The School Lunches Malia And Sasha Eat Vs. The Crap Michelle Obama Has Foisted On America

Hey do you know who else eats better than school kids...Rich school kids. SHOCKER!

I got this from Rabbi who said Liberals do it in debates...I've been getting good use out of it

Arousing envy
: debater attempts to get the audience to dislike his opponent because the audience is envious of something that can be attributed to the opponent

The POTUS kids eat better than yours!! HOW DARE THEY!?!?!
It's not about the rich kids eating better, it's about the feds FORCING public schools to feed crap to public school student while their kids eat high on the hog.

So what is your solution? To force the POTUS kids to eat what you want them to or for schools to feed everyone like the POTUS family?

Arousing envy: debater attempts to get the audience to dislike his opponent because the audience is envious of something that can be attributed to the opponent
why not allow the poorer kids access to the private schools using public money? Then they can eat what the POTUS kids eat.
I do

My check also pays for military invasions

I'm not talking about taxes, asshole. Write a check from your personal funds. Otherwise, no one believes you give a shit. You just want to loot others.

I write personal checks too

Our government does what needs to be done. Helping those who need help is one of those needs.

It doesn't need to be done by the federal government, nimrod.

Why obsess over the federal government?

Government is government. We want it performed at the most efficient level. Sometimes local government is the most efficient.....sometimes federal government is the most efficient
right, just sit back and agree with everything you say, right?

Actually...We the People get to say

What a concept!
Hey do you know who else eats better than school kids...Rich school kids. SHOCKER!

I got this from Rabbi who said Liberals do it in debates...I've been getting good use out of it
Arousing envy: debater attempts to get the audience to dislike his opponent because the audience is envious of something that can be attributed to the opponent

The POTUS kids eat better than yours!! HOW DARE THEY!?!?!
one day, just maybe one day, you might actually understand the point that was being made. But alas you're to wrapped up in your stupid to understand the point. hahahahaahahahahaha, and you only think you're funny!!!

Back to the Rabbi thread

Dismissing your failure to abandon your position because you “just don’t get it.”
Enron, was famous for using this one when people said their business model made no sense. Actually, the critics were right. Enron went bankrupt and its CEO, who claimed he got it, got 24 years in prison for conspiracy, insider trading, making false statements to auditors, and securities fraud. See the Wikipedia write-up on the documentary about Enron called “The Smartest Guys in the Room.”

Theatrical fake laughter or sighs: This can be wordless, but it says what you just said is so ridiculously wrong that we must laugh at it. Hillary tried this (theatrical laughter) without much success in the 2008 presidential campaign. Biden did it to Paul Ryan in their 2012 VP debate. It is intellectually dishonest and devoid of any intelligence, facts, or logic. The whole Democrat party laughed at Sarah Palin. They were successful with this tactic. But that was in spite of the fact that, conspicuous by its absence in that “explanation” of how she was such a joke, was any evidence or logic. How is a guy who was never mayor or governor or head of anything else better qualified for the top executive job in the world than a person who was a mayor and a governor?
I'm not talking about taxes, asshole. Write a check from your personal funds. Otherwise, no one believes you give a shit. You just want to loot others.

I write personal checks too

Our government does what needs to be done. Helping those who need help is one of those needs.

It doesn't need to be done by the federal government, nimrod.

Why obsess over the federal government?

Government is government. We want it performed at the most efficient level. Sometimes local government is the most efficient.....sometimes federal government is the most efficient
right, just sit back and agree with everything you say, right?

Actually...We the People get to say

What a concept!

In other words, the mob decides for everyone.
Its all taxes being distributed.
Sorry you don't know the difference.

No DUMB ASS, it's not about distributing taxes... it's about redistributing income. The people that get the free meals are children of illegals and American children who's parents have insufficient income. The people that do not get the free meals are American children of parents who are deemed by the federal government to have too much income for their own good.

Makes sense to me.....feed those who need it
so you agree it is redistributing income?

Good god...isn't everything?

We belong to a society....we contribute and we get things back
Stop whining every time someone else gets things

Government isn't society and taxes aren't "contributions."

