The Right Wing had better be right about this "Deep State" stuff.

Dumbass, the conversation you butted into was about a poster trying to say that Obstruction needs an underlying crime.

Read the conversation before throwing in your two cents.
No it doesn't.

You are allowed to defend yourself against abuses of power, and abuses of law enforcement.

Ever hear of The Right To Privacy?

How about any of these?
The Right to an Attorney
The Right to organize and mount a defense against charges levied at you.
The Right to a trial by a jury of your peers.
The Right to Face Your Accusers and See Evidence that is against you.
The Right to Due Process
The Right to defend yourself against Libel & Slander
Probable Cause
The Right to Face Your Accusers & Cross Examine them
The Right to petition the courts for a redress of grievances
The Right to request a change of venue, or to claim a juror, judge, officer of the court, or investigator, prosecutor be removed from a case for a conflict of interest.
The RIght to have Exculpatory Evidence Entered as Evidence on Your Behalf.
The Right to be secure in your effects and possessions
The Right to Free Speech.
The Fifth Amendment.

You cannot charge a person with Obstruction of Justice for doing anything they can to put a halt an Injustice.

In fact it is entirely LEGAL to refuse to cooperate with anyone pursuing false charges against you.
There was no injustice. Actually, it was quite the opposite

How so?

Did Trump buy a Russian Dossier against Clinton and use it in a FISA Court so he could spy on her Campaign?

Like are you one of those morons in some Indian Call Center reading off of a script, or do you actually think for yourself?

Was Obama's DOJ-FBI Corrupt?
Or was it Obama's FISA Court Judges that were Corrupt?

Answer the question numb nuts.
Those questions are under an investigation. Like with the Mueller investigation, I wait for the results of the investigation.

Why do you want to see Trump's Tax returns but are opposed to seeing declassified information about The Insurance Policy COUP and Spying, and FISA ABUSES?

Are you afraid Shifty Schiff is going to get Shit Canned for leaking classified information again?
Dumbfuck.... quote me saying those documents shouldn't be declassified or that the matter shouldn't be investigated....

You look like a miserable loser since you can't.
Relax, faun.

Our President and his Wing Man have the documents and have declassified them. We are getting ready for the Big Reveal.

It will be crystal clear exactly what Obama, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, etc., all did and when they did it pretty soon in regards to the FISA warrants against loyal American citizen Carter Page and others.

Right now, Trump is just building this up. Just like before Wrestlemania 23 which was also pre-planned.

Nothing that is in the previously classified documents is new to Donald J Trump or William Barr, at least not now.

You can say, now, that the President is just "talking shit". But I don't think so, as we will all seen one way or another in not very much time. Right now, Trump is trying to make the coupsters sweat a little bit too, as well as build up the suspense.
What big reveal? The FISA applications have already been released and proved to be legitimate.

So what else ya got?

Really? So the general public knows the reason and the predication for the Obama Regime to spy on his political opponents? Do you care to link the documents and the sources that were used to obtain the FISA warrants?
It's not actually been confirmed that Obama spied on his political opponents. That's still under investigation which began more than a year ago. Don't you think it would be prudent to wait for the results rather than to leap to conclusions?

As far as the FISA warrant applications, this is old news. Old news that led to no big reveal....

Document: Justice Department Releases Carter Page FISA Application

... so again I ask.... what big reveal are you expecting? What else ya got?

Obviously it's not your birth we are expecting. That would be a cause of mourning here for many on USMB.

But you are pregnant with Putin's Love Child. So maybe it's you that is expecting to give birth to Russian Collusion.

Spying has been confirmed. And it has been confirmed in numerous ways. BY THE AG. It will be confirmed again by the IG, and then again by The DOJ Attorney assigned to investigating The COUP and Illegal Spying on a Presidential Candidate, and Ultimately ORDERED BY Obama Bin Lying.

Why do we know about The Trump Tower Meeting with FBI Spy and Fusion GPS Employee Natalia V?

How do we know out Private Conversations with The President and World Leaders?

