The rise of irreligion is the GOP’s real demographic crisis

"I posted my link. . .". It's from your link.

Your personal opinion of who lives in your neighborhood means nothing.

You failed to respond to "'ACA has flattened the thirty year curve significantly in health costs."

Your personal opinion about "VA and medicaid and medicare" is meaningless.

SCOTUS disagrees with you on the constitutionality of the government programs.

There is noting in my Aetna link that says they deducted their way to profits, nothing. You are blatantly lying again, how do you live with yourself?

My personal opinion about who my neighbors are means nothing? fuck you, you damned NAZI

You failed to provide any data about ACA and flattening the thirty year costs.

My personal opinion about the VA means nothing? then yours does too NAZI, you are not special

SCOTUS can kiss my ass, the right to freedom of assembly is fundamental
Read your links, muppet, and follow them. Your personal opinion about who you neighbors may be and about VA etc and about SCOTUS mean nothing.

I did read my links, your Aetna lie is not in there. Provide evidence that Aetna made money or admit you lied again. My opinion means exactly the same as yours, I know you liberal NAZIs think only your ignorant opinion matters, but that isn't so.
Your nuh uh doesn't work. Aetna made money.

yes it does work you fucked up liar, you said my link proved Aetna made money, it does not. Now unless you can go copy-paste where it says Aetna made money then you have just proven yourself a compulsive liar again.

Can you even comprehend the idea that you can't just make shit up? seriously do you even care?
Four days ago: Aetna was making a profit in PA.
They actually made money selling Obamacare. They're still leaving.

Now Aetna's Retreat From Obamacare Is More Than It Seems does suggest Aetna may be losing some money, and would be willing to stay anyway, but it wants to merge with Humana. The Feds are not so sure that the merged should be approved. So part of the fight is giving up good will on the ACA exchange to merge with Humana.

In PA only liar, they lost money in the USA overall. Provide evidence that they made money in the US under Obamacare or admit you lied again.

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