Hell yes Government is our society...we elected them to represent us and do what is in our best interests. If We the People are not satisfied....we vote them out
Hey do you know who else eats better than school kids...Rich school kids. SHOCKER!

I got this from Rabbi who said Liberals do it in debates...I've been getting good use out of it

Arousing envy
: debater attempts to get the audience to dislike his opponent because the audience is envious of something that can be attributed to the opponent

The POTUS kids eat better than yours!! HOW DARE THEY!?!?!
It's not about the rich kids eating better, it's about the feds FORCING public schools to feed crap to public school student while their kids eat high on the hog.

So what is your solution? To force the POTUS kids to eat what you want them to or for schools to feed everyone like the POTUS family?

Arousing envy: debater attempts to get the audience to dislike his opponent because the audience is envious of something that can be attributed to the opponent
why not allow the poorer kids access to the private schools using public money? Then they can eat what the POTUS kids eat.

They still wont eat like the POTUS
I write personal checks too

Our government does what needs to be done. Helping those who need help is one of those needs.

It doesn't need to be done by the federal government, nimrod.

Why obsess over the federal government?

Government is government. We want it performed at the most efficient level. Sometimes local government is the most efficient.....sometimes federal government is the most efficient
right, just sit back and agree with everything you say, right?

Actually...We the People get to say

What a concept!

In other words, the mob decides for everyone.

If you consider "We the People" a mob...that is your right
It doesn't need to be done by the federal government, nimrod.

Why obsess over the federal government?

Government is government. We want it performed at the most efficient level. Sometimes local government is the most efficient.....sometimes federal government is the most efficient
right, just sit back and agree with everything you say, right?

Actually...We the People get to say

What a concept!

In other words, the mob decides for everyone.

If you consider "We the People" a mob...that is your right

"We the people" is a euphemism meaning the mob.
Hey do you know who else eats better than school kids...Rich school kids. SHOCKER!

I got this from Rabbi who said Liberals do it in debates...I've been getting good use out of it

Arousing envy
: debater attempts to get the audience to dislike his opponent because the audience is envious of something that can be attributed to the opponent

The POTUS kids eat better than yours!! HOW DARE THEY!?!?!
It's not about the rich kids eating better, it's about the feds FORCING public schools to feed crap to public school student while their kids eat high on the hog.

So what is your solution? To force the POTUS kids to eat what you want them to or for schools to feed everyone like the POTUS family?

Arousing envy: debater attempts to get the audience to dislike his opponent because the audience is envious of something that can be attributed to the opponent

No forcing is not my solution. Liberty is my solution. Do you need me to explain?
Why obsess over the federal government?

Government is government. We want it performed at the most efficient level. Sometimes local government is the most efficient.....sometimes federal government is the most efficient
right, just sit back and agree with everything you say, right?

Actually...We the People get to say

What a concept!

In other words, the mob decides for everyone.

If you consider "We the People" a mob...that is your right

"We the people" is a euphemism meaning the mob.

It's now "we the people" are now beholding to elected MASTERS in Government. And it's because the people in this thread who has no problems giving their children's diets over to the Federal Government. Now they are trying to tell us what size soda cups we should drink from...To many of them willing to give up Liberty and Freedom.
Hey do you know who else eats better than school kids...Rich school kids. SHOCKER!

I got this from Rabbi who said Liberals do it in debates...I've been getting good use out of it

Arousing envy
: debater attempts to get the audience to dislike his opponent because the audience is envious of something that can be attributed to the opponent

The POTUS kids eat better than yours!! HOW DARE THEY!?!?!
It's not about the rich kids eating better, it's about the feds FORCING public schools to feed crap to public school student while their kids eat high on the hog.

So what is your solution? To force the POTUS kids to eat what you want them to or for schools to feed everyone like the POTUS family?

Arousing envy: debater attempts to get the audience to dislike his opponent because the audience is envious of something that can be attributed to the opponent

No forcing is not my solution. Liberty is my solution. Do you need me to explain?

