doomsday" if we cannot spend like drunken sailors on a 3 day liberty pass is garbage.
Our federal government wastes more money than it puts to good use.
For example. There is no reason for a federal dept of education. That is a state issue and should be funded by the states.
There is no need for a Federal housing authority. Again, a state issue.
As it stands, all roadways are maintained and built by the individual states. There is no need for the federal government to be in that business. In fact, if there were no federal highway admin, most interstate roads would be funded by tolls. In other other words, user fees. Perfect.
The US Department of Commerce? Get rid of it. It's non essential.
The problem is too many people have gotten to used to an intrusive all encompassing federal government. It is time to rein in federal power and spending.
So now...Lets cover your concerns. Fuel for federal vehicles. Except for law enforcement, the federal fleet should be slashed to the point where only upper level management should have access to government (taxpayer) owned vehicles. Let the workers use their own cars and let them file their tax return to write off the mileage. Just like the private sector.
Many local governments bid for fuel contracts with gasoline distributors. The federal government can do this as well. They can shop around for the best price and then prepay for a portion of the yearly requirement.
Inflation has been 2% or less for years. Tue increases to that and not to exceed the ROI.
Food aid...This is an easy one but unfortunately is not the first problem to solve because it's not low hanging fruit. That is to vigorously enforce existing laws to seek out and eliminate from programs those who game the system.
For example. It is not common knowledge that according to federal law, it is a violation of law to attempt to verify the income status or eligibility of students who apply for free or reduced price school meals. Reverse this regulation and the cost of these meals would plummet.
Here's the rub. There too many politicians and too many bureaucrats unwilling to make the tough choices and stand up for the working/producing people of this country. The ones funding all of this stuff. The reason? Political expediency. After all how can an elected official look their constituents in the eye and ask for their vote when he just decided to pass a law taking away some kids free lunch, even though his parents do not qualify for public assistance..It does not matter. Once an entitlement is created EVERYONE wants their cut and it better God damned better well be there when they stroll up for their turn at the tit.
Ever ask yourself why those overindulged Greeks have a fucking COW at the mere mention of government cut backs? Human nature. The more an outside agency( government for example) makes them comfortable, the more they expect.
Liberals with their brand of compassion( the type that invariably begins and ends with other people's money) make cutting entitlement spending impossible..As with you, they simply state "let's just raise their taxes"...No fiscal responsibility. No stewardship of out money. No...Just confiscate as much as possible and when it runs out, make up stories about "fair share" and "we are out of funding for that. If you want it next year, you'll have to allow us to increase your taxes"...
Ya know what pisses me off? Here we have this gigantic federal government which comes up with the most imaginative ways to collect money from us still has to charge a fee ($15) to use Skyline Drive in Virginia. FIFTEEN BUCKS...Where the fuck is our money going? This road has been paid for several times over.
Just raise taxes?....No we've been doing it that way for too long. Time to rein in the federal government and cut cut cut..

Which ones intentionally waste and what percentage of spending is it.?
All of them.

The caskets made for fallen soldiers? How much is waste? Flags the dead cannot appreciate?

If so, what's its cost? Do you know?
Could there be any correlation between right to work states and far lower cost of living?
Our Obama supporting relatives from Philly were here this weekend and visited my oldest son and the home he just purchased. They were amazed that you could buy a 3400 sf home only 7 years old, 4 br, 3 1/2 baths an a full finished basement for 160K.
"You really mean things cost less if wages are not inflated?"
Check outlays, and not budget numbers. Here's where to look: Historical Federal Receipt and Outlay Summary
You deny the existence of baseline budgeting?

No. I reject that it works, or has ever worked. Tell me one time it has.

And government is no different than you. You ever create a budget, and have it spot on by year end? Fuck no. None of us do. The price of everything we buy fluxuates. Gas cost to get to work can go way up. A budget is merely a guide.

SO ALWAYS CHECK ACTUAL OUTLAYS!!! Budgets are fucking wishful thinking, with all manner of projected costs and dynamics, such as population and growth.

If something goes up then we HAVE TO CUT SOMETHING ELSE.
Real world.
Government does not operate in the real world.
What if we didn't fatigue after 12.5 years of publicly funded K thru 12, which pays back shit, and made college free to all thus inclined? Not everyone. Just those with the drive to better themselves sans economic barriers?