How do we know about legit phone calls between Flynn and a Russian Diplomat arranged by Obama?

How do we know about phone calls Don Jr, made that again turned out to be totally legit.

You have to spy on people to get that information and release it to the Press.
Spying has only been confirmed by rightards. In reality, it's been under investigation for more than a year now with the results expected shortly.

No, It's been confirmed by Transcripts, The IG, AG, The Unmasking, The Release of Classified and Private Transcripts of Private Conversations.

Why do you lie when you have to face God on Judgment Day for your sins?
What big reveal? The FISA applications have already been released and proved to be legitimate.

So what else ya got?

Really? So the general public knows the reason and the predication for the Obama Regime to spy on his political opponents? Do you care to link the documents and the sources that were used to obtain the FISA warrants?
It's not actually been confirmed that Obama spied on his political opponents. That's still under investigation which began more than a year ago. Don't you think it would be prudent to wait for the results rather than to leap to conclusions?

As far as the FISA warrant applications, this is old news. Old news that led to no big reveal....

Document: Justice Department Releases Carter Page FISA Application

... so again I ask.... what big reveal are you expecting? What else ya got?
Of course Obama did not spy on anybody, brainwash functional moron. Try and remember this was back when the attorney general was not a fat piece of s***who believes the president is above the law, and the FBI and CIA were respected, since there was no GOP propaganda machine going on and on and on about garbage scandals about them, they were spending all their time on garbage scandals about Hillary Obama holder Lerner etc etc etc, all investigated at nothing found but stupid GOP garbage propaganda as always... You live on an imaginary planet, just like Nazis did with their propaganda machine. You people are the biggest threat to American democracy ever.

I say, "it's not actually been confirmed that Obama spied on his political opponents," and your reply is the result of how your brain translated that??

You need help.

He Spied on Trump Tower for Hillary Clinton so he and she could have inside information on his Campaign.

He found out about it and had to move his campaign meetings.

Obama Spied and Got Caught. He and Clinton have been protected for three years about this and other crimes.

It's time to EXPOSE IT ALL!

Then it will be YOU and YOUR PARTY who needs help because NO SANE AMERICAN will ever trust you with "Political Power" Again!

There is no evidence Obama spied on trump tower. You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:
No it doesn't.

You are allowed to defend yourself against abuses of power, and abuses of law enforcement.

Ever hear of The Right To Privacy?

How about any of these?
The Right to an Attorney
The Right to organize and mount a defense against charges levied at you.
The Right to a trial by a jury of your peers.
The Right to Face Your Accusers and See Evidence that is against you.
The Right to Due Process
The Right to defend yourself against Libel & Slander
Probable Cause
The Right to Face Your Accusers & Cross Examine them
The Right to petition the courts for a redress of grievances
The Right to request a change of venue, or to claim a juror, judge, officer of the court, or investigator, prosecutor be removed from a case for a conflict of interest.
The RIght to have Exculpatory Evidence Entered as Evidence on Your Behalf.
The Right to be secure in your effects and possessions
The Right to Free Speech.
The Fifth Amendment.

You cannot charge a person with Obstruction of Justice for doing anything they can to put a halt an Injustice.

In fact it is entirely LEGAL to refuse to cooperate with anyone pursuing false charges against you.
There was no injustice. Actually, it was quite the opposite

How so?

Did Trump buy a Russian Dossier against Clinton and use it in a FISA Court so he could spy on her Campaign?

Like are you one of those morons in some Indian Call Center reading off of a script, or do you actually think for yourself?

Was Obama's DOJ-FBI Corrupt?
Or was it Obama's FISA Court Judges that were Corrupt?

Answer the question numb nuts.
Those questions are under an investigation. Like with the Mueller investigation, I wait for the results of the investigation.

Why do you want to see Trump's Tax returns but are opposed to seeing declassified information about The Insurance Policy COUP and Spying, and FISA ABUSES?

Are you afraid Shifty Schiff is going to get Shit Canned for leaking classified information again?
Dumbfuck.... quote me saying those documents shouldn't be declassified or that the matter shouldn't be investigated....

