The rightwing misunderstands the connection between PC culture and the progressive movement


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
As a liberal, I think the PC culture in this country has gone way too far even If I think Trump supporters take the opposite extreme too far. Social justice warriors plague the internet and college campuses with bullshit. There are things feminists, college kids, pretentious white people, etc. say that is so ridiculous that it makes the leftwing look bad.

What the rightwing needs to understand is that progressives in general don't always agree with what some pretentious, white college kid says about issues concerning concerning race and LGBT issues. In fact, almost all of the prolific PC bullshit you hear about comes from college campuses. That's just how college kids are. They are so proud to be progressive that they say unintentionally hilarious things about issues they themselves don't experience. It just makes them feel good about themselves. They aren't real adults yet. They don't represent the progressive movement.

End rant.
As a liberal, I think the PC culture in this country has gone way too far even If I think Trump supporters take the opposite extreme too far. Social justice warriors plague the internet and college campuses with bullshit. There are things feminists, college kids, pretentious white people, etc. say that is so ridiculous that it makes the leftwing look bad.

What the rightwing needs to understand is that progressives in general don't always agree with what some pretentious, white college kid says about issues concerning concerning race and LGBT issues. In fact, almost all of the prolific PC bullshit you hear about comes from college campuses. That's just how college kids are. They are so proud to be progressive that they say unintentionally hilarious things about issues they themselves don't experience. It just makes them feel good about themselves. They aren't real adults yet. They don't represent the progressive movement.

End rant.

So, ex-President Obama is “some pretentious, white college kid”? He openly supported much of this crap, and abused the power of his position to try to make it into national policy. If this is just some small fringe of your side that is pushing this crap, then why are we not hearing at all from the left wrong, denouncing it and trying to distance your side from it?
As a liberal, I think the PC culture in this country has gone way too far even If I think Trump supporters take the opposite extreme too far. Social justice warriors plague the internet and college campuses with bullshit. There are things feminists, college kids, pretentious white people, etc. say that is so ridiculous that it makes the leftwing look bad.

What the rightwing needs to understand is that progressives in general don't always agree with what some pretentious, white college kid says about issues concerning concerning race and LGBT issues. In fact, almost all of the prolific PC bullshit you hear about comes from college campuses. That's just how college kids are. They are so proud to be progressive that they say unintentionally hilarious things about issues they themselves don't experience. It just makes them feel good about themselves. They aren't real adults yet. They don't represent the progressive movement.

End rant.

So, ex-President Obama is “some pretentious, white college kid”? He openly supported much of this crap, and abused the power of his position to try to make it into national policy. If this is just some small fringe of your side that is pushing this crap, then why are we not hearing at all from the left wrong, denouncing it and trying to distance your side from it?
Okay, the specific issues Obama actually supported matter. Again, just because someone is progressive, it doesn't automatically mean they support crazy PC bullshit.
I actually hear the right complaining about PC issues without bringing up the actual issue they are complaining about. I agree with Billy, some are far fetched, but some deserve to be PC.
As a liberal, I think the PC culture in this country has gone way too far even If I think Trump supporters take the opposite extreme too far. Social justice warriors plague the internet and college campuses with bullshit. There are things feminists, college kids, pretentious white people, etc. say that is so ridiculous that it makes the leftwing look bad.

What the rightwing needs to understand is that progressives in general don't always agree with what some pretentious, white college kid says about issues concerning concerning race and LGBT issues. In fact, almost all of the prolific PC bullshit you hear about comes from college campuses. That's just how college kids are. They are so proud to be progressive that they say unintentionally hilarious things about issues they themselves don't experience. It just makes them feel good about themselves. They aren't real adults yet. They don't represent the progressive movement.

End rant.
When I left the United States 20 years ago, I was happy to get away from the PC culture. Why did the conservatives let it get so strong if they oppose it so much?
As a liberal, I think the PC culture in this country has gone way too far even If I think Trump supporters take the opposite extreme too far. Social justice warriors plague the internet and college campuses with bullshit. There are things feminists, college kids, pretentious white people, etc. say that is so ridiculous that it makes the leftwing look bad.

What the rightwing needs to understand is that progressives in general don't always agree with what some pretentious, white college kid says about issues concerning concerning race and LGBT issues. In fact, almost all of the prolific PC bullshit you hear about comes from college campuses. That's just how college kids are. They are so proud to be progressive that they say unintentionally hilarious things about issues they themselves don't experience. It just makes them feel good about themselves. They aren't real adults yet. They don't represent the progressive movement.

End rant.
You fascist LWNJs are matter the flavor.....
Okay, the specific issues Obama actually supported matter. Again, just because someone is progressive, it doesn't automatically mean they support crazy PC bullshit.

