The rise of irreligion is the GOP’s real demographic crisis

Family values like Melania trump posing nude. Ah yes, those wholesome conservative family values.

why do democrat values so openly support Islam if they are supposed to be anti-religion?

A Strawman argument. The demons in your head don't constitute a real thing. Most democrats are Christian.

democrats are the ones who support muslim immigration and are the first the defend islam when somebody points out their violent and primitive nature, are you denying that?

are you also going to defend your assertion that conservatives gravitate towards violence? or are you conceding that was a lie?

You talk as if about 20% is a conversation with other people and 80% is just your own memes regurgitating themselves over and over. They keep you warm and I wouldn't want you to be left out in the cold. Have a good weekend Spock. Live long and Fresca.

ah, once again a non-answer and a deflection, you have a great weekend liar

NCC lies with

(1) I have somehow accepted "violence from blacks all the time." Link if you have it, but you don't. There will never be "a much larger movement to free ourselves from you Nazis," because those who oppose you are not Nazis and you don't have the guts and almost all of the military hates you on the far right

(2) give evidence that "Obamacare, illegal immigrant services, refugee policy, disabililty abuse, medicare, Medicaid, ..." are failures, with real data, etc. You can't.

(3) "Hate speech censorship already exists at universities [and] climate change critics California Wants to Outlaw ‘Climate Change Dissent’ - Ice Age Now". OK, show me where to help you protest this.

(4) Show Obama Administration Unveils Proposed Changes to Section 8 Subsidy Program is wrong. If it is that you don't want to rent to people you don't like, tough. If you don't like the neighborhoods, then give us evidence that Sec 8 change have hurt neighborhoods.

(5) You are the king of sweeping assertions (see your rants above).

Wrong, on the sexual abuse aspect, and if that is all you have, then you have admitted your whole rant here is fail and that you are a marginalized white male. My married life is wonderful with four children (three surviving) and a number of grandchildren.

You simply can't live American values in the 21st century and be happy.

1) Where have liberals like you ever stood up and said anything about the black on white crime problem? link to it or admit you lied
The military hates the far right? well you lied again Jakey - Military Times survey: Troops prefer Trump to Clinton by a huge margin military-times-survey-donald-trump-beats-hillary-clinton | MilitaryTimes

Do I really have to link to something showing Obamacare is a fiscal failure? Are that damned uninformed that you don't know that?

3) Glad someone on the left agrees with free speech, however you support those against it, that is illogical

4) I did not say I want to be a landlord, where the hell did you get that? I said people like me deserve to live and be left alone with the diversity NAZIs forcing integration upon us. Section 8s are all about moving blacks into white places because blacks are failures at making communities. I do not want to deal with them.
(1) The military will not support a far right wing uprising. Anyone who believes that is delusional. 39% of the military support Johnson, 30% support Trump, 19% support Clinton. You don't know your numbers, do you.

(2) Fiscal failure? The rising annual costs have flattened over the last three years. 16 million are covered who weren't. Even Aetna, never a major player in ACA, made money. You don't know your numbers, do you.

(3) I support free speech, which does not include all manner of expression, which I think you think it should.

(4) Prove "blacks are failures at making communities." There are place in black Baltimore you would want Sec 8 housing to move into. Philadelphia. And so on. So you don't like integration: who cares.

1) you said: "all of the military hates you on the far right" which I debunked quickly by showing the military votes right more than left. I posted a link from Military Times to support my claim, you posted numbers you pulled out of your ass, then claim I don't know MY numbers when they were not my numbers. Third, libertarians are right wing, which even further refutes you. You are a breathtaking absolutely unscrupulous liar, you do it so effortlessly and in such volume. A I said in another thread, you have a personality disorder.

2) Aetna is dropping its coverage in Obamacare in 11 states, why would they do that if it was so lucrative? The fact is Insurance bailouts are much higher than expected, insurance companies like UnitedHealth left for fiscal reasons, and the coops failed badly.

3) "which I think you think it should" ....are you fukking kidding me? blatant admission you are grasping to put words in my mouth

4) Proof that Blacks can't make communities: they want to come live in my community, and every single large city where they gather sucks, EVERY one of them and whites do not want to live there
1) I said: "almost all of the military hates you on the far right" which it does. I gave you the numbers. Trump gets less than 40%. He will have much less than that by November.

2) Aetna makes money. However, it did make as much as it wanted. It was not a major player. Once again you make assertions about "insurance bailouts" that makes no sense except to you.

3) "blatant admission you are grasping to put words in my mouth" like you did to me in 1. Actually, you took the important word out of my mouth.

4) I don't care if you don't want blacks in your community. Tough.
1) I said: "almost all of the military hates you on the far right" which it does. I gave you the numbers. Trump gets less than 40%. He will have much less than that by November.

2) Aetna makes money. However, it did make as much as it wanted. It was not a major player. Once again you make assertions about "insurance bailouts" that makes no sense except to you.

3) "blatant admission you are grasping to put words in my mouth" like you did to me in 1. Actually, you took the important word out of my mouth.

4) I don't care if you don't want blacks in your community. Tough.