But I mean you do understand that that is people being idiots at the local level right. The program says to SUGGEST foods to kids, no one is supposed to be forced into eating anything. Your beef is with local idiots this time.
It's a lot more than that. It's specific policy:

Tools for Schools Food and Nutrition Service

It is not, provide one single line of the USDA regulations which says to do any such thing.
Sorry I had not provided this link right away as basis,.. when you quoted me. I figured you might want the reg so I added the link afterwards. I'm pretty familiar with federal acts/regs so I look for that stuff first as well.

no no, quote the ACTUAL line where it says "schools should force students to eat __________"
sigh.. the actual line?

This rule also finalizes the
requirement in the interim final rule
that State agencies disburse
performance-based cash assistance to
certified SFAs, and withhold the
performance-based cash assistance from
SFAs determined to be out of
compliance with meal pattern or
nutrition standards during a subsequent
administrative review
Federal Register, Vol. 79, No. 2, summary on page 325, column 1. (Emphasis added.)

And here's the code:

■ 1. The authority citation for part 210
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 1751–1760, 1779.
■ 2. Amend § 210.5 by revising
paragraph (d)(2)(ii) to read as follows:
§ 210.7 Reimbursement for school food
* * * * *
(d) * * *
(1) * * *
(iii) State agencies must review
certification documentation submitted
by the school food authority to ensure
compliance with meal pattern
requirements set forth in § 210.10,
§ 220.8, or § 220.23, as applicable​

If by average the performance of the "children" eating meals at lunch does not comply to said guidelines the schools loose funding. Thus the schools are FORCED to FORCE the kids to meet the guidelines or LOOSE FUNDING.

There are many other portions of that link I gave you that describe this new law. I recommend you skim over it.

So you agree, the regulations say that a school won't receive reimbursement for meals that don't meet standards, so local schools who want that funding are making stupid decisions and forcing kids to eat things they don't want.

The regulations DO NOT say "force kids to eat......."

I'm going to start calling you Mr Ravi
Repubs complain about "masters in govt" not working for the people while defending unlimited contributions to Pols to ensure they dont work for the people.

Its like supporting mixing dirt and water then complaining about the mud
But I mean you do understand that that is people being idiots at the local level right. The program says to SUGGEST foods to kids, no one is supposed to be forced into eating anything. Your beef is with local idiots this time.
It's a lot more than that. It's specific policy:

Tools for Schools Food and Nutrition Service

It is not, provide one single line of the USDA regulations which says to do any such thing.
Sorry I had not provided this link right away as basis,.. when you quoted me. I figured you might want the reg so I added the link afterwards. I'm pretty familiar with federal acts/regs so I look for that stuff first as well.

no no, quote the ACTUAL line where it says "schools should force students to eat __________"
sigh.. the actual line?

This rule also finalizes the
requirement in the interim final rule
that State agencies disburse
performance-based cash assistance to
certified SFAs, and withhold the
performance-based cash assistance from
SFAs determined to be out of
compliance with meal pattern or
nutrition standards during a subsequent
administrative review
Federal Register, Vol. 79, No. 2, summary on page 325, column 1. (Emphasis added.)

And here's the code:

■ 1. The authority citation for part 210
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 1751–1760, 1779.
■ 2. Amend § 210.5 by revising
paragraph (d)(2)(ii) to read as follows:
§ 210.7 Reimbursement for school food
* * * * *
(d) * * *
(1) * * *
(iii) State agencies must review
certification documentation submitted
by the school food authority to ensure
compliance with meal pattern
requirements set forth in § 210.10,
§ 220.8, or § 220.23, as applicable​

If by average the performance of the "children" eating meals at lunch does not comply to said guidelines the schools loose funding. Thus the schools are FORCED to FORCE the kids to meet the guidelines or LOOSE FUNDING.

There are many other portions of that link I gave you that describe this new law. I recommend you skim over it.

I'm pretty the meal pattern requirements are what the cafeterias have to offer not what the kids eat.
Hey do you know who else eats better than school kids...Rich school kids. SHOCKER!

I got this from Rabbi who said Liberals do it in debates...I've been getting good use out of it

Arousing envy
: debater attempts to get the audience to dislike his opponent because the audience is envious of something that can be attributed to the opponent

The POTUS kids eat better than yours!! HOW DARE THEY!?!?!
It's not about the rich kids eating better, it's about the feds FORCING public schools to feed crap to public school student while their kids eat high on the hog.

