The Ruling-class: Taxpayers Shell Out $700,000 For Obama To Play Pool, Drink Beer...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Must be nice.


Taxpayers had to cough up $1,159,823 in just one month to fly President Obama to New York and Denver to raise money for Democrats and attend an LGBT event, according to documents obtained by a taxpayer watchdog group.

Judicial Watch told Secrets that the Air Force just provided expense reports detailing the flight costs of Air Force One to the cities in July.

The documents show that president’s July 8-9 fundraising trip to Denver cost the taxpayers $695,894.10.

His July 17-18 fundraising trip to New York City cost taxpayers $463,929.40.

Travel costs are typically a small portion of presidential trips. Judicial Watch said that the U.S. Secret Service has not complied with a request to detail security expenses and the costs of housing and moving the president and his staff are also unknown.

Obama has been extremely active and popular on the fundraising trail, helping his party collect millions to be used to fight and defeat Republicans in the November midterm elections. He has spent more time fundraising than appearing for Democratic candidates, many of which are shunning him in their campaigns.

According to Judicial Watch:

“Obama spent July 8 and 9 in Denver, Colorado, where, according to the Associated Press, the president spent the initial evening at ‘a crowded pizza restaurant, a pool bar and face-to-face with a man wearing a horse head mask.’ images of President Obama drinking beer and playing pool became the subject of national headlines and criticism. The following day, Obama gave a speech attacking congressional Republicans before several hundred spectators in a Denver park before headlining a fundraiser for Colorado Senator Mark Udall, who did not attend the event...

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A single trip for Obama to play pool drink beer and raise money cost taxpayers about 700 000
Obama has been extremely active and popular on the fundraising trail, helping his party collect millions to be used to fight and defeat Republicans in the November midterm elections.

This line made me smile. Even conservatard conspiracy theorists realize that they will ultimately lose the midterms by failing to pick up enough seats in the Senate.
Obama has been extremely active and popular on the fundraising trail, helping his party collect millions to be used to fight and defeat Republicans in the November midterm elections.

This line made me smile. Even conservatard conspiracy theorists realize that they will ultimately lose the midterms by failing to pick up enough seats in the Senate.

I guess we'll see on that. Meantime, it's good to be King.
Bush s vacations costly

The problem is that Bush wasn’t thrifty. He was the most expensive vacation president in U.S. history. Not only did Bush spend more days on vacation than any other president, but he used Air Force One more often while on vacation than any other president. In response to growing criticism that the president was on vacation too much, the Bush administration adopted the Rovian tactic of scheduling, “work events” while the president was in Crawford so that they could claim that President Bush’s vacations were working vacations.

During Bush’s two terms, the cost of operating Air Force One ranged from $56,800 to $68,000 an hour. Bush used Air Force One 77 times to go to his ranch in Crawford, Texas. Using the low end cost of $56,800, Media Matters calculated that each trip to Crawford cost taxpayers $259,687, and $20 million total for Bush’s ranch flights.

Cost of Obama s Trip is Dwarfed By George And Laura Bush s Africa Spending Spree

During Bush’s second term alone, Laura Bush made five “goodwill” trips to Africa. President Bush made the trip twice during his presidency. Here is former First Lady Bush at an event the night before their trip in 2008, “Tomorrow, President Bush and I leave for what will be my fifth trip to Africa since 2001, and his second trip to Africa since 2001. I’ve seen the determination of the people across Africa — and the compassion of the people of the United States of America.”

Wow, that’s a lot of trips to Africa. In 2007, Laura Bush also took her daughters with her, and they went on a safari. You know, the same kind of outing that President Obama just canceled.

Not much was going right for George W. Bush. Even before the economy crashed, his legacy was 9/11, the unpopular Iraq invasion, and Hurricane Katrina. Back in 2003, Bush laid the groundwork for making aid to Africa his legacy. One of the areas where Bush drew praise was that he spent billions of taxpayer dollars on aid to Africa. It’s funny how conservatives don’t utter a peep about George W. Bush dishing out more than ten times the amount of taxpayer money on aid than Obama will spend on his trip.

Why could the country afford to spend billions of dollars during Bush’s no growth economy, but they can’t afford to spend at least $60 million for the sitting president to travel today?

Obama s Martha s Vineyard Vacation Costs Less Than One Bush Flight To Crawford


The Blaze titled their story, “OBAMA PLAN $7.6 MILLION MARTHA’S VINEYARD VACATION.” Gasp, the president is spending $7.6 million on his summer vacation. Cue, the outrage. How dare he waste taxpayer money on such luxury? At least, this is the emotional response that Republicans and the right wing media are hoping for.

