The Scared, White GOP

Yes it's all over but the crying and even that has started

"The 2012 election, according to sociologist Michael Kimmel, merely crystallized a much larger cultural and economic shift already taking place in the country. In his top-selling new book, Angry White Men, Kimmel describes the gradual but profound changes that have marginalized — and continue to marginalize — white men in America. These changes, Kimmel argues, have left the country’s once dominant group with a sense of “aggrieved entitlement” — the sense that their rightful place has been usurped.
If white voters are angry now, just wait. The U.S. Census Bureau predicts that, by the year 2042, racial minority groups will make up the majority of the nation’s population — and voters. Nobody really knows how this so-called “majority-minority” shift will affect Americans’ attitudes and actions, although many believe it will spell even further trouble for conservatives and Republicans".

The Scared, White GOP | The Moderate Voice
The GOP is dying off, literally, but that's not news. What they will attempt to do to fix that would be news, and so far, even though they know what must be done, that's nothing so far.

Same has been said about the left. Unfortunately, neither of these retard parties will go away.
Bedowin, Ilar and Pred came running in to cry about the OP whos article is about crying white guys. Ironic

Do you know for a fact those posters are white?

Oh please...

What difference would that make?

Are you implying libtards only fault white people from racism and exempt everyone else?

I would question that.

No one ever attacks Harry Reid or Biden for their racist gaffes, and they're the whitest assholes in DC.
I am one of the O. P.'s scared White Boys.

I am scared terribly for the future of this country--in which my children and grandchildren will have to live. What if Detroit is the future?

Will the country continue to be run as it has generally been run...on the same beliefs and principals? the Jeffersonian Ideals and Christian morals,,,and on the profit incentive...all the things which built up this country to the greatest society ever on Earth...a process which, yes, was run by White Boys....Jefferson, Madison, Jackson, Lincloln, Roosevelt, Kennedy, name a few.

Or will it be run like Haiti? Or Cuba? Or Mexico...which is so shitty that the entire population seems intent on invading. Are they going to maintain that greatness that the White Boys left them, or turn it into a shit-stain like Mexico?

Be careful what you wish for. You may miss the White Boys.
Look at 'em all crying wishing for times past lol

Poor guno is just projecting onto the Rs the horrific indiscretions that the dems became known for in segregation and slavery.

I know but the problem for you is that the Democratic party had bad hair and wore glasses in high school but now that bitch is hot and you keep yelling about how ugly she USED to be :lol:

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