The rightwing misunderstands the connection between PC culture and the progressive movement

Right wingers have their own forms of political correctness.

Care to give us an example?

ONE example so that I can address it seriously and honestly.

Choose carefully. Make it a really GOOD example.
As a liberal, I think the PC culture in this country has gone way too far even If I think Trump supporters take the opposite extreme too far. Social justice warriors plague the internet and college campuses with bullshit. There are things feminists, college kids, pretentious white people, etc. say that is so ridiculous that it makes the leftwing look bad.

What the rightwing needs to understand is that progressives in general don't always agree with what some pretentious, white college kid says about issues concerning concerning race and LGBT issues. In fact, almost all of the prolific PC bullshit you hear about comes from college campuses. That's just how college kids are. They are so proud to be progressive that they say unintentionally hilarious things about issues they themselves don't experience. It just makes them feel good about themselves. They aren't real adults yet. They don't represent the progressive movement.

End rant.

I don't agree. The progressives are the crazy SJWs by and large. Just because you are in the small minority of the progressive movement that doesn't produce horrendous amounts of bullshit doesn't mean a shit.

Look at the young turks - the icon of the regressive... progressive movement. Their message can be summed up as fuck white people and praise the Muslim brotherhood.
As a liberal, I think the PC culture in this country has gone way too far even If I think Trump supporters take the opposite extreme too far. Social justice warriors plague the internet and college campuses with bullshit. There are things feminists, college kids, pretentious white people, etc. say that is so ridiculous that it makes the leftwing look bad.

What the rightwing needs to understand is that progressives in general don't always agree with what some pretentious, white college kid says about issues concerning concerning race and LGBT issues. In fact, almost all of the prolific PC bullshit you hear about comes from college campuses. That's just how college kids are. They are so proud to be progressive that they say unintentionally hilarious things about issues they themselves don't experience. It just makes them feel good about themselves. They aren't real adults yet. They don't represent the progressive movement.

End rant.

I don't agree. The progressives are the crazy SJWs by and large. Just because you are in the small minority of the progressive movement that doesn't produce horrendous amounts of bullshit doesn't mean a shit.

Look at the young turks - the icon of the regressive... progressive movement. Their message can be summed up as fuck white people and praise the Muslim brotherhood.

I watched their election night meltdown.

Just full of the worst nonsense. And not once did anyone say ANYTHING to resist the crazy train.
Right wingers have their own forms of political correctness.

Care to give us an example?

ONE example so that I can address it seriously and honestly.

Choose carefully. Make it a really GOOD example.

Sure . Just the other day righties cheered the firing of some lefty guy who tweeted about that Seals wife .
Right wingers have their own forms of political correctness.

Care to give us an example?

ONE example so that I can address it seriously and honestly.

Choose carefully. Make it a really GOOD example.

Sure . Just the other day righties cheered the firing of some lefty guy who tweeted about that Seals wife .

A good example of POlitical Correctness should involve a FALSE ACCUSATION to silence Political Speech that the accuser can't refute, or to destroy a Political Enemy.
So conservatives are not strong enough to stand up and say no, we will not do this? I did not think so.

Well when conservatives try to hold their own talks or forums they get shut down violently by the progressives. So basically you are saying we should crack some skulls as well?
Whatever you think. If you do. Statements like this sometimes make me wonder.

Typical progressive. Have to go with the "duh, people who disagree with my groupthink is stupidz, duh duh"
Anyone who says typical progressive or typical conservative a just a lazy thinker. And thinker is generous.

Bullshit. Anyone who claims to not use categories in their thinking is lying. It is a part of being having any intelligence. Like mouse level intelligence.
Not strokes with a broad brush, Mr. Mouse.
Well when conservatives try to hold their own talks or forums they get shut down violently by the progressives. So basically you are saying we should crack some skulls as well?
Whatever you think. If you do. Statements like this sometimes make me wonder.

Typical progressive. Have to go with the "duh, people who disagree with my groupthink is stupidz, duh duh"
Anyone who says typical progressive or typical conservative a just a lazy thinker. And thinker is generous.

Bullshit. Anyone who claims to not use categories in their thinking is lying. It is a part of being having any intelligence. Like mouse level intelligence.
Not strokes with a broad brush, Mr. Mouse.

All fire burns.

All ice is cold.

All libs are smug assholes.
Right wingers have their own forms of political correctness.

Care to give us an example?

ONE example so that I can address it seriously and honestly.

Choose carefully. Make it a really GOOD example.

Sure . Just the other day righties cheered the firing of some lefty guy who tweeted about that Seals wife .

A good example of POlitical Correctness should involve a FALSE ACCUSATION to silence Political Speech that the accuser can't refute, or to destroy a Political Enemy.