You look like a miserable loser since you can't.

Why don't you want OBAMA, CLINTON, and the rest of The Insurance Policy, Fake Russian Collusion, FISA ABUSING Co-Conspirators, exposed and tried for their crimes?

Why are you a liar and a political hack and schill?
The Left Wing didn't care that they weren't right about that silly Russia, Russia, Russia bullshit so why does the Right Wing have to care if they are right about the attempted coup?
This is the admission right here, that the right is simply full of it.

They're not even careful to disguise it.

Just like they were full of it with Benghazi and Obama.

They spent two years blaming Benghazi on Obama, saying HE and HE ALONE was responsible for it.

To turn right around, the same day that Obama won re-election and start saying it was Hillary.

It then became Hillary, and SHE alone that was responsible for Benghazi.

If Republicans didn't lie, they'd have nothing to say.
a few emails between FBI lovers about how like most of the country at the time they thought Trump was a joke and a fool, means nothing...
Question for you, dumbass:
Do those e-mails mean more or less than someone standing behind a podium at a campaign rally asking the Russians to find Hillary's e-mails?
They don't mean a damn thing. The second thing could be collusion. On the other hand the Russians would be idiots to even bother colluding with idiot Trumps.... So why did the Trump campaign meet with Russians 180 times and lie about it? You must know the trumps are experts at not writing things down so they can't get caught. It's what happens when you are a family of mobbed-up New York City real-estate swindlers...
What big reveal? The FISA applications have already been released and proved to be legitimate.

So what else ya got?

Really? So the general public knows the reason and the predication for the Obama Regime to spy on his political opponents? Do you care to link the documents and the sources that were used to obtain the FISA warrants?
It's not actually been confirmed that Obama spied on his political opponents. That's still under investigation which began more than a year ago. Don't you think it would be prudent to wait for the results rather than to leap to conclusions?

As far as the FISA warrant applications, this is old news. Old news that led to no big reveal....

Document: Justice Department Releases Carter Page FISA Application

... so again I ask.... what big reveal are you expecting? What else ya got?

Obviously it's not your birth we are expecting. That would be a cause of mourning here for many on USMB.

But you are pregnant with Putin's Love Child. So maybe it's you that is expecting to give birth to Russian Collusion.

Spying has been confirmed. And it has been confirmed in numerous ways. BY THE AG. It will be confirmed again by the IG, and then again by The DOJ Attorney assigned to investigating The COUP and Illegal Spying on a Presidential Candidate, and Ultimately ORDERED BY Obama Bin Lying.

Why do we know about The Trump Tower Meeting with FBI Spy and Fusion GPS Employee Natalia V?

How do we know out Private Conversations with The President and World Leaders?

How do we know about legit phone calls between Flynn and a Russian Diplomat arranged by Obama?

How do we know about phone calls Don Jr, made that again turned out to be totally legit.

You have to spy on people to get that information and release it to the Press.
Spying has only been confirmed by rightards. In reality, it's been under investigation for more than a year now with the results expected shortly.

No, It's been confirmed by Transcripts, The IG, AG, The Unmasking, The Release of Classified and Private Transcripts of Private Conversations.

Why do you lie when you have to face God on Judgment Day for your sins?
The unmasking was investigated and no wrongdoing was found. As you've been shown, the release of private transcripts came from staffers of trump's White House.

Again, you prove to be fucking deranged. :cuckoo:
So here we go, I guess.

This is no longer going to be some fevered conspiracy story born of one of Mark Levin's fevered hyper-partisan conspiracy books. It's no longer going to be the foundation of President Hannity's hyper-partisan radio and teevee shows, buttressed by the manic "reporting" of his small band of like-minded "investigative reporters" (Out-of-Control Sean Hannity Thumbs His Nose at Fox News Bosses).

It's no longer going to be this alternate-universe "blockbuster" narrative that a relatively small group of people know like the back of their hand, as if they're convinced that "Breaking Bad" or "Game of Thrones" are documentaries.