1) Hillary is polling in the 10-30% range, Johnson is right wing, so 'almost' all military hates the far right? you are a pathological liar, the word almost changes nothing

2) Aetna made so much money they are pulling away from Obamacare, good one Jakey. Why are insurers suing for cash if it so damned good? the Obama administration has set in train an unholy trinity of bailouts that could pay health-insurance companies $170.8 billion in the coming decade.

Read more at: Obamacare’s $170.8 Billion in Insurer Bailouts

3) 'almost all' or 'all' changes nothing, your assertion was still a bald faced lie, see point 1. Your words are those of a desperate liar, someone that can't be honest if they tried.

4) I do care, and that's the point. You want to force me to live with them, that is NAZI-like pure and simple.
Johnson is libertarian not right wing, you hoot.

You are making assertions about "Arena"?

Caught you on your lie omitting almost. You can't weasel enough out of it.

I don't care if you do or not. Tough to be you.

I see you learned to speak tea bag.

Irreligion brings the end of America and the American dream
Bullshit! How so. I was raised by two good parents. We are Greek Orthodox but not very religious at all. They raised two good sons. One goes to church the other doesn't (me). We both have great lives. I don't see how me not going to church is death to American it may mean death to that church but America will be just fine if my brother one day stopped going to church.
Irreligion brings the end of America and the American dream
Bullshit! How so. I was raised by two good parents. We are Greek Orthodox but not very religious at all. They raised two good sons. One goes to church the other doesn't (me). We both have great lives. I don't see how me not going to church is death to American it may mean death to that church but America will be just fine if my brother one day stopped going to church.
Or if you started going. Nothing changes with the bobos.
Johnson is libertarian not right wing, you hoot.

You are making assertions about "Arena"?

Caught you on your lie omitting almost. You can't weasel enough out of it.

I don't care if you do or not. Tough to be you.

I see you learned to speak tea bag.

Gary Johnson is a right wing libertarian, read his platform idiot. You lied about the military hating the far right, I nailed you, but that isn't saying much since you are a left winger with a personality disorder.

I made a spelling error on Aetna moron and corrected it, so what? Is that what you are reduced to, hitting me for spell check? what a fucking douchebag you are liar. Aetna is pulling out of 11 states, it is a fact, go show otherwise liar.

I know you don't care about my rights asshole, that is why I despise you.
Johnson is libertarian not right wing, you hoot.

You are making assertions about "Arena"?

Caught you on your lie omitting almost. You can't weasel enough out of it.

I don't care if you do or not. Tough to be you.

I see you learned to speak tea bag.

Gary Johnson is a right wing libertarian, read his platform idiot. You lied about the military hating the far right, I nailed you, but that isn't saying much since you are a left winger with a personality disorder.

I made a spelling error on Aetna moron and corrected it, so what? Is that what you are reduced to, hitting me for spell check? what a fucking douchebag you are liar. Aetna is pulling out of 11 states, it is a fact, go show otherwise liar.

I know you don't care about my rights asshole, that is why I despise you.
You have no idea how left Gary is on social issues and it is much to your left. You sliced my military comment, and the military will suppress without a second thought any uprising. I corrected on Aetna, and you whine. Once again Aetna was not making as much as it wanted to, was not a big player in ACA, and is dropping out so what.

You are a far right wing dork who does not like minorities. No one cares. It is not going to change the way you or S.J. or CrusaderFrank want.
Irreligion brings the end of America and the American dream
My hat is absurd. We were always intended to be secular.

It has zero to do with government. And the increasingly flailing and irrelevant radical religious right thinks they can impose their will on a country that keeps telling them no.
Johnson is libertarian not right wing, you hoot.

You are making assertions about "Arena"?

Caught you on your lie omitting almost. You can't weasel enough out of it.

I don't care if you do or not. Tough to be you.

I see you learned to speak tea bag.

Gary Johnson is a right wing libertarian, read his platform idiot. You lied about the military hating the far right, I nailed you, but that isn't saying much since you are a left winger with a personality disorder.

I made a spelling error on Aetna moron and corrected it, so what? Is that what you are reduced to, hitting me for spell check? what a fucking douchebag you are liar. Aetna is pulling out of 11 states, it is a fact, go show otherwise liar.

I know you don't care about my rights asshole, that is why I despise you.

Johnson is a true libertarian who doesn't think government abound impose its will on personal issues like reproductive choice, marriage equality and recreational use of marijuana.
Johnson is libertarian not right wing, you hoot.

You are making assertions about "Arena"?

Caught you on your lie omitting almost. You can't weasel enough out of it.

I don't care if you do or not. Tough to be you.

I see you learned to speak tea bag.

Gary Johnson is a right wing libertarian, read his platform idiot. You lied about the military hating the far right, I nailed you, but that isn't saying much since you are a left winger with a personality disorder.

I made a spelling error on Aetna moron and corrected it, so what? Is that what you are reduced to, hitting me for spell check? what a fucking douchebag you are liar. Aetna is pulling out of 11 states, it is a fact, go show otherwise liar.

I know you don't care about my rights asshole, that is why I despise you.