You think we don't already make it easy to get to college? My son was an honor student in high school who scored high on his college entrance exams. Because of how much we make.....not even in the Obama "wealthy" category.....the best my son could get in merit scholarships was $2k per year. His college costs about $17k per year. But here in Oklahoma, we have a program called Oklahoma's Promise. While in 8th grade, if a student's parents make under $50k per year, they can sign thei child up for the program. The student has a few courses they must complete thru 12th grade and maintain a 2.5 GPA in order to have the state pay their tuition to one of the state colleges or universities. That's right, my son who has a proven track record of academic success has to pay the majority of his college bill while the mediocre students get a free ride on my tax dime. And somehow they are the ones who have it tough and I'm not paying my fair share. Don't believe it, you can read all about it.

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education | Students | Oklahoma's Promise

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education | Students | Oklahoma's Promise | How It Works

There is your "equal" opportunity.

Yes. For too many the artificial barrier (financial) is too great.

And yet my state provides a free ride to a state university for low income people who only have to be average academically. Not a bad deal.
Could there be any correlation between right to work states and far lower cost of living?
Our Obama supporting relatives from Philly were here this weekend and visited my oldest son and the home he just purchased. They were amazed that you could buy a 3400 sf home only 7 years old, 4 br, 3 1/2 baths an a full finished basement for 160K.
"You really mean things cost less if wages are not inflated?"

Amazing isn't it? :lol:
You deny the existence of baseline budgeting?

No. I reject that it works, or has ever worked. Tell me one time it has.

And government is no different than you. You ever create a budget, and have it spot on by year end? Fuck no. None of us do. The price of everything we buy fluxuates. Gas cost to get to work can go way up. A budget is merely a guide.

SO ALWAYS CHECK ACTUAL OUTLAYS!!! Budgets are fucking wishful thinking, with all manner of projected costs and dynamics, such as population and growth.

If something goes up then we HAVE TO CUT SOMETHING ELSE.
Real world.
Government does not operate in the real world.

Not always. Many families faced with higher costs are forced to buy with credit, namely cards. Just look at the trend in middle class debt.
You think we don't already make it easy to get to college? My son was an honor student in high school who scored high on his college entrance exams. Because of how much we make.....not even in the Obama "wealthy" category.....the best my son could get in merit scholarships was $2k per year. His college costs about $17k per year. But here in Oklahoma, we have a program called Oklahoma's Promise. While in 8th grade, if a student's parents make under $50k per year, they can sign thei child up for the program. The student has a few courses they must complete thru 12th grade and maintain a 2.5 GPA in order to have the state pay their tuition to one of the state colleges or universities. That's right, my son who has a proven track record of academic success has to pay the majority of his college bill while the mediocre students get a free ride on my tax dime. And somehow they are the ones who have it tough and I'm not paying my fair share. Don't believe it, you can read all about it.

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education | Students | Oklahoma's Promise

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education | Students | Oklahoma's Promise | How It Works

There is your "equal" opportunity.

Yes. For too many the artificial barrier (financial) is too great.

And yet my state provides a free ride to a state university for low income people who only have to be average academically. Not a bad deal.

Yet it's unreasonable to think that everyone will move to your state, or even that all who wish it in your state, currently, are assured of getting in. And what about the MAJORITY on the margins, who are neither "low income" nor able to pay the skyrocketing cost. It's hardly a solution to the problems facing our nation, in a world that's getting smaller and more competitive by the day.

Moreover, our lack of certain access to higher ed has an effect as well. While private schools for the well off can focus solely on preparatory education, since higher ed access is assumed, they better prepare students for college. But back in public middle and high school land, that's a fucking pipe dream for many, or even most, in America. So public schools need to do more to prepare kids for a life sans higher ed, which puts all at a disadvantage, even those who are seeking higher ed and have parents that can support or help support the cost of going, but not the $10 or $20 grand a year for private, preparatory, middle and high school.

We're moving toward a caste system. Look at the national trends in where the next generation of top 10% of earners are coming from (over 70% come from parents that are themselves in the top 10%.) That means the other 90% of kids in America, are fighting over what's left, with about only a 1 chance in 3 of being in the top 10% themselves, while the kids of the top 10% stand 7 chances in 10.

Equality of opportunity, in America, is a fucking delusion. Go look.

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Could there be any correlation between right to work states and far lower cost of living?
Our Obama supporting relatives from Philly were here this weekend and visited my oldest son and the home he just purchased. They were amazed that you could buy a 3400 sf home only 7 years old, 4 br, 3 1/2 baths an a full finished basement for 160K.
"You really mean things cost less if wages are not inflated?"

Sure. Where wages suck and poverty is greater, trailer parks are cheaper. The Dollar Menu at McDonald's is packed with options. Shitty apartments go for less.

But how about the other things people buy? TVs less? Nope. iPhones less? Nope. cuts costs for folks in shithole states? Nope. FICA and FIT less? Nope. So in aggregate, they suck wind. Sure their rent is less, and has to be. But all else if further beyond their reach, diminishing the economic vibrance in their communities, not to mention they're less valueable consumers and tax payers for the nation, as a whole.
Yes. For too many the artificial barrier (financial) is too great.