What Republicans and their media are conveniently leaving out is that President Obama isn’t spending $7.6 million on his vacation. The president is staying at a $7.6 million resort.


President Bush spent more taxpayer money on a single flight to Crawford ($805,000) than Obama will be spending on 70 hotel rooms for a week ($181,125).

And finally --
Five myths about presidential vacations - The Washington Post

How about we stick to facts instead of the usual RW :bs1:
Bush s vacations costly

The problem is that Bush wasn’t thrifty. He was the most expensive vacation president in U.S. history. Not only did Bush spend more days on vacation than any other president, but he used Air Force One more often while on vacation than any other president. In response to growing criticism that the president was on vacation too much, the Bush administration adopted the Rovian tactic of scheduling, “work events” while the president was in Crawford so that they could claim that President Bush’s vacations were working vacations.

During Bush’s two terms, the cost of operating Air Force One ranged from $56,800 to $68,000 an hour. Bush used Air Force One 77 times to go to his ranch in Crawford, Texas. Using the low end cost of $56,800, Media Matters calculated that each trip to Crawford cost taxpayers $259,687, and $20 million total for Bush’s ranch flights.

Cost of Obama s Trip is Dwarfed By George And Laura Bush s Africa Spending Spree

During Bush’s second term alone, Laura Bush made five “goodwill” trips to Africa. President Bush made the trip twice during his presidency. Here is former First Lady Bush at an event the night before their trip in 2008, “Tomorrow, President Bush and I leave for what will be my fifth trip to Africa since 2001, and his second trip to Africa since 2001. I’ve seen the determination of the people across Africa — and the compassion of the people of the United States of America.”

Wow, that’s a lot of trips to Africa. In 2007, Laura Bush also took her daughters with her, and they went on a safari. You know, the same kind of outing that President Obama just canceled.

Not much was going right for George W. Bush. Even before the economy crashed, his legacy was 9/11, the unpopular Iraq invasion, and Hurricane Katrina. Back in 2003, Bush laid the groundwork for making aid to Africa his legacy. One of the areas where Bush drew praise was that he spent billions of taxpayer dollars on aid to Africa. It’s funny how conservatives don’t utter a peep about George W. Bush dishing out more than ten times the amount of taxpayer money on aid than Obama will spend on his trip.

Why could the country afford to spend billions of dollars during Bush’s no growth economy, but they can’t afford to spend at least $60 million for the sitting president to travel today?

Obama s Martha s Vineyard Vacation Costs Less Than One Bush Flight To Crawford


The Blaze titled their story, “OBAMA PLAN $7.6 MILLION MARTHA’S VINEYARD VACATION.” Gasp, the president is spending $7.6 million on his summer vacation. Cue, the outrage. How dare he waste taxpayer money on such luxury? At least, this is the emotional response that Republicans and the right wing media are hoping for.

What Republicans and their media are conveniently leaving out is that President Obama isn’t spending $7.6 million on his vacation. The president is staying at a $7.6 million resort.


President Bush spent more taxpayer money on a single flight to Crawford ($805,000) than Obama will be spending on 70 hotel rooms for a week ($181,125).

And finally --
Five myths about presidential vacations - The Washington Post

How about we stick to facts instead of the usual RW :bs1:
The subject was the current resident in our white house not the guy thats been gone for years now?? Those are the facts.

Anything to suck up to Obama
Bush s vacations costly

The problem is that Bush wasn’t thrifty. He was the most expensive vacation president in U.S. history. Not only did Bush spend more days on vacation than any other president, but he used Air Force One more often while on vacation than any other president. In response to growing criticism that the president was on vacation too much, the Bush administration adopted the Rovian tactic of scheduling, “work events” while the president was in Crawford so that they could claim that President Bush’s vacations were working vacations.

During Bush’s two terms, the cost of operating Air Force One ranged from $56,800 to $68,000 an hour. Bush used Air Force One 77 times to go to his ranch in Crawford, Texas. Using the low end cost of $56,800, Media Matters calculated that each trip to Crawford cost taxpayers $259,687, and $20 million total for Bush’s ranch flights.

Cost of Obama s Trip is Dwarfed By George And Laura Bush s Africa Spending Spree

During Bush’s second term alone, Laura Bush made five “goodwill” trips to Africa. President Bush made the trip twice during his presidency. Here is former First Lady Bush at an event the night before their trip in 2008, “Tomorrow, President Bush and I leave for what will be my fifth trip to Africa since 2001, and his second trip to Africa since 2001. I’ve seen the determination of the people across Africa — and the compassion of the people of the United States of America.”