You're accusing the American government, all the way to the top, of conspiring to spy on and bring down a presidential candidate and an American President. Key players in this accusation include a Special Counsel, a former Director of National Intelligence, a former FBI Director, former Secretary of State and a former President. Not to mention any number of lower-level government conspirators. The Deep State.

Bottom line: If you folks are right about this whole thing, it's a huge, historic story and must be addressed with historic attention, seriousness and care. If it's just a product of your fevered alternate universe, you deserve whatever you get.

Hopefully we'll soon know, once and for all, what actually happened. If anything.

But we already know that we are right about some of it. We already have statements by people in the FBI planning on preventing Trump from being president. The Washington Post reported on it.

The only question is, how deep did it go. Was it just those few active players, or was it deeper in the agencies.

It might have been just those few people.

But either way, the question of is people in the agencies were actively against Trump.... is a given. It's a conclusively documented fact.
Got a link to those ""facts"" And/or some of those statements ?? Please no horse crap like repub Pelosi stuff
Treason is Punishable by Death.

Don't you Love America?

These People need to face a firing squad or be hung publicly and it should be televised on National TV on every station.

Why are you against Protecting America?

Treason is punishable by Death

And Death it should be.
When the obstructive actions are taken with a provable corrupt intent.
Get it dummy?

Dumbass, the conversation you butted into was about a poster trying to say that Obstruction needs an underlying crime.

Read the conversation before throwing in your two cents.
No it doesn't.

You are allowed to defend yourself against abuses of power, and abuses of law enforcement.

Ever hear of The Right To Privacy?

How about any of these?
The Right to an Attorney
The Right to organize and mount a defense against charges levied at you.
The Right to a trial by a jury of your peers.
The Right to Face Your Accusers and See Evidence that is against you.
The Right to Due Process
The Right to defend yourself against Libel & Slander
Probable Cause
The Right to Face Your Accusers & Cross Examine them
The Right to petition the courts for a redress of grievances
The Right to request a change of venue, or to claim a juror, judge, officer of the court, or investigator, prosecutor be removed from a case for a conflict of interest.
The RIght to have Exculpatory Evidence Entered as Evidence on Your Behalf.
The Right to be secure in your effects and possessions
The Right to Free Speech.
The Fifth Amendment.

You cannot charge a person with Obstruction of Justice for doing anything they can to put a halt an Injustice.

In fact it is entirely LEGAL to refuse to cooperate with anyone pursuing false charges against you.
There was no injustice. Actually, it was quite the opposite

How so?

Did Trump buy a Russian Dossier against Clinton and use it in a FISA Court so he could spy on her Campaign?

Like are you one of those morons in some Indian Call Center reading off of a script, or do you actually think for yourself?

Was Obama's DOJ-FBI Corrupt?
Or was it Obama's FISA Court Judges that were Corrupt?

Answer the question numb nuts.
Those questions are under an investigation. Like with the Mueller investigation, I wait for the results of the investigation.

Actually, its nothing like the Mueller investigation. Mr. Durham is a down to business. The documents are there, and the libs seem to not want these classified documents released.

Pay attention to your President, he's given us hints that it should be good.
So here we go, I guess.

This is no longer going to be some fevered conspiracy story born of one of Mark Levin's fevered hyper-partisan conspiracy books. It's no longer going to be the foundation of President Hannity's hyper-partisan radio and teevee shows, buttressed by the manic "reporting" of his small band of like-minded "investigative reporters" (Out-of-Control Sean Hannity Thumbs His Nose at Fox News Bosses).

It's no longer going to be this alternate-universe "blockbuster" narrative that a relatively small group of people know like the back of their hand, as if they're convinced that "Breaking Bad" or "Game of Thrones" are documentaries.

You're accusing the American government, all the way to the top, of conspiring to spy on and bring down a presidential candidate and an American President. Key players in this accusation include a Special Counsel, a former Director of National Intelligence, a former FBI Director, former Secretary of State and a former President. Not to mention any number of lower-level government conspirators. The Deep State.

