The rightwing misunderstands the connection between PC culture and the progressive movement

As a liberal, I think the PC culture in this country has gone way too far even If I think Trump supporters take the opposite extreme too far. Social justice warriors plague the internet and college campuses with bullshit. There are things feminists, college kids, pretentious white people, etc. say that is so ridiculous that it makes the leftwing look bad.

What the rightwing needs to understand is that progressives in general don't always agree with what some pretentious, white college kid says about issues concerning concerning race and LGBT issues. In fact, almost all of the prolific PC bullshit you hear about comes from college campuses. That's just how college kids are. They are so proud to be progressive that they say unintentionally hilarious things about issues they themselves don't experience. It just makes them feel good about themselves. They aren't real adults yet. They don't represent the progressive movement.

End rant.
When I left the United States 20 years ago, I was happy to get away from the PC culture. Why did the conservatives let it get so strong if they oppose it so much?

Nothing like blaming the victim, right?
I am not a conservative, but was a victim, so what is your point?

My point is you are blaming non progressives for progressive PC assholes.

Considering they spawn in Universities, and Universities are mostly run by progressives, who's to blame?
So conservatives are not strong enough to stand up and say no, we will not do this? I did not think so.

Well when conservatives try to hold their own talks or forums they get shut down violently by the progressives. So basically you are saying we should crack some skulls as well?
When I left the United States 20 years ago, I was happy to get away from the PC culture. Why did the conservatives let it get so strong if they oppose it so much?

Nothing like blaming the victim, right?
I am not a conservative, but was a victim, so what is your point?

My point is you are blaming non progressives for progressive PC assholes.

Considering they spawn in Universities, and Universities are mostly run by progressives, who's to blame?
So conservatives are not strong enough to stand up and say no, we will not do this? I did not think so.

Well when conservatives try to hold their own talks or forums they get shut down violently by the progressives. So basically you are saying we should crack some skulls as well?
Whatever you think. If you do. Statements like this sometimes make me wonder.
As a liberal, I think the PC culture in this country has gone way too far even If I think Trump supporters take the opposite extreme too far. Social justice warriors plague the internet and college campuses with bullshit. There are things feminists, college kids, pretentious white people, etc. say that is so ridiculous that it makes the leftwing look bad.

What the rightwing needs to understand is that progressives in general don't always agree with what some pretentious, white college kid says about issues concerning concerning race and LGBT issues. In fact, almost all of the prolific PC bullshit you hear about comes from college campuses. That's just how college kids are. They are so proud to be progressive that they say unintentionally hilarious things about issues they themselves don't experience. It just makes them feel good about themselves. They aren't real adults yet. They don't represent the progressive movement.

End rant.
It's like saying Nazism has nothing to do with antisemitism.
just because someone is progressive, it doesn't automatically mean they support crazy PC bullshit.
Um, yeah it does.
Silly me for thinking conservatives are capable of nuanced thought.
If it was just 'stupid college kids' parroting what their radical LIB/PC professors were inculcating them with that would be one thing.
THINK!!!! Who has the major influence on these idiot snowflakes? ADULT!!!!! college professors.
It's like claiming 'young muslim men' who attend the radical Islamofascist mosques just are too young to understand what a load of violent bullshit they are being fed. While at the same time refusing to recognise/admit the real bastards are the ADULT imams.
The PC bullshit STARTS with radical LIB ADULTS!
Nothing like blaming the victim, right?
I am not a conservative, but was a victim, so what is your point?

My point is you are blaming non progressives for progressive PC assholes.

Considering they spawn in Universities, and Universities are mostly run by progressives, who's to blame?
So conservatives are not strong enough to stand up and say no, we will not do this? I did not think so.

Well when conservatives try to hold their own talks or forums they get shut down violently by the progressives. So basically you are saying we should crack some skulls as well?
Whatever you think. If you do. Statements like this sometimes make me wonder.

Typical progressive. Have to go with the "duh, people who disagree with my groupthink is stupidz, duh duh"
Most kids don't start college as angry crazy progressives. They are taught it by crazy progressive professors. According to David Horowitz every high profile conservative speaker has been a victim of assault on a college campus sometime or numerous times in their careers. Most kids wouldn't think of hitting little Ann Coulter with a pie on their own but a progressive environment encourages such behavior. College used to be a haven of ideas and opinions but today there are actually a list of words that can get a kid sent home. It's not about P.C. though. Milo was a victim of riots on Berkeley even though he is a homosexual. It's about political orientation and control.
My point is you are blaming non progressives for progressive PC assholes.

