The Right Wing had better be right about this "Deep State" stuff.

So here we go, I guess.

This is no longer going to be some fevered conspiracy story born of one of Mark Levin's fevered hyper-partisan conspiracy books. It's no longer going to be the foundation of President Hannity's hyper-partisan radio and teevee shows, buttressed by the manic "reporting" of his small band of like-minded "investigative reporters" (Out-of-Control Sean Hannity Thumbs His Nose at Fox News Bosses).

It's no longer going to be this alternate-universe "blockbuster" narrative that a relatively small group of people know like the back of their hand, as if they're convinced that "Breaking Bad" or "Game of Thrones" are documentaries.

You're accusing the American government, all the way to the top, of conspiring to spy on and bring down a presidential candidate and an American President. Key players in this accusation include a Special Counsel, a former Director of National Intelligence, a former FBI Director, former Secretary of State and a former President. Not to mention any number of lower-level government conspirators. The Deep State.

Bottom line: If you folks are right about this whole thing, it's a huge, historic story and must be addressed with historic attention, seriousness and care. If it's just a product of your fevered alternate universe, you deserve whatever you get.

Hopefully we'll soon know, once and for all, what actually happened. If anything.

We already know this didn't happen. But learn your lesson about that both sides stuff you keep repeating.

You're such a fucking moron.
According to you, anyone who posts facts is a moron.
You're posting delusions, not facts. No one on the planet except you is claiming that Comey was trying to blackmail trump.
Wrong again, shit for brains. Plenty of people who aren't suffering from the "Russia! Russia! Russia!" delusion have said so.
Oh? Like who?
Joe DeGenova, for one.
Oh look, you found someone who's a fucking moron like you. :lmao:

Fucking moron, not even trump has ever said Comey blackmailed him. And how do you blackmail someone over something that never happened?
Oh yeah, I'm deranged and Trump stole the Presidency from your mommy, huh.
Of course you're deranged. How else can anyone explain why you think the "deep state" put that golden showers nonsense into Steele's dossier?
Who put it there if not traitorous douchebags in our government?
Steele included it in his dossier. His sources for his dossier were Russians.
And the douchebags in our government hired Steele and used the dossier to justify spying on the Trump campaign.
Fucking moron, the government did not spy on the trump campaign. :eusa_doh:

Sure they did they just use the word “investigated”. You’re one naive motherfucker.
Faun we have for your problem down South
A "moderate" is like the muslim who hold the victim to get the head cut off. Then says, "I am moderate, I never chopped any head off".
Moderates and independents can think for ourselves, which is why wingers dislike us so much.

We expose wingers for what they are. No WONDER they get angry.

There was a time when there were moderate democrats.

Name one running for president today?
There are a few: Gabbard, Hickenlooper, Klobuchar, Ryan, off the top of my head. Biden actually is one but he's desperately playing to the crowd.

From your perspective, I'm sure these are all radical pinko Alinsky Hitler Stalin Mao Nazi socialist commie commies, but I'm trying to deal with reality.
What concerns me as much as anything on this, is that if (bolded, underlined) this is found to be largely fantasy, it won't matter. The response from the Right will be that the Deep State was able to cover it up, or something like that.'re a fucking leftist toady and always have been.....oh, you will join the right for brief moments when one your kind does something so egregious it can't be defended. But you're a leftist to the core so knock off your phony "concern"....Your boys tried to overthrow the government and they're going to pay the price.

Is the radio literally taped to your head?
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So here we go, I guess.

This is no longer going to be some fevered conspiracy story born of one of Mark Levin's fevered hyper-partisan conspiracy books. It's no longer going to be the foundation of President Hannity's hyper-partisan radio and teevee shows, buttressed by the manic "reporting" of his small band of like-minded "investigative reporters" (Out-of-Control Sean Hannity Thumbs His Nose at Fox News Bosses).

It's no longer going to be this alternate-universe "blockbuster" narrative that a relatively small group of people know like the back of their hand, as if they're convinced that "Breaking Bad" or "Game of Thrones" are documentaries.

You're accusing the American government, all the way to the top, of conspiring to spy on and bring down a presidential candidate and an American President. Key players in this accusation include a Special Counsel, a former Director of National Intelligence, a former FBI Director, former Secretary of State and a former President. Not to mention any number of lower-level government conspirators. The Deep State.

Bottom line: If you folks are right about this whole thing, it's a huge, historic story and must be addressed with historic attention, seriousness and care. If it's just a product of your fevered alternate universe, you deserve whatever you get.

Hopefully we'll soon know, once and for all, what actually happened. If anything.
Why don’t you want to find out?
Where in the world did I say that?

Did you somehow miss the last line?

