The Right Wing Are Relieved The Bombers Were Muslims, But...

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
The Right Wing Are Relieved The Bombers Were Muslims, But...their fears that it will be one of them again can be held in check for a short time

The Right Wing Are Relieved The Bombers Were Muslims, But they have to spin away form the bombers being as American as any other immigrant from a nation with civil wars.
The bombers came to America at 16 and 9 years of age. We think one was radicalized here and during travel abroad. How are they any different than all the right wing and Christian terrorists of the recent past? The terrorists who were obsessed with the 2nd amendment battles and with conspiracies involving the government and individual government officials were radicalized into becoming right wingers.

But the right wing is now spinning as fast as it can in order to deflect and breath a sigh of relief that another one of their spawn has not gone completely over the deep end, while following right wing arguments to their final, logical conclusions.
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The Chechen terrorists didn't have guns. They had no interest in the Second Amendment one way or other. One was a peaceful pothead, like Jared Loughner. The youngest one was in one of the most liberal colleges in the most liberal state.

This time it was a muslim, like it was last time, and the time before that, and the time before that. Liberals content themselves with it being a conservative next time, or the next after that or the next after that.
Dainty's diaper fumes are affecting his cognitive abilities, again.

The Right Wing is NOT HAPPY that the Boston bombers are Muslim Terrorists.

Personally, I was hoping they were lone wolf nut jobs so that this would be an isolated incident. Instead, the strong likelihood is that they are part of a terror network, and the fear remains that more such attacks are in the works.
The Chechen terrorists didn't have guns. They had no interest in the Second Amendment one way or other. One was a peaceful pothead, like Jared Loughner. The youngest one was in one of the most liberal colleges in the most liberal state.

This time it was a muslim, like it was last time, and the time before that, and the time before that. Liberals content themselves with it being a conservative next time, or the next after that or the next after that.

dear idiot fucking stupid assed fool,

they had firefights with POLICE with GUNS
*cough* pressure cookers *cough*
The Right Wing Are Relieved The Bombers Were Muslims, But...their fears that it will be one of them again can be held in check for a short time

The Right Wing Are Relieved The Bombers Were Muslims, But they have to spin away form the bombers being as American as any other immigrant from a nation with civil wars.
The bombers came to America at 16 and 9 years of age. We think one was radicalized here and during travel abroad. How are they any different than all the right wing and Christian terrorists of the recent past? The terrorists who were obsessed with the 2nd amendment battles and with conspiracies involving the government and individual government officials were radicalized into becoming right wingers.

But the right wing is now spinning as fast as it can in order to deflect and breath a sigh of relief that another one of their spawn has not gone completely over the deep end, while following right wing arguments to their final, logical conclusions.

Uummmmm, looks like you're disappointed it wasn't some right wing nut job........ Just sayin'............
What is the problem with being relieved these murderous scum were foreigner scum and not domestic scum?

How would it have been better if any of the atrocities committed by Moslems against Americans had been committed by random US citizens?
The Right Wing Are Relieved The Bombers Were Muslims, But...their fears that it will be one of them again can be held in check for a short time

The Right Wing Are Relieved The Bombers Were Muslims, But they have to spin away form the bombers being as American as any other immigrant from a nation with civil wars.
The bombers came to America at 16 and 9 years of age. We think one was radicalized here and during travel abroad. How are they any different than all the right wing and Christian terrorists of the recent past? The terrorists who were obsessed with the 2nd amendment battles and with conspiracies involving the government and individual government officials were radicalized into becoming right wingers.

But the right wing is now spinning as fast as it can in order to deflect and breath a sigh of relief that another one of their spawn has not gone completely over the deep end, while following right wing arguments to their final, logical conclusions.

You have no earthly idea what any liberty loving American thinks.
What "right wing Christian terrorists"? Did I miss something? What's the difference between Bill Ayers and Tim McVeigh? McVeigh was executed.
The Right Wing Are Relieved The Bombers Were Muslims, But...their fears that it will be one of them again can be held in check for a short time

The Right Wing Are Relieved The Bombers Were Muslims, But they have to spin away form the bombers being as American as any other immigrant from a nation with civil wars.
The bombers came to America at 16 and 9 years of age. We think one was radicalized here and during travel abroad. How are they any different than all the right wing and Christian terrorists of the recent past? The terrorists who were obsessed with the 2nd amendment battles and with conspiracies involving the government and individual government officials were radicalized into becoming right wingers.