I certainly have not been hearing any “progressives” speaking against such crap. All I ever hear from that side is enthusiastic support for it.
As a liberal, I think the PC culture in this country has gone way too far even If I think Trump supporters take the opposite extreme too far. Social justice warriors plague the internet and college campuses with bullshit. There are things feminists, college kids, pretentious white people, etc. say that is so ridiculous that it makes the leftwing look bad.

What the rightwing needs to understand is that progressives in general don't always agree with what some pretentious, white college kid says about issues concerning concerning race and LGBT issues. In fact, almost all of the prolific PC bullshit you hear about comes from college campuses. That's just how college kids are. They are so proud to be progressive that they say unintentionally hilarious things about issues they themselves don't experience. It just makes them feel good about themselves. They aren't real adults yet. They don't represent the progressive movement.

End rant.

So, ex-President Obama is “some pretentious, white college kid”? He openly supported much of this crap, and abused the power of his position to try to make it into national policy. If this is just some small fringe of your side that is pushing this crap, then why are we not hearing at all from the left wrong, denouncing it and trying to distance your side from it?
Okay, the specific issues Obama actually supported matter. Again, just because someone is progressive, it doesn't automatically mean they support crazy PC bullshit.

There are ONE AND A HALF lefties on this site that do not support PC, Mac and Seely.

The rest dogpile when the call goes out like good little mindless drones.
As a liberal, I think the PC culture in this country has gone way too far even If I think Trump supporters take the opposite extreme too far. Social justice warriors plague the internet and college campuses with bullshit. There are things feminists, college kids, pretentious white people, etc. say that is so ridiculous that it makes the leftwing look bad.

What the rightwing needs to understand is that progressives in general don't always agree with what some pretentious, white college kid says about issues concerning concerning race and LGBT issues. In fact, almost all of the prolific PC bullshit you hear about comes from college campuses. That's just how college kids are. They are so proud to be progressive that they say unintentionally hilarious things about issues they themselves don't experience. It just makes them feel good about themselves. They aren't real adults yet. They don't represent the progressive movement.

End rant.

So, ex-President Obama is “some pretentious, white college kid”? He openly supported much of this crap, and abused the power of his position to try to make it into national policy. If this is just some small fringe of your side that is pushing this crap, then why are we not hearing at all from the left wrong, denouncing it and trying to distance your side from it?
Okay, the specific issues Obama actually supported matter. Again, just because someone is progressive, it doesn't automatically mean they support crazy PC bullshit.
Obama supported men in girls locker rooms.
PC nonsense is one huge part of the reason there is a President Trump.

America is weary of it
Okay, the specific issues Obama actually supported matter. Again, just because someone is progressive, it doesn't automatically mean they support crazy PC bullshit.
Obama supported men in girls locker rooms.

Yes. Tried to make it national policy, ordering that all public schools were to allow boys in the girls' locker rooms. The courts shut him down, of course.

Also tried to force recognition of immoral homosexual mockeries of marriage as being equal to genuine marriage; and supported the abuse of government power to punish those who refused to go along with it.

And he openly sided with and supported the violent “Black Lies Matter” criminal movement.
As a liberal, I think the PC culture in this country has gone way too far even If I think Trump supporters take the opposite extreme too far. Social justice warriors plague the internet and college campuses with bullshit. There are things feminists, college kids, pretentious white people, etc. say that is so ridiculous that it makes the leftwing look bad.

What the rightwing needs to understand is that progressives in general don't always agree with what some pretentious, white college kid says about issues concerning concerning race and LGBT issues. In fact, almost all of the prolific PC bullshit you hear about comes from college campuses. That's just how college kids are. They are so proud to be progressive that they say unintentionally hilarious things about issues they themselves don't experience. It just makes them feel good about themselves. They aren't real adults yet. They don't represent the progressive movement.

End rant.

Attempt to distance yourself from your spawn noted. When you call everyone who disagrees with you some type of "ist, ic, or ism" you imply that said views are not legitimate. Why shouldn't the youngins take that cue and try to suppress said views?

When you call everyone Hitler, either no one is Hitler, or everyone is, and these idiots are just doing what you should do to Hitler.
As a liberal, I think the PC culture in this country has gone way too far even If I think Trump supporters take the opposite extreme too far. Social justice warriors plague the internet and college campuses with bullshit. There are things feminists, college kids, pretentious white people, etc. say that is so ridiculous that it makes the leftwing look bad.

What the rightwing needs to understand is that progressives in general don't always agree with what some pretentious, white college kid says about issues concerning concerning race and LGBT issues. In fact, almost all of the prolific PC bullshit you hear about comes from college campuses. That's just how college kids are. They are so proud to be progressive that they say unintentionally hilarious things about issues they themselves don't experience. It just makes them feel good about themselves. They aren't real adults yet. They don't represent the progressive movement.