And yet my state provides a free ride to a state university for low income people who only have to be average academically. Not a bad deal.

Yet it's unreasonable to think that everyone will move to your state, or even that all who wish it in your state, currently, are assured of getting in. And what about the MAJORITY on the margins, who are neither "low income" nor able to pay the skyrocketing cost. It's hardly a solution to the problems facing our nation, in a world that's getting smaller and more competitive by the day.

Moreover, our lack of certain access to higher ed has an effect as well. While private schools for the well off can focus solely on preparatory education, since higher ed access is assumed, they better prepare students for college. But back in public middle and high school land, that's a fucking pipe dream for many, or even most, in America. So public schools need to do more to prepare kids for a life sans higher ed, which puts all at a disadvantage, even those who are seeking higher ed and have parents that can support or help support the cost of going, but not the $10 or $20 grand a year for private, preparatory, middle and high school.

We're moving toward a caste system. Look at the national trends in where the next generation of top 10% of earners are coming from (over 70% come from parents that are themselves in the top 10%.) That means the other 90% of kids in America, are fighting over what's left, with about only a 1 chance in 3 of being in the top 10% themselves, while the kids of the top 10% stand 7 chances in 10.

Equality of opportunity, in America, is a fucking delusion. Go look.


Can't never did anything Eeyore.
And yet my state provides a free ride to a state university for low income people who only have to be average academically. Not a bad deal.

Yet it's unreasonable to think that everyone will move to your state, or even that all who wish it in your state, currently, are assured of getting in. And what about the MAJORITY on the margins, who are neither "low income" nor able to pay the skyrocketing cost. It's hardly a solution to the problems facing our nation, in a world that's getting smaller and more competitive by the day.

Moreover, our lack of certain access to higher ed has an effect as well. While private schools for the well off can focus solely on preparatory education, since higher ed access is assumed, they better prepare students for college. But back in public middle and high school land, that's a fucking pipe dream for many, or even most, in America. So public schools need to do more to prepare kids for a life sans higher ed, which puts all at a disadvantage, even those who are seeking higher ed and have parents that can support or help support the cost of going, but not the $10 or $20 grand a year for private, preparatory, middle and high school.

We're moving toward a caste system. Look at the national trends in where the next generation of top 10% of earners are coming from (over 70% come from parents that are themselves in the top 10%.) That means the other 90% of kids in America, are fighting over what's left, with about only a 1 chance in 3 of being in the top 10% themselves, while the kids of the top 10% stand 7 chances in 10.

Equality of opportunity, in America, is a fucking delusion. Go look.


Can't never did anything Eeyore.

Run along and play now, but make sure your headgear is secure.
No. I reject that it works, or has ever worked. Tell me one time it has.

And government is no different than you. You ever create a budget, and have it spot on by year end? Fuck no. None of us do. The price of everything we buy fluxuates. Gas cost to get to work can go way up. A budget is merely a guide.

SO ALWAYS CHECK ACTUAL OUTLAYS!!! Budgets are fucking wishful thinking, with all manner of projected costs and dynamics, such as population and growth.

If something goes up then we HAVE TO CUT SOMETHING ELSE.
Real world.
Government does not operate in the real world.

Not always. Many families faced with higher costs are forced to buy with credit, namely cards. Just look at the trend in middle class debt.

When their line of credit runs out then THEY CUT THEIR SPENDING.
Same chart as the rise in fast food restaurants, I phones and all of the other toys they have to have.
Could there be any correlation between right to work states and far lower cost of living?
Our Obama supporting relatives from Philly were here this weekend and visited my oldest son and the home he just purchased. They were amazed that you could buy a 3400 sf home only 7 years old, 4 br, 3 1/2 baths an a full finished basement for 160K.
"You really mean things cost less if wages are not inflated?"

Sure. Where wages suck and poverty is greater, trailer parks are cheaper. The Dollar Menu at McDonald's is packed with options. Shitty apartments go for less.

But how about the other things people buy? TVs less? Nope. iPhones less? Nope. cuts costs for folks in shithole states? Nope. FICA and FIT less? Nope. So in aggregate, they suck wind. Sure their rent is less, and has to be. But all else if further beyond their reach, diminishing the economic vibrance in their communities, not to mention they're less valueable consumers and tax payers for the nation, as a whole.

Trailer park homes did not sell for 310K in 2007.
Georgia is not a shit hole state Moe.
Try again with something other than emotional BS.
Could there be any correlation between right to work states and far lower cost of living?
Our Obama supporting relatives from Philly were here this weekend and visited my oldest son and the home he just purchased. They were amazed that you could buy a 3400 sf home only 7 years old, 4 br, 3 1/2 baths an a full finished basement for 160K.
"You really mean things cost less if wages are not inflated?"