Johnson is a true libertarian who doesn't think government abound impose its will on personal issues like reproductive choice, marriage equality and recreational use of marijuana.
Johnson is no libertarian. You're too left wing to have any idea of what libertarianism is.
Johnson is libertarian not right wing, you hoot.

You are making assertions about "Arena"?

Caught you on your lie omitting almost. You can't weasel enough out of it.

I don't care if you do or not. Tough to be you.

I see you learned to speak tea bag.

Gary Johnson is a right wing libertarian, read his platform idiot. You lied about the military hating the far right, I nailed you, but that isn't saying much since you are a left winger with a personality disorder.

I made a spelling error on Aetna moron and corrected it, so what? Is that what you are reduced to, hitting me for spell check? what a fucking douchebag you are liar. Aetna is pulling out of 11 states, it is a fact, go show otherwise liar.

I know you don't care about my rights asshole, that is why I despise you.

Johnson is a true libertarian who doesn't think government abound impose its will on personal issues like reproductive choice, marriage equality and recreational use of marijuana.
Johnson is no libertarian. You're too left wing to have any idea of what libertarianism is.

Johnson is a real libertarian. Not the foot-stamping, temper tantrum throwing theocrat type.

I honk he's actually too smart for the pretend libertarians.

No matter though. He won't be president. He's too decent for eight-wingers and not government friendly enough for liberals.
Irreligion brings the end of America and the American dream
My hat is absurd. We were always intended to be secular.

It has zero to do with government. And the increasingly flailing and irrelevant radical religious right thinks they can impose their will on a country that keeps telling them no.

You're completely unfamiliar with American history, our Founders and our founding principles.
Johnson is libertarian not right wing, you hoot.

You are making assertions about "Arena"?

Caught you on your lie omitting almost. You can't weasel enough out of it.

I don't care if you do or not. Tough to be you.

I see you learned to speak tea bag.

Gary Johnson is a right wing libertarian, read his platform idiot. You lied about the military hating the far right, I nailed you, but that isn't saying much since you are a left winger with a personality disorder.

I made a spelling error on Aetna moron and corrected it, so what? Is that what you are reduced to, hitting me for spell check? what a fucking douchebag you are liar. Aetna is pulling out of 11 states, it is a fact, go show otherwise liar.

I know you don't care about my rights asshole, that is why I despise you.
You have no idea how left Gary is on social issues and it is much to your left. You sliced my military comment, and the military will suppress without a second thought any uprising. I corrected on Aetna, and you whine. Once again Aetna was not making as much as it wanted to, was not a big player in ACA, and is dropping out so what.

You are a far right wing dork who does not like minorities. No one cares. It is not going to change the way you or S.J. or CrusaderFrank want.

This is from Gary Johnson's plank page Gary Johnson on the Issues he is not left on all social issues, and he is with me on drugs, I only oppose him on the border issue

  • ObamaCare's promise of lower cost simply isn't happening. (Jan 2016)
  • Government-managed healthcare is insanity. (Aug 2012)
  • Block grant Medicare; carte blanche to the states. (Aug 2011)
  • ObamaCare is unconstitutional; so is Bush's Medicare Rx plan. (Aug 2011)
  • Salud!: managed care for Medicaid recipients. (Jul 2011)
  • 1999: vetoed 12-cent-a-pack cigarette tax hike. (Jul 2011)
  • Cut Medicare/Medicaid by 43%, as part of $1.675 trillion cut. (May 2011)
  • Repeal ObamaCare & failed Medicare prescription drug benefit. (May 2011)
and about Aetna Aetna will leave most Obamacare exchanges, projecting losses

Aetna, the nation's third largest health insurer, announced Monday night the most significant departure yet from the marketplaces set up by President Obama's signature health care law. The company, citing $430 million in losses selling insurance to individuals since January of 2014, will slash its participation from 15 states to four next year.

Aetna lost money, you LIED AGAIN

I know you don't care about my rights to live with people I want, I said that already, that is why I think you are raw sewage.
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Johnson is libertarian not right wing, you hoot.

You are making assertions about "Arena"?

Caught you on your lie omitting almost. You can't weasel enough out of it.

I don't care if you do or not. Tough to be you.

I see you learned to speak tea bag.

Gary Johnson is a right wing libertarian, read his platform idiot. You lied about the military hating the far right, I nailed you, but that isn't saying much since you are a left winger with a personality disorder.

I made a spelling error on Aetna moron and corrected it, so what? Is that what you are reduced to, hitting me for spell check? what a fucking douchebag you are liar. Aetna is pulling out of 11 states, it is a fact, go show otherwise liar.

I know you don't care about my rights asshole, that is why I despise you.

Johnson is a true libertarian who doesn't think government abound impose its will on personal issues like reproductive choice, marriage equality and recreational use of marijuana.
Johnson is no libertarian. You're too left wing to have any idea of what libertarianism is.

Johnson is a real libertarian. Not the foot-stamping, temper tantrum throwing theocrat type.

I honk he's actually too smart for the pretend libertarians.

No matter though. He won't be president. He's too decent for eight-wingers and not government friendly enough for liberals.

I love that he wants to cut entitlements and get rid of Obamacare, don't you?

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