Bottom line: If you folks are right about this whole thing, it's a huge, historic story and must be addressed with historic attention, seriousness and care. If it's just a product of your fevered alternate universe, you deserve whatever you get.

Hopefully we'll soon know, once and for all, what actually happened. If anything.
The huge story is was their an attempted coup upon our government or not. Right now all of the evidence appears to be yes. So if Trump is not assassinated, we should see the culprits see justice.

If Trump remains alive and the whole thing fizzles away to oblivion with nothing happening, I’m not sure what the answer is.
The problem is that the "evidence" has largely been provided by one hyper-partisan side of the spectrum. I don't care which side it comes from, but "evidence" like that is essentially worthless until fully proven and corroborated. Look at the mountains of "evidence" provided by Rachel Maddow on collusion.

If this evidence is all correct, great.

I want to see a transcript of the "accidental" tarmac meeting between Bubba clinton and Lynch. What kind of deal did they make, how much was she paid? do you care?
All I care about is finding out what actually happened. And the "evidence" I hear about from either end of this means little to me, because I know how crazed and dishonest both ends can be.

I've heard a ton of "evidence" from Hannity, just as I've heard a ton of "evidence" from Maddow. Neither means much to me.

I don't either.

Which is why I do some research.

What happened was legal surveillance of the trump campaign. There was so much evidence of communication and contact with russians I think the government didn't have any choice but to check it out.

It turns out that there was a lot of contact and communication with russians and just about everyone in the trump campaign lied about it.

I think our government would have been negligent to not investigate to find out what was going on.

I'll wait for the latest investigation to see what it says.

Here's what trump's appointed FBI Director says:

FBI chief: No evidence of illegal spying on Trump campaign

WASHINGTON (AP) — FBI Director Chris Wray said Tuesday that he does not consider court-approved FBI surveillance to be "spying" and said he has no evidence the FBI illegally monitored President Donald Trump's campaign during the 2016 election.

This is what the DOJ said to trump's tweet about trump tower being wiretapped by Obama:

No Evidence Obama Ever Wiretapped Trump Tower, DOJ Says

There is no evidence that Barack Obama ever wiretapped Trump Tower during the 2016 election, the Department of Justice said in a court filing on Friday.
“Both FBI and NSD [Department of Justice’s National Security Division] confirm that they have no records related to wiretaps as described by the March 4, 2017 tweets,” the DOJ wrote in a summary judgment court filing on Sept. 1. “FBI again confirmed that Case 1:17-cv-00718-RCL Document 12 Filed 09/01/17 Page 4 of 39 they do not have any such records by consulting with personnel knowledgeable about Director Comey’s statements and the surveillance activities of the FBI. ”
Last edited:
Really? So the general public knows the reason and the predication for the Obama Regime to spy on his political opponents? Do you care to link the documents and the sources that were used to obtain the FISA warrants?
It's not actually been confirmed that Obama spied on his political opponents. That's still under investigation which began more than a year ago. Don't you think it would be prudent to wait for the results rather than to leap to conclusions?

As far as the FISA warrant applications, this is old news. Old news that led to no big reveal....

Document: Justice Department Releases Carter Page FISA Application

... so again I ask.... what big reveal are you expecting? What else ya got?

Obviously it's not your birth we are expecting. That would be a cause of mourning here for many on USMB.

But you are pregnant with Putin's Love Child. So maybe it's you that is expecting to give birth to Russian Collusion.

Spying has been confirmed. And it has been confirmed in numerous ways. BY THE AG. It will be confirmed again by the IG, and then again by The DOJ Attorney assigned to investigating The COUP and Illegal Spying on a Presidential Candidate, and Ultimately ORDERED BY Obama Bin Lying.

Why do we know about The Trump Tower Meeting with FBI Spy and Fusion GPS Employee Natalia V?

How do we know out Private Conversations with The President and World Leaders?

How do we know about legit phone calls between Flynn and a Russian Diplomat arranged by Obama?