Holy crap, this place.
Your post was a, here we go again partisan post! You caveated at the end like an oh well! Too funny
Then you haven't read the thread and you're just making stuff up to suit yourself.

I realize intellectual honesty is no longer a priority, especially here, so that's fine with me.
Dude, you’re clueless
Well, I admit I just don't make stuff up as I go to prove a "point". If that's the best you feel you can do, great.

Your claims have been proven wrong at least a dozen times on this thread alone. Yet you persist.

"Clueless", indeed.
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We already know this didn't happen. But learn your lesson about that both sides stuff you keep repeating.
The "both sides stuff" is proven for me here every day.
Bottom line: If you folks are right about this whole thing, it's a huge, historic story and must be addressed with historic attention, seriousness and care. If it's just a product of your fevered alternate universe, you deserve whatever you get.

We already know this didn't happen. But learn your lesson about that both sides stuff you keep repeating.

Really, how can you say such a thing?

As we know, right-wingers are nothing if not devoted to facts, and eminently respectful of data and science. They would never, ever lie. What say I? They would not debase themselves even by exaggerating the apparently raging Deep State threat - such is their integrity and honor.

That's why they deserve the benefit of the doubt, and you should grant it, as does Mac, very justifiably so. Respect for their honor, integrity, and for their burning desire to improve the lot of Americans of all walks of live, and to preserve the benefits of a Constitutional Republic for generations to come, demands no less.
30 years of ridiculous phony scandals from the GOP.... Try listening to journalists and law enforcement someday, super dupes.
The huge story is was their an attempted coup upon our government or not. Right now all of the evidence appears to be yes. So if Trump is not assassinated, we should see the culprits see justice.

If Trump remains alive and the whole thing fizzles away to oblivion with nothing happening, I’m not sure what the answer is.
The problem is that the "evidence" has largely been provided by one hyper-partisan side of the spectrum. I don't care which side it comes from, but "evidence" like that is essentially worthless until fully proven and corroborated. Look at the mountains of "evidence" provided by Rachel Maddow on collusion.

If this evidence is all correct, great.

I want to see a transcript of the "accidental" tarmac meeting between Bubba clinton and Lynch. What kind of deal did they make, how much was she paid? do you care?
All I care about is finding out what actually happened. And the "evidence" I hear about from either end of this means little to me, because I know how crazed and dishonest both ends can be.

I've heard a ton of "evidence" from Hannity, just as I've heard a ton of "evidence" from Maddow. Neither means much to me.

I think thats all any of us want, full disclosure of what really happened during and after the 2016 election. We are entitled to know why Hillary destroyed 30,000 emails and what they contained, we are entitled to know the entire story behind the uranium one deal and the russian dossier. We are entitled to know what exactly Strzok, Page, Comey, Brennan, and Clapper did during the election and what influence they were trying to exert from their high level civil service positions and whether it was illegal.

We are entitled to know if factions within our government were trying to execute a coup to remove a duly elected president. Any american who does not want these answers is either stupid or a total partisan hack.
Sure, we need to get it all out. But by "it", I'm talking about proven, corroborated facts.

For now, I'll take what the Right is saying at face value and I think everything should be flushed out. I'm just not convinced that the story is true, since the people telling it are not honest in my book.

What concerns me is that we are now at a point at which the two ends can't even agree on FACTS. That makes this a bit tougher.

ultimately its not up to the "two ends" its up to the american people, and the vast majority of them are able to discern the difference between propaganda and facts. I think the Barr team will bring it all to light, then its up to us to decide.
The problem is that the "evidence" has largely been provided by one hyper-partisan side of the spectrum. I don't care which side it comes from, but "evidence" like that is essentially worthless until fully proven and corroborated. Look at the mountains of "evidence" provided by Rachel Maddow on collusion.

If this evidence is all correct, great.

I want to see a transcript of the "accidental" tarmac meeting between Bubba clinton and Lynch. What kind of deal did they make, how much was she paid? do you care?
All I care about is finding out what actually happened. And the "evidence" I hear about from either end of this means little to me, because I know how crazed and dishonest both ends can be.

I've heard a ton of "evidence" from Hannity, just as I've heard a ton of "evidence" from Maddow. Neither means much to me.

I think thats all any of us want, full disclosure of what really happened during and after the 2016 election. We are entitled to know why Hillary destroyed 30,000 emails and what they contained, we are entitled to know the entire story behind the uranium one deal and the russian dossier. We are entitled to know what exactly Strzok, Page, Comey, Brennan, and Clapper did during the election and what influence they were trying to exert from their high level civil service positions and whether it was illegal.

We are entitled to know if factions within our government were trying to execute a coup to remove a duly elected president. Any american who does not want these answers is either stupid or a total partisan hack.
Sure, we need to get it all out. But by "it", I'm talking about proven, corroborated facts.

