The search for the origin of Covid-19.

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^ At the beginning of 2020, the consensus was that Covid-19probably originated naturally, spontaneously. It was assumed to be a zoonotic virus that most likely leapt from a particular animal species to humans, either directly or through an intermediary, such as a different infected species at a market. After all, that was how HIV originated (in chimpanzees), influenza (in ducks and other birds) and, of course, SARS (in bats). And so it seemed likely that SARS-CoV-2 probably began in much the same way – through animal-to-human transmission in or around Wuhan, China, possibly in one of its suddenly infamous wet markets.

This quickly became the official narrative. The world’s leading scientists promoted it in esteemed medical journals. Politicians, a few populist exceptions aside, endorsed it in public, as did the mainstream media. And for much of the pandemic, Big Tech removed social-media posts contradicting it.

Yet over two years on, this so-called natural spill-over theory remains just that – a theory. Actual evidence to substantiate it, be it the discovery of infected market animals or ill food handlers, is still to be found.
I didn't get very far in the article ... do they complete ignore SARS-CoV-1 ? ... remember, any technology to make Covid from SARS would have had to have been available in 2003 ...

Wet markets are ubiquidous in China ... not a lot of refrigeration to go around ... the rural poor live with their animals, middle class is having a second floor for people, first floor for animals ... some areas of the East China Plain there are no barns or sheds, people and animals are packed in tight so all that land can be used to grow food ... to feed 1.3 billion people ...

With those $7 a pair school shoes comes all manner of zoonosus ...
I have a version. Since the anti-covid hysteria is mostly left-wing, it could be a right-wing invension.

But something else is also possible: perhaps the left made it to be a pretext for universal vaccination

I'm leaning towards the first option because the leftists are the adepts of the belief in favor of oxygen

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