How do we know about phone calls Don Jr, made that again turned out to be totally legit.

You have to spy on people to get that information and release it to the Press.
Spying has only been confirmed by rightards. In reality, it's been under investigation for more than a year now with the results expected shortly.

No, It's been confirmed by Transcripts, The IG, AG, The Unmasking, The Release of Classified and Private Transcripts of Private Conversations.

Why do you lie when you have to face God on Judgment Day for your sins?
The unmasking was investigated and no wrongdoing was found. As you've been shown, the release of private transcripts came from staffers of trump's White House.

Again, you prove to be fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

Unmasking itself is a crime, and it was investigated by people who committed Treason and tried to cover it up, just like they tried to cover up Obama and Clinton Crimes.

Why are you against putting Criminals to Death for Treason?
a few emails between FBI lovers about how like most of the country at the time they thought Trump was a joke and a fool, means nothing...
Question for you, dumbass:
Do those e-mails mean more or less than someone standing behind a podium at a campaign rally asking the Russians to find Hillary's e-mails?
They don't mean a damn thing. The second thing could be collusion...
Good to see your partisan bigotry remains a USMB constant.
There was no injustice. Actually, it was quite the opposite

How so?

Did Trump buy a Russian Dossier against Clinton and use it in a FISA Court so he could spy on her Campaign?

Like are you one of those morons in some Indian Call Center reading off of a script, or do you actually think for yourself?

Was Obama's DOJ-FBI Corrupt?
Or was it Obama's FISA Court Judges that were Corrupt?

Answer the question numb nuts.
Those questions are under an investigation. Like with the Mueller investigation, I wait for the results of the investigation.

Why do you want to see Trump's Tax returns but are opposed to seeing declassified information about The Insurance Policy COUP and Spying, and FISA ABUSES?

Are you afraid Shifty Schiff is going to get Shit Canned for leaking classified information again?
Dumbfuck.... quote me saying those documents shouldn't be declassified or that the matter shouldn't be investigated....

You look like a miserable loser since you can't.

Why don't you want OBAMA, CLINTON, and the rest of The Insurance Policy, Fake Russian Collusion, FISA ABUSING Co-Conspirators, exposed and tried for their crimes?

Why are you a liar and a political hack and schill?
You're lying again about things I never said. I never said I don't want Obama or Hillary held responsible for any crimes if they committed them. What I actually said, which is what I said in regards to the Mueller investigation, is that I'm waiting for Horowitz to release the findings from his investigation.

In the meantime, plenty has been revealed to the public and none of it proves the nonsensical conspiracy crap you're claiming.
How so?

Did Trump buy a Russian Dossier against Clinton and use it in a FISA Court so he could spy on her Campaign?

Like are you one of those morons in some Indian Call Center reading off of a script, or do you actually think for yourself?

Was Obama's DOJ-FBI Corrupt?
Or was it Obama's FISA Court Judges that were Corrupt?

Answer the question numb nuts.
Those questions are under an investigation. Like with the Mueller investigation, I wait for the results of the investigation.

Why do you want to see Trump's Tax returns but are opposed to seeing declassified information about The Insurance Policy COUP and Spying, and FISA ABUSES?

Are you afraid Shifty Schiff is going to get Shit Canned for leaking classified information again?
Dumbfuck.... quote me saying those documents shouldn't be declassified or that the matter shouldn't be investigated....

You look like a miserable loser since you can't.

Why don't you want OBAMA, CLINTON, and the rest of The Insurance Policy, Fake Russian Collusion, FISA ABUSING Co-Conspirators, exposed and tried for their crimes?

Why are you a liar and a political hack and schill?
You're lying again about things I never said. I never said I don't want Obama or Hillary held responsible for any crimes if they committed them. What I actually said, which is what I said in regards to the Mueller investigation, is that I'm waiting for Horowitz to release the findings from his investigation.

In the meantime, plenty has been revealed to the public and none of it proves the nonsensical conspiracy crap you're claiming.

