The Russia/Ukraine war is not going the way we were told

When the politicians and media told us Russia wouldnt last more than a couple weeks, and everyone put up their Ukraine flags….way back in late February when this started.

It has almost been 5 months. It seems we have lost interest in this story as Americans. It was the next big deal in March….now it’s barely mentioned, other than an excuse for high gas prices.

Its very sad for all involved. Russia is not losing. If the US did not intervene p, thousands of lives would have been saved. Ukraine would have given up those eastern territories and we could have moved on.

At least $80 billion in US taxpayer money went to the Military Industrial Complex. :rolleyes:

A couple little problems with your theories. Let’s begin with the Eastern Territories. Russia wants the whole enchilada. Not just a bite of the end.

Second. You are revising history in a second way as well. We were told by the Russian Propaganda tools. Like yourself. That Ukraine couldn’t last. They’ve lasted.

Third. Ukraine is fighting for their freedom and independence. While I believe they will be conquered. The price the extract is well worth the cost.

Shall I continue?
Due to the increase in oil prices, Russia is 5 times wealthier than it was before.
Russia has no debt, so is immune to the economic sanctions.
Turkey, China, and other countries are fronting the Russia oil to avoid the sanctions.
And by the way, economic sanctions on civilian commerce is entirely illegal according to the 1906 Hague Conventions the US ratified.

Russia defaulted on its debt.

How can this be if Russia has no debt?

Due to the increase in oil prices, Russia is 5 times wealthier than it was before.
Russia has no debt, so is immune to the economic sanctions.
Turkey, China, and other countries are fronting the Russia oil to avoid the sanctions.
And by the way, economic sanctions on civilian commerce is entirely illegal according to the 1906 Hague Conventions the US ratified.
The BRIC's have put tariff's on all oil exports that remove most of Russian profits. Russia has massive debt's it can't repay & recently defaulted on debt payments.
You're kidding right? The Cold War Russian Army was designed to do nothing except conquer Western Europe. All you have to do is look at the weapons and equipment it had. Massive amounts of armor and APCs. Massive numbers of towed artillery pieces. Rapid bridging equipment to cross rivers after NATO blew the bridges. Huge numbers of mobile SAMs and FLAK guns, large numbers of mechanized minefield clearing vehicles. Large numbers of short ranged, rough field capable fighters and fighter bombers. Every piece of equipment designed for mobile aggressive warfare.

The Cold War Soviet (not Russian) Army, was mostly ground troops and tanks.
Those are defensive weapons.
When you want to conquer, you build mobile platforms of aggression, like fleets, aircraft carriers, strategic bombers, long range missiles, etc., all the things the US does and Russia does NOT do.
SAMs and FLAK are defensive ONLY.
Russia has NO minefield clearing vehicles, and the proof is how easily the Ukrainians blew up Russian columns with mines.
Short range tactical fighters are defensive ONLY.
The soviets also have NO mobile bridging equipment, but the US does.

This is US. I found nothing similar from the Soviets.
It doesn’t work like that

Ukraine had no intention of surrendering and intends to make Russias invasion as unpleasant as possible

The Ukraine was told in 2006 that continuing to try to join NATO was a treaty violation that would require their defeat.
So the Ukraine had 16 years to avoid this war.
But instead they did everything they could to cause it.
Like stealing oil, murdering ethnic Russians, continuing to try to join NATO, and finally cutting off negotiations.
So anyone blaming anyone by Kyiv is just lying.
This war was totally intentional, and is going to be MOST unpleasant for the Ukraine.
They are going to not only lose, but then have to PAY for the whole war and the crimes they committed.
The fewer deaths and costs, the less they will have to pay.
A draw would mean Russia will maintain territory they already occupy
Given their harsh treatment of civilians and massive, unnecessary civilian casualties, Russia will not be treated as liberators.
They will need substantial troop presence to occupy captured territory. Expect NATO funded resistance to last for decades

