The Second Amendment is the answer.

You need an ID and are required to file the federal paperwork for dealer sales at ALL gun shows, nitwit.

You've obviously never been to one.

Or, as Trump calls him, Warren Berder. Lol!

He was flat-out wrong. Willfully, I think.

I do not think that it is rationally possible to read the text of the Second Amendment, to understand the words that were used in it, and to honestly come to the conclusion that Mr. Burger expressed.

The operative words: “…the right of the people…shall not be infringed.”

It establishes a right that belongs, not to the federal government nor to the states, but to the people; and it forbids any infringement of this right.

We have courts and legislatures arguing over what infringements of this right are permissible; and they are all wrong. The question was settled in 1791, with the ratification of this Amendment. The right belongs to the people, and no infringement of it is allowed. Period. The only way that any law can ever be legitimate in this nation, which in any way touches the barest edge (that's what “infringe” means) of the people's right to keep and bear arms, is if we first pass a new Constitutional Amendment which overturns the Second Amendment.
There is nothing in Second Amendment case law supporting insurrectionist nonsense.

The Second Amendment codifies an individual right to posses a firearm pursuant to lawful self-defense – not ‘overthrow’ a government incorrectly perceived to have become ‘tyrannical.’

The Second Amendment doesn’t ‘trump’ the First – it doesn’t abridge the right of the people to petition the government for a redress of grievances through the political or judicial process; it doesn’t authorize a minority of the people to take up arms against a government lawfully put into place reflecting the will of a majority of the people absent the consent of the majority of the people.

It was not the intent of the Framers to amend the Constitution to allow the destruction of the Republic they had just created.

There is no ‘leftist agenda’ to ‘weaken’ or nation – that’s a ridiculous lie.

And the ‘good guys with guns’ canard is baseless nonsense – there is no objective, documented evidence in support of the idea that citizens carrying concealed firearms act as a deterrent to crime or otherwise stop mass shooting incidents.

“God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. … What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” — Thomas Jefferson​
Naturally I see the bed wetters dancing in the blood of the dead, gleeful to have yet more horrific murder scenes left behind by some psychopath who happened to use a gun.

They only thing they will ever parrot as a "solution" is the dogma they've been fed about "common sense gun control", which is both nonsense and a lie. They attempt to ridicule the common sense that bad guys with guns are stopped by good guys with guns. Every time you mix the two, the incident is drastically altered. Unfortunately the good guy doesn't always win, but if they at least get to interfere innocent defenseless people get away.

The problem is the fact that there are so fucking many innocent defenseless sheep. The 2nd Amendment provides the citizens protection from government so that they can never be disarmed. The Constitution mandates the government is supposed to enlist all able bodied citizens, train and drill them to be able to perform minimal duties in protecting the nation from all enemies, foreign and domestic. It is yet another function government has failed to perform, and it is a deliberate part of the leftist agenda to weaken our nation.

Would anyone disagree that an individual that takes it upon themselves to commit mass murder is a domestic enemy? If even half our nation's people were properly trained in high school to FIGHT WITH A GUN before graduation, there would be a whole lot less of these psychopaths walking into "gun free" areas free to slaughter sheep, and there would be shit load less sheep.

That's common sense.

That’s rightwing idiocy – as ignorant as it is wrong.

There is nothing in Second Amendment case law supporting insurrectionist nonsense.

The Second Amendment codifies an individual right to posses a firearm pursuant to lawful self-defense – not ‘overthrow’ a government incorrectly perceived to have become ‘tyrannical.’

The Second Amendment doesn’t ‘trump’ the First – it doesn’t abridge the right of the people to petition the government for a redress of grievances through the political or judicial process; it doesn’t authorize a minority of the people to take up arms against a government lawfully put into place reflecting the will of a majority of the people absent the consent of the majority of the people.

It was not the intent of the Framers to amend the Constitution to allow the destruction of the Republic they had just created.

There is no ‘leftist agenda’ to ‘weaken’ or nation – that’s a ridiculous lie.

And the ‘good guys with guns’ canard is baseless nonsense – there is no objective, documented evidence in support of the idea that citizens carrying concealed firearms act as a deterrent to crime or otherwise stop mass shooting incidents.
The second amendment is about securing a free state, liar. It's all about stopping an out of control government.
How many times has it been used to stop an out of control government so far in comparison with all the mass shootings?
There is nothing in Second Amendment case law supporting insurrectionist nonsense.

The Second Amendment codifies an individual right to posses a firearm pursuant to lawful self-defense – not ‘overthrow’ a government incorrectly perceived to have become ‘tyrannical.’

The Second Amendment doesn’t ‘trump’ the First – it doesn’t abridge the right of the people to petition the government for a redress of grievances through the political or judicial process; it doesn’t authorize a minority of the people to take up arms against a government lawfully put into place reflecting the will of a majority of the people absent the consent of the majority of the people.