You asked for an example . I gave one .
As a liberal, I think the PC culture in this country has gone way too far even If I think Trump supporters take the opposite extreme too far. Social justice warriors plague the internet and college campuses with bullshit. There are things feminists, college kids, pretentious white people, etc. say that is so ridiculous that it makes the leftwing look bad.

What the rightwing needs to understand is that progressives in general don't always agree with what some pretentious, white college kid says about issues concerning concerning race and LGBT issues. In fact, almost all of the prolific PC bullshit you hear about comes from college campuses. That's just how college kids are. They are so proud to be progressive that they say unintentionally hilarious things about issues they themselves don't experience. It just makes them feel good about themselves. They aren't real adults yet. They don't represent the progressive movement.

End rant.

So, ex-President Obama is “some pretentious, white college kid”? He openly supported much of this crap, and abused the power of his position to try to make it into national policy. If this is just some small fringe of your side that is pushing this crap, then why are we not hearing at all from the left wrong, denouncing it and trying to distance your side from it?
Okay, the specific issues Obama actually supported matter. Again, just because someone is progressive, it doesn't automatically mean they support crazy PC bullshit.

You might want to alert the media, oh wait, they're pushing the same shit.
Right wingers have their own forms of political correctness.

Care to give us an example?

ONE example so that I can address it seriously and honestly.

Choose carefully. Make it a really GOOD example.

Sure . Just the other day righties cheered the firing of some lefty guy who tweeted about that Seals wife .

A good example of POlitical Correctness should involve a FALSE ACCUSATION to silence Political Speech that the accuser can't refute, or to destroy a Political Enemy.

You asked for an example . I gave one .

You gave an example of how you don't understand what Political Correctness is.

Very common these days with lefties.

They realize that people are sick of their pc shit, so they are trying to muddle the meaning of the word to confuse the issue.
Whatever you think. If you do. Statements like this sometimes make me wonder.

Typical progressive. Have to go with the "duh, people who disagree with my groupthink is stupidz, duh duh"
Anyone who says typical progressive or typical conservative a just a lazy thinker. And thinker is generous.

Bullshit. Anyone who claims to not use categories in their thinking is lying. It is a part of being having any intelligence. Like mouse level intelligence.
Not strokes with a broad brush, Mr. Mouse.

All fire burns.

All ice is cold.

All libs are smug assholes.
Many conservatives are idiots.
Typical progressive. Have to go with the "duh, people who disagree with my groupthink is stupidz, duh duh"
Anyone who says typical progressive or typical conservative a just a lazy thinker. And thinker is generous.

Bullshit. Anyone who claims to not use categories in their thinking is lying. It is a part of being having any intelligence. Like mouse level intelligence.
Not strokes with a broad brush, Mr. Mouse.

All fire burns.

All ice is cold.

All libs are smug assholes.
Many conservatives are idiots.

Which is something you believe. YOu use categories just like ever human older than 1 month.

Yet, you are dishonest enough to attack other people for doing that same thing.

This is the part where you have to choose to A. admit you are stone cold busted, or B. double down on your lying.
Anyone who says typical progressive or typical conservative a just a lazy thinker. And thinker is generous.

Bullshit. Anyone who claims to not use categories in their thinking is lying. It is a part of being having any intelligence. Like mouse level intelligence.
Not strokes with a broad brush, Mr. Mouse.

All fire burns.

All ice is cold.

All libs are smug assholes.
Many conservatives are idiots.

Which is something you believe. YOu use categories just like ever human older than 1 month.

Yet, you are dishonest enough to attack other people for doing that same thing.

This is the part where you have to choose to A. admit you are stone cold busted, or B. double down on your lying.
You obviously just do not understand.
Bullshit. Anyone who claims to not use categories in their thinking is lying. It is a part of being having any intelligence. Like mouse level intelligence.
Not strokes with a broad brush, Mr. Mouse.

All fire burns.

All ice is cold.

All libs are smug assholes.
Many conservatives are idiots.

Which is something you believe. YOu use categories just like ever human older than 1 month.

Yet, you are dishonest enough to attack other people for doing that same thing.

This is the part where you have to choose to A. admit you are stone cold busted, or B. double down on your lying.
You obviously just do not understand.

Are you denying that you label conservatives and have a list of likely attributes that they have?
As a liberal, I think the PC culture in this country has gone way too far even If I think Trump supporters take the opposite extreme too far. Social justice warriors plague the internet and college campuses with bullshit. There are things feminists, college kids, pretentious white people, etc. say that is so ridiculous that it makes the leftwing look bad.