There is no lying about Treason and what should be done to those people.

What happened was legal surveillance of the trump campaign. There was so much evidence of communication and contact with russians I think the government didn't have any choice but to check it out.

It turns out that there was a lot of contact and communication with russians and just about everyone in the trump campaign lied about it.

I think our government would have been negligent to not investigate to find out what was going on.

If the Trump 2020 Campaign sees that there is evidence of communication between the Biden Family and the Ukraine oligarchs, should he authorize secret surveillance of the Democrat Party? How about communication between Democrat Statesman John Kerry and the Iranian Mullahs? Should that be surveilled?
Treason is Punishable by Death.

Don't you Love America?

These People need to face a firing squad or be hung publicly and it should be televised on National TV on every station.

Why are you against Protecting America?

Treason is punishable by Death

And Death it should be.
Calling for a former president to be killed despite not being convicted of a crime is a criminal offense in itself. You won't be the first USMB poster to receive a visit by the FBI.
What happened was legal surveillance of the trump campaign. There was so much evidence of communication and contact with russians I think the government didn't have any choice but to check it out.

It turns out that there was a lot of contact and communication with russians and just about everyone in the trump campaign lied about it.

I think our government would have been negligent to not investigate to find out what was going on.

If the Trump 2020 Campaign sees that there is evidence of communication between the Biden Family and the Ukraine oligarchs, should he authorize secret surveillance of the Democrat Party? How about communication between Democrat Statesman John Kerry and the Iranian Mullahs? Should that be surveilled?
Well, of course not - it's OK for the Demcorats to do things like that, because they are entitled to win..
Dumbass, the conversation you butted into was about a poster trying to say that Obstruction needs an underlying crime.

Read the conversation before throwing in your two cents.
No it doesn't.

You are allowed to defend yourself against abuses of power, and abuses of law enforcement.

Ever hear of The Right To Privacy?

How about any of these?
The Right to an Attorney
The Right to organize and mount a defense against charges levied at you.
The Right to a trial by a jury of your peers.
The Right to Face Your Accusers and See Evidence that is against you.
The Right to Due Process
The Right to defend yourself against Libel & Slander
Probable Cause
The Right to Face Your Accusers & Cross Examine them
The Right to petition the courts for a redress of grievances
The Right to request a change of venue, or to claim a juror, judge, officer of the court, or investigator, prosecutor be removed from a case for a conflict of interest.
The RIght to have Exculpatory Evidence Entered as Evidence on Your Behalf.
The Right to be secure in your effects and possessions
The Right to Free Speech.
The Fifth Amendment.

You cannot charge a person with Obstruction of Justice for doing anything they can to put a halt an Injustice.

In fact it is entirely LEGAL to refuse to cooperate with anyone pursuing false charges against you.
There was no injustice. Actually, it was quite the opposite

How so?

Did Trump buy a Russian Dossier against Clinton and use it in a FISA Court so he could spy on her Campaign?

Like are you one of those morons in some Indian Call Center reading off of a script, or do you actually think for yourself?

Was Obama's DOJ-FBI Corrupt?
Or was it Obama's FISA Court Judges that were Corrupt?

Answer the question numb nuts.
Those questions are under an investigation. Like with the Mueller investigation, I wait for the results of the investigation.

Actually, its nothing like the Mueller investigation. Mr. Durham is a down to business. The documents are there, and the libs seem to not want these classified documents released.

Pay attention to your President, he's given us hints that it should be good.
He's done that before and fell flat on his face. You know what they say about trying the same thing over and over while expecting different results, right?
Treason is Punishable by Death.

Don't you Love America?

These People need to face a firing squad or be hung publicly and it should be televised on National TV on every station.

Why are you against Protecting America?

Treason is punishable by Death

And Death it should be.
Calling for a former president to be killed despite not being convicted of a crime is a criminal offense in itself. You won't be the first USMB poster to receive a visit by the FBI.

Why wouldn't the Secret Service handle that duty? They have the statutory authority to protect the leader of the realm, not the FBI.

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