It was not the intent of the Framers to amend the Constitution to allow the destruction of the Republic they had just created.

There is no ‘leftist agenda’ to ‘weaken’ or nation – that’s a ridiculous lie.

And the ‘good guys with guns’ canard is baseless nonsense – there is no objective, documented evidence in support of the idea that citizens carrying concealed firearms act as a deterrent to crime or otherwise stop mass shooting incidents.

“God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. … What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” — Thomas Jefferson​
How many of those people (children included) in El Paso and in Dayton were patriots and how many were tyrants when they were refreshing that tree of liberty?
Naturally I see the bed wetters dancing in the blood of the dead, gleeful to have yet more horrific murder scenes left behind by some psychopath who happened to use a gun.

They only thing they will ever parrot as a "solution" is the dogma they've been fed about "common sense gun control", which is both nonsense and a lie. They attempt to ridicule the common sense that bad guys with guns are stopped by good guys with guns. Every time you mix the two, the incident is drastically altered. Unfortunately the good guy doesn't always win, but if they at least get to interfere innocent defenseless people get away.

The problem is the fact that there are so fucking many innocent defenseless sheep. The 2nd Amendment provides the citizens protection from government so that they can never be disarmed. The Constitution mandates the government is supposed to enlist all able bodied citizens, train and drill them to be able to perform minimal duties in protecting the nation from all enemies, foreign and domestic. It is yet another function government has failed to perform, and it is a deliberate part of the leftist agenda to weaken our nation.

Would anyone disagree that an individual that takes it upon themselves to commit mass murder is a domestic enemy? If even half our nation's people were properly trained in high school to FIGHT WITH A GUN before graduation, there would be a whole lot less of these psychopaths walking into "gun free" areas free to slaughter sheep, and there would be shit load less sheep.

That's common sense.


At the Dayton shooting there were armed guards that killed the shooter in less than a minute and kept him from getting inside the bar.

Even a good guy with a gun and training cannot stop them from happening all the time, just limit the carnage.

Which is better than allowing the carnage to continue, yes?

It is indeed
Naturally I see the bed wetters dancing in the blood of the dead, gleeful to have yet more horrific murder scenes left behind by some psychopath who happened to use a gun.

They only thing they will ever parrot as a "solution" is the dogma they've been fed about "common sense gun control", which is both nonsense and a lie. They attempt to ridicule the common sense that bad guys with guns are stopped by good guys with guns. Every time you mix the two, the incident is drastically altered. Unfortunately the good guy doesn't always win, but if they at least get to interfere innocent defenseless people get away.

The problem is the fact that there are so fucking many innocent defenseless sheep. The 2nd Amendment provides the citizens protection from government so that they can never be disarmed. The Constitution mandates the government is supposed to enlist all able bodied citizens, train and drill them to be able to perform minimal duties in protecting the nation from all enemies, foreign and domestic. It is yet another function government has failed to perform, and it is a deliberate part of the leftist agenda to weaken our nation.

Would anyone disagree that an individual that takes it upon themselves to commit mass murder is a domestic enemy? If even half our nation's people were properly trained in high school to FIGHT WITH A GUN before graduation, there would be a whole lot less of these psychopaths walking into "gun free" areas free to slaughter sheep, and there would be shit load less sheep.

That's common sense.


Meanwhile back in reality, other developed nations need no such brazenly stupid ideas as yours. They have common sense gun measures and as a result….they have far less gun violence.
Along with more tyranny and fascism

It is no coincidence that the UK banned guns and knives and is now locking people up for wrong speak and thought crimes
Does the UK have the 1st Amendment?


The first does not grant freedom of speech
Naturally I see the bed wetters dancing in the blood of the dead, gleeful to have yet more horrific murder scenes left behind by some psychopath who happened to use a gun.

They only thing they will ever parrot as a "solution" is the dogma they've been fed about "common sense gun control", which is both nonsense and a lie. They attempt to ridicule the common sense that bad guys with guns are stopped by good guys with guns. Every time you mix the two, the incident is drastically altered. Unfortunately the good guy doesn't always win, but if they at least get to interfere innocent defenseless people get away.

The problem is the fact that there are so fucking many innocent defenseless sheep. The 2nd Amendment provides the citizens protection from government so that they can never be disarmed. The Constitution mandates the government is supposed to enlist all able bodied citizens, train and drill them to be able to perform minimal duties in protecting the nation from all enemies, foreign and domestic. It is yet another function government has failed to perform, and it is a deliberate part of the leftist agenda to weaken our nation.

Would anyone disagree that an individual that takes it upon themselves to commit mass murder is a domestic enemy? If even half our nation's people were properly trained in high school to FIGHT WITH A GUN before graduation, there would be a whole lot less of these psychopaths walking into "gun free" areas free to slaughter sheep, and there would be shit load less sheep.