Considering they spawn in Universities, and Universities are mostly run by progressives, who's to blame?

“Progressives” never take responsibility for the consequences of their own policies, positions, or behavior.
As a liberal, I think the PC culture in this country has gone way too far even If I think Trump supporters take the opposite extreme too far. Social justice warriors plague the internet and college campuses with bullshit. There are things feminists, college kids, pretentious white people, etc. say that is so ridiculous that it makes the leftwing look bad.

What the rightwing needs to understand is that progressives in general don't always agree with what some pretentious, white college kid says about issues concerning concerning race and LGBT issues. In fact, almost all of the prolific PC bullshit you hear about comes from college campuses. That's just how college kids are. They are so proud to be progressive that they say unintentionally hilarious things about issues they themselves don't experience. It just makes them feel good about themselves. They aren't real adults yet. They don't represent the progressive movement.

End rant.
It's like saying Nazism has nothing to do with antisemitism.
Most kids don't start college as angry crazy progressives. They are taught it by crazy progressive professors. According to David Horowitz every high profile conservative speaker has been a victim of assault on a college campus sometime or numerous times in their careers. Most kids wouldn't think of hitting little Ann Coulter with a pie on their own but a progressive environment encourages such behavior. College used to be a haven of ideas and opinions but today there are actually a list of words that can get a kid sent home. It's not about P.C. though. Milo was a victim of riots on Berkeley even though he is a homosexual. It's about political orientation and control.
No that professor stereotype of yours is a load of bullshit. You just like to pretend every professor is like that.
Most kids don't start college as angry crazy progressives. They are taught it by crazy progressive professors. According to David Horowitz every high profile conservative speaker has been a victim of assault on a college campus sometime or numerous times in their careers. Most kids wouldn't think of hitting little Ann Coulter with a pie on their own but a progressive environment encourages such behavior. College used to be a haven of ideas and opinions but today there are actually a list of words that can get a kid sent home. It's not about P.C. though. Milo was a victim of riots on Berkeley even though he is a homosexual. It's about political orientation and control.
No that professor stereotype of yours is a load of bullshit. You just like to pretend every professor is like that.

Most are not even that good.
I am not a conservative, but was a victim, so what is your point?

My point is you are blaming non progressives for progressive PC assholes.

Considering they spawn in Universities, and Universities are mostly run by progressives, who's to blame?
So conservatives are not strong enough to stand up and say no, we will not do this? I did not think so.

Well when conservatives try to hold their own talks or forums they get shut down violently by the progressives. So basically you are saying we should crack some skulls as well?
Whatever you think. If you do. Statements like this sometimes make me wonder.

Typical progressive. Have to go with the "duh, people who disagree with my groupthink is stupidz, duh duh"
Anyone who says typical progressive or typical conservative a just a lazy thinker. And thinker is generous.
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I don't think the right wing care to understand it, they just want to exploit it and try and make it a weakness that they can relentlessly hammer home to their acolytes.

I think liberals need to take a stand against the intolerant behavior. You can't be so narrow minded that you drown out all other conversations. Fight the unenlightened ideas with enlighten ones, not acts of violence, or even shouting them down. Look before you leap. I mean don't be a reactionary, think before you act.
As a liberal, I think the PC culture in this country has gone way too far even If I think Trump supporters take the opposite extreme too far. Social justice warriors plague the internet and college campuses with bullshit. There are things feminists, college kids, pretentious white people, etc. say that is so ridiculous that it makes the leftwing look bad.

What the rightwing needs to understand is that progressives in general don't always agree with what some pretentious, white college kid says about issues concerning concerning race and LGBT issues. In fact, almost all of the prolific PC bullshit you hear about comes from college campuses. That's just how college kids are. They are so proud to be progressive that they say unintentionally hilarious things about issues they themselves don't experience. It just makes them feel good about themselves. They aren't real adults yet. They don't represent the progressive movement.

End rant.
The real problem is not that people on the right don't understand the "progressive movement" but that people who term themselves "progressives" don't seem to understand what it is, and that's why so many of say the ridiculous things you are complaining about. It's not just college kids, it's pretty much everyone who calls himself a progressive. The only rational people in the political debate are those who are issue oriented and these people aren't concerned with whether their position on a particular issue is seen as progressive or moderate or conservative. People who identify themselves with a "movement" are just relieving themselves of the need to think for themselves about the issues.
As a liberal, I think the PC culture in this country has gone way too far even If I think Trump supporters take the opposite extreme too far. Social justice warriors plague the internet and college campuses with bullshit. There are things feminists, college kids, pretentious white people, etc. say that is so ridiculous that it makes the leftwing look bad.