For now, I'll take what the Right is saying at face value and I think everything should be flushed out. I'm just not convinced that the story is true, since the people telling it are not honest in my book.

What concerns me is that we are now at a point at which the two ends can't even agree on FACTS. That makes this a bit tougher.

ultimately its not up to the "two ends" its up to the american people, and the vast majority of them are able to discern the difference between propaganda and facts. I think the Barr team will bring it all to light, then its up to us to decide.
Part of that process will be deciding if Barr is giving the American people the full story.

But yes, that will be up to the individual.
The Right Wing had better be right about this "Deep State" stuff.

Like they were right about Iraq.

Like they were right about the bush tax cuts creating a fantastic economy just before the recession.

Like they were right about Donald Trump‘s tax cuts for billionaires.

Like they were right about the Clinton foundation.

Like they were right about Obama being born in Kenya.

I’m still trying to find something they were actually right about.

They call themselves the right constantly and yet they seem to do nothing but be wrong.

Funny, me pointing that out, makes me right.

nice recitation of left wing alternate universe "facts". Lets explore each of your claims.

there were WMDs in Iraq, they were moved to Syria and used on Syrian villiages
There was no "great recession" in 08, it was a market correction driven by bad mortgage policy
Trump's tax cuts cut taxes for everyone who pays taxes, EVERYONE. not just the rich
the clinton foundation was a money laundering operation that put 90% of donations in the clinton bank accounts
We still have not seen obama's college records, SS records, draft records, etc. His grandmother said he was born in Kenya, then she died, shortly after he made an emergency visit to her.

Yes, the right is right, dude. YOU are consistently wrong.
I want to see a transcript of the "accidental" tarmac meeting between Bubba clinton and Lynch. What kind of deal did they make, how much was she paid? do you care?
All I care about is finding out what actually happened. And the "evidence" I hear about from either end of this means little to me, because I know how crazed and dishonest both ends can be.

I've heard a ton of "evidence" from Hannity, just as I've heard a ton of "evidence" from Maddow. Neither means much to me.

I think thats all any of us want, full disclosure of what really happened during and after the 2016 election. We are entitled to know why Hillary destroyed 30,000 emails and what they contained, we are entitled to know the entire story behind the uranium one deal and the russian dossier. We are entitled to know what exactly Strzok, Page, Comey, Brennan, and Clapper did during the election and what influence they were trying to exert from their high level civil service positions and whether it was illegal.

We are entitled to know if factions within our government were trying to execute a coup to remove a duly elected president. Any american who does not want these answers is either stupid or a total partisan hack.
Sure, we need to get it all out. But by "it", I'm talking about proven, corroborated facts.

For now, I'll take what the Right is saying at face value and I think everything should be flushed out. I'm just not convinced that the story is true, since the people telling it are not honest in my book.

What concerns me is that we are now at a point at which the two ends can't even agree on FACTS. That makes this a bit tougher.

ultimately its not up to the "two ends" its up to the american people, and the vast majority of them are able to discern the difference between propaganda and facts. I think the Barr team will bring it all to light, then its up to us to decide.
Part of that process will be deciding if Barr is giving the American people the full story.

But yes, that will be up to the individual.

Why would he not give us the full story? He released the full Mueller report. why would you assume that he is as corrupt as Lynch, Holder, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Clapper, et. al?
All I care about is finding out what actually happened. And the "evidence" I hear about from either end of this means little to me, because I know how crazed and dishonest both ends can be.

I've heard a ton of "evidence" from Hannity, just as I've heard a ton of "evidence" from Maddow. Neither means much to me.

I think thats all any of us want, full disclosure of what really happened during and after the 2016 election. We are entitled to know why Hillary destroyed 30,000 emails and what they contained, we are entitled to know the entire story behind the uranium one deal and the russian dossier. We are entitled to know what exactly Strzok, Page, Comey, Brennan, and Clapper did during the election and what influence they were trying to exert from their high level civil service positions and whether it was illegal.

We are entitled to know if factions within our government were trying to execute a coup to remove a duly elected president. Any american who does not want these answers is either stupid or a total partisan hack.
Sure, we need to get it all out. But by "it", I'm talking about proven, corroborated facts.

For now, I'll take what the Right is saying at face value and I think everything should be flushed out. I'm just not convinced that the story is true, since the people telling it are not honest in my book.

What concerns me is that we are now at a point at which the two ends can't even agree on FACTS. That makes this a bit tougher.

ultimately its not up to the "two ends" its up to the american people, and the vast majority of them are able to discern the difference between propaganda and facts. I think the Barr team will bring it all to light, then its up to us to decide.
Part of that process will be deciding if Barr is giving the American people the full story.