End rant.
When I left the United States 20 years ago, I was happy to get away from the PC culture. Why did the conservatives let it get so strong if they oppose it so much?

Nothing like blaming the victim, right?
As a liberal, I think the PC culture in this country has gone way too far even If I think Trump supporters take the opposite extreme too far. Social justice warriors plague the internet and college campuses with bullshit. There are things feminists, college kids, pretentious white people, etc. say that is so ridiculous that it makes the leftwing look bad.

What the rightwing needs to understand is that progressives in general don't always agree with what some pretentious, white college kid says about issues concerning concerning race and LGBT issues. In fact, almost all of the prolific PC bullshit you hear about comes from college campuses. That's just how college kids are. They are so proud to be progressive that they say unintentionally hilarious things about issues they themselves don't experience. It just makes them feel good about themselves. They aren't real adults yet. They don't represent the progressive movement.

End rant.

So, ex-President Obama is “some pretentious, white college kid”? He openly supported much of this crap, and abused the power of his position to try to make it into national policy. If this is just some small fringe of your side that is pushing this crap, then why are we not hearing at all from the left wrong, denouncing it and trying to distance your side from it?
Okay, the specific issues Obama actually supported matter. Again, just because someone is progressive, it doesn't automatically mean they support crazy PC bullshit.

There are ONE AND A HALF lefties on this site that do not support PC, Mac and Seely.

The rest dogpile when the call goes out like good little mindless drones.

Probably because they are Classical Liberals, not Progressives.
As a liberal, I think the PC culture in this country has gone way too far even If I think Trump supporters take the opposite extreme too far. Social justice warriors plague the internet and college campuses with bullshit. There are things feminists, college kids, pretentious white people, etc. say that is so ridiculous that it makes the leftwing look bad.

What the rightwing needs to understand is that progressives in general don't always agree with what some pretentious, white college kid says about issues concerning concerning race and LGBT issues. In fact, almost all of the prolific PC bullshit you hear about comes from college campuses. That's just how college kids are. They are so proud to be progressive that they say unintentionally hilarious things about issues they themselves don't experience. It just makes them feel good about themselves. They aren't real adults yet. They don't represent the progressive movement.

End rant.
When I left the United States 20 years ago, I was happy to get away from the PC culture. Why did the conservatives let it get so strong if they oppose it so much?

Nothing like blaming the victim, right?
I am not a conservative, but was a victim, so what is your point?
As a liberal, I think the PC culture in this country has gone way too far even If I think Trump supporters take the opposite extreme too far. Social justice warriors plague the internet and college campuses with bullshit. There are things feminists, college kids, pretentious white people, etc. say that is so ridiculous that it makes the leftwing look bad.

What the rightwing needs to understand is that progressives in general don't always agree with what some pretentious, white college kid says about issues concerning concerning race and LGBT issues. In fact, almost all of the prolific PC bullshit you hear about comes from college campuses. That's just how college kids are. They are so proud to be progressive that they say unintentionally hilarious things about issues they themselves don't experience. It just makes them feel good about themselves. They aren't real adults yet. They don't represent the progressive movement.

End rant.
When I left the United States 20 years ago, I was happy to get away from the PC culture. Why did the conservatives let it get so strong if they oppose it so much?

Nothing like blaming the victim, right?
I am not a conservative, but was a victim, so what is your point?

My point is you are blaming non progressives for progressive PC assholes.

Considering they spawn in Universities, and Universities are mostly run by progressives, who's to blame?
As a liberal, I think the PC culture in this country has gone way too far even If I think Trump supporters take the opposite extreme too far. Social justice warriors plague the internet and college campuses with bullshit. There are things feminists, college kids, pretentious white people, etc. say that is so ridiculous that it makes the leftwing look bad.

What the rightwing needs to understand is that progressives in general don't always agree with what some pretentious, white college kid says about issues concerning concerning race and LGBT issues. In fact, almost all of the prolific PC bullshit you hear about comes from college campuses. That's just how college kids are. They are so proud to be progressive that they say unintentionally hilarious things about issues they themselves don't experience. It just makes them feel good about themselves. They aren't real adults yet. They don't represent the progressive movement.

End rant.
When I left the United States 20 years ago, I was happy to get away from the PC culture. Why did the conservatives let it get so strong if they oppose it so much?

Nothing like blaming the victim, right?
I am not a conservative, but was a victim, so what is your point?

My point is you are blaming non progressives for progressive PC assholes.

Considering they spawn in Universities, and Universities are mostly run by progressives, who's to blame?
So conservatives are not strong enough to stand up and say no, we will not do this? I did not think so.
I voted Democrat when I was in college while working part time making sandwiches. Then I graduated and entered the real world, got a job and switched to Republican.

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