What the rightwing needs to understand is that progressives in general don't always agree with what some pretentious, white college kid says about issues concerning concerning race and LGBT issues. In fact, almost all of the prolific PC bullshit you hear about comes from college campuses. That's just how college kids are. They are so proud to be progressive that they say unintentionally hilarious things about issues they themselves don't experience. It just makes them feel good about themselves. They aren't real adults yet. They don't represent the progressive movement.

End rant.

Be careful. You're letting far right wing gaslighting affect your perception. There is no such thing as a "social justice warrior," that's just a stupid term invented by virgin gamers, then hijacked by the alt-right. There's also nothing wrong with "college kids," don't let these right wing nutjobs convince you that there's something inherently wrong with university students. "Pretentious white people" made me laugh, and feminists are no ones enemy -- no matter what some drooling alt-right cretin who can't get laid wants you to think.

I've never met a "pretentious college student" who was wrong about race or LGBT issues. But I have met alt-right shitstains like Milo who are wrong about them, along with just about everything else he rants and raves about. Thank god his 15 minutes of fame are over.
Well my opinion on this is based on experience. I did the 4 year gig. I'm not talking about college students in general to be clear. Just a few vocal ones who say stupid things.

I also don't want to generalize feminists, but yikes, they say really stupid things sometimes.
Right wingers have their own forms of political correctness.

Care to give us an example?

ONE example so that I can address it seriously and honestly.

Choose carefully. Make it a really GOOD example.

Sure . Just the other day righties cheered the firing of some lefty guy who tweeted about that Seals wife .

A good example of POlitical Correctness should involve a FALSE ACCUSATION to silence Political Speech that the accuser can't refute, or to destroy a Political Enemy.

You asked for an example . I gave one .

You gave an example of how you don't understand what Political Correctness is.

Very common these days with lefties.

They realize that people are sick of their pc shit, so they are trying to muddle the meaning of the word to confuse the issue.

Then you give me an example ? Because the "false accusation" definition is not the common understanding of what PC is .
All libs are smug assholes.
Many conservatives are idiots.

Which is something you believe. YOu use categories just like ever human older than 1 month.

Yet, you are dishonest enough to attack other people for doing that same thing.

This is the part where you have to choose to A. admit you are stone cold busted, or B. double down on your lying.

Orwell called it “doublethink”, and it is exactly the reason that NoNukes isn't going to have the make the choice that you think he must. Through the power of doublethink, LIbErals can hold and espouse contradictory, irreconcilable positions, while remaining immutablty oblivious to the inconsistency thereof.

“To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again, and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself – that was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word 'doublethink' involved the use of doublethink.”

“The power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them... To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just as long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies – all this is indispensably necessary. Even in using the word doublethink it is necessary to exercise doublethink. For by using the word one admits that one is tampering with reality; by a fresh act of doublethink one erases this knowledge; and so on indefinitely, with the lie always one leap ahead of the truth.”
My point is you are blaming non progressives for progressive PC assholes.

Considering they spawn in Universities, and Universities are mostly run by progressives, who's to blame?
So conservatives are not strong enough to stand up and say no, we will not do this? I did not think so.

Well when conservatives try to hold their own talks or forums they get shut down violently by the progressives. So basically you are saying we should crack some skulls as well?
Whatever you think. If you do. Statements like this sometimes make me wonder.

Typical progressive. Have to go with the "duh, people who disagree with my groupthink is stupidz, duh duh"
Anyone who says typical progressive or typical conservative a just a lazy thinker. And thinker is generous.

Not at all. Broad statements are acceptable when the person making them acknowledges they are broad.
Care to give us an example?

ONE example so that I can address it seriously and honestly.

Choose carefully. Make it a really GOOD example.

Sure . Just the other day righties cheered the firing of some lefty guy who tweeted about that Seals wife .

A good example of POlitical Correctness should involve a FALSE ACCUSATION to silence Political Speech that the accuser can't refute, or to destroy a Political Enemy.

You asked for an example . I gave one .

You gave an example of how you don't understand what Political Correctness is.

Very common these days with lefties.

They realize that people are sick of their pc shit, so they are trying to muddle the meaning of the word to confuse the issue.

Then you give me an example ? Because the "false accusation" definition is not the common understanding of what PC is .

Please stop your lying.
Sure . Just the other day righties cheered the firing of some lefty guy who tweeted about that Seals wife .

A good example of POlitical Correctness should involve a FALSE ACCUSATION to silence Political Speech that the accuser can't refute, or to destroy a Political Enemy.

You asked for an example . I gave one .

You gave an example of how you don't understand what Political Correctness is.

Very common these days with lefties.

They realize that people are sick of their pc shit, so they are trying to muddle the meaning of the word to confuse the issue.

Then you give me an example ? Because the "false accusation" definition is not the common understanding of what PC is .

Please stop your lying.

You talked a lot a shit about wanting an example , when I gave you one you ran away and didn't reply .

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