That's common sense.


Meanwhile back in reality, other developed nations need no such brazenly stupid ideas as yours. They have common sense gun measures and as a result….they have far less gun violence.
Along with more tyranny and fascism

It is no coincidence that the UK banned guns and knives and is now locking people up for wrong speak and thought crimes
Does the UK have the 1st Amendment?
What it doesnt have is a ban on guns and knives.

Yes it does
Along with more tyranny and fascism

It is no coincidence that the UK banned guns and knives and is now locking people up for wrong speak and thought crimes
Neither have been banned. You are misinformed.
Not only am I correct but they ban wrong think while turning a blind eye toward muslim rape gangs

A backwards and inferior cesspool of a nation compared to the USA
Have you got a link to your bollox ?
Look up dancula
You highlight the only case like this I have a problem with. However the nazi pig was fined £800 but raised £180k in donations. Some victim.
Which proves the UK is a backwards fascist nation which fines people for thought crime
Naturally I see the bed wetters dancing in the blood of the dead, gleeful to have yet more horrific murder scenes left behind by some psychopath who happened to use a gun.

They only thing they will ever parrot as a "solution" is the dogma they've been fed about "common sense gun control", which is both nonsense and a lie. They attempt to ridicule the common sense that bad guys with guns are stopped by good guys with guns. Every time you mix the two, the incident is drastically altered. Unfortunately the good guy doesn't always win, but if they at least get to interfere innocent defenseless people get away.

The problem is the fact that there are so fucking many innocent defenseless sheep. The 2nd Amendment provides the citizens protection from government so that they can never be disarmed. The Constitution mandates the government is supposed to enlist all able bodied citizens, train and drill them to be able to perform minimal duties in protecting the nation from all enemies, foreign and domestic. It is yet another function government has failed to perform, and it is a deliberate part of the leftist agenda to weaken our nation.

Would anyone disagree that an individual that takes it upon themselves to commit mass murder is a domestic enemy? If even half our nation's people were properly trained in high school to FIGHT WITH A GUN before graduation, there would be a whole lot less of these psychopaths walking into "gun free" areas free to slaughter sheep, and there would be shit load less sheep.

That's common sense.


Meanwhile back in reality, other developed nations need no such brazenly stupid ideas as yours. They have common sense gun measures and as a result….they have far less gun violence.

We have too many gun laws. We need to start getting rid of them.
Naturally I see the bed wetters dancing in the blood of the dead, gleeful to have yet more horrific murder scenes left behind by some psychopath who happened to use a gun.

They only thing they will ever parrot as a "solution" is the dogma they've been fed about "common sense gun control", which is both nonsense and a lie. They attempt to ridicule the common sense that bad guys with guns are stopped by good guys with guns. Every time you mix the two, the incident is drastically altered. Unfortunately the good guy doesn't always win, but if they at least get to interfere innocent defenseless people get away.

The problem is the fact that there are so fucking many innocent defenseless sheep. The 2nd Amendment provides the citizens protection from government so that they can never be disarmed. The Constitution mandates the government is supposed to enlist all able bodied citizens, train and drill them to be able to perform minimal duties in protecting the nation from all enemies, foreign and domestic. It is yet another function government has failed to perform, and it is a deliberate part of the leftist agenda to weaken our nation.

Would anyone disagree that an individual that takes it upon themselves to commit mass murder is a domestic enemy? If even half our nation's people were properly trained in high school to FIGHT WITH A GUN before graduation, there would be a whole lot less of these psychopaths walking into "gun free" areas free to slaughter sheep, and there would be shit load less sheep.

That's common sense.


Meanwhile back in reality, other developed nations need no such brazenly stupid ideas as yours. They have common sense gun measures and as a result….they have far less gun violence.
Along with more tyranny and fascism

It is no coincidence that the UK banned guns and knives and is now locking people up for wrong speak and thought crimes
Does the UK have the 1st Amendment?
What it doesnt have is a ban on guns and knives.

Yes it does
Links you thick fucker,
Your rhetoric of the second amendment is just false interpretation of the meaning.
Sounds like a disturbing manifesto, doesn't it?

Another bed wetting parasite like you bitching about corporate greed, overpopulation and environmental nonsense.

Maybe we can find a middle ground here...

No one who is a registered democrook can own a gun.

Problem solved.

Naturally I see the bed wetters dancing in the blood of the dead, gleeful to have yet more horrific murder scenes left behind by some psychopath who happened to use a gun.

They only thing they will ever parrot as a "solution" is the dogma they've been fed about "common sense gun control", which is both nonsense and a lie. They attempt to ridicule the common sense that bad guys with guns are stopped by good guys with guns. Every time you mix the two, the incident is drastically altered. Unfortunately the good guy doesn't always win, but if they at least get to interfere innocent defenseless people get away.