Sure. Where wages suck and poverty is greater, trailer parks are cheaper. The Dollar Menu at McDonald's is packed with options. Shitty apartments go for less.

But how about the other things people buy? TVs less? Nope. iPhones less? Nope. cuts costs for folks in shithole states? Nope. FICA and FIT less? Nope. So in aggregate, they suck wind. Sure their rent is less, and has to be. But all else if further beyond their reach, diminishing the economic vibrance in their communities, not to mention they're less valueable consumers and tax payers for the nation, as a whole.

Trailer park homes did not sell for 310K in 2007.
Georgia is not a shit hole state Moe.
Try again with something other than emotional BS.

Nor was that shithole Red state ever very spendy to live in, save parts of the more liberal Atlanta area.

Meanwhile, NYC, Seattle, Palo Alto, Dallas, etc. might get you a one bedroom condo for $310. But then, we liberals make some fucking coin, and still have plenty of dough for nights out at a good Tom Douglas restaurant, or when in Dallas, kicking it in Uptown.
Which ones intentionally waste and what percentage of spending is it.?
All of them.

The caskets made for fallen soldiers? How much is waste? Flags the dead cannot appreciate?

If so, what's its cost? Do you know?

Straw man arguments do not work here.
You know precisely to which programs I refer. You are just another in the long line of hand out cheerleaders.
I have a solution. If you people are so concerned with compassion, feel free to practice compassion with YOUR OWN money.
You think we don't already make it easy to get to college? My son was an honor student in high school who scored high on his college entrance exams. Because of how much we make.....not even in the Obama "wealthy" category.....the best my son could get in merit scholarships was $2k per year. His college costs about $17k per year. But here in Oklahoma, we have a program called Oklahoma's Promise. While in 8th grade, if a student's parents make under $50k per year, they can sign thei child up for the program. The student has a few courses they must complete thru 12th grade and maintain a 2.5 GPA in order to have the state pay their tuition to one of the state colleges or universities. That's right, my son who has a proven track record of academic success has to pay the majority of his college bill while the mediocre students get a free ride on my tax dime. And somehow they are the ones who have it tough and I'm not paying my fair share. Don't believe it, you can read all about it.

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education | Students | Oklahoma's Promise

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education | Students | Oklahoma's Promise | How It Works

There is your "equal" opportunity.

Yes. For too many the artificial barrier (financial) is too great.

And yet my state provides a free ride to a state university for low income people who only have to be average academically. Not a bad deal.

How much does that increase the costs for students that actually studied their way into college?
All of them.

The caskets made for fallen soldiers? How much is waste? Flags the dead cannot appreciate?

If so, what's its cost? Do you know?

Straw man arguments do not work here.
You know precisely to which programs I refer. You are just another in the long line of hand out cheerleaders.
I have a solution. If you people are so concerned with compassion, feel free to practice compassion with YOUR OWN money.

Really? Dead military in caskets, flags, etc. are made up shit; don't really have them, ya "think?"

Meanwhile, and merely speaking for myself, I do pay with "our own" money. Bear in mind, the annual federal outlay divided by the population is circa $12 grand or so. So my live-in GF and I, with combined FIT of around $40 grand annually, are covering our asses and some others, too.

Yes. For too many the artificial barrier (financial) is too great.

And yet my state provides a free ride to a state university for low income people who only have to be average academically. Not a bad deal.

How much does that increase the costs for students that actually studied their way into college?

Decrease you mean? What's tuition at state colleges compared to private universities? Way lower, yeah?
Yes. For too many the artificial barrier (financial) is too great.

And yet my state provides a free ride to a state university for low income people who only have to be average academically. Not a bad deal.

How much does that increase the costs for students that actually studied their way into college?

Well, as I stated above, my son gets a $2k merit scholarship per year. We are paying the additional $15k because we can "afford it". In addition to us shelling out the $15k, we are taxpayers unlike many of the folks who are getting the free ride we are getting dinged twice. Once for our child and then again for the lower income kids. BTW, my son just finished an 18 hour semester with a 4.0 GPA while working a job too. He has 22 hours next semester.
And yet my state provides a free ride to a state university for low income people who only have to be average academically. Not a bad deal.

How much does that increase the costs for students that actually studied their way into college?

Decrease you mean? What's tuition at state colleges compared to private universities? Way lower, yeah?

Tuition never decreases. A little light reading for you.

Not an average increase of 114% over the last 10 years for undergraduate tuition for state universities.



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