So what is your solution? To force the POTUS kids to eat what you want them to or for schools to feed everyone like the POTUS family?

Arousing envy: debater attempts to get the audience to dislike his opponent because the audience is envious of something that can be attributed to the opponent

No forcing is not my solution. Liberty is my solution. Do you need me to explain?


Parents are the legal guardians of their kids. Yes?

Parents should have the right to select a meal plan for their kids. Yes?

Funding for said meal plan's is the responsibility of the legal guardians. Yes?

Parents should have the right to ask schools, that they are funding, to treat their kids as they deem. Yes?

Welfare safety nets is a tertiary issue. However, just because you are on welfare does not mean you should have to hand over guardianship of you kids to the government. Yes?

Voila... off the top of my head there is the outline of my liberty based solution for you sir.
Feel free to write them a check for whatever amount you like.

I do

My check also pays for military invasions

I'm not talking about taxes, asshole. Write a check from your personal funds. Otherwise, no one believes you give a shit. You just want to loot others.

I write personal checks too

Our government does what needs to be done. Helping those who need help is one of those needs.

It doesn't need to be done by the federal government, nimrod.

Why obsess over the federal government?

Government is government. We want it performed at the most efficient level. Sometimes local government is the most efficient.....sometimes federal government is the most efficient

The real questions are;

... do you want a postal service employee removing your appendix?
... do you want the county clerk removing your appendix?

Be honest RW, you would balk at either option.

It's a lot more than that. It's specific policy:

Tools for Schools Food and Nutrition Service

It is not, provide one single line of the USDA regulations which says to do any such thing.
Sorry I had not provided this link right away as basis,.. when you quoted me. I figured you might want the reg so I added the link afterwards. I'm pretty familiar with federal acts/regs so I look for that stuff first as well.

no no, quote the ACTUAL line where it says "schools should force students to eat __________"
sigh.. the actual line?

This rule also finalizes the
requirement in the interim final rule
that State agencies disburse
performance-based cash assistance to
certified SFAs, and withhold the
performance-based cash assistance from
SFAs determined to be out of
compliance with meal pattern or
nutrition standards during a subsequent
administrative review
Federal Register, Vol. 79, No. 2, summary on page 325, column 1. (Emphasis added.)

And here's the code:

■ 1. The authority citation for part 210
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 1751–1760, 1779.
■ 2. Amend § 210.5 by revising
paragraph (d)(2)(ii) to read as follows:
§ 210.7 Reimbursement for school food
* * * * *
(d) * * *
(1) * * *
(iii) State agencies must review
certification documentation submitted
by the school food authority to ensure
compliance with meal pattern
requirements set forth in § 210.10,
§ 220.8, or § 220.23, as applicable​

If by average the performance of the "children" eating meals at lunch does not comply to said guidelines the schools loose funding. Thus the schools are FORCED to FORCE the kids to meet the guidelines or LOOSE FUNDING.

There are many other portions of that link I gave you that describe this new law. I recommend you skim over it.

I'm pretty the meal pattern requirements are what the cafeterias have to offer not what the kids eat.
Depends on how compliance is measured. I think the states, for now, get to determine how compliance is measured.
Hey do you know who else eats better than school kids...Rich school kids. SHOCKER!

I got this from Rabbi who said Liberals do it in debates...I've been getting good use out of it

Arousing envy
: debater attempts to get the audience to dislike his opponent because the audience is envious of something that can be attributed to the opponent

The POTUS kids eat better than yours!! HOW DARE THEY!?!?!
It's not about the rich kids eating better, it's about the feds FORCING public schools to feed crap to public school student while their kids eat high on the hog.

So what is your solution? To force the POTUS kids to eat what you want them to or for schools to feed everyone like the POTUS family?

Arousing envy: debater attempts to get the audience to dislike his opponent because the audience is envious of something that can be attributed to the opponent

No forcing is not my solution. Liberty is my solution. Do you need me to explain?


Parents are the legal guardians of their kids. Yes?

Parents should have the right to select a meal plan for their kids. Yes?

