The "Romney lost because of Sandy" thread


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
I'm getting a head start on wingnut excuses.
In case it doesn't go this way, you should have Suicide Prevention on speed dial
If Romney loses it will be because we have reached that point in our history that Benjamin Franklin spoke of when he predicted that there would come a day when Americans were so corrupt that only a despotic govenment was suitable to govern them.
We've reached the tipping point where more people are taking out of the system than are paying in...Democrats promise more freebies...Republicans promise fiscal sanity. Now it's just a question over whether we continue along the path to becoming a very large Greece or we go back to being what made America the hope of the world.
Im laughing......the disaster that is NJ/NY right now in fact pushes Romney over the finish line FTW.

Dopes are believing the polls.......D+6 to +11......LMAO. Independents dominated by Romney.

Good luck s0ns!!!:D
We've reached the tipping point where more people are taking out of the system than are paying in...Democrats promise more freebies...Republicans promise fiscal sanity. Now it's just a question over whether we continue along the path to becoming a very large Greece or we go back to being what made America the hope of the world.

republicans will also promise they won't come in your mouth

how's that working out for you?

No worries here........I'll be on here tomorrow night tormenting the miserable sorry asses with volumes of Gay MSPAINT Photobucket Classics. My conservative pals will be laughing their balls off. Worked on the finishing touches this weekend after getting power back here in New York. Ready to roll.......and about a dozen k00ks on here will be getting the mandatory PM, the theme of which will be "FAIL".
I'm getting a head start on wingnut excuses.

Sandy hit a majority Democratic area in New Jersey, New York, etc...

So it's the Obamabots that are scattering about to find a voter fraud niche they can use.

If Romney loses it will be because we have reached that point in our history that Benjamin Franklin spoke of when he predicted that there would come a day when Americans were so corrupt that only a despotic govenment was suitable to govern them.

a Lady asks - "Mr Franklin, what have you given us???"

Ben Franklin - "A Republic...if you can keep it"
BTW I would also point out that Sandy hurts Obama more than Romney.

Think about it. People are still suffering the after effects. They arent happy with how the governments have responded. It's dislocated quite a number of Obama supporters from their homes. And while I would hope people will still vote regardless, there are a lot of people who probably wont vote in blue areas because they have more important concerns.

Meanwhile, the more conservative areas of the states have not been hit as badly. Meaning they will still likewise turn out.

The media has been proclaiming since it happened how much Sandy has helped Obama, but I really dont think it has. But I guess Ill have to wait till tomorrow to find out. I dont know if hurts Obama enough to put Jersey and NY in play. But i certainly dont think it hurts Romney. Especially among the people seriously pissed about lack of power, gasoline, heat/food, etc.
BTW I would also point out that Sandy hurts Obama more than Romney.

Think about it. People are still suffering the after effects. They arent happy with how the governments have responded. It's dislocated quite a number of Obama supporters from their homes. And while I would hope people will still vote regardless, there are a lot of people who probably wont vote in blue areas because they have more important concerns.

Meanwhile, the more conservative areas of the states have not been hit as badly. Meaning they will still likewise turn out.

The media has been proclaiming since it happened how much Sandy has helped Obama, but I really dont think it has. But I guess Ill have to wait till tomorrow to find out. I dont know if hurts Obama enough to put Jersey and NY in play. But i certainly dont think it hurts Romney. Especially among the people seriously pissed about lack of power, gasoline, heat/food, etc.

Just don't tell the OP this, his fucking head might

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