The Russian never treat civilians badly.
(The bodies at Bucha were ethnic Russians murdered by the AZOV Battalion.)
And the civilian in the Crimea, Donetsk, and other eastern provinces are all ethnic Russian and WANTED the invasion.
They have been fighting against Kyiv for over a decade, because Kyiv has conducted dozens of massacres on a regular basis.
There is no "resistance" in the east.
In the east, the Russians are welcomed liberators.
You need to read up.
You really don't know what is happening.
The whole eastern Ukraine was part of Russia until 1955 when Krushchev (the Ukrainian), gave them from Russia to the Ukraine, without valid reason or legality.
Russia has massive debt's it can't repay & recently defaulted on debt payments.
Russia only has $40 billion in owed debt.
Since the war started the U.S. and EU has illegally confiscated $640 billion of Russia's money held in their banks and financial institutions.
Because of this blatant theft of its money.
Russia has decided not to repay any debt it owes them.
YouTube channel "Inside Russia" and he admits he has to choose his words carefully so Russian sensors don't shut him down.

Currency gets strong in recessions because lack of circulation prevents it from driving up demand. Russia is in a serious recession, demand is very low because they don't have money to spend.

Putin starts wars when oil gets above $80 so he can fund his military. Now that oil prices are dropping, he will soon lose that revenue also.

The price of oil has tripled, so Russia's economy is in the greatest growth of all time.
They have the highest prosperity ever.

The BRIC's have put tariff's on all oil exports that remove most of Russian profits. Russia has massive debt's it can't repay & recently defaulted on debt payments.

First of all, the economic sanctions pushed by the US are illegal and war crimes.
Second is that most of the world is ignoring the US, like China, Turkey, India, and even Germany.
Russia is doing better than ever since US hiked up world oil prices.
And it is an obvious lie to claim Russia is defaulting on debts, because Russia has not had any debt for over a decade.
They learned that mistake in 1990 when they tried to match SDI, and they will never make that mistake again.
Russia has the most stable economy in the whole world.
We were in Afghanistan for 20 years & you expected Ukraine to defeat Russia in 6 months?

So what do you figure, maybe 60-80 years then while we send Ukraine 80 billion a year? :th_waiting:

I DON'T EXPECT UKRAINE TO EVER BEAT RUSSIA AT ALL--- Ukraine is only the 45th largest country fighting the biggest nation on the planet!

I expected Ukraine to surrender its two territories back to Russia within a few weeks that they wanted that are mostly Russian anyway, but then big bad badass 10% Joe Biden stuck his nose in it, dragged NATO in, and now the war is going on forever destabilizing the world food market while that country is all but totally destroyed and we are out 80 billion.

And in the end, Biden is an impotent jerk and Russia will get the country anyway.
The Russian never treat civilians badly.
(The bodies at Bucha were ethnic Russians murdered by the AZOV Battalion.)
And the civilian in the Crimea, Donetsk, and other eastern provinces are all ethnic Russian and WANTED the invasion.
They have been fighting against Kyiv for over a decade, because Kyiv has conducted dozens of massacres on a regular basis.
There is no "resistance" in the east.
In the east, the Russians are welcomed liberators.
You need to read up.
You really don't know what is happening.
The whole eastern Ukraine was part of Russia until 1955 when Krushchev (the Ukrainian), gave them from Russia to the Ukraine, without valid reason or legality.
Nice try to spin the Russian slaughter of civilians

Russia is targeting civilian targets for destruction. They can’t go head to head against the Ukrainian Army so they slaughter innocent women and children
So what do you figure, maybe 60-80 years then while we send Ukraine 80 billion a year? :th_waiting:

I DON'T EXPECT UKRAINE TO EVER BEAT RUSSIA AT ALL--- Ukraine is only the 45th largest country fighting the biggest nation on the planet!

I expected Ukraine to surrender its two territories back to Russia within a few weeks that they wanted that are mostly Russian anyway, but then big bad badass 10% Joe Biden stuck his nose in it, dragged NATO in, and now the war is going on forever destabilizing the world food market while that country is all but totally destroyed and we are out 80 billion.

And in the end, Biden is an impotent jerk and Russia will get the country anyway.
Playing Russia as the victim

You really thought you could invade a peaceful neighbor without consequences?

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