The Russia/Ukraine war is not going the way we were told

Why not? Western media told us Russia was out of ammo months ago. What are our billions going for if these Ukrainian dogs can't even beat unarmed Russians? Or are we to believe that our government lied to us? Hint: You've been lied to from the get-go. If you are still stupid enough to believe anything the US or the Eurotrash media or government says, you are a moron.
Every war is a scam to funnel money to political pals. Propaganda is also a weapon of war. Hopefully it's at least going to US arms companies to build the weapons we ship there. Sending them cash is just silly.

I think spending on weapons to send to Ukraine is more useful than Afghanistan or Iraq. Ukraine is inflicting heavy losses on Russia.
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Every war is a scam to funnel money to political pals. Propaganda is also a weapon of war. Hopefully it's at least going to US arms companies to build the weapons we ship there. Sending them cash is just silly.

I think spending on weapons to send to Ukraine is more useful than Afghanistan or Iraq. Ukraine is inflicting heavy losses on Russia.
so you want the US in the war? why?
Don’t see Russian tanks driving down Main Street Kiev
Kiev is a very large city and there was no strategic or military value in capturing it.
At the start of the special military operation the Russian army did limited probing missions on the outskirts of Kiev but never made a serious effort to occupy the city.
It was purely a tactical feign to draw Ukrainian forces from the Donbas region to the capitol city of Kiev in order to protect it from invasion.
Putin's plan was brilliant in that it tied up a large portion of the Ukraine army in and around Kiev.
Thus, reducing the number if Ukrainian soldiers left to defend the Donbas region. Which is why the Russian army has been steadily advancing across Ukraine's eastern territory and decimating the remaining Ukrainian forces.
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Notice how it completely vanished from the Dem run news media? What happened to OUR $40 billion dollars???

We are ARM CHAIR warriors according to one poster.



Do not question Vietnam! Do not question Iraq! You are an ARMCHAIR WARRIOR! :omg::oops::rolleyes:
Is that because they are out of ammo, like we were told? Do you actually have anything to add to this beyond silliness? Everything you folks claimed, according to the 'experts' has been wrong. When will you sheep wake up?

They will not. They will be led to slaughter like all sheep.
Kiev is a very large city and there was no strategic or military value in capturing it.
At the start of the special military operation the Russian army did limited probing missions on the outskirts of Kiev but never made a serious effort to occupy the city.
It was purely a tactical feign to draw Ukrainian forces from the Donbas region to the capitol city of Kiev in order to protect it from invasion.
Putin's plan was brilliant in that it tied up a large portion of the Ukraine army in and around Kiev.
Thus, reducing the number if Ukrainian soldiers left to defend the Donbas region. Which is why the Russian army has been steadily advancing across Ukraine's eastern territory and decimating the remaining Ukrainian forces.
This sounds very plausible: Why would the Russians want to occupy a huge city and become responsible for its residents?
Can anyone refute this?
Biden, Zelensky and Putin are making billions off this farce.
They said on the news today that Zelensky is demanding the U.S. and EU nations "pony up $9 billion per month" to fund his government and keep Ukrainian forces in the fight against Russia.
That now the European nations are starting to have buyers remorse about backing Zelensky / Ukraine and feel the situation is ultimately a loser and becoming bottomless money pit.
Notice how it completely vanished from the Dem run news media? What happened to OUR $40 billion dollars???
With enough support from allies, Ukraine could win against Russia. Now that Joe has sent the cash to Ukraine with no oversight, (Joe's kickback) the Democrats and media want to divert attention from the war.
With enough support from allies, Ukraine could win against Russia. Now that Joe has sent the cash to Ukraine with no oversight, (Joe's kickback) the Democrats and media want to divert attention from the war.
Can’t protect our borders and you’re talking Ukraine borders to protect? Traitor
Can’t protect our borders and you’re talking Ukraine borders to protect? Traitor
We can protect our borders, we just aren't. The U.S. is being invaded with the permission of the Democrats.

Everyone should be against allowing tyrants to invade, kill and destroy other countries.
We can protect our borders, we just aren't. The U.S. is being invaded with the permission of the Democrats.

Everyone should be against allowing tyrants to invade, kill and destroy other countries.
Well sort of the point
When the politicians and media told us Russia wouldnt last more than a couple weeks, and everyone put up their Ukraine flags….way back in late February when this started.
No one said Russia would only last a couple weeks.

Russia thought they would take all of Ukraine in a couple weeks. Putin grossly underestimated the West's response to his imperialist aggression.

Putin's military is being bled dry. He lost more soldiers in the first month than during the USSR's entire Afghanistan campaign.

Faced with a deepening personnel crisis within its military, Russia is scrambling to find fighters for its war in Ukraine and recruiting heavily from its North Caucasus region to form new units along ethnic lines who are then deployed with minimal training.
It was never anything more than just giving Putin a black eye. There was never any way that Ukraine was going to win in the long run.

Exactly, and Ukraine's Zelensky already have lost this.

Better to count his loses now before is too late.....otherwise he will lose more and more territory.

Zelensky, the Globalist pathetic puppet.
Putin is counting on us to puss out and quit before he does. That's been our track record for too long.

Now he is relying on his useful idiots in the US to starting hoisting the surrender flag.

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