But the right wing is now spinning as fast as it can in order to deflect and breath a sigh of relief that another one of their spawn has not gone completely over the deep end, while following right wing arguments to their final, logical conclusions.

No one is relieved of any thing, except the people of Boston who can now walk the streets without fear.
Dante you have some sort of serious problem.
I suggest you go see a Doctor that can connect the lose wires in your head.
The Right Wing Are Relieved The Bombers Were Muslims, But...their fears that it will be one of them again can be held in check for a short time

The Right Wing Are Relieved The Bombers Were Muslims, But they have to spin away form the bombers being as American as any other immigrant from a nation with civil wars.
The bombers came to America at 16 and 9 years of age. We think one was radicalized here and during travel abroad. How are they any different than all the right wing and Christian terrorists of the recent past? The terrorists who were obsessed with the 2nd amendment battles and with conspiracies involving the government and individual government officials were radicalized into becoming right wingers.

But the right wing is now spinning as fast as it can in order to deflect and breath a sigh of relief that another one of their spawn has not gone completely over the deep end, while following right wing arguments to their final, logical conclusions.

The idiocy in this forum never ceases to amaze me. :cuckoo:

The wack job leftists in this forum should be on everybody's "watch list".
Liberals have been spinning this whole week. First, they were trying to pin the whole thing on a tax day, Patriot day, Hitlers birthday type of crime and now that we find out they are Islamist terrorists, they now need to spin it on to Christians and the NRA.

Pretty pathetic, they can't wait to blame what they perceive is the real enemy.
The Right Wing Are Relieved The Bombers Were Muslims, But...their fears that it will be one of them again can be held in check for a short time

The Right Wing Are Relieved The Bombers Were Muslims, But they have to spin away form the bombers being as American as any other immigrant from a nation with civil wars.
The bombers came to America at 16 and 9 years of age. We think one was radicalized here and during travel abroad. How are they any different than all the right wing and Christian terrorists of the recent past? The terrorists who were obsessed with the 2nd amendment battles and with conspiracies involving the government and individual government officials were radicalized into becoming right wingers.

But the right wing is now spinning as fast as it can in order to deflect and breath a sigh of relief that another one of their spawn has not gone completely over the deep end, while following right wing arguments to their final, logical conclusions.

^This guy here is the night.
The left wingers have to take their antidepressants since the bombers were not white Tea Party Christian conservatives the group they love to demonize more than any other it's dam ironic that the far left on here who like to post about hate and intolerance from everyone else are the one's who peddle it the most.
The Right Wing Are Relieved The Bombers Were Muslims, But...their fears that it will be one of them again can be held in check for a short time

The Right Wing Are Relieved The Bombers Were Muslims, But they have to spin away form the bombers being as American as any other immigrant from a nation with civil wars.
The bombers came to America at 16 and 9 years of age. We think one was radicalized here and during travel abroad. How are they any different than all the right wing and Christian terrorists of the recent past? The terrorists who were obsessed with the 2nd amendment battles and with conspiracies involving the government and individual government officials were radicalized into becoming right wingers.

But the right wing is now spinning as fast as it can in order to deflect and breath a sigh of relief that another one of their spawn has not gone completely over the deep end, while following right wing arguments to their final, logical conclusions.

The idiocy in this forum never ceases to amaze me. :cuckoo:

The wack job leftists in this forum should be on everybody's "watch list".

Maybe on a "not" watch list.
The left was hoping beyond hope and are still crying a raging torrent that it wasn't some white tea party people. Aside from the politicization of the horrible tragedy, it really doesn't matter what race, ethnicity, color, religion....they killed fellow human beings. Its deplorable on any level.
How does the bigoted left excuse Bill Ayers? White elitist left wingers shouldn't be prosecuted like those dark Mid-Eastern terrorists?
How does the bigoted left excuse Bill Ayers? White elitist left wingers shouldn't be prosecuted like those dark Mid-Eastern terrorists?

Of course not!

They should run educational institutions in order to brainwash American youth to hate America.

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