But yes, that will be up to the individual.

Why would he not give us the full story? He released the full Mueller report. why would you assume that he is as corrupt as Lynch, Holder, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Clapper, et. al?
I don't know. If Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch issued a report that exonerated Obama on something, would you believe it out of hand?

I doubt it.

My point is that, if it's political, it can simply not be believed right now. This is evidently what we want.
Of course you're deranged. How else can anyone explain why you think the "deep state" put that golden showers nonsense into Steele's dossier?
Who put it there if not traitorous douchebags in our government?
Steele included it in his dossier. His sources for his dossier were Russians.
And the douchebags in our government hired Steele and used the dossier to justify spying on the Trump campaign.
Fucking moron, the government did not spy on the trump campaign. :eusa_doh:

Sure they did they just use the word “investigated”. You’re one naive motherfucker.
Great, let's see your evidence that they wiretapped trump's campaign...
I want to see a transcript of the "accidental" tarmac meeting between Bubba clinton and Lynch. What kind of deal did they make, how much was she paid? do you care?
All I care about is finding out what actually happened. And the "evidence" I hear about from either end of this means little to me, because I know how crazed and dishonest both ends can be.

I've heard a ton of "evidence" from Hannity, just as I've heard a ton of "evidence" from Maddow. Neither means much to me.

I think thats all any of us want, full disclosure of what really happened during and after the 2016 election. We are entitled to know why Hillary destroyed 30,000 emails and what they contained, we are entitled to know the entire story behind the uranium one deal and the russian dossier. We are entitled to know what exactly Strzok, Page, Comey, Brennan, and Clapper did during the election and what influence they were trying to exert from their high level civil service positions and whether it was illegal.

We are entitled to know if factions within our government were trying to execute a coup to remove a duly elected president. Any american who does not want these answers is either stupid or a total partisan hack.
Sure, we need to get it all out. But by "it", I'm talking about proven, corroborated facts.

For now, I'll take what the Right is saying at face value and I think everything should be flushed out. I'm just not convinced that the story is true, since the people telling it are not honest in my book.

What concerns me is that we are now at a point at which the two ends can't even agree on FACTS. That makes this a bit tougher.

ultimately its not up to the "two ends" its up to the american people, and the vast majority of them are able to discern the difference between propaganda and facts. I think the Barr team will bring it all to light, then its up to us to decide.
Part of that process will be deciding if Barr is giving the American people the full story.

But yes, that will be up to the individual.
He gave them 98% of the story. The rest is by law not to be made public to protect the privacy of those who aren't indicted.
Who put it there if not traitorous douchebags in our government?
Steele included it in his dossier. His sources for his dossier were Russians.
And the douchebags in our government hired Steele and used the dossier to justify spying on the Trump campaign.
Fucking moron, the government did not spy on the trump campaign. :eusa_doh:

Sure they did they just use the word “investigated”. You’re one naive motherfucker.
Great, let's see your evidence that they wiretapped trump....
are you trying to pin this to "wiretapping" so you can say NOTHING occurred or are you saying no "ILLEGAL SURVEILLANCE" of trump happened *AT ALL*.

or i could be like the left and kavanaugh and say "we made the accusation, you prove it false or it's true".

nice how that tactic got unleashed.
Steele included it in his dossier. His sources for his dossier were Russians.
And the douchebags in our government hired Steele and used the dossier to justify spying on the Trump campaign.
Fucking moron, the government did not spy on the trump campaign. :eusa_doh:

Sure they did they just use the word “investigated”. You’re one naive motherfucker.
Great, let's see your evidence that they wiretapped trump....
are you trying to pin this to "wiretapping" so you can say NOTHING occurred or are you saying no "ILLEGAL SURVEILLANCE" of trump happened *AT ALL*.

or i could be like the left and kavanaugh and say "we made the accusation, you prove it false or it's true".

nice how that tactic got unleashed.
Well that is the claim from rightards, which was actually started by trump himself, claiming to have been wiretapped in trump tower. So let's see the evidence of that...
Who put it there if not traitorous douchebags in our government?
Steele included it in his dossier. His sources for his dossier were Russians.
And the douchebags in our government hired Steele and used the dossier to justify spying on the Trump campaign.
Fucking moron, the government did not spy on the trump campaign. :eusa_doh:

Sure they did they just use the word “investigated”. You’re one naive motherfucker.
Great, let's see your evidence that they wiretapped trump's campaign...

The Obama DOJ applied for FISA warrants 4 times using the "Steele Dossier", and were granted.
A FISA warrant is used for what purpose?

Nevermind the fact that Trump’s phone conversations were being leaked to the press.

No, nobody spied on Trump.

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