Wow, that’s a lot of trips to Africa. In 2007, Laura Bush also took her daughters with her, and they went on a safari. You know, the same kind of outing that President Obama just canceled.

Not much was going right for George W. Bush. Even before the economy crashed, his legacy was 9/11, the unpopular Iraq invasion, and Hurricane Katrina. Back in 2003, Bush laid the groundwork for making aid to Africa his legacy. One of the areas where Bush drew praise was that he spent billions of taxpayer dollars on aid to Africa. It’s funny how conservatives don’t utter a peep about George W. Bush dishing out more than ten times the amount of taxpayer money on aid than Obama will spend on his trip.

Why could the country afford to spend billions of dollars during Bush’s no growth economy, but they can’t afford to spend at least $60 million for the sitting president to travel today?

Obama s Martha s Vineyard Vacation Costs Less Than One Bush Flight To Crawford


The Blaze titled their story, “OBAMA PLAN $7.6 MILLION MARTHA’S VINEYARD VACATION.” Gasp, the president is spending $7.6 million on his summer vacation. Cue, the outrage. How dare he waste taxpayer money on such luxury? At least, this is the emotional response that Republicans and the right wing media are hoping for.

What Republicans and their media are conveniently leaving out is that President Obama isn’t spending $7.6 million on his vacation. The president is staying at a $7.6 million resort.


President Bush spent more taxpayer money on a single flight to Crawford ($805,000) than Obama will be spending on 70 hotel rooms for a week ($181,125).

And finally --
Five myths about presidential vacations - The Washington Post

How about we stick to facts instead of the usual RW :bs1:
The subject was the current resident in our white house not the guy thats been gone for years now?? Those are the facts.

Anything to suck up to Obama

opposed to your ANYTHING to bitch about Obama ?
Bush s vacations costly

The problem is that Bush wasn’t thrifty. He was the most expensive vacation president in U.S. history. Not only did Bush spend more days on vacation than any other president, but he used Air Force One more often while on vacation than any other president. In response to growing criticism that the president was on vacation too much, the Bush administration adopted the Rovian tactic of scheduling, “work events” while the president was in Crawford so that they could claim that President Bush’s vacations were working vacations.

During Bush’s two terms, the cost of operating Air Force One ranged from $56,800 to $68,000 an hour. Bush used Air Force One 77 times to go to his ranch in Crawford, Texas. Using the low end cost of $56,800, Media Matters calculated that each trip to Crawford cost taxpayers $259,687, and $20 million total for Bush’s ranch flights.

Cost of Obama s Trip is Dwarfed By George And Laura Bush s Africa Spending Spree

During Bush’s second term alone, Laura Bush made five “goodwill” trips to Africa. President Bush made the trip twice during his presidency. Here is former First Lady Bush at an event the night before their trip in 2008, “Tomorrow, President Bush and I leave for what will be my fifth trip to Africa since 2001, and his second trip to Africa since 2001. I’ve seen the determination of the people across Africa — and the compassion of the people of the United States of America.”

Wow, that’s a lot of trips to Africa. In 2007, Laura Bush also took her daughters with her, and they went on a safari. You know, the same kind of outing that President Obama just canceled.

Not much was going right for George W. Bush. Even before the economy crashed, his legacy was 9/11, the unpopular Iraq invasion, and Hurricane Katrina. Back in 2003, Bush laid the groundwork for making aid to Africa his legacy. One of the areas where Bush drew praise was that he spent billions of taxpayer dollars on aid to Africa. It’s funny how conservatives don’t utter a peep about George W. Bush dishing out more than ten times the amount of taxpayer money on aid than Obama will spend on his trip.

Why could the country afford to spend billions of dollars during Bush’s no growth economy, but they can’t afford to spend at least $60 million for the sitting president to travel today?

Obama s Martha s Vineyard Vacation Costs Less Than One Bush Flight To Crawford


The Blaze titled their story, “OBAMA PLAN $7.6 MILLION MARTHA’S VINEYARD VACATION.” Gasp, the president is spending $7.6 million on his summer vacation. Cue, the outrage. How dare he waste taxpayer money on such luxury? At least, this is the emotional response that Republicans and the right wing media are hoping for.

What Republicans and their media are conveniently leaving out is that President Obama isn’t spending $7.6 million on his vacation. The president is staying at a $7.6 million resort.