What the rightwing needs to understand is that progressives in general don't always agree with what some pretentious, white college kid says about issues concerning concerning race and LGBT issues. In fact, almost all of the prolific PC bullshit you hear about comes from college campuses. That's just how college kids are. They are so proud to be progressive that they say unintentionally hilarious things about issues they themselves don't experience. It just makes them feel good about themselves. They aren't real adults yet. They don't represent the progressive movement.

End rant.

Be careful. You're letting far right wing gaslighting affect your perception. There is no such thing as a "social justice warrior," that's just a stupid term invented by virgin gamers, then hijacked by the alt-right. There's also nothing wrong with "college kids," don't let these right wing nutjobs convince you that there's something inherently wrong with university students. "Pretentious white people" made me laugh, and feminists are no ones enemy -- no matter what some drooling alt-right cretin who can't get laid wants you to think.

I've never met a "pretentious college student" who was wrong about race or LGBT issues. But I have met alt-right shitstains like Milo who are wrong about them, along with just about everything else he rants and raves about. Thank god his 15 minutes of fame are over.
As a liberal, I think the PC culture in this country has gone way too far even If I think Trump supporters take the opposite extreme too far. Social justice warriors plague the internet and college campuses with bullshit. There are things feminists, college kids, pretentious white people, etc. say that is so ridiculous that it makes the leftwing look bad.

What the rightwing needs to understand is that progressives in general don't always agree with what some pretentious, white college kid says about issues concerning concerning race and LGBT issues. In fact, almost all of the prolific PC bullshit you hear about comes from college campuses. That's just how college kids are. They are so proud to be progressive that they say unintentionally hilarious things about issues they themselves don't experience. It just makes them feel good about themselves. They aren't real adults yet. They don't represent the progressive movement.

End rant.
That may (or may not) be true, but the fact remains that adult "progressives" will essentially enable the behavior by not calling it out. Look at the threads here: The "progressives" will attack anyone who criticizes the madness on college campuses, which only serves to defend and exacerbate the behavior.

The reason is obviously that they don't want to criticize someone who agrees with them politically. That's cowardly. And worse, they're helping to close the minds of college students for purely political gain. What a rotten thing to do to a kid, just at the time the kid should be exposed to all points of view, especially those that challenge theirs.

"Progressives" either need to play a role in stopping the behavior or get used to being identified with it, because you are culpable.

And by the way, there are plenty of "progressives" here who agree with the kids.
My point is you are blaming non progressives for progressive PC assholes.

Considering they spawn in Universities, and Universities are mostly run by progressives, who's to blame?
So conservatives are not strong enough to stand up and say no, we will not do this? I did not think so.

Well when conservatives try to hold their own talks or forums they get shut down violently by the progressives. So basically you are saying we should crack some skulls as well?
Whatever you think. If you do. Statements like this sometimes make me wonder.

Typical progressive. Have to go with the "duh, people who disagree with my groupthink is stupidz, duh duh"
Anyone who says typical progressive or typical conservative a just a lazy thinker. And thinker is generous.

Bullshit. Anyone who claims to not use categories in their thinking is lying. It is a part of being having any intelligence. Like mouse level intelligence.
I don't think the right wing care to understand it, they just want to exploit it and try and make it a weakness that they can relentlessly hammer home to their acolytes.

I think liberals need to take a stand against the intolerant behavior. You can't be so narrow minded that you drown out all other conversations. Fight the unenlightened ideas with enlighten ones, not acts of violence, or even shouting them down. Look before you leap. I mean don't be a reactionary, think before you act.

Your solution is what we right wingers WANT from you guys, we WANT to engage in conversations, and to have a Contest of Ideas,

It is YOUR comrades who want to end debate and suppress speech.
As a liberal, I think the PC culture in this country has gone way too far even If I think Trump supporters take the opposite extreme too far. Social justice warriors plague the internet and college campuses with bullshit. There are things feminists, college kids, pretentious white people, etc. say that is so ridiculous that it makes the leftwing look bad.

What the rightwing needs to understand is that progressives in general don't always agree with what some pretentious, white college kid says about issues concerning concerning race and LGBT issues. In fact, almost all of the prolific PC bullshit you hear about comes from college campuses. That's just how college kids are. They are so proud to be progressive that they say unintentionally hilarious things about issues they themselves don't experience. It just makes them feel good about themselves. They aren't real adults yet. They don't represent the progressive movement.

End rant.

You are not a liberal.

You are a left winger.

There is a big difference.

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