The Scared, White GOP

it has always been the Left killing Black people; first with slavery and jim crow; then with lethal pandering and patronizing

the deadliest places for black Americans are liberal cities

true story
I know but the problem for you is that the Democratic party had bad hair and wore glasses in high school but now that bitch is hot and you keep yelling about how ugly she USED to be :lol:

Naw, that pig still needs more lipstick and some toner. :lol:

Even if she did she's still hotter than that pig bitch GOP. She needs a new head. You can buy lipstick :lol:

You forgot that they both smell like shit. You gonna throw some old spice on that looker? :lol:
Now I'll watch you flee...What is racist about saying they are white?

Hurry! Run!

You made disparaging comments about other posters and then assumed they're white. How is that not racist?

They are white...and they are idiots. They're idiocy has nothing to do with their race.

So what is racist about saying they are white again? Wanna start running?

it's racist to make accusations of racism you cant back up leftard
I am one of the O. P.'s scared White Boys.

I am scared terribly for the future of this country--in which my children and grandchildren will have to live. What if Detroit is the future?

Will the country continue to be run as it has generally been run...on the same beliefs and principals? the Jeffersonian Ideals and Christian morals,,,and on the profit incentive...all the things which built up this country to the greatest society ever on Earth...a process which, yes, was run by White Boys....Jefferson, Madison, Jackson, Lincloln, Roosevelt, Kennedy, name a few.

Or will it be run like Haiti? Or Cuba? Or Mexico...which is so shitty that the entire population seems intent on invading. Are they going to maintain that greatness that the White Boys left them, or turn it into a shit-stain like Mexico?

Be careful what you wish for. You may miss the White Boys.


But but guys dont exist :lol: Guno made it all up! Hurry and delete this so Bedowin can keep crying about strawmen...

Huuuuuurrrrryyyyyy :badgrin:


lol i promise not to cry like you.
i think concerned is more like it.

black people; Hispanic people; have it rougher under obama and progressive loser rule

true story

Orwell said:
"In a time of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act."

It's also racist apparently.
How about those of us with mixed race families?

I suppose we actually hate our spouses and children in whatever appendix you bed wetters use for a mind.

Why would you suppose that? They're your family right?

I can't possibly understand the irrational and inane shit that goes on in the space between moonbat ears.

It's like tripping on acid and watching a Monty Python Show that lasts for decades.

Coming from the guy asking me if he should hate his own family?


the OP quotes a book he didnt write; and uses it to make a point he cant back up

like the lemming he is
Guano posts pathetic crap about what a silly troll left-wing dipshit WANTS to be true,

and then cannot figure out why it is given no credibility here.
But you haven't provided contrary facts, proven it false, or even tried to debunk it. All we got from you was a spew against Guano. Given a choice between accepting Guano's facts and your ...err ..... nothing, I choose Guano's facts.
Guano posts pathetic crap about what a silly troll left-wing dipshit WANTS to be true,

and then cannot figure out why it is given no credibility here.
But you haven't provided contrary facts, proven it false, or even tried to debunk it. All we got from you was a spew against Guano. Given a choice between accepting Guano's facts and your ...err ..... nothing, I choose Guano's facts.


if you make an accusation; it is up to YOU to prove it.

that's how it works dimwit
I never left the Democrat Party. It left me when it decided to worship lying (Obama), greed (any number of super-rich Dem gazilionaires in Congress), ignorance (the whole Donkey Party), and stupidity (the typical poster on the Left).

the OP quotes a book he didnt write; and uses it to make a point he cant back up

like the lemming he is
Please provide proof that he did not write the book. But think about this, even if he did not write the book it does not mean his facts are wrong. I noticed you have not even tried to prove the facts wrong which tells me you do not have a clue what you are posting about, AGAIN!
all of these left-wing nutjobs here are sad, petty losers in my opinion


Just to add to your observation, I think it is pathological jealousy that makes them nutjobs.

the OP quotes a book he didnt write; and uses it to make a point he cant back up

like the lemming he is
Please provide proof that he did not write the book. But think about this, even if he did not write the book it does not mean his facts are wrong. I noticed you have not even tried to prove the facts wrong which tells me you do not have a clue what you are posting about, AGAIN!


once again leftard

when you're making an accusation it is up to YOU to back it up; not the other way around
Just post an article on the demographic shift and the racists come out of the woodwork accusing me of racism :eusa_whistle:

The point appears to be (guno usually doesn't make specific points with his threads) that "you white people have had it so easy for so long, and now that we're out-breeding you we're going to take over."

Well, okay.

Should be interesting for people like that to learn that you just can't show up, you have to actually do something. You have to sacrifice and fail and get back up. And since so many of these people have been conditioned to be the victim, and because so many of these people have had the Left making excuses for them for generations, it will take generations for them to un-learn what the Left has done to them.

Knock yerself out, gang. This whole meme is getting funny.

This fixation is very weird.


the OP quotes a book he didnt write; and uses it to make a point he cant back up

like the lemming he is
Please provide proof that he did not write the book. But think about this, even if he did not write the book it does not mean his facts are wrong. I noticed you have not even tried to prove the facts wrong which tells me you do not have a clue what you are posting about, AGAIN!

what 'facts" is he presenting again? i mean since youre lecturing others?
I never left the Democrat Party. It left me when it decided to worship lying (Obama), greed (any number of super-rich Dem gazilionaires in Congress), ignorance (the whole Donkey Party), and stupidity (the typical poster on the Left).
Once again you post something of absolutely zero importance.
bedowin, here is a tip for you: Some people are not very bright but they are smart enough to hide their ignorance by remaining silent. Other people are not very bright and that can't wait to prove it to the world.
You are in the second group.
an article on a demographic shift wouldnt call people "scared" unless it was implying racism on the part of the "scared" people.

it also assumes that an increase in minorities will vote or do things that "scare" White people

as if the Left will always have a lock on the minority vote

what you have are the typical left-wing losers making their typical hypocritical stereotypes

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