The problem is the fact that there are so fucking many innocent defenseless sheep. The 2nd Amendment provides the citizens protection from government so that they can never be disarmed. The Constitution mandates the government is supposed to enlist all able bodied citizens, train and drill them to be able to perform minimal duties in protecting the nation from all enemies, foreign and domestic. It is yet another function government has failed to perform, and it is a deliberate part of the leftist agenda to weaken our nation.

Would anyone disagree that an individual that takes it upon themselves to commit mass murder is a domestic enemy? If even half our nation's people were properly trained in high school to FIGHT WITH A GUN before graduation, there would be a whole lot less of these psychopaths walking into "gun free" areas free to slaughter sheep, and there would be shit load less sheep.

That's common sense.


Meanwhile back in reality, other developed nations need no such brazenly stupid ideas as yours. They have common sense gun measures and as a result….they have far less gun violence.
Like Switzerland for example. That backwards little
nation that has military assault weapons stashed in half the closets in the country?
I'm still waiting for the mass shootings and waves of gun violence to sweep their nation and take out half the population.
If your logic bears any truth at all, it just has to happen any day now. Till then, maybe you'd do well to button up.
In the meantime get your dumb ass down to a local range and learn to shoot.
Last edited:
you should get a license if you want to own a gun, my friends

its like owning a car

states that have done that have seen dramatic drops in gun violence. that's the solution!

get to work, Moscow Mitch. GET STEPPIN!
Naturally I see the bed wetters dancing in the blood of the dead, gleeful to have yet more horrific murder scenes left behind by some psychopath who happened to use a gun.

They only thing they will ever parrot as a "solution" is the dogma they've been fed about "common sense gun control", which is both nonsense and a lie. They attempt to ridicule the common sense that bad guys with guns are stopped by good guys with guns. Every time you mix the two, the incident is drastically altered. Unfortunately the good guy doesn't always win, but if they at least get to interfere innocent defenseless people get away.

The problem is the fact that there are so fucking many innocent defenseless sheep. The 2nd Amendment provides the citizens protection from government so that they can never be disarmed. The Constitution mandates the government is supposed to enlist all able bodied citizens, train and drill them to be able to perform minimal duties in protecting the nation from all enemies, foreign and domestic. It is yet another function government has failed to perform, and it is a deliberate part of the leftist agenda to weaken our nation.

Would anyone disagree that an individual that takes it upon themselves to commit mass murder is a domestic enemy? If even half our nation's people were properly trained in high school to FIGHT WITH A GUN before graduation, there would be a whole lot less of these psychopaths walking into "gun free" areas free to slaughter sheep, and there would be shit load less sheep.

That's common sense.


Meanwhile back in reality, other developed nations need no such brazenly stupid ideas as yours. They have common sense gun measures and as a result….they have far less gun violence.

Moron....Britain can't stop the flow of illegal guns into the country....violence is increasing across Europe as their young males are raised without fathers in the home, and they have imported violent 3rd world males to take over their criminal activity and violence...

you keep jinxing Europe...
you should get a license if you want to own a gun, my friends

its like owning a car

states that have done that have seen dramatic drops in gun violence. that's the solution!

get to work, Moscow Mitch. GET STEPPIN!

No, they haven't....criminals can't get a gun license and have no problem getting illegal guns.....
Naturally I see the bed wetters dancing in the blood of the dead, gleeful to have yet more horrific murder scenes left behind by some psychopath who happened to use a gun.

They only thing they will ever parrot as a "solution" is the dogma they've been fed about "common sense gun control", which is both nonsense and a lie. They attempt to ridicule the common sense that bad guys with guns are stopped by good guys with guns. Every time you mix the two, the incident is drastically altered. Unfortunately the good guy doesn't always win, but if they at least get to interfere innocent defenseless people get away.

The problem is the fact that there are so fucking many innocent defenseless sheep. The 2nd Amendment provides the citizens protection from government so that they can never be disarmed. The Constitution mandates the government is supposed to enlist all able bodied citizens, train and drill them to be able to perform minimal duties in protecting the nation from all enemies, foreign and domestic. It is yet another function government has failed to perform, and it is a deliberate part of the leftist agenda to weaken our nation.

Would anyone disagree that an individual that takes it upon themselves to commit mass murder is a domestic enemy? If even half our nation's people were properly trained in high school to FIGHT WITH A GUN before graduation, there would be a whole lot less of these psychopaths walking into "gun free" areas free to slaughter sheep, and there would be shit load less sheep.

That's common sense.


At the Dayton shooting there were armed guards that killed the shooter in less than a minute and kept him from getting inside the bar.

Even a good guy with a gun and training cannot stop them from happening all the time, just limit the carnage.
Meanwhile El Paso police are proud of fact they didnt fire a shot.....while being on scene for 14 minutes of the carnage,

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