President Bush spent more taxpayer money on a single flight to Crawford ($805,000) than Obama will be spending on 70 hotel rooms for a week ($181,125).

And finally --
Five myths about presidential vacations - The Washington Post

How about we stick to facts instead of the usual RW :bs1:
The subject was the current resident in our white house not the guy thats been gone for years now?? Those are the facts.

Anything to suck up to Obama

opposed to your ANYTHING to bitch about Obama ?
Obama is the guy in charge who would you complain about? Holding elected leaders feet to the fire is what we as citizens should be doing,not being a party tool like yourself.

Wasting our hard earned money should be bitched about,try using your head for more than a dope stash.
Bush s vacations costly

The problem is that Bush wasn’t thrifty. He was the most expensive vacation president in U.S. history. Not only did Bush spend more days on vacation than any other president, but he used Air Force One more often while on vacation than any other president. In response to growing criticism that the president was on vacation too much, the Bush administration adopted the Rovian tactic of scheduling, “work events” while the president was in Crawford so that they could claim that President Bush’s vacations were working vacations.

During Bush’s two terms, the cost of operating Air Force One ranged from $56,800 to $68,000 an hour. Bush used Air Force One 77 times to go to his ranch in Crawford, Texas. Using the low end cost of $56,800, Media Matters calculated that each trip to Crawford cost taxpayers $259,687, and $20 million total for Bush’s ranch flights.

Cost of Obama s Trip is Dwarfed By George And Laura Bush s Africa Spending Spree

During Bush’s second term alone, Laura Bush made five “goodwill” trips to Africa. President Bush made the trip twice during his presidency. Here is former First Lady Bush at an event the night before their trip in 2008, “Tomorrow, President Bush and I leave for what will be my fifth trip to Africa since 2001, and his second trip to Africa since 2001. I’ve seen the determination of the people across Africa — and the compassion of the people of the United States of America.”

Wow, that’s a lot of trips to Africa. In 2007, Laura Bush also took her daughters with her, and they went on a safari. You know, the same kind of outing that President Obama just canceled.

Not much was going right for George W. Bush. Even before the economy crashed, his legacy was 9/11, the unpopular Iraq invasion, and Hurricane Katrina. Back in 2003, Bush laid the groundwork for making aid to Africa his legacy. One of the areas where Bush drew praise was that he spent billions of taxpayer dollars on aid to Africa. It’s funny how conservatives don’t utter a peep about George W. Bush dishing out more than ten times the amount of taxpayer money on aid than Obama will spend on his trip.

Why could the country afford to spend billions of dollars during Bush’s no growth economy, but they can’t afford to spend at least $60 million for the sitting president to travel today?

Obama s Martha s Vineyard Vacation Costs Less Than One Bush Flight To Crawford


The Blaze titled their story, “OBAMA PLAN $7.6 MILLION MARTHA’S VINEYARD VACATION.” Gasp, the president is spending $7.6 million on his summer vacation. Cue, the outrage. How dare he waste taxpayer money on such luxury? At least, this is the emotional response that Republicans and the right wing media are hoping for.

What Republicans and their media are conveniently leaving out is that President Obama isn’t spending $7.6 million on his vacation. The president is staying at a $7.6 million resort.


President Bush spent more taxpayer money on a single flight to Crawford ($805,000) than Obama will be spending on 70 hotel rooms for a week ($181,125).

And finally --
Five myths about presidential vacations - The Washington Post

How about we stick to facts instead of the usual RW :bs1:
The subject was the current resident in our white house not the guy thats been gone for years now?? Those are the facts.

Anything to suck up to Obama

Quit lying about President Obama. Then others won't have to tell the truth about W.

Taxpayers Shell Out $700,000 For Obama To Play Pool, Drink Beer

So......the potus is supposed to work 24 hours a day and never enjoy a drink or a game of pool? Or does this rule apply only to Obama?
I can drink play pool and NOT spent the better part of a million,sure the job is hard,lots of people have hard jobs,and aren't wasteful. Hook line sinker and the boat..
Taxpayers Shell Out $700,000 For Obama To Play Pool, Drink Beer

So......the potus is supposed to work 24 hours a day and never enjoy a drink or a game of pool? Or does this rule apply only to Obama?
I can drink play pool and NOT spent the better part of a million,sure the job is hard,lots of people have hard jobs,and aren't wasteful. Hook line sinker and the boat..
Hook, line, sinker, fail.

Right there is the root if your disdain. Class envy. You wish you had his wealth, but you never will; so you whine about petty shit like a tantrum throwing child.

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