Funding for said meal plan's is the responsibility of the legal guardians. Yes?

Parents should have the right to ask schools, that they are funding, to treat their kids as they deem. Yes?

Welfare safety nets is a tertiary issue. However, just because you are on welfare does not mean you should have to hand over guardianship of you kids to the government. Yes?

Voila... off the top of my head there is the outline of my liberty based solution for you sir.

True liberty would mean no public schools Mike.

There is no liberty in me having to pay for YOUR kids to go to school

And I'm not saying let's return to that, I"m simply saying this idea that we value "liberty" above all else is bunk.
No DUMB ASS, it's not about distributing taxes... it's about redistributing income. The people that get the free meals are children of illegals and American children who's parents have insufficient income. The people that do not get the free meals are American children of parents who are deemed by the federal government to have too much income for their own good.

Makes sense to me.....feed those who need it
so you agree it is redistributing income?

Good god...isn't everything?

We belong to a society....we contribute and we get things back
Stop whining every time someone else gets things

Government isn't society and taxes aren't "contributions."

Hell yes Government is our society...we elected them to represent us and do what is in our best interests. If We the People are not satisfied....we vote them out

“The state — or, to make matters more concrete, the government — consists of a gang of men exactly like you and me. They have, taking one with another, no special talent for the business of government; they have only a talent for getting and holding office. Their principal device to that end is to search out groups who pant and pine for something they can’t get, and to promise to give it to them. Nine times out of ten that promise is worth nothing. The tenth time it is made good by looting ‘A’ to satisfy ‘B’. In other words, government is a broker in pillage, and every election is a sort of advanced auction on stolen goods.”

H. L. Mencken

"The average man, whatever his errors otherwise, at least sees clearly that government is something lying outside him and outside the generality of his fellow men - that it is a separate, independent and hostile power, only partly under his control, and capable of doing him great harm. Is it a fact of no significance that robbing the government is everywhere regarded as a crime of less magnitude than robbing an individual, or even a corporation? . . . What lies behind all this, I believe, is a deep sense of the fundamental antagonism between the government and the people it governs. It is apprehended, not as a committee of citizens chosen to carry on the communal business of the whole population, but as a separate and autonomous corporation, mainly devoted to exploiting the population for the benefit of its own members. . . . . When a private citizen is robbed, a worthy man is deprived of the fruits of his industry and thrift; when the government is robbed he worst that happens is that certain rogues and loafers have less money to play with than they had before. The notion that they have earned the money is never entertained. To most sensible men it would seem ludicrous."

H. L. Mencken
It's not about the rich kids eating better, it's about the feds FORCING public schools to feed crap to public school student while their kids eat high on the hog.

So what is your solution? To force the POTUS kids to eat what you want them to or for schools to feed everyone like the POTUS family?

Arousing envy: debater attempts to get the audience to dislike his opponent because the audience is envious of something that can be attributed to the opponent

No forcing is not my solution. Liberty is my solution. Do you need me to explain?


Parents are the legal guardians of their kids. Yes?

Parents should have the right to select a meal plan for their kids. Yes?

Funding for said meal plan's is the responsibility of the legal guardians. Yes?

Parents should have the right to ask schools, that they are funding, to treat their kids as they deem. Yes?

Welfare safety nets is a tertiary issue. However, just because you are on welfare does not mean you should have to hand over guardianship of you kids to the government. Yes?

Voila... off the top of my head there is the outline of my liberty based solution for you sir.

True liberty would mean no public schools Mike.

There is no liberty in me having to pay for YOUR kids to go to school

And I'm not saying let's return to that, I"m simply saying this idea that we value "liberty" above all else is bunk.
That's not true. True liberty would mean public schools are optional. You are assuming people would not want public schools if they had the liberty to choose.

Correct, there is no liberty in you having to pay for my kids to go to school. I wholeheartedly agree. Funding for public schools should come from the Parents. The whole idea that we all "benefit" from kids having an education vs. kids growing up to rob us blind is total bullshit.

I'm not saying "we" value "liberty" above all else. I'm saying I value liberty, not above all else but certainly as a primary principle wrt. how we restrict our government.

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